
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

November 2024


20 Questions

Brent Bozell wants to play with the Washington Post and, in particular, Ezra Klein.

An okay start, I guess. But I can think of a few questions I’d like to see asked that didn’t make Bozell’s final list. For instance —

21) How did the experience of being repeatedly jammed into a gym locker as a tween influence your politics and sense of “progressive” advocacy?
22) Is it true that you can never really get the smell of jock strap out of your nostrils?
23) You little bitch.

Feel free to add your own questions in the comments.

252 Replies to “20 Questions”

  1. newrouter says:

    24) were you always a shmuck or was something you had to work on.

  2. pdbuttons says:

    do u have to always moan when
    ur eating that hot dog at my barbecue?

  3. bh says:

    What’s your favorite flavor of juicebox?

    Have you ever seen a woman naked?

    Can you point to the places on the doll that Keith Olbermann has touched you?

  4. pdbuttons says:

    do u need a ride to the abba concert/
    or are u just hitching?

  5. bh says:

    Is Matt Yglesias a good kisser?

  6. pdbuttons says:

    why does his christmas list
    include my fist?

  7. newrouter says:

    does your blow up doll have a name?

  8. The Mood in Georgia says:

    What made you think 400 people could keep a secret?

  9. pdbuttons says:

    fondle-ing vegtables is not attractive

  10. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:

    Do you hate the retard, extra-chromosone conservatives with a burning passion, loathe them to the depths of your soul, or just detest & damn their very existence?

    How often do you masturbate to the Newsweek cover featuring Sarah Palin in her biking outfit? Weekly, daily or multiple time a day?

  11. pdbuttons says:

    a pain in your ass
    you don’t deserve

  12. JD says:

    Do you make your friends call you Boy Wonder?

    What gives you the idea that you are smarter than the average tse tse fly?

  13. Makewi says:

    If the progressive side of the coin is so much smarter then everyone else, why do you guys keep getting caught being dishonest?

  14. DarthRove says:

    25) Did you really think that if you did this, Amynda Marcotte would give you that hummer? Really? Really?

  15. JD says:

    Other than Jared Bernstein and Orszag, what other contacts did JournoList have with the Obambi campaign, in any capacity.

    Does Ezra get a gold star for eating all of his vegetables?

  16. pdbuttons says:

    my my my/ said grandma with salivating teeth
    thats one ugly thong

    mm/ im confused about hate?
    i hate hate/ but i’m sarcastic
    this site is not about me
    i will bring the hate

  17. Alec Leamas says:

    24) Did anyone mention to you when you were making that face as a child that there was a possibility “it could freeze that way?”

    P.S. the take on the Sinistrosphere is that there is a difference between “secret” and “private” (for goodhearted Leftists, it is left unsaid). Also, “plenty of other professions do it too and it’s no big deal.” I suppose they don’t mean to include police officers, defense contractors, or oil executives, who are always up to some black-hearted mischief, as we all know.

  18. pdbuttons says:

    i rise up in the good golly morning
    and i climb the ladder of success
    and either pee or shout
    at the liberals below
    with practice u can hit ur mark!

  19. alppuccino says:

    Does Reverend Wright love America as much as you do?

  20. geoffb says:

    How incredibly stupid does one have to be to qualify for Journolist membership?

    Do you have better security arrangements on your new list?

  21. pdbuttons says:

    my ezra klein designs are fine
    i’m resigned to that

  22. JD says:

    Ezra – When the members of JournoList were munging Swimmer Kennedy’s stanky corpse, were you felching goats while watching them? Yes or no.

  23. pdbuttons says:

    i shoot an arrow in the air
    where it lands i do not care

  24. alppuccino says:


    Mung and Felch are spices best used sparingly.

  25. alppuccino says:

    ….and besides, I had Klein as a Paddington Ambush kinda guy.

  26. newrouter says:

    did a secret decoder ring come with a membership

  27. JD says:

    All bow to alppuccino’s brilliance.

  28. Patrick says:

    28. Who’s better in the rack, Markos Moulitsas or George Stephanopolous? How would you compare them with anyone else with “ou” in their last name?

  29. newrouter says:

    would you give baracky a monica

  30. JD says:

    Patrick – Maria Menounos? oops. Wrong team.

  31. Is it true that players don’t like getting played? or is that just you?

  32. JD says:

    Don’t hate the playa. Hate the game.

  33. bh says:

    ….and besides, I had Klein as a Paddington Ambush kinda guy.

    I assume he plays the role of the teddy bear then.

  34. JD says:

    You guys are cracking me up. Paddington Ambush. Teddy Bear. Urbandictionary. Who woulda thought?

  35. JD says:

    #’s 3 and 5 literally had me laughing out loud.

  36. mcgruder says:

    Not sure how the guys from Time and BBerg kept their jobs.

    Here’s the funny: Katha Pollitt and Ezra Klein were the voices of sanity on that stupid thing.

    Thinking I should drop this Mcgruder shit.

  37. JD says:

    The least sane appeared to be law school people and j-school professors.

  38. Mike LaRoche says:

    The least sane appeared to be law school people and j-school professors.

    Hence, elitist jackassery like today’s gutting of Arizona’s SB1070. They have rendered America’s legal system a farce.

  39. guinsPen says:

    67. Is it possible to pee off a ladder in Boston and not hit a liberal?

  40. guinsPen says:

    68. If you were a tree, which tree would you be?

  41. Huey says:

    If you got a job on “The View”, how would we know?

  42. bigbooner says:

    Is that smegma on your chin?

  43. Spencer Ackerman says:

    The smell of the jock goes away in time, it’s the shame that stays with me forever.

    It’s that gnawing knowledge that I am not in control and I never will be.

    I can rise to the top of my class, I can get my face on CNN, and even score with a few of those no-makeup DC lefty chicks with the dubious hygene and the faint whiff of insanity about them.

    I can do all that, but deep inside I know that if I ran into Kurt and Steve from 3rd period social studies, they could still jam me in that fucking locker and there is not a damn thing that I could do about it.

    That’s why I (who am definately not Spencer Ackerman) fantasize about tossing people through plate glass windows, because I am never, ever, going to be capable of tossing anyone through a plate glass window.


  44. Spencer Ackerman says:

    ehoes [sic] stupid j-school typing class…

  45. newrouter says:

    that’s so sad spencer

  46. LTC John says:

    Mr. Klein, do you hve an edgy on-line nickname like “Attackerman”?

  47. dicentra says:

    Are the members of JournO!-List above editing or even creating classified documents and then “leaking” them in such a way as to discredit a war effort?

    Which Obama admin made the request?

  48. Spencer Ackerman says:

    The only thing those leaked documents discredit is the idea of having a bunch of punk-assed attorneys in charge of a war effort the way we do in Afghanistan.

    It’s a good thing I’m not a general in the army or there would be broken safety glass windows frickin’ everywhere down at JAG.

  49. newrouter says:

    spencer erza needs help with his jock strap

  50. geoffb says:

    Mr. Klein. Tell us, in your own words, how the phrase “mess of pottage” has come to have meaning in your life?

    Compare and contrast with what a substantial portion of the electorate thinks of the phrase and it’s connection to “Journolist” and you?

  51. AJB says:

    51.) some more macho-man internet tough guy rhetoric. Maybe call Ezra Klein a fag or something i dunno.

  52. B Moe says:

    I would ask them why the jlist was almost all white men.

  53. newrouter says:

    ezra does ajb like it up the arse?

  54. newrouter says:

    ezra does being a bitchy pervert increase your chances of being a journolister?

  55. happyfeet says:

    you can call anyone a fag you want as long as they’re either not really you know that way or they’re Princess Lindsey

  56. B Moe says:

    Any idea why they weren’t more sensitive to the diversities, AJB?

  57. Mike LaRoche says:

    I would ask them why the jlist was almost all white men.

    Metrosexual white men, at that.

  58. newrouter says:

    ezra why do so many of your group of white guys literally fellatiate baracky

  59. rao6n says:


    get a life–your music interests suck, probably as much as you
    go back to GB and fellate some of their “conservatives”
    what a piece of work. . . . .

  60. happyfeet says:

    have you heard my new band this week they’re very awesome here you can click and listen

  61. Jeff G. says:

    I went and had a preliminary exam for bladeless Lasik today. I haven’t been able to see for years, and I hate hate HATE glasses. Never wore contacts, but I can guess I’d hate them just as badly.

    I’ve been holding off because I wasn’t sure I wanted to see the America the Dems are molding in their own weak, petty, controlling image. But I figure what the fuck: I’m paying for HD channels, may as well get some use out of them.

  62. happyfeet says:

    I’m thinking of doing that… I didn’t know blades were ever involved let me know how that goes my vision plan here will kick in a little for it but not a lot.

  63. happyfeet says:

    I love glasses but now that every other movie is in 3D it’s becoming stupid so I was thinking about getting contacts too when I get my next glasses just for to have them at Space Mountain and for going to the 3D movies and stuff

  64. newrouter says:

    funny how the gov’t free lasik goes down in price

  65. bh says:

    Everyone I know who has gone the Lasik course has been very happy with it, Jeff. A couple have better than 20/20 now.

  66. bh says:

    With contacts, you’re lucky if you start wearing them when you’re young. I could put needles into my eyes now and hardly notice.

  67. B Moe says:

    I would also ask Klein if he has any ideas of the best way to get out of a Sprint Air Card contract because not only is their 3g not the fastest wireless internet you can get it sucks so fucking bad it is unbelievable. I am on my third card in six months and not only can I not get a youtube to stream, but it takes on the average of about ten minutes for every minute of video to goddamn download.

    No shit, I am going to give them one more chance, then what are my options if the product is just not even close to what they sold me?

  68. JD says:

    BMoe – Request to change to their 4G Myfi card.

  69. JD says:

    Why is AJB such a loathesome idiot?

  70. rao6n says:

    still think your ideology and “music” suck. . . .

  71. JD says:

    rao6n is not a very nice newcomer.

  72. bh says:

    This is where we’re supposed to make English jokes about ‘feets, JD.

    go back to GB and fellate some of their “conservatives”

    I heard he has terrible teeth and speaks with a posh accent.

  73. pdbuttons says:

    why do clowns have big feet
    and stab?

  74. pdbuttons says:

    i know i know i know
    i’m raising my hand/
    pick me pick me

    because they don’t have guns

  75. happyfeet says:

    I do have terrible teeth I had too much goddamn tetracycline when I was little cause of I was a sickly child… and I never got braces so I’m thinking about starting braces next year and then getting veneered while I’m maxed out in my dead end job and then I will look pretty at the next job interview.

  76. pdbuttons says:

    yeah/clowns have guns
    the kind that spring confetti or make a poop sound
    but im concerned with their stabbing ability

  77. happyfeet says:


  78. rao6n says:


    another jab at the hf twit–TCN teeth, probably a Brit who also fellates that wonderful Cameron!
    Also thinks the Davids are the cat’s pj’s, too.

    what a maroon!

  79. happyfeet says:

    I can’t see how that’s at all sporting of you really.

  80. JD says:

    Clowns are evil. rao6n is just boring.

  81. pdbuttons says:

    if a clown pats u on the back
    u must confront them/
    always say
    i went to barber coolege

  82. bh says:

    You have a delightfully wacky mind, buttons.

    Enough with your incomprehensible Cockney slang, ‘feets.

  83. JD says:

    If a clown pats you on the back, you should shoot it in the face. And then again, just to make sure.

  84. happyfeet says:

    I send buttons comments to my friend D in Chicago on messenger all day and he tells me about the cupcake trucks and stuff

  85. pdbuttons says:

    first year of barber college/ or charm school
    is spelling
    or not poking u in the eye with scissors

  86. bh says:

    Oh… don’t tell your friend I said Chicago was gay now. That was a joke. The idea of selling throat punches from a truck sort of hijacked my weak mind.

  87. pdbuttons says:

    clowns are reknown in my town
    but john gacy buried people

  88. JD says:

    Poking clowns in the eye with scissors is a good start.

  89. happyfeet says:

    oh. He though that was funny cause he already had said it was the gayest business he had ever patronized and that him and the other D were the only guys in line except for the other guy and they were pretty sure he was gay.

  90. RCT says:

    Easy there, JD. Maybe feets just made a new friend.

  91. pdbuttons says:

    a clowns face/ cuz i’m colorblind
    is distorted and/ kinda friendly
    thats why i shoot him/her three times in the mask
    just to be sure
    pauly shore
    and once in the pants
    cuz clowns cant dance
    with a bullet in their pants

  92. JD says:

    That is an odd definition of friend, RCT.

  93. happyfeet says:

    RCT? who is RCT?

    stranger danger!

  94. pdbuttons says:

    when i put make up on and look in the mirror and
    tell jokes
    its not the same as coming on protien wisdom

  95. happyfeet says:

    this might be the shortest title on a Jeff post ever in history

  96. bh says:

    Pauly Shore rhymes with somebody.

  97. happyfeet says:

    (seward’s) folly whore?

  98. JD says:

    Pauly Shore in Son-in-Law was epic.

  99. sdferr says:

    Homebody rhymes with somebody, but Pauly Shore?

  100. bh says:

    Played hockey.

  101. bh says:


  102. happyfeet says:

    oh. that’s not who I was thinking.

  103. JD says:

    Pauly Shore rhymes with daffy whore.

  104. bh says:

    I have a guess on your #99.

  105. happyfeet says:

    warmer warmer hot hot hot

  106. sdferr says:

    Dinty Moore?

  107. bh says:

    It’s sorta cute when Brits reference bits of Yank history they learned off the telly.

  108. JD says:

    Demi Moore?

  109. pdbuttons says:

    i will now connect pauly shore/ with ur door!
    the postman rings twice
    but he had to ring three times or four
    to deliver the newest netflix pauly shore
    as i dreamt of marisa tomei

  110. bh says:

    Bobby Orr!

    (Which you all knew already. Or I’m mispronouncing.)

  111. pdbuttons says:

    no ur not/ thank u
    i say bobby orr cuz he wore number four and
    if u have four posts in a row
    then thats a bobby orr
    or a tommy herr
    who also wore that number

  112. sdferr says:

    I was way off then trying to make Gretzky fit?

  113. bh says:

    Thank you very much. I actually was a bit confused on that.

  114. pdbuttons says:

    two clowns walk into a bar
    hilarity ensues

  115. pdbuttons says:

    the great gretsky
    wore number 99/ thats tuff
    what did mark messier wear?

  116. JD says:

    two clowns walk into an ambush
    hilarity ensues

  117. B Moe says:

    what did mark messier wear?

    The blood of his enemies.

  118. happyfeet says:

    can we revisit the new hotness just cause of she’s so cool I can’t think where I’ve seen her before brb

  119. bh says:

    I know that Messier isn’t pronounced like he’s more than messy but less than messiest.

  120. sdferr says:

    Gretzky plus Messier equals 110

  121. B Moe says:

    Do you know why so many famous painters were Dutch?

  122. pdbuttons says:

    but if i /u have three threads in a row
    and no one responds
    and u check the time thingy
    its kinda sad
    like bobby orr
    why is genius misunderstood?
    cuz u suck

  123. bh says:

    No. Why were so many famous painters Dutch?

  124. David R. Block says:

    What made you think that 400 folks could keep a secret?

    What made you think that no-one on your list would change sides?

    Oh, I forgot to ask this first: Can you think?? You know, independently of the list??

  125. sdferr says:

    Was it something to do with Guilder B Moe? Or Guild-Ur?

  126. B Moe says:

    They were born in Holland.

  127. pdbuttons says:

    i like bryan trottier
    but he doesnt like me
    or return my calls
    i dont blame him
    i blame the sudden rise in soccer fans

  128. LBascom says:

    #33 Was any member of the group responsible for coining “man caused disaster” to replace terrorist?

    ‘Cuz dude, that sucks.

    Hozabout “inclusive suicide”?

  129. serr8d says:

    Ezra, if you get surgically modified just a bit more and rendered capable of bearing children (congrats, Matthew Yglesias will make a great baby daddy), will you name your daughter after a Communist country, maybe Venezuela or Cuba? Russia is already in play…maybe MarxyLynn would suit ?

  130. bh says:

    Ahhhhh. That seems plausible.

  131. happyfeet says:

    she’s Australian just like Mel Gibson and the stingray what killed Steve Irwin but I can’t see why she looks so familiar she must just have that kind of face

  132. sdferr says:

    At least as much as someone like that James Burke fella telling us it was due to a Phoenician trading organization dating from the BC 250’s or something.

  133. sdferr says:

    Blue Crush 2 sounds like a welcome bikini situationing.

  134. pdbuttons says:

    i saw athing on dutch painters on pbs
    yes pbs
    and they showed how van de meer
    or/ whatever his name got so precice
    colors and reality and pomp
    he had an inverted mirror and he copied stuff
    traced it
    scarlett johannson has nice breasts

  135. happyfeet says:

    I wonder if you can watch Blue Crush 2 if you missed the first one or would you just be lost

  136. sdferr says:

    Was David Hockney involved pd?

  137. sdferr says:

    Planning to be lost in the bikini’s would be good planning I think.

  138. pdbuttons says:

    if i was gonna name something it/that
    would be “hey joe”
    after that great jimi hendrix song
    though he didn’t write it
    and i’d be like
    hey joe/ where u running to now?
    or/ hey joe/ where u gonna go?
    ain’t no hangman/ gonna put a rope around me
    and if i had a dog or a russian boxer turtle i could always
    sing that song
    as they tried to escape my benevolence

  139. happyfeet says:

    I told you they filmed Atlas on my street and on Ventura not sure why yet we never saw any of the trailers what they give the important people so we think they were just getting location stuff but now I want to see the movie for sure.

    In other tv news the tv show they shot in NG’s apartment has been shelved cause of I guess it wasn’t very great. But it was free money for her at a time when free money was a very nice thing so that’s just fine I guess but I was curious to see. Also while they were filming they said help yourself to the catering but she never did. I gave her a hard time about that. I bet there were shrimps.

  140. sdferr says:

    Craft service wins hearts

  141. JD says:

    Watching Blue Crush 1 or 2 is highly recommended.

  142. pdbuttons says:

    i told this story before buts it’s funny
    had a snow white cat w/ blue eyes/ we called him blue
    the BEST cat!
    then we bathed him in blue food coloring
    and our neighbors stop talking to us
    but/ fuck/em

  143. bh says:

    Blue Crush was about cute girls (and maybe some silly hobby they had). If it was about cute girls getting kilt, it would have done better box office.

    That’s gotta be a bad sign.

  144. pdbuttons says:

    we also had a cat that dissapearred for 8 months and showed up one day
    his name was kitty bastard/
    cuz we always had a kitty bitch

    but the best name was foster furcollo/ named after a guvnor of mass/ in the sixties/ it had double paws but no personality

  145. LBascom says:

    Jeff, I had lazik 10 years ago, blade and all.

    Worked great, I can see forever, but I still need reading glasses.

    Course most do when they get my age…

  146. guinsPen says:

    Toe Blake.

  147. pdbuttons says:

    gump worsely

  148. JD says:

    Question #47 – Ezra – Does smegma taste like chicken?

  149. guinsPen says:

    Les Binkley.

  150. pdbuttons says:

    clarke gilles

  151. pdbuttons says:

    rogie rachon

  152. pdbuttons says:

    lars lannderson
    i just made that up
    but i bet he’s swedish
    and tall

  153. pdbuttons says:

    bobby who?
    just te best damn hockey player who ever lived
    bobby orr/ number four

  154. bh says:

    I almost did it but I wasn’t sure if it was on four or right after four.

    This is hard.

  155. Pablo says:

    Do these pants make me look like a racist?

  156. guinsPen says:

    “They said I was almost sane,” joked Binkley. “I looked like a near-breasted birdwatcher, not a goalie. We had a lot of laughs through the years and my NHL career was great while it lasted. You saw the movie Slap Shot? I played three years in that Eastern League. Our rink in Baltimore blew up! We moved to Charlotte, four to a car. Guess who was in my car? John Muckler and John Brophy. Our closest rival was Johnstown, 560 miles away. It was even further to Clinton, NY. I swear the state troopers had our schedule.”

    The first ever Penguin was Les, and I was there.

    And for the first ever PW pee dee comment, I was also here.

    So where’s the pie, then?

  157. JD says:

    Slapshot is one of my all-time favorites.

  158. pdbuttons says:

    johnny ‘pie” mckenzie
    played on the oppissite wing of the chief/ john bucccccyk
    i forget the center/ maybe fred stansfield

  159. bh says:

    One slice of pie for the gentleman in the furry tux, please.

  160. JD says:

    Listen to the fucking song!

  161. sdferr says:


    On January 17, 1984, while playing with Calgary in a game against St. Louis, MacInnis wound up and fired a shot from outside the blueline that caught Blues’ netminder Mike Liut on the mask, splitting it. Liut fell to the ice as the puck dribbled over the goal line. No one has taken Al MacInnis’ shot for granted since.

  162. bh says:

    It looks like fur, doesn’t it? Upon reflection, it’s probably a feathery tux though.

  163. pdbuttons says:

    to bake a pie
    and lie to the correction officer
    is sly

  164. guinsPen says:

    Oh, and it’s Vachon.

  165. Spiny Norman says:

    rogie rachon

    Rogie Vachon, pdbuttons!. My first favorite NHL player. He got a shutout in the first NHL game I attended in 1973. 355 victories, 51 shutouts, 2.99 career GAA. Rogie the Goalie is by far the greatest goaltender not in the Hall of Fame.

    It’s a crime, I tells ya!

  166. happyfeet says:

    where is the fucking song for to hear?

  167. happyfeet says:

    I have one kinda neat cause of we were talking about lynchings the other day

  168. sdferr says:

    The currently regnant question before my oven is: Brownies, thickgooey or fluffcakey?

  169. pdbuttons says:

    i wear a tux
    but not enuff
    who knew tieing a tie was this tuff?

  170. Spiny Norman says:


  171. bh says:

    I have a song.

    None of you will like it though and a Hot Air person might come through and call me a Brit.

  172. happyfeet says:

    thickgooey wif cream on top

  173. bh says:


  174. pdbuttons says:

    eleven favorite goalies
    patrick roy cuz harry sinden gave him shit and he replied
    i didn’t hear him/ i have two stanley cup rings in my ears
    martin broduer/ cuz
    jacque plante
    ken mother fucking asshole dryden
    domick hasek
    billy smith
    cartman/ he has a sweet hockey body

  175. happyfeet says:

    oh. I have never seen a hockey movie before. Also Major Lazer, he’s not overly melodic is he?

  176. bh says:

    He’s not overly melodic but if you turn it up real loud and hand out cranberry vodkas, girls start shaking their asses.

  177. bh says:

    Which is kinda important, musically, if you ask me.

  178. happyfeet says:

    billy smith I don’t know but here’s elliott he’s dead like helen thomas and burgess meredith

    this was before we knew for sure that gwyneth was just a half leg up from a drooling halfwit

    now she’s a country singer I couldn’t be more pleased

  179. guinsPen says:

    There’s way too many cracker netminders around here for my taste, I’m out.

  180. happyfeet says:

    A large nuclear explosion on an asteroid might be enough to deflect an asteroid but has significant political and ethical problems. And what if we just blew it into smaller pieces?

    My people aren’t the sharpest bunch are they?

  181. Spiny Norman says:

    A nice piece here on Vachon. It’s no exaggeration to say that he’s biggest the reason the Kings are still in LA. The team very likely would have folded or moved in the ’70s if he hadn’t brought the fans in.

    That’s a good list pdbuttons. Roy was simply amazing, and the sole reason that Gretzky and the Kings didn’t win the Cup in 1993.

  182. pdbuttons says:

    if ben affleck was a goalie i would shooot pucks at/ off his forehead/ i can do it/ im a sniper
    got a college schorlarship
    for hockey
    or my big thighs
    eastern mass is a tuff place to get a scorally ship
    call me ishmail/ but don’t call me late for din dins
    drop the puck/ i dare you!

  183. Spiny Norman says:

    drop the puck/ i dare you!

    There ya go!

    Damnit. When’s hockey season start?!?

  184. pdbuttons says:

    charley simmer married a playboy bunny
    he got traded to the boston bruins
    she sat at 226/ row 13/ i had binoculars
    she looked like farrah foster/without the ass cancer

  185. geoffb says:

    My people aren’t the sharpest bunch are they?

    There are reasons just as the national healthcare explains the teeth. Well that and the use of Doc Martins.

  186. pdbuttons says:

    hockey is year round
    a summer breeze hits me as i leave the rink
    ffall is time to tighten up
    winter early morning chills give me thrills/ knowing i’m gonna elbow/ butt-end ur face
    and springs when i point at your dissapointed face/ as i hold hardware
    and point/ laugh in ur face/
    cuz u suck/ and ur a loser
    but next season u might best me
    drop the puck!
    im a center

  187. Spiny Norman says:

    I remember. Simmer, Taylor and Dionne.

    The Triple Crown Line. 100 points each in back-to-back seasons.

    Charlie broke his leg in ’81, when it looked like they had a great shot in the playoffs.

    Being a Kings fan is a lot like being a Cubs fan, I think.

  188. pdbuttons says:

    swet/ name a defenseman/ or three/ from the kings

  189. Random Defenseman says:

    Yum, centers.

  190. Random Defenseman says:

    Bob Woytowich !!!

  191. Spiny Norman says:

    Rob Blake

  192. Spiny Norman says:

    Matty Norstrom

    The new guy: Jack Johnson. Fucking awesome.

    Nobody from the ’70’s, though. Rogie was the defense.

  193. bh says:

    Cryptographers should consider hockey talk for encryption purposes.

  194. Random Defenseman says:

    Re: Fleshy Dee List

    The “Polish Prince” was a Pittsburgh Penguin.

    As for pee dee, this ex-Hawk King was the “Chairman of the Boards.”

  195. dicentra says:

    Dude. Where you gettin the scratch for Lazik?

  196. Spiny Norman says:


  197. Jeff G. says:

    Dude. Where you gettin the scratch for Lazik?

    24 month 0% financing. I figure I can handle $80 a month or so if it means being able to see.

  198. Spiny Norman says:

    24 month 0% financing. I figure I can handle $80 a month or so if it means being able to see.

    Seems fair to me!

    20 years ago, I had waaay better than 20/20 vision. Now? My arms aren’t damned long enough for some reason…

  199. guinsPen says:

    For me it would depend on see who.

  200. pdbuttons says:

    phil esposito
    bobby orr
    why is espo named first/ cuz bobby orr was/ ya know
    john bucyk/ken hodge/wayne cashman/ who was tuff!
    john nckenzie/ fred stanfield./ derek sanderson
    ed westfall/wayne carelton/ dallas smith/ who/ by the way was awheat farmer from minnitoba
    ted green/don marcotte/don awrey/ who was defense and used to block shots with his face
    rick smith/mike walton/ reggie leach/ who we traded to the flyers and he turned into a 60 goal scorer
    garneet bailey/ who became a scout and his nicky name was ace bailey and he
    was on one of them planes with a kid from bu/ or bc
    that those motherfucking douchebags / ya know
    edddie johnston
    ivan boldirev
    gerry cheevers i went to elementary school with a girl whos father owned a part horse with him
    he came by the school and told me/us/ don’t do drugs
    but he was fat/ i got his autograph
    he was the goalie that put stitches on his mask
    i bet it woulda been fun to drink with him

  201. guinsPen says:

    Should that be whom?

    Can’t see ’em, don’t matter.

  202. bh says:

    Get the man another slice of pie. Good times.

  203. happyfeet says:

    how many pieces has he had already?

  204. guinsPen says:

    Shouldn’t that be shouldn’t?

  205. bh says:

    You must never question your elders and their pie intake.

    That’s in the Bible. Pretty sure it is anyways.

  206. guinsPen says:

    Gilles Marotte, Spiny.

  207. guinsPen says:

    Eric Lindros, sphincter.

  208. guinsPen says:

    And here’s a tip for all of you youngsters out there, blah-blah-blah corks.

  209. Spiny Norman says:

    Gilles Marotte. OK, I vaguely remember him. Never heard of him as the “Polish Prince”, though (or were you referring to someone else?).

    For the record, at 20 bucks, Laird’s 100-proof apple brandy is damned good.

  210. pdbuttons says:

    the best hockey i seen was canada cup 86
    it was the seventh game and they put gretzky and mario lemuu on the same line/ with phil coffey and ray bork on defense and there was a minute 26 left and it was tied score and we won/ i don’t know the name of the otre winger/ it wasn’t phil henderson though

  211. Spiny Norman says:

    Gilles Marotte died of pancreatic cancer in 2005. He was 60. I did not know that.

    That’s way too young.


  212. bh says:

    Was part of the joke on the Welk show that they were wearing zoot suits? And is that hanging chain for the pocket watch?

    It was easier when I was just trying to count to four.

  213. bh says:

    I need tips on my tip.

  214. guinsPen says:

    Bob Woytowich, Princely Penguin.

  215. guinsPen says:

    Polish, too.

  216. pdbuttons says:

    a hanging chain menas many things in different cultures
    in pakistan it means im hungry
    in turkestan it means i’m very very hungry
    in cuba it means i want to have relations with you
    in antartica they just laugh at you

  217. Spiny Norman says:

    The Edmonton Oilers of the 1980s were the best hockey team ever. The Canadiens have had some great teams, and the Islanders were great in the late-70s, but damn, the Oilers’ starting five were all first-ballot Hall-of-Famers.

    Which makes the Miracle on Manchester all the more remarkable.

  218. pdbuttons says:

    the oilers spanked my bruins 4 o/ the old boston garden lights went out
    cuz the generator failed
    i think glen wesley had a goal
    an ass kicking is an asskicking
    who was that.. jari kurri!
    reminds me of mike bossy

  219. bh says:

    In Antarctica, I’m the stabbing clown. The chain holds my blade.

    Drop the puck. I dare you.

    (Poorly done, but it felt good.)

  220. pdbuttons says:

    the late 70’s islanders were damn good

  221. sdferr says:

    In one game against the Buffalo Sabres, Smith broke three of his sticks on the ankles of opposing players in one period.

  222. pdbuttons says:

    frozen clowns are useful cuz their big feet makes tracks and if the polar bear is chasing us i only have to beat one clown frome behind/ a sucker punch/ which/ i don’t really do
    but theres a polar bear chasing us
    it’s me or the clown- seriously

  223. pdbuttons says:

    billy smith is my second favorite smith
    johnny marr is my favorite

  224. John Bradley says:

    Eric Lindros, sphincter.

    On behalf of the fine CheezWiz-filled people of Philadelphia: “Err, yeah, pretty much.”

    (Course, this is a town where we boo MLB players Tim and Stephen Drew just because they’re related to J.D. Drew. We know how to hold a grudge…)

  225. Carin says:

    e. Where you gettin the scratch for Lazik?

    24 month 0% financing. I figure I can handle $80 a month or so if it means being able to see.

    I was [this close] to doing that, but then I talked to some folks who told me it was almost certain that I would then need reading glasses following the surgery.


    I revisited my loathing for contacts, and discovered I didn’t hate ’em as much as I thought.

  226. LTC John says:

    Jeff, do it. I got the bladey/lasery-RPK thing just before going to Iraq. I swore I would see better before I went in harm’s way again. 20/20 for 3 years now and still laughing every morning I wake up and can SEE!

    Oh, and #4? Niklas Hjalmarsson. The Swedish Meatball.

  227. Mikey NTH says:

    Ezra – with respect to your new list: why do you keep doing the same thing yet expecting different results?

  228. Capt. Clarence Oveur says:

    I’ve got some questions for Ezra…

    259. Have you ever been in a Turkish prison?

    275. Have you ever seen a grown man naked?

    301. Do you like movies about gladiators?

  229. Fuck, you’re getting Lasik? I’d sell one of my kids for Lasik. Right now the oldest is 20% off but you’ll get special financing on number 3 and it would even out. I can’t see well enough to tell them apart so take your pick.

  230. Capt. Clarence Oveur says:

    Well I’d love to get the Lasik as the current alternative is to stick with the Coke-bottles currently perched on my nose, but as a plus-number I understand I’m not a candidate.
    Sucks to be me.

    I blame Bush.

  231. Yackums says:

    Or, rather, my welcome-overstaying sockpuppet blames Bush.

  232. Hugo First says:

    I was [this close] to doing that, but then I talked to some folks who told me it was almost certain that I would then need reading glasses following the surgery.

    My surgeon made one eye slightly weaker, and I can read just fine.

  233. #66 Do you realize now that spending all that time in the yearbook office alone with your faculty adviser may have led to some really terrible life choices?

    #67 You’re not going to wear taht again are you?

    #68 No, it doesn’t make you look fat. It’s just… well… you wear it all the time…

    #69 Look. It has strings hanging off it. And a stain.

    #70 Oh God no. Do NOT tuck it in. Just wear something else for Christ’s sake.

    #71 And shave while you’re at it. You look like the “Scrubs” guy if he was 16 and homeless.

    #72 Oh for fuck.. you’re crying? Man up, buttercup. You act like that and Ackerman will hoist you up by your underoos.

    #73 He’s not coming is he? He always brings his mom.

  234. Gulermo says:

    WRT Lasik; I can check prices for you here, if you wish. Alot of elective surgery performed here for foreigners at about half the cost or less. I had a friend that had triple bypass for less than the co-pay for the same procedure done in the U.S. The operation was performed by a surgeon trained in the U.S.

  235. geoffb says:

    146 down, only 254 left to go.

  236. pdbuttons says:

    if u reach in the jar and take another pickle
    would u please not do something disgusting with it

  237. pdbuttons says:

    if u keep saying
    “daddy/ when are u gonna plug the hole”
    we will/ and i’ve talked to other parents and we agree on this
    kick you off the soccer team

  238. The Lost Dog says:

    24. – Does your dick reach your ass?

  239. pdbuttons says:

    i made a note on paper then made a paper airplane outta it
    i’m a journolist

  240. cranky-d says:

    The daily caller is better at being in high school than you are:

    As if the Journolist weren’t all about high-school. They were the kool kidz, you know.

  241. pdbuttons says:

    two jourilists walk into a bar and parrot themselves

  242. pdbuttons says:

    nobody expects the spanish/our chief weapon is surprise
    surprise and fear…fear and surprise
    our two weapons are fear and surprise..and ruthless efficiency..and a almost fanatical devotion to the pope
    our our weapons..
    amongst our weaponry..are such elements as fear/surprise…
    i’ll come in again

  243. Mike LaRoche says:

    Parrots are smarter than members of JournoList.

  244. RTO Trainer says:

    Parrots what are pining for the fijords are smarter than the members of Journolist.

  245. Jeff G. says:

    I was [this close] to doing that, but then I talked to some folks who told me it was almost certain that I would then need reading glasses following the surgery.


    As noted upthread, you can have one eye left slightly weaker, and you will be able to read just fine. Eventually, though, you’ll need reading glasses anyway. I had all the tests and decided that I’m going for the full distance vision. I don’t need to see 20/20 up close; the font that requires such is terribly terribly tiny, anyway, and doesn’t appear as such frequently in nature.

  246. guinsPen says:

    eastern mass is a tuff place to get a scorally ship

    See, I never even saw this.

    Now you’re not even trying.

  247. guinsPen says:

    For safety’s sake, don rubber gloves and a mask before retrieving scorally ship.

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