
Jeff's Wish List

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November 2024


Robert Anton Wisdom

Q: How many Schroedinger’s cats does it take to change a lightbulb?

A: Are we looking at the same lightbulb? Because this one’s working just fine…
Alternate world answer: You’re right, I guess we should replace that, shouldn’t we.

for John Beck, who may or may not like quantum physics.

8 Replies to “Robert Anton Wisdom”

  1. willow says:

    Bwaaahhaaahaaa…*ka-THUMP!!!* [falls off chair]

  2. Tim Worstall says:

    Ummm. How many times do we flip the switch to see if the light bulb is dead ? Or the cat ? Or Carla Faye ?

    Apparently, the answer to the first and second is unknown. The third isn’t.


    Or did she get injected ?

  3. dorkafork says:

    Q: What did Schroedinger’s wife say to her husband?

    A: Honey, what did you do to the cat?  He looks half dead.

  4. Jeff G says:

    Dorkafork:  That’s hysterical / not funny at all.

    See what I did there?

  5. jeremy says:

    Heh.  I went out looking for other Schroedinger jokes, and this one just rocks:

    Q: What is Schroedinger’s parakeet called?

    A: Ein Teilchensittich.

    Ha ha!  Those Germans!

    (There actually is an explanation here, but I’m not saying I recommend it a any funnier).

  6. Beck says:

    Happy coincidence–I first picked up RAW’s Schroedinger’s Cat Trilogy after the title caught my eye just because I’m something of a physics buff.  The rest is just sum-over-histories, as a man says.

  7. triticale says:

    So Heisenberg gets pulled over. The officer asks him “Do you know how fast you were going?”

    “No, but I know where I am.”

  8. Robin Roberts says:

    Is this a good place to explain Roberts’ Lightbulb Completeness Theorem?  You see, its my contention that all the knowledge in the Universe can be contained in a sufficiently large set of Lightbulb jokes….

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