
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

November 2024


"Weiner Will Keep Collecting $174,000 Congressional Salary While on Leave"


Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) will continue to collect his $174,000 taxpayer-funded salary without interruption while he is taking a leave of absence to seek “professional treatment,” according to the House Administration Committee, which has oversight over the congressional payroll.

In a 365-day year, a congressman’s $174,000 annual salary works out to $476.71 per day.

Weiner announced Saturday through a spokeswoman that he would be taking a leave of absence from his duties in the House of Representatives.

“Congressman Weiner departed this morning to seek professional treatment to focus on becoming a better husband and healthier person,” said spokeswoman Risa Heller.

I was tempted to say that getting paid nearly $500 a day to stay away from Congress is yet another example of fiscal irresponsibility and government irresponsibility — complete with a rail against paying farmers not to grow, or paying postal workers to sit idly in a quiet room — but then I remembered that Weiner is a big spending, big government, entitlement-seeking leftist Democrat, and so it occurred to me that the $500 we as tax payers are shelling out for each day he’s away is probably a solid investment toward keeping the government smaller and more fiscally sane.

So, there’s that.

Of course, keeping him away and not paying him makes the most fiscal sense. But beggars can’t be choosers, right?

14 Replies to “"Weiner Will Keep Collecting $174,000 Congressional Salary While on Leave"”

  1. JD says:

    Has he actually requested a leave of absence yet?

  2. Joe says:

    It is not like you get in trouble or fired for not showing up. You just don’t show up.

  3. mojo says:

    Bill him $499.00 a day in “carrying charges”

  4. guinsPen says:

    Weiner, pulling for you 365 days a year!

  5. newrouter says:

    another weiner:
    upton needs primaried

    Upton’s ploy succeeded, and in January of this year, Speaker of the House John Boehner named Upton to his treasured chairmanship. More than four months later, Upton has not held the promised hearings. Several dozen members of the House, including Joe Barton, Michele Bachmann, and Thad McCotter, have co-sponsored legislation to ban the repeal, so there’s plenty of support for it among true conservatives. And since the ban on the current generation of 100 watt incandescent bulbs is scheduled to go into effect on January 1, 2012, prompt action is required. There are only six and a half months left!


  6. Jim in KC says:

    At a bit under $100,000,000/year in salaries, we’d save a crapload of money paying them all to go home and leave us the fuck alone.

    (That number leaves out benefits, staff, etc.)

  7. TaiChiWawa says:

    Hasn’t Weiner done enough focusing?

  8. Blake says:

    I suggest we build a large cage and put a billion dollars in it.

    Then, in order for Senators and Congressmen to get paid, put them in the cage and tell them winner takes all.

    Forget to mention the hungry lions that will be released shortly after the brawl starts.

    License as a pay per view event and televise world wide. (have to get the billion dollars somehow)

  9. Pablo says:

    Hey, Patrick Kennedy made a whole Congressional career out of doing stupid things with women and being in rehab.

  10. BuddyPC says:

    174…!!! For a Rep?
    How the hell did that happen? Last time I checked (admittedly two-plus years ago during the ’08 campaign’s “250-plus K tax hike” talk), Senators were taking “only” 169K.
    I thought Washington has been telling us there has been no inflation.

  11. Sarah Rolph says:

    I must say I rather liked it that when Romney was our governor here is Mass he didn’t take a salary. Or he took $1 or something.

  12. LBascom says:

    Schwarzenegger didn’t take a salary either I don’t think.

    Still didn’t like him being governor though.

  13. Joe says:

    Obama is not liking all this Weiner wiener talk all the time.

    Obama calls for Weiner to go.

    Tick tock, tick tock.

  14. Stephanie says:

    Obama wants a weiner to go?

    Reggie must be driving that convertible again.

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