It’s like Jeremiah Johnson meets The Candidate, with a pinch of Easy Rider thrown in for good measure. Or maybe not.
From Jim Geraghty’s review:
By far, the most eye-opening part of the film — and no doubt, most useful to the presidential hopes of Palin — is the second act, detailing Palin’s time as Alaska’s governor. Oil companies are the relentless villain of Alaskan politics; in retrospect it seems bizarre that the woman most hated by modern liberals spent so much of her career fighting tooth and nail with oil-company executives. During this whole stretch, there isn’t a partisan note. Alaskan politics is painted as a rigged game benefiting the politically powerful and influential with the citizenry getting the short end of the stick, time and again — until Palin appears on the scene.
“I’ve had people tell me it’s too long, you’ve got to shorten it and dumb it down, but I believe that if you expect more of your audience, they’ll rise to the material,” Bannon says. “It’s like a Harvard Business School case study. I would put her accomplishments in those most important 18 months up against the most productive 18 months of any other governor of the 20th century or 21st century. And even though I never mention it in the film, in the middle of all that, she had a baby.”
Of course she did. Probably took time out to catch, club, and clean some halibut, too, the filthy wilderness harlot.
Yeah, I’m definitely going to see this.
And this:
Will most certainly turn a few heads, as well as some allegiances I’d be willing to bet. Alternate title; The Chillbilly owns Big Oil!…
I also like that Bannon refuses to dumb it down. This may be a very good for rehabilitating her image with independents, it being tarnished so by the Tina Feys and such. I’m not sugggesting that Palin h8terz will bother to see it, but it will give plenty of effective ammo to her supporters to use in discussion.
(her choice to dress in off-white looks almost symbolic in retrospect)
ok. sure.
I expect excerpts to serve the purpose the Palin camp originally wanted; vignettes suitable for use in campaign videos.
‘feets, I suppose you’d wear the Lemon Chiffon?
What’s the over/under on this thread going to over 200 comments?
Black is nice as well. Goes with her black rifle.
Then, we have the NY Post blaming the victim.
It is positively unreal just how much Palin lives inside the heads of LSM.
Shorter NYP: “She used to be awesome, but now, bleh.”
Gerson writes a dumb piece about Palin in which he criticizes the media for writing dumb pieces about Palin. Strange.
He is also pushing this curious new meme in which Palin used to be interesting and potentially important but somehow she blew it and now she has peaked and it’s all over. Where did this come from? Are they trying to pre-empt the process of people giving her a second look?
Sorry, cranky, I repeated your point without acknowledging it (just scatterbrained). Any thoughts on why they are taking this tack?
WhyTH do you think the MBM is cranking up the love for Bachmann. Sarah is soooo yesterday and Bachmann is where it’s at. Yes it’s an attempt to preempt the second look.
weren’t we all supposed to give her a second look after she went rogue and liberated herself from the shackles of governing to where she would then have the time and ability to make sure her message got out and such and so forth and et cetera? It seems like she wants a do-over on the second look thing but this time we all have to watch a filmstrip.
Sarah, I think you have the right of it. They are attempting to pre-empt a re-evaluation of her by acknowledging that she really was good before and perhaps the MBM was too harsh then but gosh darn look at the snowbilly now!
As for what cupcakefeet thinks about Palin, who gives a damn? He writes his own narrative and presents it as fact. It’s tiresome.
speaking of the narrative it looks like the big dipper is threatening to scoop her up and she’s got her fists raised defiantly saying you get away from me big dipper I won’t let stop me from getting my message out to the people of this great land!
I can’t wait to go see how it ends
won’t let *you* stop me I mean
I understood HF was banned. Is there some way to filter individuals?
HF was unbanned, which I think was a good decision. TrollHammer used to work to allow filtering people, but that stopped working with a site re-design. The guy who wrote it kind of disappeared, so it hasn’t been updated. I couldn’t figure out how to fix it, and after a few hours I stopped trying.
here is how you can filtrate unwanted commenters Mr. Klawnet
as far as I know it still works anyway
oh. nevermind.
I agree that the “Great Unbanning of Happyfeet” was a good decision.
thank you mister al I will endeavor to be worthy
The unbanning was good, at least for as long as he can keep his nose clean and doesn’t spew ochre-colored vitriol on a certain guest poster. And on women in general, as it’s beginning to seem that he has issues with the all the strong ones.
I damn sure have no basis on which to contradict it. Powerful unions, most of the state federally owned, and a state constitution reserving all mineral rights to the state, all pretty much guarantee that everybody’s going to be feeding at the same limited trough and not everyone is going to be a good citizen about it.
The TrollHammer links turn up from time to time but I haven’t seen one under the Pokemon yet. Once I have I’ll report whether it worked.
Whatever happened to Spies, anyway?
It seems that Mrs. Palin is working very hard to see that when the first draft of history gets written she will have had some say. A very wise decision, I believe, for otherwise she would have to wait until about 50-60 years passed before any revision approximating the truth got out. It is unfair that she has had to do so, but she is wise to do so.
I find it interesting that she has been able to move around those who want to be the sole definers – using social media, this movie, a television show, getting a traditional commentator’s position, and so forth. I think she has seen the obvious and realizes that the most important position is to have editorial authority, and all of the things she is using to communicate give her a lot of control over the editorial process.
Quite a good idea if you know that you aren’t going to get a fair shake and will not be permitted to communicate with your “words twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools” you don’t merely state the complaint, you solve the problem by taking over the editorial role. End run the gatekeeper problem by becoming the gatekeeper, sort of a one-woman March Through the Institutions.
Very wise, very clever, very well-played.
Half of them from the Pukey Man.
I think Palin is a lot smarter than she gets credit for, which is probably an asset in the final analysis…being underestimated can be a powerful thing.
Also, casting Clint Eastwood as Sara Palin in the movie was a bold move. I think he has the right grit to play the role right.
If you see one movie this summer, you should probably go see Super 8 everyone I know who went loves it loves it loves it.
I’m a wait to see the Sarah Palin one for free on netflix or maybe on youtube. It just sorta gets put down to how you wanna spend your movie dollar I guess.
Me I’d rather see space monsters. Space monsters are cool. And did you know that’s Dafota Fanning’s little sister?
True story.
*Dakota* I mean
^As long as they aren’t strong female space monsters.
female space monsters are cool
It just sorta gets put down to how you wanna spend your movie dollar I guess.
What is this movie dollar of which you speak?
hah! thanks! I hope maybe I can watch the Super 8 tonight or at least have it ready.
I would love to know the extent to which she’s discussed that with Glenn Beck.