We pretend we live in a free country. Increasingly, we don’t: the optics and propaganda, by way of a complicit media and a growing corporatism, is controlled by the left, with unelected bureaucracies writing policy, and politicized courts subverting the electoral will.
It is not “fringe” to say that we need to take our country back. And you aren’t a hick for saying so.
These are not Good Men. These are the enemies of freedom. And so, they are your enemies. QED.
This I’m not so sure about. The Air Force? This could be a legitimate psyops tool. If it’s for domestic propaganda, I can’t see why it would land in the Air Force…unless James Hansen is going to create a few thousand scientists to agree with him. Of course, in the hands of the left, they’d be looking for a way to get them voting rights.
Air Force? Huh?
Considering that HB Gary was found to be engaging in COINTELPRO-style operations against Wikileaks supporters and pro-union activists, I think this would be something you would support.
Hey, it’s AJB! Last time he was here, he was pushing the quickly discredited fraud that Scott Walker created a fictional budget shortfall!
I’m sure he’s honest this time though!
AJB saying something moronic. Imagine that?
WTF is an HB Gary and what does it have to do with the airforce?
Did I read the wrong article?
I guess it was too much to ask our resident troll to actually read the date on the contract offering…. mid-2010. BOOOSH!!!!!1111!!!1! Oh, wait…
Note the PDF linked in the linked post with the contract offer in question.
OK I read ABJ’s articles…
I don’t disagree with everything written there, I don’t see how half of it is suppose to ostensibly impugn ‘the right’ as opposed to the government in general, and I’m slightly amused by the moral outrage that seems to bleed through, that people are essentially fighting back.
They attacked us? That’s our shtick! We attack them! How dare they!
Wikileaks is going to expose the bank. So the bank plans to expose wikileaks. A bunch of hackers hacked into a computer and stole information relating to the fact that the bank is trying to expose wikileaks, and then…. exposed the bank’s nefarious, dangerous, potentially illegal, and fundementally immoral scheme to respond to tit with tat. Probably ‘uncivil’ tat, at that.
The Wikileaks thing? My position on that whole affair was that Assagne was and should be essentially immune from any legal action. BUT – They’re pissed off some company is trying to “expose wikileaks members”.
Live by the sword bitches.
It’s like a papparazzi getting all pissed off you took a picture of him at the supermarket buying a bulk case of Fleet enemas.
I’m gonna go round all the bars stabbing people in the ass with a plastic spork and laughing at them, and then get SHOCKED and OUTRAGED when someone punches me.
I noticed that ABJ is over at Slapblog infesting the comment section. That’s about all you need to know, innit?
Here’s the thing: I view anything the administration does with skepticism — and if it is supposed to potentially aid in fighting terrorism, I think back to how they went into the weeds over FISA and the NSA pulling data patterns out of the air in order to express OUTRAGE!
The idea that this isn’t already being used against us I view with much incredulity.
AJB has no life.
We joke about it but what are the odds that AJB is actually a paid Soros/OFA/random acronym propagandist?
I honestly think it’s possible. He puts up some lie or bit of misdirection and then seldom defends it. That makes it seem like he has no actual interest in any of this. He just links the day’s bullshit and moves on. Like some sort of unmotivated minimum wage drone.
I can see where this has CIA-intel utility overseas, and as such would not be averse to it’s development as a tool.
But as JeffG said, I’m very skeptical of this administration, and cynical of the progressives in general. Especially given that they almost always engage in projection onto others of the very activities and bad intent that they themselves traffic in.
So considering the manufactured outrage over NSA DATA MINING!11!1!, I woudn’t put it past them to be able to concoct a justification for using this domestically; you know, for the children…
Which would be very “1984”-ish indeed.
Of course, it’s just possible the he is the unmotivated minimum wage drone sort, and so is utilizing his full potential (such as it is).
good on ya, mate!
You’re probably right bh, but the reason he never returns is because they probably get paid by character copy-pastad per day.
There’s a lot of sites to visit, and memes to spread, and SOros bucks to collect, especially these days.
At Dan’s there’s been a rack of trollage over the WI matter, which he’s naturally on top of since he’s from there and his parents/brothers still live there. A high percentage of them keep trying to “sell” the economic policy institute (Soros funded with a general transnational socialist flavor) study that purports that WI teachers are compensated far less than their privaye sector counterparts.
I won’t fisk it again for the umpteenth time, but it’s part of the meme-du-jour it seems, and makes me wonder if they get paid by the citation!
OT: Just got this link in my email.
Don’t know that much about the issue but unless there’s something I’m not seeing here, this completely undercuts my support. (Not that it really matters anymore. But, still. If I’m gonna promote the good, I gotta recognize the bad. Maybe the really bad, in fact.)
So, the Obama Administration is going to sock-puppet America.
Good Lord.
Sorry about not coding the links. I’ve been manually tagging in Chrome and sometimes I don’t see the links in the preview box even when the syntax seems to be correct.
Okay, later folks. Email also brought new spreadsheets.
B-But…the spendings!
Heh, yeah, that’s great and all but I’m not going to work my ass off to keep Prosser on the Supreme Court here and then go support a guy who won’t be aggressive on judicial issues when he has the opportunity.
Okay, now I really gotta go.
Who needs bots when you’ve got drones? Of course they’re doing it. But AJB times fifty is still zero.
Perhaps, Pablo.
But you’ll forgive me. I’ve been watching Dollhouse on DVD just now. And I’m a little paranoid.
Like some sort of unmotivated minimum wage drone.
I’ve before remarked on the fact that a lot of the lefty trolls on rightwing blogs seem to have all initiative the of the dude who flips my fries. They hardly seem very passionate about it.
ABJ – I goldbrick and post shit while I’m at work all the time. I’m doing it right now. How do I get payed for this shit?
I’ll write whatever if you pay me – I’m an honest whore. Death to the burgeouisie, viva la proletariat revolucion, whatever dude. George Bush raped my sister. Mitch McConnel is gay. He fucked me in the ass and asked me not to tell anyone because he’s ashamed of himself. I had sexual relations with Nikki Haley and a donkey. Pay me, dammit.
Nah, you’re not paranoid. Things are getting awfully creepy, while somehow remaining comical.
This house of cards must fall, but they’re not going to just roll over and they fight dirty all the time. Soft civil war captures it nicely. It’s about damn time we had it out.
I am stuck in the mountains, but things could be worse. I have beer and scotch.
I’m getting the Gadsden flag tattooed on my arm.
Never heard of it, so I was forced to g00gle. Wish I hadn’t…Amy Winehouse, Jessica Alba, Halle Berry, all with photos that were completely ruined with huge watermarks.
I’ll never visit that sewerage site again.
do we have “manufactured dissent” too?
I flush wads of TP smeared with AJB.
I’ve been watching Dollhouse on DVD just now. And I’m a little paranoid.
So which one is Obama? Alpha? Is there an attic handy where we can put these people?
That was one odd show,and of course, the evil board members at Wolf Ram & Heart (Fox Entertainment) buried it so the truth could be found. Also doesn’t one of the characters look like Paul Ryan.
That needs to be printed and framed.
Oh, and if you get anything out of #26, let us know. When I retire from the Army next year, I’d like a little something to take up the slack.