The “Constitutional Protection Act of 2011.”
Here’s hoping Boehner and Cantor aren’t able to find some procedural reason to strangle it in its crib. Or trade it for a another handful of scraps tossed their way by the Democrats.
The “Constitutional Protection Act of 2011.”
Here’s hoping Boehner and Cantor aren’t able to find some procedural reason to strangle it in its crib. Or trade it for a another handful of scraps tossed their way by the Democrats.
I have no faith in Boehner at all, except that he probably won’t put this to a vote like he should. He’s a pussy.
Boehner (Boner??) was the man I thought would have the balls to stand up and save us – or at least try.
Instead, he seems to only have balls enough to stick them in the Progg’s mouth. An honest to goodness “Tea Bagger”.
It must be tough when YOU get anything you want for being a jerk, while the rest of us proles pay the freight.
What I don’t get is why this unadorned spoiled little pussy thinks that desroying this country with debt will make his ego trip any less ugly than it is already.
Just keep ’em coming, even if they get buried by the “leadership.” A year or so down the road, we’ll have ourselves some primaries where we can ask these jokers why none of our much-needed reforms are getting anywhere.
In US Sovereignty news, there seems to be something of a story in the works regarding Libya, Obama, Soros, Samantha Powers (Mrs Cass Sunstein). Beck is on a tear over it after a called tipped him off on a detail he overlooked. A quick search shows me that Kurtz and others are on the trail already. More to come, I am sure.
Soros was working on Libya image
Why is Libya part of Obama’s plan?
Why Samantha Powers?
Factor in the troops pics released in Germany now being used to bash US image. This whole thing stinks.
Do all these roads lead to adjustments against Israel, or do I draw the wrong conclusion?