Me: “You know what today is?”
Deadbeat neighbor: “Sunday.”
Me: “Yes, but do you know what today is the anniversary of…?”
Deadbeat neighbor: “…I dunno, last Sunday, maybe?”
Me: “Here. Take my newspaper. And put on a shirt, wouldya? Your nipples look like a coupla bearded Raisinettes. It’s creepy.”
I’ve always been suspicious of bearded raisinettes
So, is your neighbor, like, related at all to the Granby Bulldozer/tank guy?
Cause like, he sounds like a doofus. Like, ya know?
/apocalyptically bad grammar….
Are you completely sure you don’t live in Canada?
Dude. My shirt goes on if yours never comes off, Tubby.
Oh, and Dude. Please, please find your pants. What’s it been—like a week?
I mean, talk about your bearded desiccated fruits.