nervous militant 1: “I don’t know. Now that I reflect upon it, I’m not quite sure exactly why we’re supposed to hate the infidels with the heat of a thousand suns.”*
nervous militant 2: “Such talk, my brother. Has the devil your tongue?”
nervous militant 1: “Oh, don’t get me wrong, Halil. I exclude the Jewish monkeys and pigs from my musings. It’s just that, well…I’m not convinced the XBox is so diabolical a device that I should risk a flurry of bullets to the scalp to protest it.”
nervous militant 2: “– Unless of course it’s a Jewish XBox –”
nervous militant 1: “– well yes, naturally. But then that goes without saying…”
marine sniper: You have GOT to be kidding me. No showers, no toilets, no modern amenities to speak of, but there they are-playing Grand Theft Auto. You would think that maybe we let them kill some infidels on the playstation and call it even, ya know? Hey look! Robert Fisk just got beat up again by that gang of seven year olds! That guy just slays me man….
nervous militant 2: (checks XBox for foreskin)