Man, he absolutely…
1. crushed that pitch!
2. blew that one by him!
Beer is good, and
so are hot dogs with
mustard and relish and
onions. God Bless
America. Screw
Michael Moore
Epilogue Addendum
…the Twinkie-sucking
goo pit of hate.
Tell it! Testify!
I still want to call it Enron Field.
I tried to buy the big ‘E’ at the Enron liquidation auction, but was unfortunately outbid.
At least Clemens got the holy hell hit out of him now and not during a regular season game–not that it would make much of a difference at this point.
Man, I wish Ali would’ve smacked Jeter for real though…….
Best. Pregame-toss. Ever.
Float like a butterfly……
Damn! What a strikingly accurate synopsis. I like that word this week…synopsis. Say it with me, “Synopsis.”
Yes. I’m done.
“Twinkie sucking goo pit of hate”
I’m dying…must get air