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January 2025


How the West was Lost

From Bloomberg News:

U.K. Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon said there are signs that photographs the Daily Mirror published purporting to show British soldiers abusing Iraqi prisoners may be fake.

“There are strong indications that the vehicle in which the photographs were taken was not in Iraq during the relevant period,” Hoon told members of Parliament in London. The photos showed troops urinating on an Iraqi in the back of a truck.

The comment casts doubt on accusations that British troops tortured Iraqis. Polls show those charges have hurt the approval rating of Prime Minister Tony Blair, who said accusations of abuse by U.K. troops are still being investigated.

I have nothing much to say about this except to register my utter contempt for those westerners so wracked with self loathing that they’re agitating for the collapse of modernity by any and all means.

Is that overstating things? I dunno. Sure feels right.

6 Replies to “How the West was Lost”

  1. Dawn W says:

    “There are strong indications that the vehicle in which the photographs were taken was not in Iraq during the relevant period,’’

    But rather in the Kennedy compound?

  2. I don’t want to get off on a rant here, but this, “charges have hurt the approval rating of Prime Minister Tony Blair”, is what it’s all about.  What I still don’t understand about the proponents of moral and cultual relativism is their inability to retain even a marginal ability to remain internally consistent.  Either all cultural and moral systems are subjective and immune to criticism or none are. 

    Facts, reason, logic, ethics, consistency, fairness, objectivity and goodwill are all sacrificed on the Machiavellian altar of ends justifying the means.  Strike that.  I don’t think they have any ends in sight any longer.  These days it’s just mean-spirited means.  Today’s protestors are fighting against “The Man” just to be able to say “I’m fighting against ‘The Man’” or should I say “the globalized, racist, homophobic, corporate interests raping the planet and killing us all to satisfy their greed and lust for dominance of the oppressed”?

    Sometimes I wonder how they are going to like the jungle they end up with after they have succeeded in bringing civilization to its knees.  Puppets and rhyming cadences shouted in unison won’t be nearly as effective when the thin blue line disappears.  Won’t they be surprised to face opponents who suddenly fight back aggresively and without fear or remorse once the rest of us start keeping score and counting coup—if, of course, they get what they want.  Until then, we’ll continue to roll our eyes, shower, shave, do our jobs, raise our kids, cut our grass, pay our taxes, attend PTA meetings, and wonder what’s gonna happen if we fail and they succeed.

  3. Jeff G says:

    That’s another way of putting it, sure.

  4. The Sanity Inspector says:

    Well, good for the British if their pictures are fake.  Ours are not, and…[*shudder*]

  5. Fido says:

    Oh no!  There are a few bad soldiers!  ABORT!  ABORT!!!

  6. rtfm says:

    “Sure feels right.”

    That it does…disgustingly so.


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