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November 2024


The New Civility, 42

Denigrating and vilifying is okay, evidently, so long as the right kinds of haters are being denigrated and vilified.

Desertion is democracy. Intimidation is compassion. They are the ones they’ve been waiting for. POWER TO THE PEOPLE!

(thanks to Mr B)

33 Replies to “The New Civility, 42”

  1. Blake says:

    President Obama is responsible for this crap. OFA is his election organization and OFA is known to be organizing these demonstrations.

  2. Mr B says:

    Rumor is Tim Cullen (D) has returned to Madison. The end is near?

  3. Bob Reed says:

    Let’s all hope this Kabuki is over soon. It’s amazing how some of the more stable among the crowd have to try and talk the others down off the edge, so-to-speak.

    It’s a good thing there was no rope nearby, or he’d have been the first lynching of the 21st century; by the forces of peace, love, fairness, and CIVILITY NOW!.

    Now, what do you think the odds will be that this is run all day on the MBM tomorrow, as PROOOOOOOOOOOF! of the Democrat’s absolute moral authority; carefully edited, of course, so the public doesn’t see too much of the trademark progressive spittle-flecked rage.

  4. Lamontyoubigdummy says:

    It’s like a real-time Charlie Sheen quote generator.

    Next challenge on Survivor, “Take this stick, and go poke that giant bucket of violent slackers”.

  5. JD says:

    Okay, that was just fucking priceless.

  6. Lamontyoubigdummy says:

    President Obama is responsible for this crap

    You could have stopped typing right there and summed up the last 3 years.

  7. Jeff G. says:

    It’s like the protesters are play acting. Mimicking every protest movie of the 60s and early 70s they could download from Netflix.

  8. Jeff G. says:

    One dude shouts, “we want our democracy back!” — and all I could think is, then you should be protesting in front of a Best Western in Illinois, you ignorant fuck.

    They don’t want democracy back. They want their power back. Problem is, to them, their power has always looked like democracy — albeit the magical progressive college town-kind where they won all the time.

    No more. Johnny’s in the basement, motherfucker. Deal.

  9. geoffb says:

    OFA is shooting fish in a barrel and still hits their own foot.

    The Illinois Tea Party has a real hunt ongoing, though if Mr. B is correct it will be coming to a close.

  10. Bob Reed says:

    I’m so tired of hearing mobs like this crowd chanting about “DEMOCRACY!, and, “THIS IS WHAT DEMOCRACY LOOKS LIKE!. They have no effin’ idea what they’re talking about.

    There were dozens of flying monkeys over at Dan’s site last week, in response to a post he had written about WI public employees salaries and benefits, the ersatz illegal wildcat strike by the teachers, and the fleebaggers.

    Most of the brain dead kept repeating arguments that included such winners as, “Collective bargaining is a constitutional right, man!”, and, “Democracy is about negotiation and compromise!”, as well as trying to use non-sequiter, completely unrelated, quotes from The Federalist as PROOOOOOOOOOF! of their nonsesnical babbling; of course, most of the diatrabes were punctuated by Koch!11!1! references.

    And all of the young ones, doing their best renditions of the 60’s protest movies, as JeffG said upthread, actually believe this bullshit; courtesy of the great job the WI state teachers have done…

    Really, why don’t these socialists just move to Europe.

  11. Lamontyoubigdummy says:

    …we want our democracy back!

    I guess those kick-ass Wisconsin teachers forgot to cover the “you live in a fucking representative republic” stuff.

    Go figure.

    Stupid is, as stupid does. Or is taught. Same/same.

    Bob nailed it, but they’re not moving to Europe. They want a “Kent State” thing. It’s what they want. The problem for them is no one would care. Americans are tired. They’ve had it with the 15%ers. Bad rubbish, good riddance, etc. Go screw.


    All the “public” leaches, vultures, cockroaches, parasites, and their media can just fuck off already.

    Americans look at this nasty carnival and are disgusted.

    I think they’re pretty much done.

  12. Jewel says:

    Do these people even listen to themselves? What sheep. Bleating: PEACE! over and over again. Pretending to be civilized. This is priceless footage. The Republicans and the Tea Party better make full use of it.

  13. Pablo says:

    Bleating: PEACE! over and over again.

    That’s their only way of letting the crowd know it’s time to stop trying to play Find The Senator’s Spleen. If you can’t chant it, it doesn’t make it into the proggy lizard brain.

  14. […] morning I haven’t seen anything on the news (but plenty of good coverage from the blogs about this […]

  15. The Monster says:

    Seeing the Dem. legislator having to try to control the mob brings to mind Beck’s admonition: The mainstream Democrats have embraced the radicals, thinking they can use this rage and intimidation to beat us, and that when they get into power they’ll be able to control the radicals. But that’s not how revolutions work; after the ancien regime is deposed, the “moderates” are the new “reactionaries”, and the revolutionaries treat the latter just like they did the former.

  16. […] Via Protein Wisdom, where Jeff beats the dead horse of the desperately fake civility BS vomited upon America by the lizards. Sadly, all that time drawing up […]

  17. donald says:

    Wisconsin played Georgia in the Hall of Fame bowl about 15 years ago. I went.

    You could tell from the warm ups that Wisconsin was a bunch of big fat slobs, just like their fans. Buncha drunken assholes, running their mouths about kicking a little bulldog ass.

    That worked out well for the fat assholes from Wisconsin.

  18. Mr B says:

    Take Obama’s OFA and the agitation network, out of it; how much sooner would all of this have been resolved? Would you still have sleep deprived protesters, and those on hunger strikes, out of their minds from all the drumming, chanting, and H8? There is clearly a “society” in Madison that thinks much different than the average citizen. Did OFA and company just use and embolden them beyond how they might normally react? I’d like to know how many in that group, rushing Senator Grothman, are even from WI.

    I’m not awake yet, so maybe nothing I just said makes sense. I went to bed with contempt and it is still here waiting for me this morning.

    A big thanks to Rep Brett Hulsey for intervening. I’m clear headed on that.

  19. Squid says:

    Madison, especially the isthmus and the university campus, really is Berkeley on the Prairie. OFA certainly isn’t making things better, but we’re talking about a favored group of tax-eaters protesting in the middle of a small socialist republic. There was never any doubt that their tantrum would be nurtured.

    And I thank Heaven that there are no fat slobs in Georgia. That would be just awful.

  20. Mr B says:

    That’s a pretty ridiculous generalization there Donald.

    Plus, how does trash talk at a football game even compare to this? This isn’t a game. Or at least it shouldn’t be. However, your reaction does remind me of what I have been observing with politics and the public. Most have no idea what any of this is all about. They pick a side and root for their team. There is no consideration to the details. Opposition, chants, agitation. Go D go! D-fence! Go D Go! I have been able to break though that by discussing these issues openly; and providing the “why” that so many seem too lazy to investigate. There are a few that remain firmly fixed in their positions. Those are the ones that seem to associate an admission that they are wrong with being a “bad person” and thus cannot let that insecurity be activated. I don’t even try in those cases. It’s not worth the emotional repercussions.

    WI fans are passionate about their sports. For example, it’s the reason Pasaden, CA loves it when WI is in the Rose bowl. We come, have fun, and spend a lot of money on their economy. I’m not fat, but I can relate to the problem; having been to a game at Lambeau. The benches are for say 30, but only 25 WI fans can fit. The girl’s lap I sat on was really pretty. So, there’s that.

  21. geoffb says:

    In other news Atty. Gen. Eric Holder takes great offense at the insinuation that race palyed any part in the decision not to prosecute the “New Black Panthers” for voter intimidation.

    He also announced that, according to his personal constitutional interpretation, that from here on forward all police and prosecutors will concentrate their resources on mass murderers and serial killers as it is offensive and demeaning to hound those who only kill one or two people and make them out to be criminal also. There will now too be a minimum amount of $100,000 below which a criminal theft will not have taken place.

  22. Mr B says:

    People seemed to be upset over police and fire showing solidarity with the protesters. When I saw that, I thought different. I thought it was brilliant (if planned) to set the tone for what was to come. The mob seems to have respect for police and fire now. And that is important for maintaining, or reestablishing, peace.

  23. bh says:

    I’ve been called worse than fat, drunken asshole, Donald.

    But… you might want to consider replacing fat with stupid. It’s more widely applicable.

  24. Squid says:

    You give them too much credit, Mr. B. If there is any silver lining in the recent behavior of the police (especially their leadership), it is that the behavior has served as a wake-up call, to those with eyes to see: the men we hired to protect and to serve us are more interested in protecting and serving their own, and they have no compunctions about disobeying their lawful superiors when push comes to shove.

    Too many of these armed apes are delusional enough to believe that Madison really is Cairo, that Walker really is Mubarak, and that their refusal to do their duty puts them on the right side of history. To quote a former Senator and fictional Navy admiral: “This business will get out of control. It will get out of control and we’ll be lucky to live through it.”

  25. ProfShade says:

    Tape it all. Use it all. The best way to wake the sleeping is with compelling visuals of this insanity. The uninformed don’t stay awake long enough to listen to a rational argument. I just hope the Left’s Orwellian newspeak has not compeltely rewired the brains of too many Americans. Do these cretins really believe this nonsensical bullshit? Tape it all. Use it all. And if we lose it all, we have it on historical record how America was dismantled, one newspeak lie at a time.

  26. Slartibartfast says:

    They want their democracy back, at the price of everyone else’s.

    Isn’t that what it really boils down to? These thugs think that their rights are infringed if they don’t get their way, that they have some God-given right to collective bargaining, now that they’ve had it for a while (which seems rather reactionary, the way leftist use the word), and that their way is the right way even if the majority disagrees.

    But they know better.

    The thing I’m happiest about, at present, is that so far, I haven’t spotted my aunt and uncle in that mob. I’m almost afraid to call and ask.

  27. Shaitan says:

    Bullies in the schoolyard = bad. Bullies at the Capitol? Peachy!

  28. Squid says:

    Now I have a mental image of a couple dozen kids banging on drums and refusing to leave the Principal’s office until their demands for “Collective Bargaining for Homework Levels and Exam Materials” are met.

    “One-two-three-four! We’re not studying any more!”
    “Principal Skinner is a Nazi!”
    “Pop quizzes are unfair!”
    “Enjoy recess? Thank a student!”

  29. geoffb says:

    Democrats are all about the civility.

    Heard about on Rush today.

  30. Mr B says:


    I think my naivete to how some things are in Madison got the best of me. I read the post over at legal insurrection, dug a little, and listened to Vicki Mckenna a bit ago. She had Senator Vukmir on and they tore apart the police in Madison for their stance. She also had a retired cop on that read them the riot act too.

    I stand corrected.

  31. Mr B says:

    I’m a little pissy over the apparently false report that Cullen was back in Madison too. I noted it, but gave it more cred when Malkin tweeted it also.

    Here’s the McKenna page for anyone interested. The Vukmir link has the retired officer call on it too.

  32. rhomp2002 says:

    Thank God that Dem legislator had the balls to stand up for the Republican state senator. He is a real mensch even though I do not agree with his politics.

    What this says to me is that there is no way in Hell I would ever support these union creeps. They are a mob. Their actions would make me far more likely to vote against them even if I agreed with their point, something I am not even close to agreeing with. I wonder what affect this will have on the other states like Ohio which is another huge union state and which has had a pattern of union protests to the point of murder in the past. I am originally from Ohio and I just hope that Gov Kasich holds firm in what he has started and that Gov Walker does also. Maybe then we can get control of these state deficits and get rid of them.

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