Introducing Genghis Khan, eco-warrior!
(h/t Mark Steyn)
Introducing Genghis Khan, eco-warrior!
(h/t Mark Steyn)
Of course. Removing 40,000,000 parasites from Gaia’s bosom was a service ol’ Jenjiss provided.
Finally, we’ve found a potential means to praise Stalin and Mao for their slaughterings. Jolly well done ecothinkers!
In North America, we’re replanting forests AND increasing both our population and our standard of living. And yet, there is no praise from our Leftie friends. One might almost suspect that forests and environmental conditions aren’t their primary motivator…
I’ve been looking for a way to forgive Hitler in good conscience. And now I have one.
Thanks, Sierra Club!
So this is a site that tracks the “greenie” awards winners?
Once again, the Greenies demonstrate their self-loathing for their own species.
Humans have been part of Earth’s ecosystem for hundreds of thousands of years, but the Greenies, as always, view mankind as some sort of planetary infection, that needs to be “cured”.
Heh. I saw this the other day and thought along similar lines. Hitler/Mao/Stalin were all greenies. Who knew?
Well, Hitler was a vegetarian.
Hmm. So if it’s better for the Earth to kill large numbers of prople, and it’s good when people do it, wouldn’t it be even better when Mother Earth does it herself? I mean, self-defense and all that.
So the proper response to Katrina would have been to do nothing. Same with every other natural disaster. Diseases – including AIDS, cancer, all the way down to the seasonal flu? Just the Earth fighting her own human infection, so end the research and treatment subsidies. In fact, any plan to give health care to more people (*cough*) is environmentally unfriendly if it really does save lives. Which Obamacare won’t in the long run, but they keep saying it will and many believe it.
And guns? Very green.
OT: Live online feed of Egypt.
(It’s just after 9pm in Cairo.)
Oh, sorry. Link.
40 million? Seriously?
The Khmer Rouge did a good job too. Empty cities are green cities!
Politico-religiousity in all its glory takes to the streets (followed shortly by the Army) in Cairo along with the most inventive rumor-mill in the history of rumor mills accompanied by a silence of communication systems. It’s going to be a long siege of fidelly-fiddley-farumph-farumph on the cable shows looking for filler fodder. Faugh. And here? Only Chelsea Clinton knows.
Mordor Mubarakon.
If we are going to unlease murderous mongol hords to save Mother Gaia, can they start at our elite universities?
Oil: Nymex up over 4%, Brent up over 2%.
Can we say that their officially off the deep end yet? Or has that ship already sailed?
Me, I harbor a secret hope that Iranians wanting better for themselves are watching and thinking something along the lines of: “Hey, you know, maybe we kinda started this ball rolling last year. It’s about time we got back to what we’ve been put off of and fix these mutherfucker mullahs once for all.”
They might have already circumnavigated by now, cranky.
So, build a pyramid of human skulls and get labeled “green” eh? I guess if Al Qaida nuke Manhattan, we should applaud the newly lowered carbon footprint of NYC?
That definitely seems within the realm of possibility, sdferr.
Well, as long as they do their part and don’t breed, they can be as green as they want to be.
In fact, if they really feel people don’t belong here on earth, they should do us all a favor and take themselves out.
I assume, based on this, that Pongratz’s asian porn collection is enormous.
But the word is, he released a lot of greenhouse gases.
Sd? Unfortunately I believe this one is going in an Islamist direction. I’ve been lnown to be wrong though ( repeatedly ) so this time is one of the few I’m going to say YAY ED!!! You’re wrong!!!
LTC John,
The response from the Malthusian misanthropic watermelons would be near-orgasmic.
Hmmmm….so after this, we on the right can say YAY Hitler and YAY Mao and YAY Pol Pot ?
Ummmm…….let me rethink that,kk?
With a poker face I meant…
Some fame seeking, meat wagon buzzard attorney will publicly make this horseshit pablum a criminal defense strategy for serial killers in 3…2…1…
Not so! Führer flatulence is good for the environment! Just ask Dr. Goebbels!
[…] Sometimes man-made climate change is a GOOD thing for the earth […]
The old ‘Pyramid of Skulls’. Not only the result of defying a Mongol warlord, but a means of appeasing The Earth Goddess.
That’s a twofer!
Very carefully do these environmental charmers release their misanthropic views for all to see. Just read down in the comments here to see that the consensus is that we are all evil, just because we are alive. Worse if you are a non-scientific ‘American’…
I like this motto. I will use it when threatening the writer of the comment with my fancy new internet gun for proposing things like compulsory sterilization.
The Sun will eventually destroy the Earth. Why fight it.
Compulsory sterilization of all Greens? I can get behind that program.
Or going all ‘Mongol Horde’ on them.
I’m not picky.
Presidents Day – 3rd Mon in Feb
Mongol Invasion – 2nd Mon in Mar
Mothers Day – 2nd Sun in May
Memorial Day – Last Mon in May
It’s got a good beat and you can dance to it, I give it a 96.
? and the futurehistorians
Evidence that “Bigfoot” exists.