
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

October 2024



Implementation and funding continue apace. The CR passed 271-158, with 54 Republicans voting “Nay.”*

9 Replies to “Obama/BoehnerCare”

  1. Joe says:

    We need a list of the good guys. Unfortunately there were not enough of them, but they should be recognized as not being bad guys.

  2. Ella says:

    I don’t know, Ace says that Boehner is leading like a strong leader and using a Chinese water torture type tactic to weat the Democrats down on the budget. The “people” voting against these CRs are just icky h8rs like Michele Bachman, who we all know is an idiot. I, for one, welcome our new Boehner-led overlords.

  3. Joe says:

    Rep. West did the right thing. Like in Iraq when he shot his pistol next to the head of an Iraqi insurgent terrorist to get him to disclose enemy positions.

  4. zino3 says:

    Just checked out the “Ayes” and “Nays”.

    Is there REALLY a representative named “FUDGE”?

    I wouldn’t care how he voted if he was from my district. How many times can you say that you are represented by “the Honorable Mr. Fudge” and not break out laughing? I would vote for him on his name alone. It’s just too good to pass up…

  5. John Bradley says:

    I bet whenever he holds a townhall meeting, it’s packed!

  6. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    zino3 and John, it’s a woman. A gigantic idiot of a woman, but a woman nonetheless. Marsha Fudge, good friends with Dennis Kucinich!

  7. McGehee says:

    My congressman voted Aye. The. Fucker.

    That’s right, Lynn Westmoreland: any Georgia congressman who votes to fund a program that is unconstitutional in his home state, is a fucker.

  8. Darleen says:

    oh crap, my congresscritter voted “aye” too. Obviously someone didn’t get my prior message.

    Another phone call is due tomorrow.

    shit shit shit

  9. Seth says:

    Both Reps from NH voted for. Wonder how they figure to explain this one away.

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