
Jeff's Wish List

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March 2025


Objective journalism

Not that it’s at all unusual, but I really did enjoy the brazenness of the lede in this particular Reuters piece, “Boehner Calls for 2-Year Freeze on All Tax Rates”:

U.S. House of Representatives Republican leader John Boehner called Wednesday for a two-year freeze on all current U.S. tax rates, including Bush-era tax cuts for the rich set to expire at the end of this year.

Here’s the thing, Reuters: if you want the freedom to determine at what level of income disparate entities, from large families to small business owners, are “rich,” then you could at least have the courtesy to start referring to the 50% or so of people in this country too “poor” to pay taxes as, say, “lazy, greedy, ungrateful freeloaders.”

For, like, balance and such.

As for Boehner, meh. More is needed than a two year freeze, and baby steps aren’t really what red meat eaters like me are itching to hear about these days.

This is no time for Band-Aids. We need fucking surgery.

0 Replies to “Objective journalism”

  1. alppuccino says:

    I, like George Hamilton, am a Boehner fan. And the two year thing works, because it would have an immediate effect on the market, it would weaken Obama’s position, and then it would be a issue right when FROTUS will be talking about whether he’s running for a second term or if he just wants to be remembered as the greatest one term president who socked away 10 billion of the tax payers money by using the ole’ okey doke with the stimulus debits and the credits.

  2. Big Bang Hunter says:

    – They have to keep beating that class warfare horse, its all Bumbblefuck has left.

  3. Spiny Norman says:

    When the “Bush tax cuts for the rich™” expire, my federal income tax rate will go from 10% to 15%. Who knew a net taxable income of $30,000 equaled “rich”?

  4. happyfeet says:

    Reuters does what they’re told and they were told that bumblefuck’s speech later that day was going to hit hard at “tax cuts for the rich”

  5. happyfeet says:

    Boehner needs to not be leader anymore he’s tepid and useless and he does absolutely nothing good for the Team R brand

  6. Spiny Norman says:

    As for Boehner, meh. More is needed than a two year freeze, and baby steps aren’t really what red meat eaters like me are itching to hear about these days.

    This is no time for Band-Aids. We need fucking surgery.

    Yeah, putting off “tax judgment day” for two whole years doesn’t do much for business “uncertainty”… call me cynical, but it looks more like a political ploy to create a GOP campaign issue for 2012.

  7. alppuccino says:

    Could not disagree more happy. Obama mentioned him 8 times in his speech. He’s making that Barry guy look like a fool. Let it ride!

  8. alppuccino says:

    ……making him look like more of a fool, I mean

  9. Carin says:

    Daily Jolt has an interesting take on Boehner:

    “‘The fact that President Obama and the White House are so focused on what John Boehner is saying shows just how out-of-touch they really are,’ says Boehner spokesman Kevin Smith. ‘Americans are concerned about jobs, spending, and health care, yet this White House is flailing because it has no answers.'”

    You know why conservative bloggers can’t figure out why Obama is suddenly paying enormous attention to John Boehner? Because conservative bloggers don’t pay enormous attention to John Boehner. In fact, the last people to pay enormous attention to John Boehner were probably his family. This is not to knock him, but to illustrate the inanity of the Obama camp’s last-minute demonization effort. It’s tough to gin up a good Two Minutes Hate after the Two Minute Warning. The economy’s a shambles, and Obama wants Americans to focus their ire on . . . that guy? Him? The orange fella who looks like a hardware-store owner who’s managing a House caucus small enough to meet in a phone booth? If he reaches any further, Obama’s next scapegoat will be an actual goat.

    Perhaps someone clued Obama and friends in on the fact that running against Bush wasn’t going to be a winning strategy this time.

  10. sdferr says:

    Still, as Kristol pointed out yesterday, Paul Ryan sitting as chairman of the House Budget Committee for at least the next two years is a prospect with somewhat more than a Majority Leader Boehner portends.

  11. Carin says:

    Html fail. Last sentence was all me.

  12. Carin says:

    When the “Bush tax cuts for the rich™” expire, my federal income tax rate will go from 10% to 15%. Who knew a net taxable income of $30,000 equaled “rich”?

    Well, at least your healthcare costs have gone down you have you health.

  13. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Punching Down! The new Chicago way!

  14. Spiny Norman says:

    Boehner may be “tepid”, but he sure has gotten under Team Won’s collective skin.

    So how many prominent conservatives have these Alinskyites tried to Rule 13, and failed?

  15. Big Bang Hunter says:

    – None of the Dem talking heads think it will work either, but the Tea party scare tactics, Class warfare, and chasing Boehner is all they’ve got.

    – What’s a good Socialist to do when the front of the party canoe is under the waterfall?

  16. happyfeet says:

    He’s one of those ones where his politics are fine but he’s not the future. I think we have to hope he’s not. He’s not the sort of person what can explain to Americans just how ass-raped they are and here’s what can be done about it. He’s all too much a part of a status quo what has done a tremendous job of fail I think.

  17. Old Texas Turkey says:

    Punching Down squarely onto one’s own nuts! The new Chicago way!

  18. Old Texas Turkey says:

    Anyone want to handicap the odds that Barry resigns before his first term is up?

    In addition to my guns and religion, this is the other staff that I bitterly cling to.

  19. Ernst Schreiber says:

    I think it would take veto-proof majorities in both houses to get him to resign. As much as I’d love to see it happen, I don’t think it’s going to.

  20. B Moe says:

    Talking of Obama resigning makes me picture Biden bouncing off the walls of the Oval Office in full wack Ed Grimley mode.

    I just can’t imagine it in reality.

  21. Mikey NTH says:

    Boehner’s proposal definitely gave them a little fit of the vapors, though. So much for the Republicans not proposing any solutions or merely being the party of no.

  22. JD says:

    Objective JournoListism?

  23. How long before Conor Friedersdorf deems objectivity a sign of epistemic closure?

  24. Big Bang Hunter says:

    Even if Bumbblefuck gets down to exiting the WH by the rear door under armed guard at the end of his term, there’s no way in hell he’ll resign, or even be allowed to resign.

    – There’s just too many special interests that could not afford to have the first Black president resign in a way that would be impossible to gloss over and use revisionist history to put a happy face on it.

    – He’ll finish his term as a lame duck under worse circumstances than even Carter faced. But that’s as far as it will go.

  25. JD says:

    Conor FreiderDork and Dave Weigel pop each others zits.

  26. geoffb says:

    Paul Ryan sitting as chairman of the House Budget Committee

    My first term Democrat Congressman that JohnAnnArbor posted about at the Pub has decide he is running against Paul Ryan at least for the time being. This is his third try at getting traction with an issue in a month.

  27. JD says:

    I feel bad for you, geoffb. That guy sounds like a true nozzle of douche.

  28. geoffb says:

    He has a lot of weasel in the mix.

  29. ak4mc says:

    He’s one of those ones where his politics are fine but he’s not the future.

    Great thing about the future is, it doesn’t have to happen Right Now.

  30. Sarah Palin has just endorsed Christine O’Donnell. Griefer meltdown in 5…4…3…2…

  31. JD says:

    geoffb – For your sake, I hope he has some lemming in him too, as he appears to have followed SanFranNan right up to the cliff.

  32. happyfeet says:

    that’s a lot of cupcakes

  33. Silver Whistle says:

    A sizable demographic that I’m sure includes most, if not all, in this forum.

    Not even if you are talking Argentinian pesos. Get real.

  34. ak4mc says:

    Tyrol sure wasted no time demanding the ‘Hammer.

  35. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    LOL…How wrong you are Tyrol. I’ll never see that much money. Why? For one, I’m just not that ambitious. Two, the same reason as one. A great deal of life involves trade offs. I don’t begrudge, or judge, anyone that trades something for the other. It’s their life. Good on them. Most people, and yes most is operative here, people that make that kind of coin worked their asses off and sacrificed something or the other. As long as they aren’t bitching about it, then good for them and more important more power to them.

  36. Spiny Norman says:

    New sockpuppet?

  37. ThomasD says:

    Alot depends on your choice of sprinkles.

  38. ThomasD says:

    Gotta hit send faster.

    He who hesitates is a non sequitur.

  39. newrouter says:

    or icing

  40. Conan the Libertarian says:

    Eventually, and by ‘eventually’ I mean November 3rd, the Party apparatchiks are going to meet in George Soros’ office and decide that Barry has to go.

    They will go to him in that classic Commie style and let him know that the time has come for him to resign for the good of International Socialism. It will be clear that they are willing to pull a Trotsky on him should he prove to be an enemy of the state.

    In the end, even International Socialism has been commodified by America. The left has grown quite comfortable riding in the wagon pulled by that big American stallion they throw rocks at and profess to hate. Then along comes useful idiot Barry, and that dimwit wants to shoot the horse for being a reactionary.

    It’s okay to say that revolutionary stuff to get freshman girls to sleep with you, but nobody over 19 is supposed to be dumb enough to believe it.

    Regretably, it seems that The President is dumb enough to believe it.

    The seven remaining Dermocrats in Congress will express shock that Barry really was not born in America, and wish him well on his Soros funded, all expenses paid trip to Mexico City.

    Goodbye, Mr. Won.

  41. Joe says:

    Well he sure seems to play golf like a doctor, you think Boehner would be all for surgery.

  42. cranky-d says:

    Obama will finish his term, and probably be elected to a second term. It’s one of those things one must get used to.

  43. Squid says:

    This was actually defined ages ago: Individuals making more than $200,000 and families making more than $250,000.

    That’s the definition for today. You and I both know that the definition of “rich fatcats who need to be soaked” is steadily devolving to the point where it encompasses 49.9% of eligible voters.

    I’ve only known a handful of “rich fatcats” in my life, and you know what? They weren’t bad people. They weren’t my enemies. More often than not, they were my bosses. Why on Earth would I want to punish the people who give me a way to make a living for my family? Sure, I understand that I’m bringing a lot more into the company as I take out in salary and benefits, but you know what? I’m cool with the arrangement. If I wasn’t, I’d leave for greener pastures.

    So tell me, Tyrol, what have you and your fellow leeches ever done to improve my life? How does chasing my employer into early retirement improve my life, or the economy in general? How does your degree in Angry Studies produce any value? Do you have anything to offer besides class warfare, collectivism, and a willful blindness to the results of those things every time they’ve been tried in the past?

    Go serenade your cat, lute-boy.

  44. ak4mc says:

    44. Comment by cranky-d on 9/9 @ 3:34 pm

    That’s why I’ve become a pessimist. I love surprises but only when they’re good ones. If Ilways expect the worst, all surprises are good ones.

  45. ak4mc says:


    There should be an apostrophe between the I and the L to be proper Redneck.

  46. Silver Whistle says:

    I used to be fond of the Tyrol. Now, it will be associated with gibbering loons.

  47. cranky-d says:

    I love surprises but only when they’re good ones. If I always expect the worst, all surprises are good ones.

    Yup. Of course, It’s likely that I’ll get my hopes up at some point, and have them dashed against the rocks of reality.

    As for our latest sockpuppeting troll, there are few here who make that kind of money, if any, and I wouldn’t begrudge them a dime. I know of one who is involved in a small business which coincidentally will be taxed at the same rate. Did you know, Tyrone (I’m going to call you that, sparky), that small businesses employ most of the people in this country? Hey, let’s go after them! They have all that money (yeah, right), which means they must have stolen it from someone.

  48. cranky-d says:

    You’d better call Tyrol. Well, maybe you should, but Tyrol won’t do jack shit for you.

  49. Spiny Norman says:

    Soros is just a front for the Space Bankers.

    That’s just what he wants people to think…

  50. Tyrol says:

    Go serenade your cat, lute-boy

    Are you from Kansas? I’m usually pretty good with accents.

  51. ak4mc says:

    Space Bankers? Beings who operate a Space Bank? Is that like a Blood Bank only for Space?

    Now we know what Tyrol does with all the Space between his ears.

  52. JD says:

    Tyrol aka banned troll sockpuppet – what specific figure do you believe should define the evil “rich”?

  53. Mr. W says:

    Funny that in #45 Tyrol only disagreed with the I.S. frontman’s handle, not the date or the deed.

    It would appear that even the trolls know that Barry is death to Democrats, and Space Bankers, of course.

  54. newrouter says:

    outlaws are like space cowboys

  55. happyfeet says:

    see you space cowboy bye bye

  56. newrouter says:

    space cowboys another job americans won’t do

  57. Ric Locke says:

    Well, let’s see.

    When I actually had a real job — a situation that came abruptly to an end in February 2007 — I made approximately $250,000 (actually, not quite) every four years.

    If I cashed out, sold everything I owned and converted it into cash, it comes to well under $100K. Roughly a third of that I can’t, it’s an IRA I have to take annuity distributions from and can’t even borrow against.

    At my current level of income, all of it from Social Security, I reach the quarter million mark in (add one, carry the two, divide by seven, truncate to three decimal places) a little over six years.

    So yeah, I guess wanting the “tax cuts” not to expire is pure selfishness. Really. Unh huh. Of course.


  58. Tyrol says:

    Funny that in #45 Tyrol only disagreed with the I.S. frontman’s handle, not the date or the deed

    Free interpretation of satire is reserved for Inner Party members, Mr. W.

  59. cranky-d says:

    Jeez, you’re rich, Ric. It’s best we take all that money from you, so you don’t have to worry how you’ll spend it.

  60. Mr. W says:

    It has long been noted that all ‘freedoms’ are reserved for inner-party members in your preferred socio-economic misery machine.

    I have been told that the Ukraine enjoyed the delightful satire penned by Duranty for the Times though.

  61. happyfeet says:

    America’s best days lie behind her.

  62. J."Trashman" Peden says:

    A sizable demographic [“rich”] that I’m sure includes most, if not all, in this forum.

    So I done been deemed “rich”, too, and normally that statement would at least mean that Tyrol is rich – but then we’s obviously not dealing with “normal”…

  63. newrouter says:

    america’s cupcake with sprinkles days lay ahead of us

  64. newrouter says:

    a shining cupcake on the hill

  65. happyfeet says:

    your children will not know of this America of which you speak they will not know the sprinkles

    when you try to explain they will look at you sympathetically

  66. Mr. W says:

    64.Comment by happyfeet on 9/9 @ 5:50 pm #

    “America’s best days lie behind her.”

    I read the same thing in 1979, and it wasn’t any truer then than it is now.

    The death of the Democrat Party at the hands of ordinary Americans, brought to you by Barry’s Excellent Adventure, will usher in a Golden Age of Libertarian freedom.

    I would be willing to bet on it…

  67. Matt says:

    *A sizable demographic [“rich”] that I’m sure includes most, if not all, in this forum.*

    No but I aspire to get there. You know one big reason I’m not there yet? Liberals have been in charge of the economy, which means fewer profits and fewer jobs.

  68. newrouter says:

    The tree of cupcakes must be refreshed from time to time with the fillings of patriots and tyrants.

  69. happyfeet says:

    Mr. W that would be called optimisim which is a very endearing quality yet not particularly relevant to the situation at hand I don’t think, said situation being really quite dire.

  70. Spiny Norman says:

    America’s best days lie behind her.

    Piss off, President Carter.

  71. Mr. W says:

    The situation is less dire for us now that Nancy, Barry, and Harry have stripped the media supplied rose-colored glasses from the noses of Americans.

    From the elderly to college students to Jews to gays, this gang of commie half-wits have alienated almost every reliably Dem voting block, and set the Democrat opponents to vibrating like tuning forks with enthusiasm.

    This is the end of the Democrat Party. The fact that we consider the current circumstances ‘dire’ is a reflection of the passion that will be expended on Nov. 2nd.

  72. happyfeet says:

    not wif a bang but a whimpering whimpery whimper

  73. ak4mc says:

    The only good pessimist, of course, is a witty pessimist.

  74. RyanBacon says:

    i’ve give ten flaming orange boehners just to have one newt back. and thats an interesting scenario Conan but i don’t see it happening. if it wast that easy pelosi would have been forcably delocated to the fires of hell by now

  75. newrouter says:

    i’ve give ten flaming orange boehners just to have one newt back

    to sit on the couch with nancy pelosi

  76. Spot on! We do need big-time help right now.

  77. pdbuttons says:

    you’ll still be able to get sprinkled cupcakes
    at various obama anonymous meetings along
    with boehner colored cheet-o’s

  78. bh says:

    Yeah, you’re no moby. Why would anyone suspect such a thing?

  79. RyanBacon says:

    your a jon bon jovi then

  80. newrouter says:

    can we get some dog catcher donkeys being idiots like alan grayson video or phil hare?

  81. pdbuttons says:

    you’re a pompom

  82. happyfeet says:

    make the scary man go away

  83. ghost707 says:

    This is no time for Band-Aids. We need fucking surgery.

    With a fucking chainsaw.

  84. Big Bang Hunter says:

    – Here’s some red meat for the moby so he can get his “religions intolerance” meme on….

    “- Maybe the good Rev is on to something. Threaten to burn a Koran each and every time there’s an unprovoked act of violence by a Muslim anywhere in the world.”

    – Might at least slow ‘em down a tad.

  85. newrouter says:

    f22k the idiot religion of liberal/islam

  86. newrouter says:

    kill babies and stone woman/fags win/win no proggs?

  87. RyanBacon says:

    are there that many korans in the world bbh?

  88. Are there that many racist cat-serenading skin flute-playing hilljacks in Murfeesboro, Tennessee?

  89. pdbuttons says:

    corn wont grow on rocky top
    dirts too rocky by far
    that’s why all the folks on rocky top
    get their corn from a jar

  90. Big Bang Hunter says:

    – Endless supply of tree’s. Just keep printing more. Can even use the paper saved now that POS rag, the NY Trash, is going to stop printing its propaganda soon.

  91. Big Bang Hunter says:

    – Now that those sand rats have reneged as usual, the burning is back in suspended mode, and that’s the way it should stay unless the fuckhead Imam moves his victory Mosque somewhere else.

  92. Big Bang Hunter says:

    ….In other news….

    “Police: 2 shot dead at Kraft plant in Pa., 1 hurt….” here.

  93. LBascom says:

    “He’s one of those ones where his politics are fine but he’s not the future. I think we have to hope he’s not. He’s not the sort of person what can explain to Americans just how ass-raped they are and here’s what can be done about it. He’s all too much a part of a status quo what has done a tremendous job of fail I think.”

    Finally! Something I can get on board with from happyfeet!

    This is the same shit I’ve been seeing my whole adult life, starting with Reagan playing the part of Charlie Brown and the Dems setting the football. I’m so sick of gutless Republicans I could spit.

    Fuck debating tax rates. Conservatives need to attack SPENDING, and cold hard facts about the sacrifice we are all going to have to make in order to save the American dream needs be the spike we pound into the blood sucking progg chest.

    This shit about maintaining the status quo is weak tea. We better get some bourbon drinkers front and center or we’re going to be bled dry, regardless what percentage of income the producers among us see on our tax returns.

  94. ghost707 says:

    I think this article on Obama needs to go viral:

    How Obama thinks

  95. Ernst Schreiber says:

    We better get some bourbon drinkers front and center

    More of a scotch guy, myself. Is Jack Daniels close enough?

  96. happyfeet says:

    sometimes a brotha just gotta pound a spike in a dirty socialist mothafucka’s chest

  97. LBascom says:

    “sometimes a brotha just gotta pound a spike in a dirty socialist mothafucka’s chest”

    Hell yes, the time for discussing the price of garlic is past.

  98. LTC John says:

    “not wif a bang but a whimpering whimpery whim”

    “America’s best days lie behind her.”

    I wish I could just bottle that and deliver that to a Brigade in full parade. Make people forget that Henry V speech in a big hurry!

    “Why do you serve? What do you fight for? FAILURE FAILSHIT FAILSHIT!! Hoo-ah!” Duty, honor, country… meh.

  99. Mikey NTH says:

    Comment by happyfeet on 9/9 @ 5:50 pm #

    America’s best days lie behind her.

    If anyone hasn’t told you to f*^k off yet today, haps, let me be the first, you defeatist piece of crap. Some patriot you turn out to be.

  100. Slartibartfast says:

    America’s best days lie behind her.

    I always suspected you were an ass man.

  101. cranky-d says:

    You forgot a comma, Slart.

  102. RyanBacon says:

    murfreesboro is a pretty cool little town. it has a thriving music scene and is just a stone throw from nashville. the worst part is the college which attracts a lot of foreigners and weirdos. also there are a lot of mexicans but thats pretty much any state you go these days

  103. bh says:

    Worst moby ever.

  104. happyfeet says:

    y’all are mean it’s not my fault America pissed herself I tried to stop her

  105. Slartibartfast says:

    the college which attracts a lot of foreigners and weirdos and graduates of the Florida State Clown College.


  106. RyanBacon says:

    i propose that moby is the worst moby ever

    ha MikeyNTH and happyfeet are at loggerheads

  107. Mikey NTH says:

    Comment by happyfeet on 9/10 @ 10:32 am #

    y’all are mean it’s not my fault America pissed herself I tried to stop her

    If by ‘tried to stop her’ you mean ‘whined on the internet’ then yes, you did ‘try’.

    BTW – about a 150 years ago was a time in American history that was a little bit darker than this little dust-up we got going on. Thinking that this time is all the heck that special compared to certain other times in American history is so breathtakingly egotistical that I can’t even type the words to describe it.

    Ryan: You’re a real master of the obvious, aren’t you? It’s only been that way for months.

  108. Jeff G. says:

    Why is it that Middle Tennessee State’s William Yelverton, who fancies himself an actual intellectual (thanks to his doctorate in a-pickin’), won’t simply leave here when asked?

    Does he feel entitled to our time and attention, do you think? And if so, why? That is, what is it that makes him believe we simply must listen to him even as we’ve self-selectively chosen not to, to the point where we’ve had to have him forcibly removed under a variety of names?

    Once you answer that question, you’ll be able to answer what lies at the heart of the progressive impulse. Were it up to Willy, we’d all be required to read his site. For our own good.

    But they haven’t won quite yet.

    Get off my site, Willy. Last warning.

  109. happyfeet says:

    Mr. Mikey I think what’s breathtaking is the degree to which we are acceding to our doom this time.

    It’s worth noting again I think that Team Boehnerfag still finds Mr. Ryan’s roadmap uncomfortably radical.

    As opposed to the Boehnerfag plan. Which near as I can tell is a vague idea that we’ll all just go back to the halcyon days of 2008 and pretend Obama never happened.

  110. Mikey NTH says:

    Comment by happyfeet on 9/10 @ 1:02 pm #

    Mr. Mikey I think what’s breathtaking is the degree to which we are acceding to our doom this time.

    What’s this ‘we’ shit? Don’t include me in your little surrender party – this crowd you want to give up to is nowhere near as tough as Confederate regiment – heck Spanish regiments were tougher. You give the Left a little push back and they start shrieking like a steam train going through a tunnel, and little President Obama starts crying on his teleprompter.

    All you need to do is stand up to them and their accusations of ‘_________ist’ and you watch them collapse. So much for ‘inevitable’. Seriously – surrender these people? Have you no pride, sir?

    BTW – Have you decided to get involved in your local political party yet, haps? You want to change something, start working for it cupcake.

  111. John Bradley says:

    ha MikeyNTH and happyfeet are at loggerheads

    …but on the other hand, “Lagerheads” would be a great name for a bar.

  112. bh says:

    Once you answer that question, you’ll be able to answer what lies at the heart of the progressive impulse. Were it up to Willy, we’d all be required to read his site. For our own good.

    I’d much prefer the long train ride to Siberia, please.

  113. happyfeet says:

    I just got back from lunch and I have a two o’clock Mikey I will talk to you later

  114. happyfeet says:

    oh… acceding to our doom has little or nothing to do with surrendering to the socialists what are dirty it has to do with the passivity with which our little country generally and Team R particularly have watched the rank perversions what these ones have perpetrated, and it has to do with the feckless tools such as the Meghan’s coward daddy what Team R are electing to counter it.

    Speaking for myself I am profoundly unimpressed with the Team R response to what has been done on our America.

    Oh boy we’re screwed I think to myself, sometimes several times a day.

  115. Makewi says:

    I’m not screwed. I refuse to be screwed. The government might try to have other ideas about that, but then other governments have had similar ideas in the past and failed and I fully expect that failure, or a similar one, to happen again.

  116. happyfeet says:

    we just have to readjust our thinkings about America and then everything will be great again just with a lot more soccer and a lot less jobs