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October 2024


How to get rid of Fannie and Freddy

A thoughtful and rigorous plan.

— At least, compared to my own. Which involves jalapeno peppers, a thousand monkeys, and aluminum baseball bats.

But then, I’m more of a fire and brimstone guy to begin with.

0 Replies to “How to get rid of Fannie and Freddy”

  1. Joe says:

    All I know is if I eat enough peppers, I can spew fire and brimstone.

    It ain’t pretty.

  2. Joe says:

    But if you have a plan for getting rid of Fannie and Freddie, I am all for it.

  3. dicentra says:

    Whaddya need the peppers and monkeys for? A typical TEA party armed with the baseball bats should do the job nicely and they’ll even clean up afterwards.

    Let’s see a monkey do THAT.

  4. Ed Flinn says:

    No problem with metal detectors if you use hickory bats instead.

  5. Joe says:

    Imagine there was no Treasury backing. It is easy if you try. No full faith and credit. Let the interest float to the sky…

  6. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    Mine involved a flame thrower, a 55 gallon drum of everclear and a catapult.

  7. cranky-d says:

    Even Barney Frank wants to get rid of them. They have served their purpose already, and will continue to be a drain on the economy whether or not they write any new loans.\

    Utopia is just around the corner, folks.

  8. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Utopia is always just around the corner.

    Or was that not the point of the previous thread?

  9. Todd Rundgren says:

    Did someone mention “Utopia?”

  10. ak4mc says:

    All I know is if I eat enough peppers, I can spew fire and brimstone.

    Fannie spewage is part of the reason for the wanting to get rid of, though I’m not sure what Freddie’s done to…?




    Never mind.

  11. Kresh says:

    Why waste the luscious green peppers o’ doom that way? Better to nuke the place from orbit with a neutron weapon (leaving the buildings intact), train the monkeys to live there with the aluminum baseball bats and whack any scurrilous survivors, then enjoy the resulting calamities with the freshly made salsa.

    Win – win!

  12. J."Trashman" Peden says:

    Yes, “Immediate Destruction” is what I would recommend.

  13. J."Trashman" Peden says:

    Plus, Freddie and Fannie are “Filthy”.

  14. Ric Locke says:

    Trashman, you need to go read Senhor de Carvalho’s address. You, sir, are a revolutionary.


  15. Squid says:

    Baseball bats? Peppers? Monkeys?

    Help a fella out here, guys — these torches and pitchforks aren’t gonna sell themselves!

  16. sdferr says:

    Grow your business Squid, help an Obama fellow out!

  17. David R. Block says:

    Nuke them from orbit, it’s the only way to be sure…

  18. cranky-d says:

    May I suggest using the CrankyCudgel™ in place of an aluminum bat? It’s American made, and if sny greenies start bitching at you while getting s beatdown, you can inform then that the CrankyCudgel™ is made from renewable resources.

  19. cranky-d says:

    One must be careful to proofread after editing.

    sny -> any, getting s beatdown -> getting a beatdown.

  20. Pablo says:

    There are very few problems that cannot be resolved with a judicious application of high explosives.

  21. JD says:

    Better Half’s mother makes this dish with these tiny deep-fried asian red peppers. They are about as pleasant to eat as using a scotch bonnet puree as a mouthwash.

    Off topic, but the Sons of Anarchy season premiere is tonight on Fx.

  22. mojo says:

    Let’s not forget “claw-backs” of the millions in ill-gotten bonuses the Fanny/Freddy Looters were awarded for manipulating the performance specs.

    Plus interest and penalties, thank you.

  23. Squid says:

    You may not believe this, Death-Dweller, but there’s not a lot of people around here who hold up Dubya as an example of great fiscal leadership. You may think every word that ever escaped his lips is the Gospel truth, but most of us are quite a bit more discerning than that.

    P.S. Assuming a “cultured” name isn’t going to make us think more of your reasoning skills. Show us some decent rhetorical chops, and you’ll be respected even if your name is Cephalopod.

  24. JD says:

    Squid – that was classic BUSH BUNNIES!!!! right there, coupled with a little link spam.

  25. cranky-d says:

    I guess if a president I liked because he was steadfast on the war said something positive about Freddie and Fannie, that means I can’t say anything against F&F, even though Bush actually tried to reform F&F and was shot down by the Demorats.

    That makes oh so much sense.

  26. Rusty says:

    Uh. Dubya isn’t president. I know you wish he was, but he isn’t. Besides Dubya wasn’t responsible for fannie and freddie. Barney, the stupid liberal dinosaur is.

    And finally Thanatoid,all bills to raise revenue shall originate ……where?

  27. Squid says:

    Nonsense. Dubya is the greatest single example since Ronald Reagan.

    Again, I must come back to my insistence that you back up your assertions with evidence and reasoned argument.

  28. Big Bang Hunter says:

    – You don’t need any elaborate plan. If we ever get a Prez with a spine again, same with a Congress, F&F, Obamacare, and all the other fuctoid statist bullshit could be erased with the stroke of a pen. No tickey, noo laundry.

  29. ak4mc says:

    There are very few problems that cannot be resolved with a judicious application of high explosives.

    Jamie Hyneman

  30. ak4mc says:

    Whoops. That was supposed to be, “When in doubt, C-4.” — Jamie Hyneman.

  31. JD says:

    The trolls everywhere seem to be entering one of their manic phases.

  32. Danger says:

    Thanatoid reeks of RD/Meya!

  33. alppuccino says:

    They have long form BCs in Kenya?

  34. Big Bang Hunter says:

    – Bumbblefuck has upped the ante to 200 billion….stay tuned sports fans….

  35. JD says:

    That last one was vintage meya/RD/50 other names.

    Hush, idiot.

  36. JD says:

    BBH – how many things are they going to “pay for” by closing loopholes? Even their craven vote-buying will not help them this time.

  37. Big Bang Hunter says:

    – Well, he still has a large part of that original 800 billion stimulus slush fund standing by, so I assume he plan’s on drawing from that.

  38. newrouter says:

    the Kenyan Usurper produces his long-form birth certificate.

    dogs have bcs now?

  39. Big Bang Hunter says:

    “We certainly all learned a lot of important history,” Gibbs said Tuesday. “What King said and what Parker said are not the same thing.”

    – So you know, fake but accurate, the standard definition whenever a lefturd gets caught in a lie.

    – Which I suppose would justify reviving the old sentiment “you lie like a…….”

  40. Big Bang Hunter says:

    – Maybe “RugGate” has given us a new moniker for Lefturds/Progressives…. “Ruggers”…. or just plain Rugs for short.

  41. Thanatopsis says:

    Btw, that “thoughtful and rigorous plan” has obvious ties to Rich Koch’s proposed Ayn Rand theme park.

    I personally can’t wait.

    Mr Toad’s Wild Ride on Under-Funded Infrastructure is undoubtedly going to be the highlight.

  42. SDN says:

    Hey, Dead-Ass, care to refute this chart? You know, the one that shows that as long as we didn’t have Copperheads running Congress, even Bush could shrink the deficit AND defend the country.

    So far, no Leftard has managed it, but hope springs eternal….

  43. Joe Biden says:

    Plugs not rugs.

  44. newrouter says:


    new commie meme with designated jew

  45. Spiny Norman says:

    After all these years of contrary evidence, why the trolls still think we’re fans of George W’s fiscal policies?

  46. Spiny Norman says:

    Pictures turned off now?

  47. newrouter says:

    Does that mean you’re ready to apologize to Chairman Soros?


    A kapo was a prisoner who worked inside German Nazi concentration camps during World War II in any of certain lower administrative positions.

  48. geoffb says:

    Here’s Bush expressing his undying love of Fannie and Freddy/minority home ownership, circa 2002. […] Dubya is the greatest single example since Ronald Reagan.

    All charismatic leaders on the Left are assumed to be that perfection of humans, incarnated. They cannot do wrong.They are infallible. And must always be perceived as that, always, every time, everywhere. If shown to be fallible, then their leadership must be rejected. Failure, in a leader, is not an option on the Progressive Left. […] This also leads to the belief that asserting or proving the fallibility of leaders on the Conservative side will cause those leaders to be rejected by Conservatives. When this doesn’t happen, because Conservatives don’t consider their leaders to be other than fallible humans, the Left finds it inexplicable.

    QE fucking D

  49. newrouter says:

    If you’re talking about blogs, chickenhawk neo-cons were dominant then, and in no particular mood to discuss W’s shortcomings.

    that’s some good stupid kaffir

  50. B Moe says:

    Trolls who have no idea where they are just come across as stupid.

  51. Swede says:

    I know a guy who can make it look like an accident for 50 bucks.

  52. Big Bang Hunter says:

    “All this johnny-come-lately criticism of spending during a recession just comes off as lame and opportunistic.”

    ….And that torpedo never detonated and I was never here.

    – Thus we see the “counter narrative” moving into action. They’ve totally fucked the shark, and this is the only way they can think of to deal. Just a constant stream of “dissonant nonsense” and obfuscation.

    – Good fucking luck with that Rugs….

    – In the mean time, all the bullshit in the world won’t stem the tsunami. The “recovery summer” will be followed by the “Crash and burn fall”, and that fall will be heard round the world.

  53. Big Bang Hunter says:

    – The young turk Progressives, many of whom were not even born when the term was popular, are about to find out about the “silent majority” in a very painful way.

  54. newrouter says:

    You really should use the proper term “nigger”.

    nah muslims mean this:


    Kaffir (racial term): a term formerly used by white people to refer to black people, now considered offensive, even by white people. The term was taken from Arab slave traders in Africa, who had used Kaffir to mean someone who is not Muslim.

  55. ak4mc says:

    Thanatopsider must be in South Africa.

  56. newrouter says:

    who knew arabs traded black people

  57. newrouter says:

    kaffir works for the proggs

  58. Big Bang Hunter says:

    – Once again a Leftturd uses a racial slur, where none was necessary, and as a matter of record Proggs and the rest of the Lefttist cult groups are the only commenter’s who do.

    – So, even in that we find the lies, as they paint everyone else as racist.

    – Stink like a bug, lie like a rug. Ruggers!

  59. Swen, oversexed heathen black Norwegian says:

    47.Comment by Joe Biden on 9/7 @ 5:28 pm #

    Plugs not rugs.

    Funny you should mention that! I have a carefully crafted plan to get rid of Fannie and Freddie. It involves Barney Frank, a butt plug, and a liter of raspberry coulis. Barney might even enjoy it….

  60. ThomasD says:

    The trolls everywhere seem to be entering one of their manic phases.

    Is there any sort of Farmer’s Almanac type publication that tracks or predicts these phases?

    Or is this merely symptomatic of their creeping realization of Obama’s frank ineptitude and the Democrat’s impending electoral doom?

  61. Spiny Norman says:


    For what it’s worth, the Muslim/Arabic term (typically used in a derogatory fashion) for non-believers, infidels, etc., is more commonly spelled kufir in the West, so as to differentiate it from the South African term.

  62. Spiny Norman says:


    Folks sporting “kaffir” T-shirts probably wouldn’t survive Friday qualifying during a typical NASCAR weekend.

    More casual bigotry from a Leftist about people he knows nothing about, only the cartoon caricatures he gets from the New York media drones.

  63. ThomasD says:

    I’d bet that your typical NASCAR crowd contains a greater percentage of individuals who have actually been to the middle east than any group our trolls may associate with.

  64. JD says:

    Notice how the trolls are the only ones that ever use objectively racist words around here?

  65. JD says:

    ThomasD – JD’s 1st Rule of Trolls, and 2nd Restatement of JD’s 1st Rule of Trolls is an incredibly accurate predictor. Failsafe.

  66. Danger says:


    I’d see that assertion and raise it to greater percentage of regulars here that are also NASCAR fans as well as bitter gun/bible clingers have been to the middle east….

  67. cranky-d says:

    Only the trolls use racist language? The heck you say!

  68. cranky-d says:

    I’ve never been to them middle east, but I have been off-continent, and I tend to cling to guns and religion because I believe in them.

  69. SDN says:

    And Thana continues the long tradition of troll-fail… or sticking it’s fingers in it’s ears and screaming “la-la-la”. Copperheads in Congress = deficits.

  70. geoffb says:

    Good morning.

  71. serr8d says:

    From the ‘what’s up with this?’ file: 200 Qur’ans to be burned on 9/11 by a ‘gun-toting’ Florida Pastor.

    Glenn Beck: against it. Michael Bloomberg: for it.

    Me: only 200 ?

  72. LTC John says:

    While no NASCAR fan, I have been to those parts of Asia that are Muslim…more than once. I only cling to firearms when I have an M-4 and an M-9. And who would care about my religion, except a bigot who wants to knock it as some sort of “opiate of the masses”?

    I have had contact with people who do use “kufir” – they were HIG or Jaish al Mahdi or AQ…

  73. mojo says:

    “Some problems are best disposed of from a great height – over water.”
    — North by North-West