To answer Cranky Neocon’s question, yes. Yes I did. And we’re not yet done wrecking electoral havoc, Karl Rove and I…
protein wisdom: don’t hate the player, hate the player’s right-wing friends.
To answer Cranky Neocon’s question, yes. Yes I did. And we’re not yet done wrecking electoral havoc, Karl Rove and I…
protein wisdom: don’t hate the player, hate the player’s right-wing friends.
I didn’t get one over IM. Mine came in the form of cash and some choice Iraqi real estate.
Not from MY Karl. You been had, buddy. Somebody done pulled a sting on you.
Jeff, I’ll be sending you your gold bullion just as soon as I’m done torturing these helpless little bunnies here.
Clearly a hoax, Karl’s real IM nic is “theRovinator”.
Bunnies, did y’all say?!?
Wow. I am humbled. Go easy on Rove, OK?
But are you platinum?