
Jeff's Wish List

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October 2024


A call for censure

Frankly, a punch to the face would be a more pointed, appropriate, and satisfying solution (let’s call it “The Buckley Gambit”) — after all, this guy is essentially making the public pronouncement that TEA Partiers are would-be lynchers, setting the stage for racial distrust in the course of what is a perverse and functional libel — but then, I’m just a crazed violent pseudo-intellectual psychopath who gets off on a bit of the old ultraviolence. Clearly, it’s better to handle such things with stern denunciations, procedural votes, and lawyers (who would themselves never promote the very tactics in question. Ahem.).

When we took away a man’s (legally-protected) ability to defend his own honor — or at the very least, turned it into a felony offense — we set the stage for the ethically meek to inherit the political earth.

More’s the pity; in our rush to pretend ourselves more civilized, we’ve succeeded in creating the perfect conditions for the very kind of cultural lynchings the left relies upon to maintain power and control.

Yet another concession made to the State.


12 Replies to “A call for censure”

  1. Pablo says:

    but then, I’m just a crazed violent pseudo-intellectual psychopath who gets off on a bit of the old ultraviolence.

    Jeff, you don’t have to sell it. We’re all with you, teabaggers that we are. I’m feeling your hate, bro. I’m white and ostensibly Jewish and proud. America, FTW! *


  2. Abe Froman says:

    Thanks to the would be lynchers, we’ve got two brand spanking new Tea Party negroes in the house. My advice to the congressman from Indiana is that he quit it with the malt liquor voodoo dance parties and make himself useful.

  3. newrouter says:

    @2 lol i denounce myself

  4. serr8d says:

    This was a calculated remark; Carson knew exactly what sort of shitstorm would come of it.

    They’re itching for a racial fight. Barack Obama knows how to ‘community organize’, and he’s priming the pump.

    A punch to the face? I’ll bet Alan West could deck Carson in a millisecond, if it came to blows.

  5. JD says:

    “I think we have to recognize that we’re all fellow human beings, one, and that we have philosophical differences, but those differences have to be met with some kind of civility,” Carson said in that interview with 6News in January.
    At the time, Carson said he believed debate should focus on policy and not rhetoric.
    “It’s unacceptable whether you’re Democratic or Republican. We have to sit down and see how we can come together and debate and critique each other with civility, with respect and with honor,” Carson said.

    Fucking liar

  6. Spiny Norman says:


    If those Sharia-dorks holding up their stupid signs had any knowledge of recent history, they know what their European hosts are actually capable of. They haven’t been emasculated that much.


  7. Seth says:

    Don’t worry, Jeff. With our current legislation going into reducto ad absurdam mode, the days of being able to defend your honor will come back. When all action is illegal, then lawlessness is invited…the old way come back. I truly believe this. Not an endorsement, but an observation.

  8. In the political party I envision, the party would reach out to African-American churches and civic groups to host workshops nation-wide on how to get as rich as possible as quickly as possible, living debt-free, and running small businesses. We would win their support the old-fashioned way: one African-American at a time.

  9. Pablo says:

    I’ll bet Alan West could deck Carson in a millisecond, if it came to blows.

    You really think it would take that long?

  10. JD says:

    Andre is a coward. He would never do at outside of a church full of CBC folks, sponsored by MSNBC. He certainly would never do so back at home in Indianapolis, where this would go over like a lead balloon. He was only confident enough to do this on a CBC junket at a church in Miami. Fuck him.

  11. LBascom says:

    “If those Sharia-dorks holding up their stupid signs had any knowledge of recent history, they know what their European hosts are actually capable of. They haven’t been emasculated that much.”

    You’re kidding, right? Most European men males these days pee sitting down .

  12. Obviously this was taken out of context. Like the time he went to the movies to see “Pirates of the Caribbean” and he asked the ticket guy for a ticket for “Pirates of the Caribbean” and the racist behind the counter gave him a ticket to see “Pirates of the Caribbean”. If you can imagine racism like that in this day and age.

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