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October 2024


Uh, I’m a bit shy, but…

Lots of potatoes,that's how.

Some Jews you do need to fear.

16 Replies to “Uh, I’m a bit shy, but…”

  1. Joe Geoghegan says:

    I thought that was going to be a link to GOOOOOOOOOLDBEEEERRRRRRG!

    That’s a Jew you need to fear!

  2. Courtney says:

    Hmm.  I thought Jewish guys were supposed to be…Well, you know what I mean, right?

  3. Mike says:

    How is your use of one of the soldiers from the torture pictures any less disrespectful than Ted Rall’s Tillman cartoon?  I mean, what’s funny torture?  Maybe we need to re-visit that little h-word we talked about before…

  4. Jeff G says:

    Erm, because I’m criticizing the idiocy of that soldier. Whereas Rall questioned the intelligence, motives, etc., of a guy who … oh, never mind. 

    Those orange things?  Those are links. They provide context.  Like “Photoshop the creepy American prison guard.”


  5. Linda says:

    I like yours, Jeff.  But I LOVE dorkaforks!

  6. jaed says:

    Are you suggesting, Mike, that the… persons… in question deserve respect? That the [deleted because I can’t think of invective bad enough] who committed these crimes are the moral equivalent of Pat Tillman? Soldiers deserve respect for their service, but these [again I feel I must censor] have forfeited it. Thoroughly.

  7. Mike says:


    No, I was saying that the Iraqis who were tortured by the useless fucking redneck dickhead bastards deserve respect.  I thought it seemed disrespectful to make fun of that situation, or at least that anyone who criticizes Rall so forcefully (and cleverly, of course) should consider how his own words come out, to paraphrase certain a former white house spokesman.  Maybe I’m right, maybe I’m wrong, but I just thought I’d point it out.


    Doesn’t matter who you were picking on, it just seemed not quite right.  As much as you can sympathize with Tillman’s family, why can’t you sympathize equally with the families of the Iraqi victims of liberation?

  8. Jeff G says:

    Oh Christ Michael, please do shut up.  Or better, take your sanctimony elsewhere.

  9. Tongue Boy says:

    No, I was saying that the Iraqis who were tortured by the useless fucking redneck dickhead bastards deserve respect.

    How do you know they are rednecks? Don’t you think the implication of redneckness is insulting to….rednecks? Like me?

    Sigh…but of course they are rednecks. Who else would commit such a heinous crime? Those sister-lovin’, nigger-beatin’, firehose-wielding rednecks are the source of all eeeevvviiilll in the great swamp of commercialistic excess we call Amerikkka.

    Boring and predictable.

  10. I’m having a hard time seeing how Jeff’s disrespecting the prisoners, given that they don’t make an appearance here.  Any ideas?

  11. tee bee says:

    slart, you just don’t get it.

    neither do I, but I am pretty sure that is what Mike’s response will be.

    hey, I heard there were chicks involved (can’t bring myself to rubberneck the photos beyond initial perusal, so I hadn’t seen this one). ‘be all you can be’ has new meaning for women everywhere. rethinking that military career…

  12. Dom says:

    Definitely nothing wrong with taking the piss out of these Abu Ghraib soldiers.  Those who claim it endorses their actions are idiots with no sense of humour, it specifically shows up those guys as fools.

  13. Mike says:

    Whoa… So exactly what am I allowed to say here other than obsequious, self-deprecating praise for all things Jeff?  And “sanctimony”?  Come on, what would you call all the crocodile tears for Tillman’s family over the Rall cartoon?  Seriously dude, take a look in the mirror every once in a while.  Still, I can see where I’m not welcome, so please do enjoy living in your isolated little world of sycophants and “right-thinking” people.  I will now officially take my leave.

  14. Jeff G says:

    Okay.  I’ve banned you from posting.  Now you’re “officially” taking your leave.

    And I’ve held off on saying this until now (I like to polite and all—and you’ve posted upwards of 10 or more times on my dime), but you are really not anywhere near as intelligent or glib as you seem to think you are.  Sorry, but that’s a fact.  Which is why I hardly bothered with you.

    Bye now.

  15. Jeff G says:

    [deleted original comment]

    Just email me if you have anything you’d like to say to me personally, Mike.  No need to keep finding new IP addresses.  But if you want a larger audience, go earn it.  I’m done pimpin’ for you.

  16. Whoa… So exactly what am I allowed to say here other than obsequious, self-deprecating praise for all things Jeff?

    Something intelligent, maybe even insightful, would be a good start.  Not that I’ve had much earth-shattering to say, but the flipside of that is that I haven’t been prancing around flaunting how much of a victim I am, either.  So at least I’ve got my dignity.

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