
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

March 2025


"The China Problem"

“Are U.S. taxpayers helping China to modernize its armed forces via interest payments owed on the national debt?”

Or is this just fearmongering bullshit, and besides, Christine O’Donnell wants to be bedded down by the Beast…?

0 Replies to “"The China Problem"”

  1. happyfeet says:

    that’s one way to put it.

    “Passing the torch” might be another.

  2. JHo says:

    Ah, bad green note money.

    But that’s just looney. GOLDBUG!

  3. newrouter says:

    mr.g gordon liddy uses tweezers now to hold the little dollar bill

  4. alppuccino says:

    They had better beef up their military, because when they send the Repo Man to repossess a whole country, the pillow case full of unopened Mt. Dew cans won’t do the job.

  5. Spiny Norman says:

    Either by direct technology transfers, or indirectly through treasury bond interest payments, we’ve been doing it for at least 15 years.

  6. Spiny Norman says:

    …and besides, Christine O’Donnell wants to be bedded down by the Beast…?

    Can’t we leave Bill Clinton out of this?


  7. sdferr says:

    Wouldn’t there be plenty of good reasons, that is, more fundamental reasons — even more prudential reasons — to keep US debt at far lower levels than stunning heights to which they’ve currently risen? These would seem to be so quite apart from any ancillary help debt payments to China might make.

    Moreover, if nations generate wealth through trade, then any trade conducted with China (or any other competitor nations) would tend to generate wealth for China or other competitors, as well as simultaneously generating wealth for the US or whatever trading partner the Chinese or others may have; therefore would contribute both to China’s needs and abilities to grow its military capabilities, as it would for our own.

  8. JHo says:

    Wouldn’t there be plenty of good reasons, that is, more fundamental reasons — even more prudential reasons — to keep US debt at far lower levels than stunning heights to which they’ve currently risen?

    Can’t. The nature of the beast is that the only way to keep ‘er going is to inflate and race up the debt faster than the underlying cancer. It’s in the basic numbers.

  9. sdferr says:

    So you’re saying the StimpyStim was necessary JHo? I doubt that’s what you mean, so I’m confused.

  10. JHo says:

    So you’re saying the StimpyStim was necessary JHo? I doubt that’s what you mean, so I’m confused.

    We should see so-called Keynesian spending on top of unstable monies in a closed system where one party is rigging the notes to stay employed and hoard while the other is desperately inflating so as to leverage the status quo out over thin air for as long as they can. It’s a last hurrah.

    DC is all about taking what you can when you can. There is no tomorrow. The ChiComs suffer no such diversions.

    Franklin was prescient. We caved. We didn’t have what it took.

  11. sdferr says:

    From the sounds of the story you tell it isn’t just a last hurrah but practically a deterministic matter from over a couple centuries ago. Ain’t buying.

  12. JHo says:

    Of course it was, sdferr. How many such systems have failed so far?

    All of them.

  13. sdferr says:

    You’re a nutter.

  14. JHo says:

    Well of course. Good proof, too. Kudos.

  15. happyfeet says:

    I learned how to make whipped cream so when it all collapses I’m gonna invent cool whip and be fucking rich

  16. newrouter says:

    the huckabumble bees buzzing:

    What was truly shocking, however, was to discover that some employee of the Miller campaign apparently thought it was a clever political strategy to leak this private communication to a liberal Democrat like Devon. Even if a Miller campaign staffer wished to embarrass Todd and Sarah Palin, why give an exclusive like this to a blogger who has made her career attacking Republicans?

    But Miller’s staff has been “f–ing up everything” in recent weeks, said my source, pointing to a number of tactical and strategic blunders by the Republican campaign for which the Huckabee-connected staffers are believed to be responsible.


  17. bh says:

    Money is fungible and all but the Chinese like to spend most their money by pumping it into real estate and construction. Exciting!

    On the plus side, when it does go pop, we’ll all be glad that they kept the yuan low and discouraged imports.

  18. happyfeet says:

    so Todd Palin is a petty little man what is not particularly concerned with the spendings as opposed to putting his hoochie wife in the white house?

    I am disappointed to learn of this.

  19. newrouter says:

    I am disappointed to learn of this.

    i thought the huckabumble bee angle was funny

  20. happyfeet says:

    all roads lead back to Fox News anymore how creepy is that

  21. pdbuttons says:

    i like to throw my chinky change after a conveniece store visit
    on the ground/except for the quarters…on the ground-cuz they give u ur change with ur purchase and reciept and ur all “hand challenged” and u have ur keys of car inna pocket/ so u -{i} throw them change in the wind-cuz ur looking for ur keys and u think..
    wouldn’t be a sunny day if u were ten years old and u found a dime in some parking lot-in this depressing world?..
    and as an added bonus/when u throw/lose/them change and ur with someone and the hear the echos of the metal to the ground and they stop/ and say- “did u just throw money away?”
    i just laugh and laugh

  22. newrouter says:


    There are a couple of stories behind this story, and my sources (I have more than one) are telling me to cool my jets until this unfortunate situation can be officially clarified. But the problem of divided loyalties within the Miller campaign staff — that some Huckabee supporters are “f–ing everything up” — is dead-on accurate. For several months, I’ve been concerned that the mid-term campaign might suffer because some Republicans are looking ahead to 2012.

    Miller’s supporters in Alaska are learning the hard way why I say you can’t spell Huckabee without an “F.”


  23. Stephanie says:

    So Todd Palin zealously defends his wife and HF gets all atwitter over his chivalry. Nice.

  24. Ric Locke says:

    Stephanie, happyfeet can be and often is amusing and intelligent, but like Andrew Sullivan the very thought or image of S– P– sends him off the rails. Pity. It spoils many otherwise interesting threads.


  25. winston smith says:

    Seeing as she brought Miller to the national attention, and Huck just glommed along like lazy Razorback

  26. bh says:

    It’s sorta funny because Huckabee almost does this to me and he’s implied to be the dark matter of the story. It’s like perfect bait. I assume Allah is all over this.

  27. Bob Reed says:

    Not only is it the interest payments onthe debt China holds, but the trade defecit with them as well. You see, China get’s the lion’s share of the monies coming into thier economy. And although, as JHo noted correctly, a lot of Chinese effort is going into “churning” construction and manufacturing markets, in order to keep people employed and all the plates spinning-so to speak, they are spending a dramatic amount of that money developing and purchasing a blue-water Navy; at the same time we are making conscious decisions to dramatically pull back from our one-time intended 600 ship blue-water force.

    And perhaps more disturbing is the Chinese foray into missile technology and space travel/exploration. I don’t think I need to remind anyone of the quantum technological levels increase the US military, and indeed consumer, realized from just the spin-offs of these types of national efforts. Chances are you’re using some of it right now to visit this forum…

    And I will take a decidedly non-partisan approach to assigning blame here. Thanks Billy Jeff, for OKaying the transfer of missile control and guidance technology to the Chi-coms in the 90’s; effin’ loser…

    Oh, and thanks Mr. Bush, for allowing IBM to sell thier personal computer division to the Chi-coms in the mid-2000’s; nice call, podnuh…

    I remain convinced that if we had to build factories overseas to escape union extortion and excessive taxation, we should have been doing so in South America; a move that may also have positively impacted the illegal immigration problem we face today.

  28. Bob Reed says:

    How did Palin and Huck-a-fool come into a foreign policy and economics discussion!?!?!

  29. bh says:

    Newrouter’s link at #16, Bob.

  30. Bob Reed says:

    And happy,
    Are you winding up for a “FUX NEWZ” bender too? First Palin, then Christie (on another thread), and now FOX.

    Please provide us all with a map, because this minefield is getting difficult to negotiate, bro…

  31. Stephanie says:

    Ric, I know but it is funny-strange that HF defends the staunchiness and then when Todd gets all staunchy in defending his wife, HF prefers a wimp.

    Which does HF prefer – staunchy in your face politics or the usual wimp out? Seems he’s angling for the wimpiness in this case…

    Todd was saying – she’s worked her ass off for Miller and Miller’s best response wasn’t “Sarah Palin is not the narrative invented by the MSM” but acquiescenced to the “ohh she’s not fit” narrative… he blinked plain and simple.

  32. bh says:

    Chris Christie was helping campaign for a hardcore fiscal conservative for governor today in Wisconsin. He’s popular enough here that they promoted a picture with him as the prize for making the most phone calls from the local offices.

    Also did some great radio interviews in the right markets and pitched our guy as on the same page with it came to cutting spending. Very useful trip. We’re indebted.

  33. Bob Reed says:

    I see, said the blind man.

    Seems like baiting a bit to me.

  34. happyfeet says:

    throwing bottles in the ice
    like a blizzard

  35. bh says:

    the same page when it came

  36. Bob Reed says:

    Some folks find Christie too combative; I’m not one of them. I like him a lot. I think he’s a good, unapologetic, spokeman for fiscal austerity and limited government.

    Even if he did endorse Castle.

  37. Bob Reed says:

    throwing bottles in the ice
    like a blizzard

    Is that a line from a rap tune?

  38. bh says:

    Here you go, Bob.

  39. happyfeet says:

    yes except for I think it’s posed to be popping bottles in the ice

  40. newrouter says:

    How did Palin and Huck-a-fool come into a foreign policy and economics discussion!?!?!

    lisa thecowski is russia or putin

  41. happyfeet says:

    here’s where they pulled the sample from she has


  42. newrouter says:

    lisa has a house too!

  43. happyfeet says:

    lisa murkowski is NOT a big fat slurpy treat

    I tire of her

    things also of which I tire are include living in a society where the discourse is driven by cable news personalities

    also that stupid Chuck show why the fuck is that not canceled

  44. mcgruder says:

    Nonsense. It’s the other way around.

    They’ve been propping up our well-intentioned foolishness in Iraq, or the very necessary but so far not-really-working-out-fight in Afghanistan, or the mistake-in-altogether-poor-taste that is our budget.

    So thank a Bank of China official next time you see one. They help us forstall the difficult, grown up decisions that the GOP is supposed to make and the Dems view as evil incarnate.

    Oh, and if anyone cares, at least $100-billion of that figure is held in CDOs and various second-lien and other land-of-dreams mortgage type bonds.
    If they ever mark that to market–and they dont (at all)–the Chinese are FUBAR.

  45. newrouter says:

    jesus and huckabumblebee luvs lisa thecowski. say it ain’t so joey m.

  46. Bob Reed says:

    Far east movement looks pretty cool; and easy on the eyes too! I’ll have to listen later as my wife and MIL may not be down wif it.

  47. Chinese household with low return on savings and expensive imports says:

    So thank a Bank of China official next time you see one.

    Actually, thank me. Assholes. I don’t even eat meat everyday.

  48. Bob Reed says:

    Everyone who buys our treasuries is enabling those things mcgruder, not just the Chinese.

    And you’re right about the CDO funny-money losses waiting to happen. FWIW, they’ve lost about 100 billion over the last few months just because of the losses in dollar value:

  49. winston smith says:

    I don’t buy anything third hand from “Mudflats”,feature=player_embedded

  50. newrouter says:

    They’ve been propping up our well-intentioned foolishness

    with barneys fwank, chris dodd, andrew the cuomo, cra, fannie, freddie and housing in general

  51. Stephanie says:

    Winston.. Miller’s Huckabee camp confirmed the email exchange. And in the process outed themselves as the leakers. Aimed at Sarah and probably took down the candidate they were supposed to assist. Sounds so McCainish, don’t it?

  52. newrouter says:

    my prob with karl the rover on hannity tonight: he ain’t no patton in this war.

  53. pdbuttons says:

    i like to take my prize pig on a glop
    but she insists on wearing her ring..
    dang me/dang me-they’re gonna put a rope up and hang me

  54. happyfeet says:

    the man was just being honest – how can he honestly tell Alaskan peoples that their quitty governor what bailed on them is qualified to be president?

    He can’t honestly say that cause it would be a lie before God and country.

  55. Bob Reed says:

    Not necessarily a lie, just his opinion. Perspective bro…

  56. pdbuttons says:

    ’tis not ur tiny feet–or ur charm
    or ur large head-oink-oink-
    let’s meet at the halfway cafe?.

  57. pdbuttons says:

    i’d wear a blanket for pig justicer

  58. happyfeet says:

    But Todd is asking him to say something that isn’t his opinion so Todd is asking him to lie. To just look out at those innocent wide-eyed Alaskan peoples and lie simple as that.

    Todd Palin is a very manipulative person.

  59. newrouter says:

    tell Alaskan peoples that their quitty governor what bailed on them is qualified to be president?

    yes don’t bail on noes illinois senate job. the baracky he be quittin’ any blowjob anytime. ax acorn.

  60. pdbuttons says:

    hug a ned

  61. newrouter says:

    Todd Palin is a very manipulative person.

    mrs. chitown thug has nice arms

  62. newrouter says:

    frank luttz suxs hannity’s big toe. dick morris like that too

  63. pdbuttons says:


  64. winston smith says:

    Actually he’s quite direct, and if he knew where you lived, he’d punch your lights out for the lies you’ve spread about his wife, you passive aggressive jackass

  65. Bob Reed says:

    I’m not going to get into a Palin discussion with you tonight happyfeet. We have different opinions, that’s all.

    And whether she’s running or not hasn’t definitively been established. It’s easy to see why even if she weren’t that Todd would take exception to Miller’s reluctance to commit to a position on her fitness to be President. There’s nothing unusual on him playing a central role, behind the scenes, in his wife’s political apparatus.

    And there’s nothing wrong with good ol’ political hardball, IMHO.

    But, YMMV.

  66. pdbuttons says:

    my zippers are all metally .chetoos.come on..
    come o/ let me show u where its at/ the name of the place is “i like it like that”

  67. happyfeet says:

    I’m just very concerned cause if Sarah Palin is the nominee then the very disheartened groundhog comes out of his hole and says goddamn four more years of socialism I didn’t sign up for this shit.

  68. LBascom says:

    Interesting that happyfeet can call an election two years out, but not the candidates one year out. hummm…

  69. bh says:

    Jeff’s said he’s not happy about about all these threads turning towards Palin. Seems like we ought to respect that. I’d add a YMMV but there’s only one host here. So let’s be cool like the Fonz.

  70. pdbuttons says:

    it’s not ur cheeks/ or your squeeks
    or ur dieing/ and i do mean dieing on the trough…
    as you and i wave a bye/ it’s your tasty bacon that i’m thinking of

  71. Bob Reed says:

    Well, it sounds like you need to tell Mitch Daniels to get on the stick then! See if JD has any entrees to the governor.

  72. Bob Reed says:

    So let’s be cool like the Fonz.


  73. winston smith says:

    Well getting back on topic, the PLA clique that runs China, is wonderfully opaque, it makes AIG and Enron seem like a model of transparency, when the party stops, it’s going to be a hard crash, all around the world

  74. happyfeet says:

    Fox News says Daniels needn’t bother.

  75. LBascom says:

    I worry every time a Chinese container ship docks in LA.

    “Cuz of there might be Chinese soldiers inside.

  76. pdbuttons says:

    dig my pig/ he’s big- no prig..
    gives to certain charities/ample..
    forgets ur digs about his character/ is nice/..if u cut my friendly pet u could prob eat for weeks/ but u don’t hate round pink people/do u?/ pigist!

  77. Bob Reed says:

    Now happyfeet,

    That’s one guy’s opinion, and not “the official FUX NEWZ narrative”. And even if it were, I reject the notion that an appreciable percentage of right leaning voters merely memorize and repeat the positions of Fox news personalities…

    They aren’t kingmakers, and Murdoch and Ailes aren’t “Citizen Kane”…

    C’mon man, climb back in off that ledge. I thought I was the only person among the PW commentariat that was a part-time tinfoil hatter…

  78. bh says:

    I’m now not a fan of this Shane Vander Hart person. Hmmm, it even sorta sounds like a fake name. I bet it’s Huckabee.

    Don’t mind his advocacy of social conservatism. I do mind his implication that it’s a zero sum game within the coalition.

  79. pdbuttons says:

    miss piggy was a puppet..
    things up an ass make certain jury’s flakeand- to make a stand/ the holy ghost never had an enema..
    yup/ i said it!

  80. Bob Reed says:

    I concur bh.

  81. happyfeet says:

    I’m depressed it’s very depressing and it looks for all the world like there’s a trainwreck a coming and I’m like hey everybody look at that train gosh it sure is going sorta fast maybe it should slow down and everyone’s all like shut you face you stupid happyfeet you’re a silly monkey

  82. LBascom says:

    I liked that Shane fellows article. The John Adams quote was neato.

  83. bh says:

    Shut your face, you stupid happyfeet, you’re a silly monkey.

    It’s more like this: if there was a mysterious guy who randomly jumped up out of nowhere and stabbed me in the face every single day? I probably still wouldn’t talk about him this much.

  84. LBascom says:

    Dick Morris has climbed on Mr W’s 100 seat change in congress prediction. Looks like a socialist train wreck to me…

  85. pdbuttons says:

    heres my joke/ jesus mary/ ever get laid?
    2/ jeepers creeper jesus dude/ stop staring at me in the mens room- cuzz i will beat u- with extreme pudjuice..
    what does one holey ghost say to another?…

  86. bh says:

    Heh, I’ve noticed that, Lee.

    Here’s hoping. [lifts glass vaguely to the west]

  87. Bob Reed says:

    C’mon happyfeet, snap out of it mange!
    I’m not tellin’ you to shut up, just get a grip on yourself. The election of 2012 is, well, two years away. Let’s concentrate on getting there first.

    Remember, Ronnie Reagan was able to merge the compatible elements of social conservatism, fiscal conservatism, smaller government, and strong national defense; without succumbing to any one group’s demands.

    As bh noted, it’s not a zero-sum game as that Shane fellow alludes to. Just as you don’t like DeMint, there are some that don’t like Daniels.

    We don’t even know who’s runnin’ bro. Don’t get depressed, keep an open mind, judge people on their actions, ideas, and words.

    And chase that AllahPundit, Eeyore feelin’ away. Get back your swagger!

  88. happyfeet says:

    oh great now I’m a silly monkey wif mange

    better. and. better.

  89. happyfeet says:

    you know what the cheeringest thing is?

  90. happyfeet says:

    I will tell you.

  91. Bob Reed says:

    No man, mange is supposed to phonetocally invoke a cool blues singer sayin’, “man”. It’s supposed to emulate the nasal sound.

    Haven’t you ever heard Muddy Waters?

  92. Bob Reed says:

    Summer lemonade cupcakes?

  93. Bob Reed says:

    Red velvet cupcakes, with whipped cream icing?

  94. happyfeet says:

    The cheeringest thing is that we know that bumblefuck is going to pivot right after the election to talking about the deficit.

    With a Team R majority in the house even if it’s led by a contingent of Boehnerpussies we will very quickly know some things we simply don’t know right now.

  95. happyfeet says:

    For example, we will be able to gauge Team R’s level of concern with respect to the spendings.

  96. Bob Reed says:

    A “hard” pivot, to be sure. Right after his defecit commission tells him he has! to raise taxes; and ask M’chelle of he can cut some of the spending…

  97. pdbuttons says:

    sure/call them pigs/
    i prefer to call them “mobile tasty units”
    don’t even gets me dander up abouts them chickens..
    call me coklenenel all u want..
    just don’t call me late for dinner

  98. winston smith says:

    The new class, including Col. West is just going to have the kick the old Guard into shape, kind of like fiscal bootcamp

  99. bh says:

    The cheeringest thing is that we know that bumblefuck is going to pivot right after the election to talking about the deficit.

    Just tonight I’ve sent in a post about this. My eyes are on the ball… with a laser like focus.

    I credit my staunch inattention to the daily Palin news.

  100. happyfeet says:

    I am glad to have been of service.

  101. pdbuttons says:

    i mean/ kernel cuntuky fried..i just wanna save medium sized babies..
    is that a crime?

  102. Bob Reed says:

    Amen winston.

    Colonel West is the man!

  103. pdbuttons says:

    somebot put a greassy bucket on my head;;
    danger will robinson

  104. cynn says:

    Mcgruder: you can be assured they will sooner than later have to come clean because their fraudulent loans and foreclosures will emerge. What a bloodbath. And no thanks to Obama and his uberadministration for any push on this.

  105. bh says:

    He’s great and there will be a very large group of new congressmen next year.

    I’d really like for us to exert as much effort pressuring them to commit to our agenda as the progressives will waste pushing the Conyer’s type bullshit that Jeff mentioned earlier today. If that results in Col. West beating up a few people in the cloakroom, I’m fine with that.

  106. cynn says:

    What exactly is your agenda? I assume you have the Queen’s voice.

  107. bh says:

    Not just her voice. Many matching dresses and hats.

  108. pdbuttons says:

    ‘lil’ bo peep/ said to certain sheep
    runaway- ur free! run!..
    and shirley/sureley ‘dem sheepies said
    i like the protien wisdom grass/ goo goo ga joo

  109. bh says:

    Can’t really do the Queen wave though. It’s surprisingly subtle.

  110. Bob Reed says:

    I’m on board with that bh.

    I mean, holding thier feet to the fire; not the Queen’s voice, dresses, and hats…

    It’s something I’ve done for many years anyway. I complain whether they’re R’s or not…

    I wrote many a letter to Boooooooooooosh! about not following through on social security reform and pushing amnesty. And Billy Jeff before him; as well as different Congressmen and Senators.

    I just had to be careful with my tone when I was still active duty; especially when criticizing the C-in-C.

  111. cynn says:

    … So do you care that we are subsidizing China’s ascendance. Apparently not. We are fucked.

  112. winston smith says:

    Now just goes to show you how the fix is in, the VFW endorsed Klein over West

  113. cynn says:

    That is not Obamas fault, btw.

  114. happyfeet says:

    the C in C is a jackass can I get an amen

  115. happyfeet says:

    ok I mostly stole that from Mr. drudge

  116. LBascom says:

    “So do you care that we are subsidizing China’s ascendance. Apparently not”

    Yeah, ‘cuz we hardly ever mention the deficit and how politicians are spending our grandkids money.

  117. winston smith says:

    You may partially wrong about the Chuck thing, btw;

  118. bh says:

    So do you care that we are subsidizing China’s ascendance.

    Doesn’t matter what I think on that because we’re not. No, they invested in our profligacy and are rather predictably misallocating the returns.

    On the often conflated separate issue, their “ascendancy” through “unfair” trade is only based on the fact that their citizens pay for more expensive imports so that we can pay less. If that’s a problem, I wish we had many, many more of them.

  119. cynn says:

    LBascomb: So what the hell are you doing about it? Besides voting Repug.

  120. Bob Reed says:

    Are you addressing me cynn? I think I made my feelings clear in my comment at #27.

  121. Bob Reed says:

    I’m surprised at you; calling the C-in-C a jackass…

    That’s an insult to jackasses everywhere! :)

  122. LBascom says:

    “So what the hell are you doing about it? ”

    Eating Thia, I refuse to patronize them commie Chinese restaurants.


  123. Bob Reed says:

    The VFW backs Klein over West-the Veteran?!?

    Another letter to write…

  124. pdbuttons says:

    chuck berry diddled a song…

  125. cynn says:

    BH: They may be required to pay more, so they pay collectively less, because they don’t buy as much; makes no sense. Do you have even a remote source for that bullshit?
    Can you internalize the Walmart business model? Oh, my Jah.

  126. pdbuttons says:

    stop! in the name of love


  127. J."Trashman" Peden says:

    Hell, cynn voted in the Commie what sold China even more interest bearing notes. She called it something like “riding the juggernaut,” snif now turned all Fudgesicle.

  128. bh says:

    Yes, cynn, I have a cite. It was called International Trade, Currency and Current Accounts: All about Butter. Or something like that.

    The simplest way I can think to explain it is to think of currency manipulation as a mirror. What they do, the opposite happens back at them. If they make their exports cheaper for others, they make imports more expensive internally. This isn’t something they can cheat. No one gets to cheat.’

    China isn’t cheating. There is no free Kung Pao chicken for them either.

  129. cynn says:

    But they’re not importing.

  130. bh says:

    Go to a coastal city in China and you’ll find how wrong that is. But, imagine if what you just said was true. Do you think that would be the best deal for the Chinese consumer? Of course not.

    People don’t trade because they lose. They trade because they win. It is the sole motivation for trade.

  131. cynn says:

    Your’re full of bull. It’s incredible; you guys are desperate. China owns us.

  132. cynn says:

    …And I meant America isn’t exporting. What a joke.

  133. Bob Reed says:

    Like many things in this life cynn, every sword cuts both ways. The Chinese need us as well, to help maintain the tenuous increase on the standard of living their people are just beginning to enjoy.

    Why do you think they had to inject a stimulus equivalent to 25% of their GDP ito their economy last year?

    There’s a lot of hinky economic stuff going on in China that many folks don’t realize.

  134. happyfeet says:

    we used to export lightbulbs then president bumblefuck and his socialists sent those jobs to… china

  135. Stephanie says:

    Baseball cards. Nothing has value until it does. Then everybody trades from there. Simple really.

  136. bh says:

    Even in terms of that very simple paradigm in your head, cynn… still not true.

  137. Bob Reed says:

    Last year GM sold more cars overseas than they did in the US…

    No BS

  138. bh says:

    There’s a lot of hinky economic stuff going on in China that many folks don’t realize.

    Yeah, it’s a big topic of conservation in some circles. I still remember reading an E&Y white paper back in the ’90s talking about energy consumption versus their official figures. I’ve remained jaded.

  139. LBascom says:

    Are you guys saying there is no problem with China holding so much of our debt?

    I mean, we aren’t talking pocket change owed to a Canadian here.

  140. cynn says:

    All I know is I see a lot of bitching and moaning from our free traitors. Eat the losses. Suffer bringing jobs and the accompaning benefits like customer service home.

  141. bh says:

    Lee, the problem with China holding so much of our debt is only that we have so much debt. Anyone who gives you money wants it back with interest.

  142. Andrew the Noisy says:

    Every now and again, we have to invent an Asian bogey who’s going to eat our lunch money or something. When I was a yute it was the Dai Nipponese, now its the Middle Kingdom. I suppose in 20 years it will be those fearsome Indians.

    The wide Pacific keeps us from seeing the problems these places have until its obvious. Japan, Inc. was unstoppable until it suddenly stopped. China may be recovering a good deal of political/military status, even Great Power Status. It’s also in Late Stage Growth Obesity. It’s Starbucks in 2005, when even unfunny bastards like Lewis Black had a Starbucks-across-the-street-from-a-Starbucks bit to stay topical.

    If we weren’t all convinced that Asians had magic, inscrutable powers, we’d see our rivals’ weaknesses. If some of us weren’t enamoured of the notion that economics was the playground of the crusading state, we’d let things take their course. They will anyway.

  143. LBascom says:

    Well, it’s just I don’t trust the Chinese. Because of the communism…

  144. bh says:

    Listen to Andrew. He’s as wise as he is inscrutable.

  145. bh says:

    The nice thing about being lent money is that you don’t have to trust them, Lee. They fulfilled their end of the contract right off the bat.

    Now, I can imagine why they wouldn’t trust us with our rather shocking new approach to budgeting…

  146. Watching Frank Luntz’s focus group of California voters on Hannity. What the hell is in the water out there?

  147. By the way, over at Stacy McCain’s blog, commenter Thomas D left this bit of advice for Dave Weigel that certain Pain-hating beta males would do well to take note of:

    Here’s a newsflash for Davy Wiggle.

    Part of being a husband is to defend your wife. It is no crime to more than ‘zealous’ and there is no need for anyone to be ‘nice’ about describing it.

    Maybe one day when your own pair descends you’ll understand. Not coincidentally this may be the day that actual females, of the feminine persuasion, begin giving you the time of day.


  148. LBascom says:

    Speaking of bats, I wouldn’t borrow money from swarthy guys wearing pinky rings. It’s different than borrowing from the parents…

  149. sdferr says:

    Boudreaux cribbing Caplan on comparative advantage. Get some.

  150. bh says:

    Yes, sdferr. Exactly.

  151. JHo says:

    bh, Bob, and Andrew are right, cynn. It’s a complex dance. At it’s center are the artificial relationships between monies and markets, between powers and peoples, and between importer and exporter nations. The whole damn thing is a construct — being built on currency manipulation and funny money.

    Our problem is the end game. This thing, being so artificial, is socializing us faster and harder than our politics. Power funnels to the top and money follows it.

    The ostensible conservative’s greatest failing is his lack of a grasp on or a concern for this phenomenon. We’ve been warned time and again and yep we insist on thinking this system of ours is simply unfettered wholesome capitalism in action. It is not. It is a pending failure and right now every bit of the circumstantial evidence related to money and markets points to that failure.

  152. JHo says:

    China Has Lost Over $100 Billion In Dollar-Adjusted Terms On Its UST Holdings In A Few Short Months

  153. Slartibartfast says:

    China owns us.

    No, they don’t. China has invested in our treasury bonds the same as Social Security has. Would you say that “Social Security owns us”?