
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

November 2024


there's a hole in daddy's nanny's arm / where all the money goes

…Jesus Christ died for nothing / I suppose

12 Replies to “there's a hole in daddy's nanny's arm / where all the money goes”

  1. happyfeet says:

    maybe America’s “department of energy” should focus on actually producing some fucking energy at prices the citizens of their sad declining failshit whorestate can afford to buy with their food stamp monies

  2. Squid says:

    I might be more sympathetic if I believed that the researchers using this equipment would be honest when they interpreted the observations.

  3. B. Moe says:

    I think the entire Department of Energy should be focused on finding a fucking job after the President abolishes their ass.

    Along with the Department of Education, Agriculture, HUD, Labor, Transportation, Veteran’s Affairs and all them Czars.

  4. Jim in KC says:

    I know, B Moe. I was at the county FSA office local to my farmette a couple weeks back, and those fuckers weren’t growing a damn thing that I could see.

  5. SDN says:

    I still like Jerry Pournelle’s comment back in the 80s: If we can pay farmers not to grow food, can we pay lawyers not to practice law?

  6. McGehee says:

    Aw screw it, I can’t top those. I’m voting for B Moe for president.

  7. batboy says:

    John Prine *and* government waste. I can’t handle that much awfulness.

  8. motionview says:

    As long as we’re going OUTLAW, let’s get big. We’re gonna need some Squid Brand Pitchforks, a 50 gallon tub of Crisco, and that damn armadillo. Now, we start with dillo cross-dressed and shaven, just the way Hugo likes ’em….

  9. Swen says:

    That just makes me want to climb walls while sitting in a chair….

  10. zino3 says:

    “McGehee posted on8/23 @ 11:29 am

    Aw screw it, I can’t top those. I’m voting for B Moe for president.”

    Dittos on that, McG.

  11. zino3 says:


    Oh, how I wish that I had taken my investments and put them in gold five years ago.

    Right now, it appears that, once again, I am well and truly FUCKED! My take is about $100/month above what it was in 1993.

    Where do we find these morons who alledgedly “run” our country? Although I AM somewhat impressed that a tax cheat runs the treasurey.

    Perfect, eh?

  12. zino3 says:

    Oh. And MV –

    No Crisco to be seen where I live…

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