…I always slather my rubber gloves in squeeze butter, then roll them in crushed fiberglass until the fingers are coated with prickly shards. I find such preparation makes the interrogation more…piquant…
…I always slather my rubber gloves in squeeze butter, then roll them in crushed fiberglass until the fingers are coated with prickly shards. I find such preparation makes the interrogation more…piquant…
Love you guys – haven’t laughed so hard in years. Wish my fellow Canadians had some sense of humour, but with such a liberal bent in this country – not a chance in hell. Maybe, just maybe, by the next election, the conservatives will get their act together.
Did you know that we are actually a majority here in Canada?
I’m one Canadian rooting for Bush!
Cool. Have you ever visited this site? A conservative Canadian with a wicked sense of humor.
Keep quiet about the squeeze butter. You don’t want to attract Oliver Willis, do you?
Get him over he, trap him, eat for the winter.
That’s a Dude, man. Be careful…
Yeah. But doll was all the hard-boiled lingo I could muster after all the whip-its I did.
i find spray butter to be *much* more effective…
“… spray butter…”
Nah. Lard. Good, creamy, greasy, white-translucent lard. Sticky without being gooey, if you know what I mean.
If we had both Michael Moore and Oliver Willis, just think how much lard we could obtain. The surplus can be used to make biscuits [Mmmm—biscuits] to go with the sausage.
Ric Locke
MARY: Is that an IBM Selectric in your pocket or are you just glad to see me?
DAN: What pocket?
Why fiberglass, cousin? Why not glass, or metal?
Because it’s dull, you idiot! It’ll hurt more!