Somewhere, Terry Moran’s brother is poring over his OED with a magnifying glass and cursing the Tea Party for its hickspittle refusal to split rhetorical hairs.
And he’s not alone.
Somewhere, Terry Moran’s brother is poring over his OED with a magnifying glass and cursing the Tea Party for its hickspittle refusal to split rhetorical hairs.
And he’s not alone.
Is it RAAAAACIST! to call West a self-loathing, inauthentic Uncle Tom, or is it RAAAAACIST! to agree with him?
Squid: Yes.
If you have to ask, the answer is yes. Even if you don’t ask, it’s probably yes.
You’re all racists. I’ll figure out why later.
if you act like a filthy marxist and you do filthy marxist things and you smear filthy marxism all over everything, eventually people are gonna treat you like you’re a filthy marxist
now is that really what you want for yourself, bumblefuck?
think about it sweetie
Gloria says that like its a bad thing. Silly goose!
Squid: I don’t know the answer to your question but I’ll bet it is highly un-wise to ask it to his face.
Poor, poor President Victim. Who would have guessed that he’d turn out to be a lousy POTUS because he’s black?
Why does Whitey hate America?
Good Lord! If Obama was any more transformational, everyone commenting on this blog would be in camps. Soviet style “re-education” camps.
Oh yeah, I had a thought the other day.
Remember Obama talking during his candidacy about a civilian corp, ‘as well funded as the military’?
Know what he could do with an extra $800 billion a year, and high unemployment?