
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

January 2025


Words that just sound funny, #177: “gypsum”

eg. “Is that your gypsum?” “Yes, that gypsum* belongs to me.”

*Hydrated Calcium Sulfate

12 Replies to “Words that just sound funny, #177: “gypsum””

  1. Tim Worstall says:

    AKA plaster in plasterboard. I think.

  2. Joe Geoghegan says:

    If you’re going to select from the magical mineral kingdom, nothing beats feldspar.

    Feldspar!  Sounds like a wizard in a hack fantasy novel.  Like “Forgotten Realms #34,962: Thy Dungeon-Man, or, The Hainted Keep of Feldspar.”

  3. Jeff G says:

    “gypsum” is #177.  If I told you where feldspar was on the list—or even if it made the list—I’d destroy the anticipation.

    I can’t bring myself to rob you of that.

  4. Joe Geoghegan says:

    I can’t tell if you’re really being gneiss, or if you’re just full of schist.

  5. Walter says:

    Gypsum is where you stay if you don’t want to pay the price of a hotel room in Vail.

  6. Is there ever a need for a plural?  Gypsi??

  7. CGHill says:

    “The way this business operates,” said the sales manager, his ivory-colored trousers visibly wrinkling in the heat, “is this: We gypsum of the customers and screw the rest.”

    Two of the candidates got up and walked out, but the rest of us leaned in to hear the next pearl of wisdom from this rough-hewn mentor of ours.

  8. Yea, well check out gneiss: a foliated metamorphic rock corresponding in composition to a feldspathic plutonic rock.

    Suck on that for a while.

  9. Paul Zrimsek says:

    Walk like an Egypsum. Or if you prefer, like one of those ultramafic Italians.

  10. Beck says:

    Don’t be an arsole.  To which I add, fucitol.

  11. The Sanity Inspector says:

    A funny word post underneath a fuzzy afro post.  Seems like the word “rebarbative” might come into play somehow…

  12. RonB says:

    How about “phosphogypsum”?  Oooooh!

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