
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

November 2024



My son has a wrestling meet today at a gym over 90 miles from the homestead. So I’ll be on the road for quite awhile and elbow deep in breakfast burritos.

In the interim, I’m leaving the keys to the place with the dolphin in the pea coat, who returned last week from parts unknown with a spanking new four inch scar on his cheek and a sudden and visceral dislike for all things Armenian.

So leave my Drakkar alone. Or else risk having your bleached skull turn up as a Ghapama bowl in Nagorno-Karabakh.

It’s happened before, you know.

9 Replies to “trek”

  1. McGehee says:

    I’m a little uncomfortable that ol’ Flipper met me at the door holding a tutu.

    I asked him about the armadillo but he didn’t say anything helpful. Just a lot of clicks and whistles. Which, since he was watching me put the tutu on at the time was most unsettling.

  2. Darleen says:

    returned last week from parts unknown with a spanking new four inch scar on his cheek and a sudden and visceral dislike for all things Armenian.

    Tell him, next time, that while Glendale, CA, may appear to be a quiet town, nestled at the foothills, reeking of 1950’s architecture and sock-hop hospitality …

  3. sdferr says:

    As it happens, I once met an Armenian fella who traded in Ambergris for some portion of his living, along with all manner of other oddities. As long as he could be assured of a decent margin he loved buying and selling. It’s a tough neighborhood, the Armenians have got there: they’re kinda akin to the Israelis that way. So outside having to live in proximity to the Iranians with little choice in the matter, it’s hard to imagine there’s all that much love going on in this sale here. More likely, I’d guess, it’s just a case of some not very forward thinking dudes out to make a buck and hang the consequences. Still, I don’t mind Mr Schiff expressing his indignity at the deal.

  4. TaiChiWawa says:

    The scuttlebutt going around is the scar is actually the result of a DADT dispute he got into with a school of sharks he had joined.

  5. fine by me… I’ll be living at the Patty Granville the rest of the day then driving to OKC to attend stupid deployment “workshops”. RTO says I have to.

  6. cranky-d says:

    Just because I’m really nosy, maggie, what is a deployment workshop for? I’m guess it’s something for the families of deployed service men and women, but I don’t know for sure.

  7. BJTex says:

    The scuttlebutt going around is the scar is actually the result of a DADT dispute he got into with a school of sharks he had joined.

    Sigh Nope. He visited me and tried to offer to remove the staples from my head, which I found so ridiculous and outrageous that I, well, nailed him with a master birdy editor … twice.


  8. Yes, something like that cranky.

    By the by if anyone near garland would like to see man of la mancha. I’ve been told I can get a couple extra comps for tonight’s final show. Just email me or leave a comment by five.

  9. Swen says:

    Meh. Yeah, okay, whatever. BTW, have you ever tried grilled dolphin?

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