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November 2024


in which protein wisdom offers a quick bit of trivia to get out in front of the news cycle, knowing full well where the mainstream media and many Democrats will soon be taking us

As a rough estimate, about 51,999,999 households, responsible for the legal care of 259,999,999 guns, did not shoot up a political meetup at a Safeway this weekend — despite the climate of overheated political rhetoric and conservative-bred HATE that practically compels them to do so.

You’re welcome.

21 Replies to “in which protein wisdom offers a quick bit of trivia to get out in front of the news cycle, knowing full well where the mainstream media and many Democrats will soon be taking us”

  1. McGehee says:

    So… what’s your point?

    /theftist media

  2. cranky-d says:

    Why do these people need more than one gun? Are they stockpiling an arsenal?

    /theftist media

  3. bh says:

    You misspelled both “extremists” and “assault rifles”.

    /theftist media

  4. Ernst Schreiber says:

    This is why we need universal gun registration. All those time bombs just waiting to explode!

    /theleftist media

  5. sdferr says:

    Don’t you see how scary you are? We mean, you’re accurately thinking our thoughts before we can even have them.

    /theftist media

  6. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by joanofargghh, proteinwisdom. proteinwisdom said: in which protein wisdom offers a quick bit of trivia to get out in front of the news cycle,… […]

  7. Alec Leamas says:

    They’re wondering why an adult who was not convicted of crimes (placed in diversionary programs) or adjudicated a lunatic could ‘just walk in a gun store’ and buy a ‘Glock,’ which in the liberals’ mind is some sort of super-gun, probably because rappers like to rhyme the word ‘Glock’ with other things.

  8. ProfShade says:

    Alec: clever marketing angle. Gun manufacturers should name their new products based on ‘gangsta rhyme-ability’

    .45 Mole?
    .357 Itch?

    VOILA…free advertising.

  9. Jake says:

    Um, not to nitpick, but don’t you mean 51,999,999 (51 million, not 51 million million)?

    Your point still holds, though – and the MSM will continue to ignore it, as always.

  10. Silver Whistle says:

    I think it’s closer to eleventy million, Jake.

  11. Squid says:

    I just automatically correct it, to the point where I don’t even see it. Kinda like when people write about something costing $5 dollars.

  12. newrouter says:

    nutjob #1

    Clyburn says there may be a “direct link” between Sharron Angle’s “Second Amendment remedies” comment and the reading of the Constitution with the attempted murder of Congresswoman Gabby Giffords over the weekend.

    nutjob #2

    Tomorrow they were going to vote to repeal this health care bill — and it’s not going to go anywhere in the Senate — it’s one of the reasons that this guy was angry and pretty obvious that he is, at least from me, where I sit that he’s mentally ill and deeply troubled. I wouldn’t make too much of whatever his political views are.


  13. cranky-d says:

    There’s more of a direct link between what the next-door cat told this guy to do than anything Sharron Angle said.

  14. Jeff G. says:

    Um, not to nitpick, but don’t you mean 51,999,999 (51 million, not 51 million million)?

    Yes. I’d originally written 52 million, then went a different way with the post and forgot to take out the “million”.

    Corrected now.

  15. cranky-d says:

    Now I get the point of the number you chose. I’m denser than neutronium.

  16. mojo says:

    “C’mon, people – you’re not trying!”
    — George Carlin

  17. DirtCrashr says:

    And why would a left-wing circuits-crossed mental-case dude ever listen to Sharon Angle or especially the Hated Sarah Palin-bot, when the Daily Kos is right there in the fever-swamp saying to him in a voice of a talking mushroom that he recognizes, “My congressWOMAN voted against Nancy Pelosi! And is now DEAD to me!” DEAD DEAD – said repeatedly among the chattering comments and two-minute hate. Only 48-hours before the incident. And now scrubbed from the Kos site, flushed down the memory-hole

  18. geoffb says:

    The WashPo found the one.

  19. or as Treacher would put it “Not all gun owners shoot representatives.”

  20. Mueller says:

    Whoa! That’s a shitload of shootin irons.

  21. Joe says:

    “The power of Christ The Right Wing compels you!”

    Don’t be shooting off your mouth! Someone might consider it a death threat.

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