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November 2024


US "progressivism" second to none!

It’s the taxes, stupid.

I’ve linked this before, but now’s a good time to link it again, as Mark Levin led with it this evening and it may get some more play. The nut, from Scott Hodges at the Tax Foundation:

The share of taxes paid by the richest 10 percent of households, the share of all market income earned by that group, and the ratio of what that 10 percent of households pays in taxes versus what they earn as a share of the nation’s income.

The table then adjusts for the underlying allocation of income by showing the ratio of income taxes paid to the share of income earned by the top decile in each country. The ratio for U.S. households is 1.35, far greater than the ratio of taxes to income in any other country. Even in the three countries with a comparable distribution of income, the ratio of taxes to income was less, 1.18 in Italy, 0.84 in Poland, and 1.20 in the U.K.

Interestingly, countries with top personal income tax rates that are higher than in the U.S., such as Germany, France, or Sweden, have ratios that are closer to 1 to 1. Meaning, the share of the tax burden paid by the richest decile in those countries is roughly equal to their share of the nation’s income. By contrast, we prefer to have the wealthiest households in this country pay a share of the tax burden that is one-third greater than their share of the nation’s income.

Handy chart here.

Shared sacrifice? Yeah, whatever. Bite me, Marxists.

6 Replies to “US "progressivism" second to none!”

  1. happyfeet says:

    plus if you add in state income tax and sales tax and whatever else they’re getting soaked even more egregiously

    and when you reflect that even the most inept of these overtaxed souls manages wealth exponentially more productively than the failshit and perverted federal government of the United States you begin to see that the opportunity cost incurred when these monies are taken is mind-bogglingly immense

  2. LBascom says:

    I wonder what the ratios are for someone making $100k per year?

  3. gahrie says:

    We need to change the tax laws so that everyone has a stake in the game. Everyone pays a minimum of 5%, no matter how much they make. If you receive more in government money, goods or services than you pay in taxes, your right to vote in any election is suspended for two years.

  4. Jeff G. says:

    Here you go, LBascom.

  5. LBascom says:

    Jeff, thanks, I was kinda hoping for another handy chart like you linked only showing the ratio of share of the richest…say, 25% (the handy chart you linked was the richest 10%), compared to those other countries.

    Also, I’d like to see how those countries compare with % of population that pays no tax.

    Never mind me, I’m just musing…

  6. zino3 says:


    Blow me. I’m a crackhead, and don’t have to worry about your stupid taxes.

    How about this for O’s re-election campaign?

    “Crackheads RULE, you fucking morons who work for a living. Why bother, you stupid douche bags?”

    On a roll, huh?

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