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November 2024


"Climate Deniers" Beware: your apostasy has been noted and cannot be allowed to stand!

Of course, should they round us all up and put us in ovens, one wonders if they’d even note the irony.

53 Replies to “"Climate Deniers" Beware: your apostasy has been noted and cannot be allowed to stand!”

  1. Swen says:

    But wouldn’t all those ovens cause increased global warming?

  2. sdferr says:

    Uh-oh. That Steve Hayward better watch out his graphs don’t mislead people.

  3. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:

    Just as you have to break a few eggs to make an omelet, you may need to incinerate a few AGW heretics to save the world……just like Salem Mass. saved itself by hanging or burning witches….

  4. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:

    The Church of Anthropogenic Global Warming.

    It’s got a Pope, who’s infallible, a catechism of control and behavior modification, there’s no place for doubt or denial, and any objectors are deemed dangerous & heretical.
    There’s even dispensations in the form of carbon credits!

    And, just as in the current Roman Catholic Church, there are many powerful figures in the established leadership who routinely engage in practices specifically forbidden to the lay people.

    What did I miss????

  5. dicentra says:

    I plan to emit as much CO2 as possible during combustion, as well as lots of fatty particles that will rain down on the surrouding landscape and stink to high heaven.

    Just like that guy did in Bleak House.

  6. Bob Reed says:

    This perfectly captures the religious zealotry of the AGW types. “Deniers” have enjoyed their message being broadcastr and wide is a hallucinatory fever-dream on the former senators part; or, you know, just well written polemic. Especially when the AGW true belief is part of effin’ public school cirriculum on much of the east and west coasts and the large cities of the midwest.

    They can bluster all they want, but what they can’t do is pushback against mother nature, or, increasingly, convince people of their connivance in the face of factual weather trends.

    But what do I know, I’m just a knuckle dragger that confuses weather with climate :)


  7. guinsPen says:

    I always get Bjork and Yoko mixed up.

  8. happyfeet says:

    The panel is considering laxatives to avoid further surgery.*

  9. Joe says:

    Jeff: They will be still be predicting global warming when we are all wearing parkas and their are polar bears and walruses off the coast of Maine. In fact the global cooling will be a result of the global warming and the end of humanity or something like that. It is confused but ManBearPig and Ted Turner are the holders of the gnostic knowledge. You just have to have faith.

  10. Joe says:

    Sorryt to go off topic, but is Blago going to flip on Obama now that he is facing 20 plus years in government housing?

  11. Ernst Schreiber says:

    is Blago going to flip on Obama now that he is facing 20 plus years in government housing?

    We’ll know he tried after he’s suicided.

  12. Spiny Norman says:

    Senator Wirth in 1993:

    “We’ve got to ride the global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing, in terms of economic policy and environmental policy.”

    Charlatan. Political hack. Wannabe petty tyrant. Take your pick.

  13. BJTex says:

    Oh, man, feets, that just cracks me up you whack job penguin political wack-a-doo!

  14. Ernst Schreiber says:

    What did I miss????

    The Protocols of the Elders of Gaia perhaps?

  15. Roddy Boyd says:

    If memory serves, Wirth was seen as a moderate Dem back when, a sensible and sane alternative to Kennedy and his lot. Between now and then, he’s shifted, hasn’t he?
    It is increasingly clear that AGW is the left’s Creation Science, something that is provably wrong but is defended to the death because it is a religious tenet.

  16. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Former Democratic Sen. Tim Wirth of Colorado, now the president of the UN Foundation, said the flooding and forest fires in the United States this year are evidence of “the kind of dramatic climate impact” climate change models have predicted and that those in the know on climate change must “undertake an aggressive program to go after those who are among the deniers.”

    Or instead maybe we do nothing and just let nature take it’s course since we’re using more than our fair share in all of our overdevelopedness.

  17. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Why does Former Democratic Senator Worth of Colorado hate starving Africans!?!?

  18. Ernst Schreiber says:

    It is increasingly clear that AGW is the left’s Creation Science, something that is provably wrong but is defended to the death because it is a religious tenet.

    Michael Crichton said as much, Roddy.

    Personally though, I think Wirth is just a shill for Big Desert.

  19. mojo says:

    You mooks come after me, come armed. And mind the booby traps.

  20. DougV says:

    “we know that the overall trend is going to be increased drought, increased flooding, increased number of fires – and we’re seeing exactly that sort of thing in the United States today with increased flooding this last year, with the fires that have swept, raging through Arizona” – but didn’t McCan say it was illegal aliens that started the fires? Maybe illegal immigration causes global warming climate change! Wasn’t Wirth the senator who had the meeting years ago about global warming, scheduled it in July or August, had the windows closed and the air conditioning turned off, just to make everyone miserable?

  21. Roddy Boyd says:

    I read that speech a few years back.
    Pretty impressive how a major author managed to single handedly eviscerate an entire movement, using their beloved “science” against them, about two years before fissures began to show (those East Anglia e-mails….)

  22. Spiny Norman says:

    Personally though, I think Wirth is just a shill for Big Desert.

    When I first read that, I thought it was Big Dessert, and was thinking, “can’t we please leave red velvet cupcakes out of this?


  23. Spiny Norman says:

    Crap. θ_θ

  24. geoffb says:

    Former Democratic Sen. Tim Wirth of Colorado, now the president of the UN Foundation, said the flooding and forest fires in the United States this year are evidence of “the kind of dramatic climate impact” climate change models have predicted and that those in the know on climate change must “undertake an aggressive program to go after those who are among the deniers.”

    Wildfires started by illegals and smugglers. Floods by federal environmentalist river policy. The “deniers” are those “in the know” who resist the realization that what is impacting us this year is the result of many years of Progressive-Democrat policies abetted by the Media and Republican RINOs who acted as their enablers.

  25. These people, even the warmingist so-called scientists, are idiots. They keep talking about droughts and increased desertification, but that’s total crap. What do you get with higher temperatures? More evaporated water in the aptmosphere. When you have warm temperatures, higher humidity, and increased levels of plant-nourishing CO2, what do you get? It ain’t desert…

  26. zino3 says:

    This man is a “supposed” adult, withe brain of a ten year old.

    I’m glad my father is gone. This bullshit would make his head explode, but, luckily, his death was due to natural causes.

    Lucky him, eh?

  27. cranky-d says:

    Celtic Dragon, you get a planet covered in tropical growth and a truckload of critters, just like we had during one of them there dinosaur epochs. Warmer is actually better for us. It’s the cold that’s actually coming that will cause problems.

  28. Yup, cranky-d right in one. The Ice Ages were the real cause of deserts and drought. Most inland areas of the conitnents were dry as a bone, unless they were close to the ice, then they were cold and wet. Humidity was low, and the oceans were much lower. If we went into another Ice Age most of the agricultural areas of today would be practically barren, those not under ice that is, and we would have to move out on the now dry continental shelves…

  29. Slartibartfast says:

    Senator Wirth in 1993:

    Without him, we are Wirthless.

  30. cranky-d says:

    I deny, in the strongest terms possible, that there is, indeed, a climate. There is nothing of the sort, and anyone who believes in such a thing is likely a communist who should be horsewhipped and run out of town on a rail.

  31. zino3 says:

    Just so everyone knows…

    I piss in my driveway, I dig a hole and pour old oil paint and paint thinner in the ground. I drink ethanol (instead of BURNING it in my gas tank – well, I do burn it in my gas tank, but only because assholes make me burn my food, instead of eating it), and I actually flush my toilet (Sorry, Islamists, if you can’t cognicise the word “toilet”) Did I spell that right? It looks goofy to me. Why don’t we all just shit in a hole in the floor and only use our left hand to wipe the detrius off of our butts and then eat it?. Allah commands it!

    WARNING! Don’t EVER put your left hand in your mouth! NEVER shake hands with your left hand, you bozos.

    And that hole in the floor smells so divine! Gooba! It makes me want to wrap myself up in a tarp and hide in the tank of a Pot-O-Let!

    In India, everybody comes out in the morning, and shits in a pile by the road, and then they wait for the monsoons to wash it away. DO NOT RIDE A BICYCLE IN INDIA WITHOUT A CLOTHESPIN ON YOUR NOSE!!!! I’m serious about this! If catshit makes you puke, you are not ready for India.

    AND…According to “ALLAAAAAAHHHHHH, Wymen (Wyverns) are allowed to do nothing but blow me and be beaten by me at my leisure, and I can do little boys (pearls) as long as I face Mecca while I am coming in their little butts. I can even do chickens! IF I face in the right direction! Whoa! Awesome! I just came on my own leg! OOOFFFFF! Thank you, ALLAH!!!!!! AND..I can do you even if you HATE ME! TOUGH TITTIES, BABY! You are a piece of shit. Fucking infidels, thinking that women are human beings!

    Climate change? Who knew, besides the ultimate, ULTIMATE energy pig, Al (I have my own private jet) Gore?

    “But I planted a tree and fucked someone who wasn’t my wife! So what, you assholes! You morons dare to question me? My burning question is: Who in the world would fuck Al Gore?

    That’s some way sick shit, right there.

    Touch me, and my world stands still”, MoFo. Or should it be “my weird stands still”?

    Sorry. Home Depot has a certain something that makes me even MORE nuts! It’s tough to make $10/hr and put up with the socio-capitalist bullshit when, before Obama, I was making at LEAST, $150,000 a year. Get used to it, you white motherfucking proles. YOUR money is MY money, because the unions are unquenchable and your butt is irresistable, even before they see your wallet…And I am the head monkey..

    OK. Denounced. Let’s get that over with right now.

    Obama IS a fucking dancing monkey. Any problem with that? He is NOT smart enough to have pulled this off by himself. In fact, the more I see of him, the more I am convinced that he is an absolute moron. A puppet whose (who’s?) strings are being pulled by Marxist (yup! This time it WILL work!) billionairs. Neede I provide names?

    Ann Barnhart(?-sp) rules! I have some truly big balls, but probably couldn’t stand in the same room with her (were we to take our under garments off)

    Yup. Happy groundhog day…..

    Every day is groundhog day at Home depot.

    And, yes, there is a HUGE ugh! factor with Home Depot. I try, but they give all the awards to the carpet munchers (not that I am not one of them, but I think that a penis is a large negative in crony capitalism. Pussies RULE, no matter who wields them. Diversity, and all.)

    Fuck it. It’s ten dollars an hour more than I make watching television.

    I NEVER would have thought that I couldn’t find work within two hours until Jug Ears became our “President”.

    HO! HO! HO!

    Fuck me!

    But i digress….

    Ranting is SO much fun. Thanks again, Jeff. I don’t think anyone else would put up with me. I have been thrown off three newsgroups, but only because I didn’t realize that I was being cross-posted to Christian sites. I guess we can all understand why that happened…

    I’m not really sorry, but I thank you, Jeff, and all who have the ambition to read my rants.

    They are way off topic, but they keep me somewhat sane.

    God bless all the family that lives here.

  32. Hrothgar says:

    The key to riches and acceptance appears to design a “green” oven so that one can immolate AGCC deniers in an environmentally responsible way. I have a start on a solar design, but it takes a long time and doesn’t too work well in the winter, but I view these features as mere bumps in the road to the future.

  33. Crimso says:

    After meaning to do so for a couple of years, but always forgetting to follow through, I’m going to sign that petition. They can increase their Ph.D. count by one. Once I am clearly listed in perhaps the most public listing of skeptics, I will view such words by Wirth and Hansen and the like critically, to weigh when they have crossed the line of openly posing a personal threat to me (and I think they’re getting perilously close). They will not like the results of my response to threats to my safety. You should see the diabolical steps I’m taking to greet the next person who steals from my storage shed.

    D. Andrew Burden, Ph.D.

  34. dicentra says:

    I was assured some years back that AGW would result in increased desertification.

    Now I’m assured that the increased flooding has occured because the warmer atmosphere evaporates more water and therefore we have more rain.

    Me, I’m pretty sure I saw this weather pattern the last couple of times La Niña rolled in.

    Life is SO confusing.

  35. zino3 says:

    “Hrothgar posted on6/27 @ 7:26 pm

    The key to riches and acceptance appears to design a “green” oven so that one can immolate AGCC deniers in an environmentally responsible way. I have a start on a solar design, but it takes a long time and doesn’t too work well in the winter, but I view these features as mere bumps in the road to the future.”

    Huh? A “green oven” should be full of broccoli, or Hunter Green Rust-O-leum.

    My heart goes out to you, but, excuse me, WTF?

    I am hoping this is existentialist…and I am hoping that you are from Norway, or where ever Reidar (pronounded “radar”, like MASH) Larsen comes from (awesome musician)

    Nothing personal, but whoever said this should be in the middle of a pre-school diversity lesson, at the least.

    Neo-modern “adults”. Don’t make me any more pissed off than I already am.

    And I AM “Hagar The Horrible” Have you noticed that yet?


  36. zino3 says:

    Green oven?

    I just painted my oven green, so I think we are going to lose our rent deposit.

    Tough shit, huh?

  37. zino3 says:


    have you ever been exposed to the concept of “bullshit”?

    Me neither (neifgbor and wseigh/999666666666666 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaain)

    I have no clue about “e” and “i”, and am barely able to type these two letters without approaching a mental breakdown..

    I know you’re probably wondering what I mean, but I can’t help you there.


  38. Joe says:

    If global warming allows us to grow lemons and coconuts in Minnesota, I see it as a win win. The mosquitos, malaria and denque fever might be bad, but we can adapt.

  39. zino3 says:

    Must be bedtime….

  40. newrouter says:

    “D. Andrew Burden, Ph.D.”


  41. Danger says:

    “D. Andrew Burden, Ph.D.”


    See Dicentra,
    I told you this thread was the key!

    Night all and
    Keep firing!

  42. Lazarus Long says:

    Then there is the report that the Sahara desert is shrinking due to greenification.

    But I thought that there would be desertification.

    Oh, I’m so confused.

  43. Abe Froman says:

    Dr. Burden:

    We applaud your fortitude and thank you in advance should you happen upon a balding left wing midget guitar professor in the faculty dining room and punch him in the testicles.

  44. LTC John says:

    #12 – OK, I choose “all of the above”. What a miserable little man Mr. Wirth is…

  45. Sarah Rolph says:

    “Happily, there are people like those in, the weather forecasters who’ve come together, you know, into a major group to try to discuss and to understand the impacts and how to explain climate change and climate impacts when they’re doing the evening news and talking about the weather, which is where most people in the United States get their information.”

    Fortunately he is wrong about that last part.

  46. zino3 says:

    Abe –

    “Abe Froman posted on6/28 @ 5:43 am

    Dr. Burden:

    We applaud your fortitude and thank you in advance should you happen upon a balding left wing midget guitar professor in the faculty dining room and punch him in the testicles.”

    I am in a really bad mood. Please do not make me laugh again. I am in no mood for funny horse-patootie. Thank you.


  47. Slartibartfast says:

    Anyone ever noticed how the truly vituperative AGW advocates are the climate modelers? In other words: not actual climatologists, but the guys who code up climate emulators. In other words: computer scientists. What it took to get those guys out of your dorm lounge and out of their days-long D&D sessions was, evidently, a damsel in distress and in need of rescue, AKA Gaia.

  48. zino3 says:

    “Joe posted on6/27 @ 8:28 pm

    If global warming allows us to grow lemons and coconuts in Minnesota, I see it as a win win. The mosquitos, malaria and denque fever might be bad, but we can adapt.”


    Maybe you are not well travelled, but Minnesota is chock full of coconuts, before we even mention the lemons.

    “Twin Cities”? Jeebus! NEVER get a travel delay anywhere NEAR Minneapolis (or however you spell “Hell In The Mid-West)! It’s a Hub(ba Hubba Hubba)

    Nothing to see here, move along.

    Thanks for your input.

  49. Crimso says:

    Abe Froman:
    I certainly catch the reference, having lurked here for a number of years. Sadly, I haven’t been in the faculty dining room (if it even still exists) in at least 10 years. IIRC, it wasn’t restricted to faculty anyway. Who wants to have an exclusive snobby perq if just anyone can use it? Thought about looking into whether and where we have a faculty lounge back when Al Gore joined the faculty (yep, we were technically colleagues for a while), but figured I needed elbow patches on a sports jacket and a pipe to gain entry. So I never found it. Besides, I was too busy teaching, you know, science or something.

  50. Crawford says:

    Anyone ever noticed how the truly vituperative AGW advocates are the climate modelers? In other words: not actual climatologists, but the guys who code up climate emulators. In other words: computer scientists.

    They’re not computer scientists, slart. They’re marginal physical scientists attempting to write software. The Climategate leak showed they don’t even follow the basics of software development:

    o No version control. On any of my work projects, I can go back a couple of years to find what the software was then. On some of them, I can go back to before the program was even recognizable as itself.

    o No structure. One of the emails in the “leak” was a programmer lamenting his inability to find his was through the code. Without structure, you cannot isolate problems, you cannot change one part without risking changing something else.

    o No testing. While it’s a relatively new idea, for the last decade the ideal has been to not just write code to accomplish X, but to write code that demonstrates your code actually accomplishes X and can handle some of the more obvious problems.

    I’ve put more due diligence into toy programs than they put into the core of their efforts.

  51. Slartibartfast says:

    They’re not computer scientists, slart.

    I was thinking Tim Lambert, here, and a few others whose names I could dig out for you if you like.

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