
Jeff's Wish List

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October 2024


"Rep. LaTourette Says ‘Sure,’ He’ll Vote for CR That Permits ObamaCare and Planned Parenthood Funding"

The TEA Party spoke. And the GOP House members listened.

They just didn’t hear.

The current GOP leadership fears a government shut down because they fear what such a thing would do to their re-election chances. They think getting a ~ 2% cut on the proposed budget in exchange for upping the debt ceiling can — while keeping the government open for business — is a big win, optically speaking.

And make no mistake: optics is all they care about.

The House leadership is feckless. It has surrendered its leverage, and is looking to win only those battles it can spin to its advantage. Principle doesn’t enter into it.

We need new leadership. Or a new party. Either way.

16 Replies to “"Rep. LaTourette Says ‘Sure,’ He’ll Vote for CR That Permits ObamaCare and Planned Parenthood Funding"”

  1. cranky-d says:

    What we needed were representatives who were willing to make the hard choices that needed making, damn the consequences. Instead, we get this crop of losers who don’t realize that many of them will be primaried out as soon as it can be done. Or, the house of cards will come crashing down and they will wander amidst the rubble claiming they didn’t see it coming.


  2. Joe says:

    What he does not get is Obamacare is like a cancer. The longer it lives in its host, the harder it is to beat. The best way to destroy it is to cut off funding now. This is an opportunity that the GOP is squandering. And it is not gamesmanship, it is a core princple that is being ignored.

  3. Pablo says:

    We need new leadership. Or a new party. Either way.

    New leadership, and primary challenges everywhere.

  4. Carin says:

    New Leadership. Pick them from this list .

    Bill Hulzenga, Thaddeus McCotter, and Tim Walberg (YEA TIM) from Michigan. woot.

  5. Carin says:

    Oh, and Justin Amash and Dan Benishek.

  6. Carin says:

    I’ll be calling Candice Miller’s office to find out WTF is her problem.

  7. I heart Thad McCotter… not sure he’s leadership material though. I mean, he plays in a band called Screaming Lemurs. too cool for leadership.

  8. Silver Whistle says:

    My rep Kevin Yoder is from the very swing KS-3 district, and is just thinking of keeping his fat arse on that comfy seat, hence he is more worried what Blue Dog Dems and Indies think about him than he is Tea Partiers.

  9. Carin says:

    I ♥ Thad too although he has broken my heart a few times.

  10. cranky-d says:

    Thad has sided with the auto worker unions I think. I guess he’s representin’ and all, but they are part of the problem.

  11. LBascom says:

    Cranky, there was a time when I would have come to the defense of the AW unions, they were private sector.

    Now, not so much.

  12. Carin says:

    Yep. Of course, he represents Livonia … so … he is “their” representative, not mine.

  13. SmokeVanThorn says:

    Republicans: the Whigs of the 21st Century

  14. McGehee says:

    Lynn Westmoreland won his fourth term last November. Now, I’ve been all for term limits and I’ve gone on record saying that the benefits of limiting terms would certainly outweigh, in my opinion, the high esteem I have had for Lynn since I first became a constituent of his.

    And now that he’s gone beyond the three terms normally allowed in congressional term-limit proposals, he’s gone from being an argument (in some eyes) against them to a poster boy for them.

  15. Squid says:

    Seems fitting that my uncontrollable swearing is due to LaTourette.

  16. LBascom says:

    Ha Squid! I was trying to think of something along those lines, but yours was better than anything I could come up with.

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