
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

November 2024



This time from the libertarian right (albeit, presuming to speak for anti-Americans of every political stripe):

Is questioning the presence of a mosque at ground zero really a sign of bigotry?

Or is it just common sense?

This week, the prospects of an Islamic center rising on the boundary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks was all but assured when a New York City commission unanimously voted to allow the demolition of the building that now sits on the site.

Which, technically speaking, is the right thing to do.

After all, if we were to apply a skewed moral litmus test to First Amendment protections, we’d be no better than folks who support the Fairness Doctrine or oppose the Citizens United campaign finance decision.

And if we backed the use of zoning laws to compel others to act in accordance with our own value systems, hey, we’d be as tyrannical as the average environmentalist on the average city council.

But since when does deference to the Constitution prohibit a person from pointing out the obvious and worrisome symbolism of this project?

Uh, since dissent became no longer patriotic? Which — coincidentally! — just happens to coincide with the time Democrats took power of Congress and the Presidency, and no longer needed to dissent?

It is, you see, ugly and un-American to question the motivations of those opening an Islamic center a stone’s throw from ground zero — a project that will cost $100 million — but not ugly of organizers to pick a spot that’s a stone’s throw from ground zero.

Those who have spoken out against the project — Sarah Palin, Rick Lazio, Newt Gingrich, the Anti-Defamation League, among many others — have been accused of political grandstanding and, naturally, of peddling a form of unquenchable “bigotry.”

Let’s concede that grandstanding is a permanent feature of political interaction. (Though there have been fewer distasteful forms of grandstanding than the preening and imperious lecturing we see from those who decide what is and isn’t tolerance.) But opposing the ideology of religious institutions — any religion — does not constitute bigotry.

Furthermore, Daisy Khan, a partner in the Cordoba project, conceded in an interview with National Public Radio that Islam “has been hijacked by the extremists and this center is going to create that counter-momentum which will amplify the voices of the moderate Muslims.”

That would be a productive — if unprecedented — undertaking. We need more secularized Muslims. And, of course, reasonable Americans do not conflate the moderate with the radical. Yet, even Khan states that the religion has been “hijacked.” So, surely, it is to be expected that some would be skeptical of the group’s intentions.

There is, you see, some evidence to back the concern.

Though the Cordoba initiative is under no obligation to do so, if its purpose is to battle extremism within Islam and build cooperation with other faiths, why not divulge the funders of the project? Why not unconditionally condemn Islamist terrorism?

Neither has happened.

Then again, even if we were boundlessly tolerant, there is an inescapable fact: This 13-story community center is going to be built two blocks from the worst modern atrocity committed in the name of Islam.

Not only is such a project in poor taste, for many Americans it confirms their concerns about Islam’s provocative nature.

How that helps interfaith dialogue remains a mystery.

Simple. It has many Americans talking about how inappropriate all this is, which has allowed our moral and ethical betters to remind us that we are all degraded, racist bigots who harbor anti-American values, and should be ashamed of ourselves.

In short, it is a “teachable moment” for the purveyors of strident multiculturalism — and a chance to further turn language (and a specific American ideal concerning free speech) on its head by demanding a “tolerance” that, with respect to what the founders actually had in mind, is the precise opposite: state-sanctioned and approved speech that doesn’t offend any of the now innumerable special interest groups who lay claim to a kind of dignity that requires they remain uncriticized.

Because this is what they are telling us: that merely disagreeing with their position is intolerant and Anti-American. And this is because evidently only their opinion is legitimate and welcoming of freedom!

This is the America progressives desire. And you will be assimilated. Or else you’re anti-American, and so not deserving of even being and American.

Up is down. Black is white. LeBron is a victim.

Q.E. “D”.

125 Replies to “More ANTI-AMERICANISM!”

  1. sdferr says:

    And Obama, the great Orator, is mute.

  2. JD says:

    Conor Freederdork thinks you are a bigot.

  3. happyfeet says:

    September 11 is a lot why we can’t pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars

  4. Spiny Norman says:

    Wasn’t Cordoba the capital of Moorish (Muslim) Spain?

  5. Joe says:

    The Cordoba Islamic Center is a new attempt of turning 9/11 into a teaching moment. Not the kind of teaching I or any patriotic American should approve of. I believe its supporters are up to no good. It is just another version of Soros’ International Freedom Center, only this time from an Islamic perspective as opposed to a progressive socialistic secular perspective.

    That said, if they comply with the law, first amendment and property rights dictate they can do this. That does not mean I have to like it. Nor does it make me a racist or anti-Islamic for saying so.

  6. Joe says:

    Spiny, spot on. That is part of the teaching. If only we capitulated to our Moorish rulers, we could live in a mythical Alhambra peace.

    Fuck that. El Cid rocked.

  7. JD says:

    This is where the difference between can and should matter. They can do it, but that does not mean they should.

  8. sdferr says:

    Newt’s address to AEI on this subject (pdf), video of same, audio likewise.

  9. cranky-d says:

    After 9/11, Muslims were circulating a picture of New York that had mosques dominating the skyline. I wish I could find the article I read on that, because it was telling. Even the “moderates” were in favor of that kind of result, apparently.

    This center is exactly what we think it is, a symbol of Islam’s successful attack on the U.S. If we continue to let them get away with this stuff, then eventually it will take more than words to reverse the trend here in the U.S.

    Yeah, I know, I sound like a raging paranoid.

  10. DarthRove says:

    Send people down to throw packages of bacon into the foundation while it’s being poured.

  11. Big Bang Hunter says:

    – Wonder what Mohamadinnerjacket would have to say if some Christian group announce it was building a massive cathedral in the center of Tehran a few blocks from the largest Mosque, or the Vatican wanted to establish a holy veil in the same location, or in the heart of Mecca.

    – Somehow I think the Left would find that offensive and their loud bleating protests would be framed in terms of “The Christers, once again forcing themselves off on a peaceful nation and ignoring religious ‘sensitivities’ and cultural differences.”

    – No bigotry there. Nope.

  12. Joe says:

    If they follow the law, better to let them build this damn thing and then call them on it day and night. The first amendment and property rights means something, including allowing mendouchous scum like this to open their hate center.

    At Yad Vashem, the Holocaust museum and memorial in Jersusalem, they occasionally get some pro Nazi/anti Jewish graffiti. They leave a few examples of it up, just as a reminder.

    That is what the Cordoba Islamic Center represents.

  13. Big Bang Hunter says:

    “The friend of my enemy is my enemy.”

    – The Left to a “T”.

  14. cranky-d says:

    To them, allowing the Cordoba Islamic Center to be built is a sign of our surrender.

  15. letitbeme says:

    If, even today, some enterprising Fritz wanted to build a big ol’ biergarten in Coventry, would not even the parchedest Brit seek slakage elsewhere?

  16. Jeff G. says:

    Can/should, Joe.

    Yes they can, no they shouldn’t. And saying that loudly and often is in perfect keeping with the First Amemdment (and market forces).

  17. Joe says:

    True cranky-d, then again, to them, wiping your ass with your hand is okay too.

  18. Big Bang Hunter says:

    – I’m waiting for some Muslim crank to start making noises about “…..having steeped foot on the American continent the Qoran clearly demands that it now belongs to the Muslim empire…”

  19. Joe says:

    I am 100% with you on that Jeff. They should not do this. And it is not racist or anti Islamic to say so. In fact, I want more New Yorkers to call Bloomberg and the left on their quisling/dhimmi attitude.

  20. sdferr says:

    If they should not, then under what reading could it be better? Can’t see it myself. It would be worse.

  21. Joe says:

    They have a right to open their piece of shit Islamic Kumbaya Jerk Off Center. We have the right to call them on it.

  22. Joe says:

    sdferr, it is not better to encourage government to take some extraordinary action to block this that could in the process weaken first amendment and property rights (worse than they already are weakened).

  23. sdferr says:

    It isn’t at all clear that such a “right” reads through. On a simple reading, it isn’t right at all and is in fact an offense against what is right. In order to get to “a” right, we’d have to think of writ as embodying justice perfect and entire. Yet we do not.

  24. Best city name ever = Matamoros

    Those fifth columnist Islamist creeps bhind the Cordoba Center (and their race-bating toadies like Upchuck Johnson) can suck on that.

  25. Joe says:

    sdferr, the Islamic backers this project bought the building and are developing it into a Islamic Center. They are obviously doing it for propaganda purposes. But provided they comply with so called neutral zoning and other laws, they can do this.

    The first amendment preserves the right to open their propaganda center. It also preserves our right to protest it. I find the project distasteful and disgusting. I know the backers of this project are up to no good. But I would not enourage the NYC government to take extraordinary steps to single this group out and block the project because I find the message distasteful.

    I suppose NYC could condemn the building and appropriate it as part of the 9/11 memorial. Condemning property for a public memorial is constitutionally not offensive and is traditionally part of what the eminent domain power was for (unlike Kelo). Given a landing gear fell on this building, it is not so remote from the 9/11 attack. Government could do that, provided they pay just compensation.

    But given NYC’s financial woes, that downtown Manhattan real estate is expensive, and Bloomberg’s spinelessness, that is not going to happen. The only way I can see to block this is (other than publically shaming them not to do it) is to single the project out, Chicago Style, and prevent them from building it by government interference. Not that Bloomberg is going to do that, but I am against doing it the Chicago Way.

    The International Freedom Center was blocked because it was proposed to be financed by public money (Soros only gave the seed money) and there was a general outcry against that. Had Soros wanted to finance the thing, it would have been built too.

  26. Big Bang Hunter says:

    – The Democratic and Christian based societies have been fighting these bastards since 400 BC. I don’t believe there are any “moderate” Muslims. I’m sure they all dream of a return of the Muslim empire. The so called moderates won’t openly support their extremist brethren, but they won’t oppose them either. Silence betrays tacit approval.

    – This is just a continuation of the 6th Crusade, and sooner or later we’ll have to fight them again. Indirectly we already are in Iraq and Afghanistan and Pakistan. One way or another, we are always at war with these people.

  27. LTC John says:

    So “tolerance” and being “sensitive” only extends to us – the dirt balls behind this ‘center’ don’t have to demonstrate any of this at all, eh Mayor B?

  28. happyfeet says:

    the upside is that this poncey Bloomberg vagina person has pretty much definitively clarified he won’t be seeking higher office in our little country

  29. sdferr says:

    I think you are working on a burnt out indicator bulb Joe. That’s all.

  30. Joe says:

    Big Bang, Islam started around 610 A.D. when Mohammed had his first schizophrenic revelation.

  31. Jeff G. says:

    But I would not enourage the NYC government to take extraordinary steps to single this group out and block the project because I find the message distasteful.

    The “extraordinary steps” here seem to be that they are bent on fast-tracking it so that they can have that big ass dome on the NY skyline in time for the 10th anniversary of 9/11.

    For freedom!

  32. happyfeet says:

    has anyone asked our cocksucker little president man what he thinks about this?

  33. Joe says:

    sdferr, you are just jonesing for a fight. It is not what I am saying, you are just looking for anything to start something on.

    How would you deal with the Cordoba Islamic Center?

  34. Big Bang Hunter says:

    – True Joe, but then it was under tha banner of the Persians. Different name, same game.

  35. sdferr says:

    They asked his pressSec hf, who said something like “it’s a local issue” so I think no comment is a reasonable read.

  36. sdferr says:

    Joe, you have a way with you, that’s certain. But go ahead, fly the plane into the Glades. You won’t be missed.

  37. Joe says:

    I agree Jeff, Bloomberg is a fucking douchebag. The City of New York is corrupt and craven.

    I am all for criticizing the project, Bloomberg, and the other dimmi douchbags promoting and assisting it. And I think I have said so repeatedly and clearly.

  38. happyfeet says:

    he’s a cowardly little fuck

  39. happyfeet says:

    meaning Obama

  40. Big Bang Hunter says:

    – The thing no one is talking about, probably for fear of jinxing things, is when that day comes that we start seeing suicide bombings here.

    – With the proliferation of Mosques and Muslim enclaves in major cities, its just a matter of time.

    – And then we’ll wonder why. Well the idiots that do this stuff will wonder. The rest of us will just have to sit and shake our heads at the stupidity.

  41. Joe says:

    sdferr, so what is you method for dealing with the Cordoba Islamic Center? Other than criticizing it as wrong?

  42. Abe Froman says:

    If I was a billionaire I’d resolve this by buying up the rest of the block and filling it with strip clubs, a pork store with a front loading dock, a Jewish bookstore and a lesbian disco.

  43. sdferr says:

    I’d begin just as I have here, by recognizing the profound injustice of such a construction of mincing law and legalism. I’d begin with an intent that the thing will never be built there precisely because building it there will be worse, for everyone, both the triumphalist conquering Islamists and the offended people of the United States.

  44. Joe says:

    sdferr, I do not disagree with your intent and feelings about the project. But as your answer implies, there are not a lot of options for blocking it. Nevertheless, if you created a movement to raise the funds to pay for publically condemning the property to block the center and make it part of the 9/11 memorial, and we could put pressure on politicans in New York (or Federal) to do it, I would contribute to it. That would not violate the first amendment and is in line with how the fifth amendment eminent domain provision traditionally has worked.

    I like Abe Froman’s idea too. A good pork store is always welcomed.

  45. sdferr says:

    The first step Joe, is a clear position that the thing will not be built. There are a myriad of ways to proceed after that clear position has been well established. First things, however, first. At the moment, there are proponents of the building in positions of power. They must be made to understand that the thing will not be built, so we who know that it must not be built should first have resort to explaining to the deluded why it must not be built. Once the deluded drop their delusions, putting a stop to the building will be relatively easy, I should think.

  46. Joe says:

    sdferr, we are a nation of laws (or at least we are supposed to be). I 100% agree with the goal of blocking the project (I hate it too), the question is how to do it legally. There are not a lot of options to do it legally. My only caution is it would be a mistake to attempt to block it the Chicago Way.

    And if you cannot block it (due to a current lack of political will), then it is appropriate to speak out against it, and as Abe suggested, mock it.

  47. Joe says:

    There are a myriad of ways to proceed after that clear position has been well established.

    Okay. What?

  48. sdferr says:

    Have I said anything about a Chicago way Joe? No. I have not. Only you turn to mincing legalisms in blindness to justice at this point. Why, I do not know.

  49. cranky-d says:

    – The thing no one is talking about, probably for fear of jinxing things, is when that day comes that we start seeing suicide bombings here.

    I agree, it will happen sooner or later, as long as we allow them to build enclaves here. They will continue to use our own good nature against us. One wonders what the response from flyover country (where I reside) will look like. The U.S. is different from every other nation on Earth, and the response may be quite different as well. It may bring out the worst in us.

    My slim hope is that we can convert enough of them into Americans before it gets really bad, and they’ll take care of the problem before we have to. I’m not holding my breath.

  50. Joe says:

    sdferr, did I say you said do it the Chicago Way? No, I did not. I said it would be a bad way to do it.

    I am serious, what are the myriad of ways this Islamic Center can be blocked legally (assuming we can get enough political pressure on leaders to act)? Because the only way I can see is for the government to use its eminent domain powers and make that property part of the 9/11 memorial (of course then the same group could just buy another nearby property and build the center there).

  51. Joe says:

    My slim hope is that we can convert enough of them into Americans before it gets really bad, and they’ll take care of the problem before we have to. I’m not holding my breath.

    Thank God Mexicans are not Muslim.

  52. Matt says:

    hf, somebody asked Gibbs about this and his response was something along the lines of “we do not get involved in local matters”. Unless of course its about immigration or health care or too much salt in food or discrimination or …

  53. TaiChiWawa says:

    Thank God Mexicans are not Muslim.

    Where in the world is Osama Santiago?

  54. JD says:

    “we do not get involved in local matters”

    There is a Cambridge PD officer that would beg to differ.

  55. alppuccino says:

    There is a Cambridge PD officer that would beg to differ.

    I doubt it JD. That dude was a puss. He got to have a beer with the FROTUS and then he came out saying “It’s all better now. Beer Summits work!”

    Have some balls me boy. Ask him how he knew he acted stupidly. Obama was the offender. Prof. Gates was just over his limit on foties and popped off a little. But the prez is ready for a racial incident at all times. You see how he’s saying that the Dem Ethics Committee is acting stupidly?


  56. Makewi says:

    The problem here is the politicians who approved this. They need to go ASAP.

    Do firefighters do the permit inspections on construction sites in NYC? Maybe not on something of this scale.

  57. JD says:

    I cannot stand link spammers.

  58. Jeff G. says:

    It seems to me that the people advancing the idea of state sanction and approval of speech are the ones trying to shut down this community center.

    Yes. Because those people are part of the government.

    Seems RD/meya/inyoursoup/NathanF/Thumper/bloop/taqueria/j-list/ommimax/bdam/Kaz/et al. can’t make a distinction between can and should — or between government shutting something down as a function of its power and private citizens using market pressures trying to let private financiers know that what they are proposing isn’t particularly welcome by all — and most importantly, by those most immediately affected.

    Not surprising, really.

    As for Wilkinson, he’s exactly right: the idea that there are Islamists intent on weakening Americanism is a complete construct of the fevered imagination of right wingers. Bitter clingers getting their confused patriotism on.

    And for proof of his assertion, he points to the mosque going up near the craters of the last imaginary threat that these slackjawed hillsticks got themselves all paranoid over.

  59. JD says:

    Racists. One and all.

    Hush, meya. You are a fucking imbecile.

  60. sdferr says:

    Will W can be a blinkered moron too, it seems. He’s entitled though, right?

  61. taqueria says:

    “between government shutting something down as a function of its power and market pressures trying to let private financiers know that what they are proposing isn’t particularly welcome by all — and most importantly, by those most immediately affected.”

    Like this:

    The problem here is the politicians who approved this. They need to go ASAP.

    Do firefighters do the permit inspections on construction sites in NYC? Maybe not on something of this scale.

  62. Jeff G. says:

    By the way, “American identity”? Imagined. Black, Hispanic, Gay, Islamist, etc.? All real — and each defined by belief the ascendant narrative its “leaders” decree.

    Those falling outside of those parameters are inauthentic. Or perhaps just imagined, as well.

  63. JD says:

    How fucking dishonest can you be? Those were someone else’s words, and someone else’s position. But that is typical of the dishonest mendoucheous fucking fucky way you “debate”. Stupid mindless sophist.

  64. Jeff G. says:

    Like this

    Yes. Voting out politicians who don’t follow the wishes of their constituency is, like, a hate crime.

    We need bailouts for such poor victims.

  65. bh says:

    Trying to bridge libertarianism and progressivism was a pretty good tip-off for me.

    You know what else doesn’t blend well? Islam and multiculturalism.

  66. bh says:

    #67 in re Will Wilkinson.

  67. happyfeet says:

    “we do not get involved in local matters”

    well then they can build their fucking mosque in Arizona

  68. dicentra says:

    Wasn’t Cordoba the capital of Moorish (Muslim) Spain?

    Granada, I thought, where el Alhambra is. Which, that’s one of the coolest places on the planet; extreeeeeemely romantic at night with the lights low.

    In Córdoba, the Moors built a mosque on the site of San Vicente Mártir in 786 (really quite an impressive piece of architecture). It was of course done to show that the Muslims had conquered the Christians.

    Then in 1238, during the Reconquista, the Christians took back Córdoba but instead of destroying La Mezquita outright, they built a small chapel in the center and left the arches (symbolic of palm trees), to show that the Christians had conquered the Muslims.

    How would you deal with the Cordoba Islamic Center?

    Tell them that if we’re emulating Córdoba, they can build their center as long as they include a Jewish synagogue in it.

  69. dicentra says:

    But if this center gets built, I propose that we build some America Rocks centers at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, right next to any memorial sites they might have.

  70. JD says:

    Hush, meya. You are a bigger idiot than Barcky. Meds running low? Don’t feel like insulting people’s children today?

  71. dicentra says:

    the forces of the state should have been used to prohibit this group’s expression. You know, because of the tolerance being hijacked or something.

    Well if you object to using the forces of the state, what say we form a flash mob on September 10th and torch the place? Sound good? What other means would you use to stop people from saying “we won, bitchez, submit or die,” in direct opposition to the wishes of the families and the rest of the country?

  72. dicentra says:

    Also, we just had a glorious microcell pass overhead, with thunderings and lightnings and pea-sized hail for good measure.

    All y’all run inside when it begins to rain.

    We desert folk; we run outside.

  73. sdferr says:

    Preventing Islamist triumphalism will result in a shorter war, so fewer deaths in the long run. Promoting Islamist triumphalism will have the opposite effect, so resulting in a greater number of deaths in the long run.

  74. bh says:

    V.S. Naipaul has some ideas on all this. And he’s brown so we shouldn’t dismiss his ideas on Islamic aggression out of hand.


  75. Jeff G. says:

    No it’s like saying that the forces of the state should have been used to prohibit this group’s expression. You know, because of the tolerance being hijacked or something.

    Right. We have to be tolerant of whatever they desire. Whereas our desires don’t require tolerance because they are racist. Or something.

    You’re a fucking tool. I don’t want you here. Stop posting.

  76. bh says:

    Worth a look, if you haven’t already.

  77. sdferr says:

    What parasite ever quit its parasitism voluntarily?

  78. Makewi says:

    No it’s like saying that the forces of the state should have been used to prohibit this group’s expression. You know, because of the tolerance being hijacked or something.

    So the state should not exist as an extension of the desires of the people? Interesting.

    You pretend not to understand that the specifics of a particular instance matter, or maybe you are just that stupid. In which case I look forward to the day when you can send your kid to the school next door to the liquor store, gun store and strip club.

    Strippers have first amendment rights to strip wherever they damn well please!

  79. BJTexs says:

    Exactly, Makewi. Zoning exists to provide a framework of community standards. Although the process can be horrifically abused it does serve a purpose.

    Thus Strip clubs, liquor stores and gun shops are not, generally, allowed near schools or residential neighborhoods. It’s not an expression of Free Speech, Expression or assembly buy a reflection of the appropriateness of the location.

    Putting a huge mosque just down the street from the worse attack on American soil by self proclaimed Muslims is … inappropriate to the standards of the neighborhood and a slap in the face to those who died there. Find another spot. neighborhood.

    If you want to argue an extreme free speech concept then zoning laws should be rewritten to only apply to safety of building practices.

  80. dicentra says:

    Moral absolutists lack the ability to discern the hierarchy of values. They fixate on one principle that they understand and refuse to see how that principle should be superceded in this case or that.

    Hence the stubborn insistence on “freedom of expression,” regardless of the expression, regardless of the time and place, regardless of any extenuating circumstances.

    Did I mention that moral absolutism is a sign of spiritual immaturity? You’re supposed to outgrow it by your mid-20s, if not earlier.

  81. BJTexs says:

    Where does the word “message” appear in my comment, idiot?

  82. Makewi says:

    Not without limits. See, for example, the bill of rights.

    See also zoning laws and the right of the people to elect leaders who will exercise their will.

  83. Joe says:

    Let me clarify again. I am not with any apologists supporting the Cordoba Islamic Center. I hate it. I hate those backing it. I would like to see it legally stopped.

    New Yorkers have to vote Bloomberg and other politicans not speaking out against this out of office. If you are going to block it, block it legally and in a manner that does not violate 1st Amendment and 5th Amendment principals. I support Palin and others who are speaking out against it.

    And if it cannot be blocked, mock it and attack it (legally of course, we are not Islamic terrorists) in a manner to point out the mendouchousness of its backers, its false mission, and the politicians, such as Bloomberg, who are catering to Muslim voters in Brooklyn and elsewhere and secularist progressives such as Soros.

    And BJTxs, if there is a way to rewrite zoning without avoiding the constitutional pitfalls, I would definitely support that–if done legally (it are a bunch of difficult constitutional issues to over come for this particular project given it is allready in the pipeline). But of course, that takes polticians willing to carry that flag and fight that fight (and Bloomberg is definitely not going to do it).

    Rudy would have done it. Ed Koch would have done it. They would never have let it get this far.

  84. Makewi says:

    Oh, I think you could make quite a compelling case that building such a large Mosque within spitting distance of ground zero presents a public safety issue.

  85. alppuccino says:

    Is there a graffiti artist who does a really life-like baked ham?

  86. bh says:


  87. JD says:

    Hush, meya. You are an idiot.

  88. alppuccino says:

    You don’t get to have the government shut down something because you don’t like what you think it means.

    Like, for instance, the Bush Tax Cuts?

  89. alppuccino says:

    …or offshore drilling?

  90. alppuccino says:

    …..or border security?

  91. sdferr says:

    The day after a Schul and Christian church are built shoulder to shoulder with the Kaaba at the approval of the five great schools of Islamic jurisprudence and of the King of Saudi Arabia, and after al Qaeda and every other Islamist organization now at war with the United States has declared their own defeat and called publicly for cessation of all hostilities, on that day we might consider allowing an ecumenical institution lead by Muslims to be built in near proximity to the mass murder site, but no sooner.

  92. Jeff G. says:

    I think this is a real winner for the pols come November. “Stuff it, you anti-Americans! The principles of this country dictate that the building of a shrine to those who attacked us near where they attacked us is not only appropriate, it’s demanded! And if you don’t like it, you’re less ‘American’ in spirit than those who wish to rub your face in their success at murdering a bunch of you.”

    Can that fit on a bumper sticker?

  93. JD says:

    Can you imagine if someone tried to build a Baptist mega-church in Mecca or Medina?

  94. sdferr says:

    “Can that fit on a bumper sticker?”

    It was. It read “Yes We Can”.

  95. Abe Froman says:

    You don’t get to have the government shut down something because you don’t like what you think it means.

    Unless Wal-Mart is eyeing the space, eh pole smoker?

    Any one of you actually live in NYC?

    If only Jeff’s picture of you and your little Jewfro was clearer.

  96. alppuccino says:

    Can that fit on a bumper sticker

    Maybe not the words, but maybe a picture of a mosque with a big missile shooter sticking out of the top and a real beardy imam flipping off everyone from the front door, and burka-clad ladies with huge boobs using the pool.

    (can’t have a bumber sticker without huge boobs)

  97. Makewi says:

    Any one of you actually live in NYC?

    Why? If you want to know what New Yorkers think about it, it’s easy to find out

    You don’t get to have the government shut down something because you don’t like what you think it means.

    So then the government would have no right to deny the building permit of the greater Aryan fan club next door to a temple or the holocaust museum then? Again, interesting.

  98. sdferr says:

    “can’t have a bumber sticker without huge boobs”

    Which made it damned easy for the Obama people: they had only to include Barry’s image.

  99. JD says:

    Why are you insulting boobies like that, sdferr?

  100. sdferr says:

    Oh, those. Sorry JD. You too, SW.

  101. JD says:

    I heart boobies. Except Barcky. He is one of the bad boobies.

  102. Makewi says:


  103. Abe Froman says:

    They’re literally bigger than her head.

  104. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Comment by Big Bang Hunter on 8/4 @ 11:31 am
    – The thing no one is talking about, probably for fear of jinxing things, is when that day comes that we start seeing suicide bombings here. —

    Comment by cranky-d on 8/4 @ 12:01 pm
    One wonders what the response from flyover country (where I reside) will look like.

    Two words: internment camps

  105. alppuccino says:

    Go long on rotten eggs.

  106. Makewi says:

    Yeah I didn’t think so.

    I’d be willing to bet that thinking isn’t really your strong suit.

    Like a Nazi march through Skokie, IL?

    Just how is a raven like a writing desk?

  107. happyfeet says:

    these particular cocksuckers whose fag-ass mosque Michael Bloomberg is sponsoring have done more to damage goodwill towards muslims than anyone since that one guy they never found what crashed the planes into the twin towers and the pentagon I think

  108. Jeff G. says:

    I don’t want you on my site, RD/et al. Get it?

  109. Abe Froman says:


    What’s curious about it? You already stalk this place like a scared little bitch. It can hardly come as a shocker that I, among others, would knock your fucking teeth out given the opportunity. So the answer to your question about NYC is, quite simply, protect your anonymity here as if your face depends on it.

    Like a Nazi march through Skokie, IL?

    March/structure. Potato/potahto.


  110. sdferr says:

    That American Nazi Party march in Skokie was how many years after the Nazis had been defeated? Let’s see, 1977 say less 1945 is 32 years. Thirty two years and not even the same warring party, but a widely reviled weak and puny imitation of it. So maybe the NY imam should come back and talk to us in 2033. By then we might consider it, depending.

  111. bh says:

    That tilt of the head reminds of a confused dog.

  112. Silver Whistle says:

    Good Allah. Sdferr really did it. Now I’m hooked.

  113. JD says:

    NCIS is a really good show.

  114. Silver Whistle says:

    That tilt of the head reminds of a confused dog.

    I knew I’d seen that compassionate head tilt somewhere before…

  115. JD says:

    RD meya is one of those asexual wannabe metrosexuals

  116. bh says:

    That’s surreal, SW. Here‘s another.

  117. Silver Whistle says:

    You mean he ain’t got as many shoes as Imelda Marcos, JD?

  118. bh says:

    Maybe they just have very weak necks?

  119. Silver Whistle says:

    Half-cocked, bh? You really want to go there? Racist.

  120. JD says:

    That picture really really really cracks me up.

  121. Joe says:

    Comment by JD on 8/4 @ 2:57 pm #

    Can you imagine if someone tried to build a Baptist mega-church in Mecca or Medina?

    You can do it on a more modest scale. Try bringing a personal bible to Saudi Arabia.

  122. Big Bang Hunter says:

    – How about just a simple bumper sticker with the silhouette of a mosque in black and a big red “X” through it.

    – Simple and to the point.

  123. pdbuttons says:

    remember how they have all that ‘running up the hundred floors’
    of the
    empire state building for.. the children? charity stuff?
    how about jumping off thirteen floors with a vest/ for needy drooling kids?
    for napkins or bibs or sump..
    u figure out the logistics/ i’m just an idea guy

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