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January 2025


Fightin’ words to the cineaste

Overrated: Antonioni’s Blowup (1966). Underrated: Shelton’s Tin Cup (1996).


25 Replies to “Fightin’ words to the cineaste”

  1. Paul says:

    I’ll accept that Blowup is overrated; but Tin Cup underrated???  Look, simple rule, if a movie about a sport makes basic mistakes about the sport – said movie blows.  If it also stars Kevin Costner, it both sucks and blows.

  2. jeremy says:

    ….unless it also makes my beloved Tigers look like a bunch of saps.  Then it not only sucks and blows, it becomes cause for censorship.

    On the other hand, I thought Tin Cup was good in that sort of Dave Barry “look at that wacky guy!  Ha! Ha!  What a character!  I can’t wait to see what HE does next!” kind of way.  It was fun.  Blowup made me glad I didn’t pay to see it.

    I’ll throw out my own (and then duck):

    Overrated: LOTR: The Return of the King

    Underrated: Remake of The Thomas Crown Affair

  3. Jeff G says:

    I reject wholesale dismissals of Costner.  He’s been too good in too many films. 

    Jeremy:  Haven’t seen LOTR: ROTK yet (my wife has and liked it, but I wasn’t so crazy about the first one, so I’ve put off seeing it); absolutely agree with you on the remake of The Thomas Crown Affair.  It is far better than the original—tough for me to say, being such a huge fan of late 60s-70s flicks.

  4. Tin Cup would have been even better if that chick had shown more skin, and the whole love affair hadn’t been so moony.  He was a West Texas alky-stiff, trailer-living driving range pro, for God’s sake…so much delicate tenderness rang somewhat false.

  5. David Crawford says:

    Overrated:  Bend It Like Beckham.  Subject matter and presentation on a level with a 1970’s ABC After School Special.

    Unerrated:  Reign Of Fire.  Great special effects plus the concept of, if things suck, get off of your dead-ass and do something about.

  6. jeremy says:

    Jeff – gotta agree with you on Costner – The Untouchables has always been one of my favorites (Costner!  Connery with an “Irish” accent!  De Niro in a fat suit!  Garcia when he could pick scripts!) I would say Costner’s strength is understated roles, except I loved him in Silverado, so I’m just confused.  My sole thought on leaving LOTR: ROTK was “my butt hurts.”

    David – seen neither, so I can’t comment, but my wife called Reign “a lot more fun than expected.”

  7. Tman says:

    Reign of fire overrated?

    A five story dragon that has basically caused armageddon by annihilating most of the human race taken down by an arrow with a little c-4 on the tip?

    That could have been the single most anticlimatic cinematic movie in history.

    Dragon at The end: “Rowr! Damn. Out of Fire.”

    British dude: (shoots arrow at head of dragon) “Uh, got ‘em!”

  8. Stephen M says:

    Costner was superb in ‘Silverado’ Then his performances took on a stick-up-the-butt quality. In ‘No Way Out’ this worked for him. Thereafter almost wholly against him. Underrated – “The Stuntman”

  9. Kathy says:

    As far as Kevin Costner/Ron Shelton movies are concerned, I much prefer “Bull Durham” than “Tin Cup.” It’s really not a hard choice for me: I loathe golf.  Besides, a young Costner is a goood Costner. “No Way Out” is also very nice as well for the young Costner effect.

    I totally agree with David about “Reign of Fire.” There are some serious holes in the plot, but it’s so much fun to watch that you forget all about it. And, McConaughey is always great when he plays a nutjob.

  10. To be fair, if you’re gonna mention Costner, you have to give him mad props for his role in The Big Chill.  He also deserves some credit for Dances With Wolves even if he’s a little too taken with Rousseau’s noble savage.  Then again, there’s always The Postman, Waterworld, JFK, and Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves.

    I’ve never seen Tin Cup—swore off golf movies after Caddyshack 2.

  11. jeremy says:

    And even more then again, there’s 3000 Miles to Graceland and The Bodyguard.  I will never need Syrup of Ipecac.

  12. Beck says:

    Best costtner movie: Fandango.  Open Range was quite good too, but the ending needed some editing.  Robin Hood was fun, even if the lack of accent was strange.

    Wyatt Earp, however…

    Most Overrated Movie in History: Titanic

    Most Underrated of Movies That Were In Theaters at the Same Time as Titanic: Amistad

  13. Jeff G says:

    Agreed on Titanic, Sir Beck. Wasn’t a huge fan of Amistad, though.

    I loved Costner’s Wyatt Earp.  Also Perfect World hasn’t been mentioned.  Very good performance. 

    Charles—JFK is one of the best American movies ever, whether or not you agree with Stone’s politics (which, let’s face it, who really does?  Similar to Robert Altman, who has 3-4 movies in my top 50).

    Stuntman — great flick.  Fell asleep the first time I tried watching it, but loved it the second.

    And Scott—it was all about his roguish charm and his potential.  Never underestimate the draw of the handsome reclamation project. I’ve made my bones on that bit…

  14. Ever?

    I’m able to separate the artist from his work, whether it be Altman, Stone, Penn, Sarandon, Beatty, etc.  Did I mention previously that I proposed to my wife after we saw Conan the Barbarian, the screenplay of which was, of course, written by Oliver Stone.

  15. jeremy says:

    You are all missing his triumphant performance as Frat Boy #1 in Night Shift……I thought he stole, just stole that movie from the Fonz.

  16. El Jefe says:

    Underrated: The Day of the Jackal.  Followed FF’s book as closely as you could in 2 hours.

  17. El Jefe says:

    The only redeeming quality of Tin Cup was Cheech Marin.  Costner and Johnson just flat-out can’t play golf. 

    OK, I give.  Bonus points for Rene Russo.

  18. Jeff G says:

    Day of the Jackal—one of my favorite movies.

  19. lumpy says:

    i wish someone would just finally call out de palma for being the no talent hack that he is, and kevin costner needs to be punched in the face.

    most overrated movie of all time: citizen kane

    most underrated: toxic avenger

  20. Paul says:


    Admittedly I was a bit hasty maligning Costner; but please give me a good performance he’s done this decade.  Anything?  Tin Cup was lousy.

    Underrated: Galaxy Quest.  Not a great movie; but a superior piece of craft.  Not one unnecessary moment in the film.

  21. Paul says:

    By the way, I agree with you about “Perfect World”.  Now that’s an underrated film.

  22. Jeff G says:

    I thought his performance in Open Range was absolutely pitch perfect.  He was the perfect complement to Duvall.  In fact, I don’t think the movie would have been half as good had he overplayed that role.

  23. jcr says:

    So, you guys think that the remake of the Thomas Crown Affair was better, eh? Not sure I agree. How about Oceans Eleven. Which is better, orig. or remake?

  24. Jeff G says:

    Didn’t like the remake. Except for Eliot Gould.  Wife did, though.

  25. jeremy says:

    Couldn’t get past Cheadle’s horrible cockney accent.

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