From the cutting room floor, ABC News, continued:
20/20’s Barbara Walters: “Teresa. While giving an interview to Telemundo recently — and we should point out to our viewers that Telemundo is NBC‘s Spanish-language network — you called Vice President Dick Cheney ‘unpatriotic’…”
Teresa Heinz Kerry: “I did indeed, Barbara.”
Barbara Walters: “That is quite a serious charge to level at a sitting Vice President, wouldn’t you agree? Especially during a time of war…?”
Teresa Heinz Kerry: “I can assure you that I take matters of patriotism very seriously, Barbara.”
Barbara Walters: “Good. But now that a few days have passed, and you’ve had time to reconsider those remarks — made on an NBC Spanish-language affiliate, not here on ABC — do you stand by your choice of the word ‘unpatriotic’? Or do you perhaps wish you’d chosen a different word, given the controversy your statement has generated…?”
Teresa Heinz Kerry: “I absolutely stand by what I said, Barbara. To have a person like Mr. Dick who escaped four, five, six times and deferred and deferred and deferred his own military service questioning my husband on anything regarding his military record — or his post-service career, or his subsequent voting record concerning military matters, be they spending matters, or procedural matters, or matters of military strategy — is in and of itself unpatriotic. Unpatriotic.”
Barbara Walters: “Fine. But applying that same kind of logic, isn’t it fair for your critics, then, to point out that, having lived lives of extraordinary wealth and privilege, neither you nor your husband has any business presuming to speak on behalf of middle-class Americans — that having inherited your wealth, your economic experience is limited simply to spending, and so you lack credibility when it comes to prescribing an economic plan for the rest of the country…?”
Teresa Heinz Kerry:
Barbara Walters: “…Teresa…?”
Teresa Heinz Kerry: “How dare you question our patriotism, Barbara…”
More, with thanks to RR. Oh, and Wizbang!
update: Jane Galt points fingers.
Making fun of John Kerry and Teresa (that’s Te-RAY-sa) Heinz Kerry. That’s McCarthyism!!! At this rate, soon you will be telling us that Alger Hiss was guilty, you crypto-fascist.
I am not a communist, but I am an anti-anti-communist,
You must check out The Man Without Qualities take on dear Theresa.
Sweet. Days of trying to decipher trout-fishing stories and wildly veering pop-culture references, and then a gem like this. I feel better now.
I like to think of myself as “versatile.” And stallion-like.