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November 2024


Remember: High-ranking Democratic officials — indeed, the Democrat Party, through DCCC fundraising letters — are supporting this "movement"

Jews go home!

Natural follow-up question: if we can’t force the Zionist Jew bankers and their Zionist Jew Wall Street money men out of the country, would you support, say, labor camps for such people, wherein you can teach them that work makes them free?

How about group showers…?

32 Replies to “Remember: High-ranking Democratic officials — indeed, the Democrat Party, through DCCC fundraising letters — are supporting this "movement"”

  1. bh says:

    They are who we thought they were.

  2. happyfeet says:

    oh. She’s a shamelessly bigoted union whore. The Los Angeles school system is something of a full-employment program for these ones. I pay taxes to help, so I can’t criticize them all that much.

  3. bh says:

    The modern twist is that this time it’s not just usury that so offends these retarded bigots, it’s actually having to pay back the principal.


  4. sdferr says:

    Comes a point when people have to take notice of growing trends, before the growth of the trend is such that taking notice comes too late to act. We can look back in wonder at those who did take timely notice, and escaped, and those who didn’t, and didn’t. The former are small in number, the latter, vast.

  5. bh says:

    By the way, it’s worth noting that she — either intentionally or as a product of repetition — used Zionist as an out even though it made zero sense contextually.

    I don’t hate Jews. Just Zionists.

    Zionist meaning those Jews who love banking?

  6. Jeff G. says:

    I sense a healthy alliance between this women and these guys.


  7. geoffb says:

    How about some “doom and gloom” from the OWSide.

    Re: American Jobs Act”,”And hitting your head against the same 3rd party fantasy would have a different result?

    I am all for a 3rd party.. if you can bring 20 million people to it in time to keep the Republicans from taking the Senate (likely) and the White House (increasingly plausible).

    Right now, most analysts predict the GOP will have a filibuster-proof majority in the senate, if we don’t stop them. You think things suck now? Just imagine that world. Then add a President Romney giving conservatives a 6-3 or 7-2 majority for the next 50 yearson the Supreme Court. At the rate they are going, their voting suppression tactics will be institutionalized in all 50 states, Tom Delay will have his permanent majority, and even the barest glimpses of a democracy will be done. Permanently.

    We’re not in a position where long-term outcome-scenario games can be debated endlessly. These people are on the verge of controlling everything but the people in the streets, and they will use this movement to try to further deconstruct whatever unity remains on the left. And history teaches us that when they decide to do that, things get very ugly, fast. They won’t discuss OWS “”frustrations”” as Obama did yesterday. They will simply roll the tanks. They’ve been wanting to since the 1940s anyway. They just didn’t have the control, or the need. The existing facade of democracy was adequate. Now that the rest of the world is competitive, and all the jobs are gone, that’s a hard facade to maintain any longer. But that still doesn’t get us closer to “”what replaces the mess they have made.”” A nice start would be some serious and immediate restorations of regulations that had mitigated their reckless natures in the past. Most people do NOT want revolution, as they feel it just kills the entire body and puts too many at risk. But toothless band-aids are also not worth the effort to apply. We need to find a middle ground.

    Democrats have hardly been blameless in this fiasco. We all know that. But
    since either they or the republicans will control the next government, we’d
    better decide whether we want to try and force their compliance with #OWS
    “”catalysts”” (better word than demands?), and then elect them to enact them.
    Otherwise, I fear, the whole world is in for an even bigger world of hurt.

  8. geoffb says:

    Former from the OWS emails.

  9. motionview says:

    Yeah LAUSD. She probably heads the ad-hoc group that coordinates all the stake-holders in evaluating whether or not the actual committee that oversees the coordination of the stake-holder meetings is complying will all city, county, state, and federal guidelines on stake-holder diversity. She will win Administrator of the Year award next year for incorporating finger-talk into all consensus sessions (formerly stake-holder meetings). And of course that will require new regulations, new trainers, jobs, jobs, jobs.
    But not for the Jews obviously.

  10. sdferr says:

    . . . and the White House (increasingly plausible).

    It’s good to know they’re this out of touch, ain’t it?

  11. geoffb says:

    So is Mr. and Mrs. Barbour too.

  12. sdferr says:

    Sometimes, they’ll tell us who they fear:

    CARUSO CABRERA: I don’t count him out.
    MAHER: Really?
    CARUSO CABRERA: No — incredible likability, likability factor, incredible.
    MAHER: I will bet you a million dollars against $1.
    CARUSO CABRERA: I don’t have a million dollars to bet. I don’t work on Wall St.
    MAHER: I do. I’m the 1 percent.
    JOHN FUND: So you’re one of those rich people.
    MAHER: I am. I will put up $1 million against $1 that he will not be the Republican nominee.
    MAHER: A million to one. I will give you a million dollars — if you think the Republicans are going to have an election with two black guys against each other — that they don’t have a choice to vote for a white man in the general election. That will never happen.

  13. bh says:

    I hate Twitter Nazis.

  14. happyfeet says:

    Cain also said he could be Romney’s vp.

    e fucking gads.

    That’s a big black eye I think.

  15. sdferr says:

    It’s also plausibly a low-cost tactical maneuver hf, taken in service to distinguishing Perry from every other candidate.

  16. happyfeet says:

    Perry is different he has ten years of governing under his belt

    but it hurts my heart to see the teadoodles attacking each other while Miss Mittens is poised to become the second whorish pussy Team R has nominated in a row

    It’s a worry.

  17. sdferr says:

    That attack matrix bh linked last night was interesting.

  18. sdferr says:

    And who’s really for sure different? Ha!

  19. happyfeet says:

    I didn’t get to see… I was on the tail end of a massive three-day hangover

    Chicago is fun.

  20. sdferr says:

    Just heard on the radio that the Owwies intend to move to Times Square. There are bankers in Times Square?

  21. happyfeet says:

    there are tourists in Times Square

    i think that’s somehow key for them .. people will go back to real america with stories

  22. bh says:

    Here’s the link sdferr mentioned.

  23. Jeff G. says:


  24. sdferr says:

    Me, I’d go where the milkshakes are.

    Make mine chocolate-malt.

  25. bh says:

    Maybe they’re headed to Broadway. LOTS of Jews in show business.

  26. bh says:

    We demand free tickets to Wicked!

  27. McGehee says:

    13. sdferr posted on 10/15 @ 12:16 pm

    That’s a million reasons right there why people should vote for Herman Cain in the caucuses and primaries.

    Well, a million more.

  28. geoffb says:

    They have nostalgia for the Dinkins era Times Square no doubt.

    New Demands!

    1. Bring back the squeegee persons!

    2. Bring back the sex shoppes!

    3. Bring back the independent pharmaceutical salespersons!


  29. Carin says:

    I got pictures of the protest in Detroit at my blog from yesterday. They planned on occupying Grand Circus Park (for 60 days) starting last night. I’ll be there tomorrow for my half marathon and i’m gonna swing by and check on it.

  30. sdferr says:

    The flip-side of “supporting”, of the sort the Democrat party high-mucketty mucks are up to, is what we see in opposition to Mr. Cain, here and there around the tv and the web. Some of the opponent types, like Rove, are better at concealing their outright opposition better than others, but still, as the alignments come into view, they too tell a story worth telling. Thus we find Conor Friedersdorf taking potshots at Ricochet.

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