The Human Stain (2003) Directed by Robert Benton. Stars Anthony Hopkins, Nicole Kidman, Gary Sinise, and Ed Harris.
Five words or less review: Wait, Hannibal Lecter is black…?
The Human Stain (2003) Directed by Robert Benton. Stars Anthony Hopkins, Nicole Kidman, Gary Sinise, and Ed Harris.
Five words or less review: Wait, Hannibal Lecter is black…?
That review reminded me of my favorite Simpsons moment-
Moe Siczlak at an authors convention with Tom Clancy and others….”wait a minute- Maya Angelou is black?”
I was going to ask if I get to hang out with Nicole Kidman if I correct you by asking if you meant to say Hannibal’s a spook, but no one would get the reference to the movie, and I am not interested in being flamed for it. sheesh, PC is hard sometimes! btw, did you like the movie? you could use some kind of special, oh-so-Jefflike four-star rating so as not to alter the word count.
A very interesting adaptation, I’d say. I give it 3 1/2 spooks.
Roth is one of my favorite novelists, I should point out. But he hasn’t always translated well to film.
My three-year-old thinks he’s just great! I kinda like him, too.
Hate to disagree with you Master Goldstien, but my one word review is: sucked.
Not having read the book I can’t vouch for the integrity of the original story, but I found the characters cartoonish (Nicole Kidman, Ed Harris). I just didn’t buy into the attraction between Hopkin’s character and Kidman. And Harris’ character was utterly predictable. Just no surprises there.
I do have to say Anthony Hopkins turned in a decent performance. But then again if actors were cheese, he’d be a fine Camberbet to other actors’ American Cheese Food.
Slart —
At least she picked one of the tamer novels…
PI —
You’re just wrong. And no, we can’t agree to disagree. You just are. Period.
I violated her liver, with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.
At least she picked one of the tamer novels…
Yeah, I’m just hoping she’s not nearly as smart as Sharkansky’s kid. She does do a really good job of pretending to read, though…it’s so uncanny that I give her books all the time, just for the blessed silence of it.
You’re just wrong. And no, we can’t agree to disagree. You just are. Period.
That well may be. I’ve been wrong before. I’m the same guy who thinks that Toto’s Africa is possibly the best song ever (if you discount anything by Beethoven that is).
As I said, don’t know anything about the book. We don’t get many good books here, just the crap the backpackers carry in (travel fiction stuff and endless Michael Moore books). As a result I’m woefully under read. If I had read the book I may have liked the movie more; since I did not, I only have the actors’ portrayal to go by.
But apparently, I’m just wrong. Which is fine by me…someone has to be the ill-cultured cretin, I’m happy to be useful.
I was just kiddin’ you, PI.
And I happen to love Toto, too, so we’ve got that in common.