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November 2024


Who is Christine O'Donnell?

Via Geoff: “The NYT is surprisingly fair, while the AP is likely on the new Journolist and working it hard.”

My take: having a Congressperson who is suspicious of China and its economic and social policies sure beats having a Congressperson who — if he is to believed as a self-described Bearded Marxist (whether you believe the description tongue in cheek or not) — more than likely finds something “transformative” and noble and sexy in Mao’s take on Marxist-Leninism.

0 Replies to “Who is Christine O'Donnell?”

  1. But, the witchcraft! My xtianity is confused!


  2. Carin says:

    o/t (sorry) – Obama to appear on MTV, BET and CMT in a simulcast caucus with young folks. American Thinker link.

  3. Squid says:

    At lunch the other day, my cow-orkers were going on at length about O’Donnell and her “weirdness” and temperament and qualifications and whatnot. When they’d gotten it all out of their system, I calmly asked, “What does it say that even if all that were true, she’s still the better candidate?”

    That shut ’em up for a while.

  4. Ernst Schreiber says:

    If you ever figure out how to shut ’em permanently, be sure to share.

  5. Log Cabin says:

    She turned me into a newt!

    (Sorry, couldn’t resist.)

  6. happyfeet says:

    who is Christine O’Donnell?

    Christine O’Donnell is a woman of many facets, but to me Christine O’Donnell will always be the hoochie John Cornhole’s NRSC fucked over the night she won a meaningful primary victory against Chris Christie-fave establishment Team R whore Mike Castle.

  7. Mikey NTH says:

    She is opposed to Thomas Friedman’s position so she is a-okay in my book. Seriously – being suspicious of the actions and motivations of a great power that is challenging US interests in the far east is something other than sensible?

  8. LBascom says:

    “being suspicious of the actions and motivations of a great power that is challenging US interests in the far east is something other than sensible?”

    Silly boy.

    Obviously the sensible thing is for our leader to apologize to their leader(for something)with a deep bow(and no eye contact).

    It’s the only way to achieve peace…

  9. Mikey NTH says:

    It’s the only way to achieve peace…

    I guess that’s peace of a sorts, if you are into peace and all that. I’m not so sure I am, though.
    You got anything a little peppier in there?

  10. Bob Reed says:

    I would prefer that all the members of congress be more skeptical and less embracing of the Chinese communists.

    I for one am tired of financing their military expansion; and will always regret American businesses decisions to hel build up China’s industrial infrastructure.

    Sometimes it’s better to take a financial loss so your nation can retain it’s strategic advantage.

    Besides, imaging how little a problem illegal immigration would be today if they’d relocated to South America instead.

  11. sdferr says:

    It isn’t clear to me that Obama was ever interested in maintaining a military strategic advantage, whether doing so would result in loss or gain on a financial front Bob. Indeed, it is hard to say with certainty what sort of thoughts Obama has regarding strategies of hard power, outside an unusual (for Presidents anyhow) willingness to see them melt away.

  12. Mikey NTH says:

    Besides, imaging how little a problem illegal immigration would be today if they’d relocated to South America instead.

    It’s a heck of a lot closer if the 82d airborne has to go all United Fruit Company on somebody.

  13. Bob Reed says:

    He isn’t sdferr,
    I could name a dozen examples off the top of my head; but it would merely be preaching to the choir. What’s astonishing is that he would not even try to at least keep up a pretense of retaining the initiative-so to speak. I don’t think it enters into any of his calculus.

    And, at the risk of sounding tin-foil-hat-crazy, my instinct tells me he deliberately wants to weaken our global strategic position; it’s part of his cloward-piven, break the bank, approach. After all, that’s what our enemies have always required, especially the communists. And under the phony peacenik banner, that’s what the left has striven to give them since the 1960’s. They came pretty close under Carter, but even he wouldn’t have done some of the things Obama’s has.

    Frank Marshall Davis, Billy Ayers, and all Obama’s “hate America” fellow travelers have done thier jobs well.

  14. Bob Reed says:

    A little 82nd airborne goes a loooooong way…

  15. Mikey NTH says:

    It certainly does, Bob.

  16. sdferr says:

    Obama at least didn’t send the 82nd to prop up Honduras’s erstwhile dictator, Zelaya. It looked to be a touch and go question there for a bit.

  17. Bob Reed says:

    Good point sdferr,
    Thier obsession with that situation while thousands were getting killed in Iran seemed almost criminal to me. For a time, supporting thwarting the will of the people in both places…

    A sad day for US foreign policy…

  18. Akatsukami says:

    To paraphrase the late Moshe Dayan: “It helps if you can arrange to run against Democrats.”