see also: Bill, TalkLeft, ASV, Malkin, Steve Green, Captain Ed, Instapundit, Ace, Jay Reding, QandO and John Beck
see also: Bill, TalkLeft, ASV, Malkin, Steve Green, Captain Ed, Instapundit, Ace, Jay Reding, QandO and John Beck
What, exactly, is it with the two red slashes following “John”?
Do they hint at the flag? A stylized “F”?
Or “L”?
SS lightning bolts?
Enquring minds want to know.
It’s two stripes (and part of a third stripe) plus one star, all from the American flag. That’s about as much of the American flag that a Democrat can look at. Anymore and they become physically ill with revulsion and elevated bile.
All through Kerry’s speech I kept thinking, ‘There’s less here than meets the eye.’
Totally unfair !
He has manage to say nothing his entire life and you just blow that off. That the power of being nuance.