Incidentally, I make something just like this — only instead of key lime juice, vanilla syrup, mixed frozen berries, and ice, I simply triple the rum and dress up like a dread pirate. Then I run crazily through the neighborhood disrupting pool parties with my vile language and what some of the neighbors have fashioned “your disgusting and gratuitous nudity.”
This blog is as good as a John Cheever story.
I am the blogging Burt Lancaster!
“I am the blogging Burt Lancaster!”
Definitely file that under “Things never said before.”
They have files for these things?
Of course, check Office Depot. They’ll get you squared away.
Yeah. Maybe something electronic, like one of them PTAs or suchlike.
How many times in life does one get an opportunity to use the phrase “I am the blogging Burt Lancaster!” and it actually NOT seem out of place?
Hair to Eternity.