
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

November 2024


“Japanese told to go to bed an hour early to cut carbon emissions”

Sure, you only live once. But if you don’t do your part for the planet, it may only live another couple of billion years.

So, you know. Sacrifice. For the greater good and all.

update: Just so you know, not everyone who goes to bed early is cutting carbon emissions — even if he wants you to think otherwise.

God. The smell.

(thanks to JHo)

169 Replies to ““Japanese told to go to bed an hour early to cut carbon emissions””

  1. happyfeet says:

    the Japanese, they are broken

  2. JD says:

    My minds’s eye is bleeding. Again.

  3. JD says:

    More sashimi is usally a good answer. Toro.

  4. Mr. W says:

    This is good news if the Japanese ever decide to rape Nanking again; people this intellectually flaccid are no danger to anyone.

  5. Joe says:

    The fragrant oils used on the Goracle must have been…intoxicating. All that warming of the globe. The globe of course being Al’s midsection. Apparently his abs need work.

    Tipper just doesn’t understand.

  6. JD says:

    Now that I am thinking of sashimi, I am craving ceviche. May just have to go to Rick Bayless’ place tonight.

  7. Carin says:

    Perhaps it’s a trick to get them to reproduce.

  8. Pete says:

    Ref the Goreacle. Being called a ‘crazed sex poodle’ (see today’s Drudge) is not helpful to his ‘manbearpig’ image.

  9. JD says:

    algore – crazed sex poodle. I am going to hurl.

  10. Joe says:

    It is now baremanpig.

    Sexual Global Healing.

    Marvin Gaye just rolled over in his grave and vomitted.

  11. BuddyPC says:

    Write what you know, we were told.
    Poet Goreate makes all the sense in the world now.

    One thin September soon
    A floating continent disappears
    In midnight sun

    Vapors rise as
    Fever settles on an acid sea
    Neptune’s bones dissolve

    Snow glides from the mountain
    Ice fathers floods for a season
    A hard rain comes quickly

    Then dirt is parched
    Kindling is placed in the forest
    For the lightning’s celebration

    Unknown creatures
    Take their leave, unmourned
    Horsemen ready their stirrups

    Passion seeks heroes and friends
    The bell of the city
    On the hill is rung

    The shepherd cries
    The hour of choosing has arrived
    Here are your tools

  12. LTC John says:

    Will they increase chocolate rations by 10g a month if they do so? Ungood. Double plus ungood.

  13. Kresh says:

    Eh, it’s not what the pols say, it’s what the people do. The Japanese people, by and large, are pretty pragmatic. The gov says something retarded, the people nod and pretend to listen, and everyone forgets about it in short order. Not a perfect system, but it meanders along, after a fashion.

  14. BuddyPC says:

    I’m also wondering what Colbert King thinks about what model father-husband Al Gore’s penchant for one-way happy endings might have on his future punditry. I guess I’ll have to wait until next Father’s Day to find out.

  15. Alec Leamas says:

    What if by going to bed early – when they’re not tired – they engage in acts of coitus and produce more carbon-emitting children? Has no one thought of this?

  16. Carin says:

    Yes, Alec, up at comment #7.

  17. Eric Holder says:

    And if Al Gore even hints on running in 2012, we will crack down on him too.

  18. Lamontyoubigdummy says:

    I wonder. Will this “going to bed early” thing lead Japan to more or less bat shit crazy game shows and animated tentacle pron?

    In retrospect, those two nukes really went waaaaay beyond ground zero, didn’t they?

    Al Gore, again, shows us the way. Because everyman deserves to have that stubborn groin pull worked on by a strange woman in a swanky hotel. “I’ll let you touch my Nobel Prize”. Great pick-up line Al.

  19. Slartibartfast says:

    baremanpig made me simultaneously chuckle and throw up in my mouth just a little.

  20. happyfeet says:

    this would work more better if they promised them a story

  21. JD says:

    I just heard a media jouralist type thingie mock a profession, not at all, seemingly, aware that he is a media type thingie.

  22. newrouter says:

    BREAKING: ‘Green’ Energy Company Threatens Economics Professor … with Package of Dismantled Bomb Parts
    The author of a damning study about the failure of Spain’s “green jobs” program — a story broken here at PJM — received the threatening package on Tuesday from solar energy company Thermotechnic.

  23. newrouter says:


  24. Alec Leamas says:

    Yes, Alec, up at comment #7.

    I meant to ask had any of the Japanese pols thought of it. I know where your mind is, Carin.

  25. Clint says:

    Considering the demographics of the Japanese population, maybe an earlier bedtime is entirely appropriate…

  26. Slartibartfast says:

    Sorry, I’ve been kind of distracted by this, which causes me to care less about politics.

  27. […] “Japanese told to go to bed an hour early to cut carbon emissions” […]

  28. Lamontyoubigdummy says:

    I just heard a media jouralist type thingie mock a profession, not at all, seemingly, aware that he is a media type thingie.

    It prolly went to Columbia.

  29. Mr. W says:

    To be fair, the press did refer to Al Gore as ‘wooden’ pretty consistently.

    That masseuse should have seen this coming (no pun intended).

  30. Lamontyoubigdummy says:

    Sure you’re you’re thought process is borderline, echo chamber retarded, but you can string a sentence together. And we can bypass that borderrline and make you a full-on, boiler plate retard in two years!

    Dagummit, we’ll make you a “journalist” out of you yet!!

    The Columbia School of Jurno. Is there anything it can’t do?

  31. BuddyPC says:

    23. Comment by newrouter on 6/24 @ 1:43 pm #
    BREAKING: ‘Green’ Energy Company Threatens Economics Professor … with Package of Dismantled Bomb Parts
    The author of a damning study about the failure of Spain’s “green jobs” program — a story broken here at PJM — received the threatening package on Tuesday from solar energy company Thermotechnic.


    “New Orleans–While many Americans undoubtedly agree with the decision of U.S. District Court Judge Martin Feldman to overturn the Obama administration’s moratorium on deep water drilling, not everyone is happy. In fact, the Judge is now receiving death threats in the aftermath of his bold ruling.”

    I’m not too worried; I’m sure the Southern Poverty Law Center is on the case.

  32. Rob Crawford says:

    The WaPo’s supposed observer “inside the conservative movement, inside the Republican party” is exposed as just another left-wing hack, coordinating his message with the rest of the left-wing press on “Journolist”.

    Take a look at his blogroll, too. Yep. He’s “inside the conservative movement” all right…

  33. Rob Crawford says:

    I’m not too worried; I’m sure the Southern Poverty Law Center is on the case.

    Sending the threats or providing the appropriate phone numbers for the people who are?

  34. Big Bang Hunter says:

    Well you see, the Leftards have to commit acts of civil disobedience to take down the evil, corrupt, corporate hidden government, or Gia will scream, continents will sink, and glaciers will melt away like a 44 ounce slurpy in the grubby hand of a Pheonix street corner junkie in July.

    Life must be a real bitch waking up with all that on your shoulders each day.

    Someone should suck it up and whisper something to the head Lefty birdbrain in the gulf area, pointing out the disturbing possibility that while some of the Nippons are retiring to the floor mats, some of the other Nippons are still busy slaughtering their beloved whales.

    I know, I know. The Japanese are short and slippery, and its just a hell pof a lot easier attacking a sitting judge.

    You have to make the most with what you have.

  35. Old Dad says:

    Bushido just committed sepuku. They are all ronin now.

  36. Mr. W says:

    A reliable indicator of the direction any Obama decision will lead is to survey the options and evaluate which course of action will eliminate the most jobs. One can rest assured that that is the path obama will take, the one that puts the maximum number of Americans out of work.

    I long ago stopped wondering why Barack’s poll numbers were so low and began to seriously wonder why they were not a great deal lower.

    Either the polls are BS or there are a lot more stoned leftists than we have been led to believe.

  37. Mr. W says:

    I’m starting a pool that will be based on which Democrat or Dem. group will force obama to resign in order to save the Party. You must answer in the Clue format.

    Hillary Clinton in the Oval Office with a Birth Certificate.

  38. sdferr says:

    Like Felix in the basement with a pistol sort of clue?

    (Though that one is set for a few years beyond Barry’s tenure with who knows who, the new Party old-party finding itself less forgiving than our current Democrat party.)

  39. Kresh says:

    …glaciers will melt away like a 44 ounce slurpy in the grubby hand of a Pheonix street corner junkie in July

    So, we wrap the glacier in styrofoam?

    Sounds like a plan!

  40. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:

    Mr. W,
    Here’s my guess:

    Col. Biden on the Golf Course with a 5-iron.

    Gee, this is fun!

  41. newrouter says:

    no cass sunstein in the library with the federal register

  42. BuddyPC says:

    Blago on the witness stand with a digital playback/recorder.

  43. Big Bang Hunter says:

    Cooke Roberts under the news desk on Meet the Press with a roll of paper towels

  44. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:

    Rahm Emanuel with a Star of David throwing star in the Cabinet Room.

  45. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:

    Gen. Stanley McChrystal with a rolled up “Rolling Stone” in the White House head.

  46. bh says:

    Rev. Wright with an ornate pimp cane in a predominantly white suburb.

  47. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:

    Keith Olbermann with a blow-up doll in the bathtub?

  48. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:

    Helen Thomas turning him to stone by making him look at her in the White House Press Briefing Room.

    I could do this ALL DAY!

  49. bh says:

    Andy Stern with cement shoes in the Potomac.

  50. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:

    Bill Ayers with a car bomb in the White House portico.

  51. newrouter says:

    nancy pelosi on the porch with a vibrator

  52. newrouter says:

    harry reid in the den with a casket

  53. bh says:

    Harry Reid with his leadership in the Senate.

  54. Mr. W says:

    You’re all quite good. Surprisingly good considering the amount of adult beverages that most of you have consumed already this morning.

    I think we’ll have to give the early lead to BuddyPC, just based on the sheer plausibility of his answer.

    I’m going to amend my answer. I think it will be Al Gore in the White House sauna with nothing but a towel.

    Because my boy is a ‘crazy sex poodle’!

  55. newrouter says:

    baracky in the oval office with a clue

  56. bh says:

    The Democrat Party with a primary challenge in 2012.

  57. dicentra says:

    My brother just sent me this link about a lost kitty and a mean coworker.

    It’s highly amusing and I thought I’d share.

    Also, this is my second attempt to post this comment, the other having been stopped by Jeff’s spamblocker, undoubtedly because the URL contains the word “ash-slay” in it.

  58. bh says:

    Funny stuff, di.

  59. Mr. W says:

    I don’t believe this game will go that long, bh #58.

    It’s almost bedtime for the party that takes their ‘Party’ label very seriously, just like uncle Vladimir taught them.

  60. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:

    Sen. John Kerry “in a manner reminiscent of Genghis Kahn”

  61. bh says:

    BP with an oilspill in the Gulf.

  62. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:

    Teresa Heinz Kerry with an empty merlot bottle at a DC cocktail party

  63. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:

    Al Gore by boring him to death at a “Green Jobs” conference

  64. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:

    Bill Clinton with an STD at a Hooters

  65. sdferr says:

    The Nameless Wagyu Beef Bolus in the diningroom.

    Hear our prayer.

  66. bh says:

    Jimmy Carter with a “he’s not up to the job” in the New York Times.

  67. The Ghost of Trotsky says:

    Ramon Mercader in Mexico City with an icepick?

    Seriously. It could happen to any Party member.

  68. bh says:

    Michael Dukakis with a tank in a photo opp.

  69. bh says:

    Michael Moore with a documentary in the movie theater.

  70. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:

    Barney Frank with a dildo at a masquerade ball

  71. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:

    Chris Dodd with a waitress sandwich on a bridge in Chappaquidick

    I really can do this ALL day!

  72. Immy Jay Offa Hay says:

    A couple of Teamsters on the 50 yard line at Giant’s Stadium with a load of cement?

  73. sdferr says:

    Sen Robert Byrd with an all-enveloping hoodie.

  74. sdferr says:

    oops, …. Sen. Robert Byrd with an all-enveloping hoodie in a coalmine.

  75. JFK (not the dorky one) says:

    A communist dupe in Dallas with a grassy knoll?

    (I knew I shouldn’t have trusted that crazy bastard LBJ)

  76. sdferr says:

    Gen. Stanley McCrystal with a detailed war-planning position paper in the Situation Room.

  77. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:

    Sarah Palin with a tea bag in the White House mess

  78. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:

    Van Jones with a hammer & sickle in The Hall of the Proletariat

  79. It's DOCTER Guevera, not 'mister'! says:

    The Bolivian army with a firing squad in La Higuera?

    If you are foolish enough to believe the lies of the Imperialists, that is.

  80. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:

    Glenn Beck with a tear-dampened tissue on a Bold Fresh Tour venue

  81. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:

    Robert Reich with a midget sub in the Reflecting Pool

  82. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:

    HHS Secretary Sebilius with a death panel on the hoop court

  83. bh says:

    A reporter with curiosity in Hyde Park, Chicago.

  84. sdferr says:

    Particularly like the democrat angle in that one bh. heh

  85. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:

    Speaker Pelosi with a syringe of Botox in the House Rotunda

  86. I Callahan says:

    You mean THIS smell?


  87. happyfeet says:

    I’m scared to click on smell youtubes

  88. bh says:

    Smoke and coke rhyme, thank you Mr. Skynrd.

    Minor quibble, coke smells a bit like stingy ammonia but you have to be extremely close to it.

  89. bh says:

    Smoke smells like burning tobacco and you can smell it from very far away.


  90. bh says:

    There is a slight chance that I misspelted Skin Nerd.

  91. Bob Reed says:

    Corporal “Cueball T Carville” and some ragin’ Cajuns on the oil-soaked Louisiana shore…

  92. Bob Reed says:

    Biden of Arabia with a “big effin’ deal” in the East room of the White House…

  93. Bob Reed says:

    What are y’all doin’ up so late? Don’t make gaia come in here with dad’s belt!

  94. newrouter says:

    happyfeet with a little debbie in the drawing room

  95. happyfeet says:

    this proves nothing

  96. bh says:


  97. Darleen says:

    Michelle in the Lincoln Bedroom with a Vera Baker

  98. bh says:

    Vera Baker?

  99. bh says:

    Ohhhhhh. Thanks, Google.

  100. sdferr says:


  101. b "portmanteau" h says:


  102. sdferr says:


  103. b "portmanteau" h says:


  104. Mike LaRoche says:

    Henry Waxman with a bottle of Afrin.

  105. vivictius says:

    *sigh* I wish I didnt read this before going to bed, now I have to stay up another couple hours to make up for those nitwits…

  106. Willie's Cat says:

    A middle-aged cat-serenading midget playing a skin vuvuzela.

  107. Stephanie says:

    A middle-aged Baremanpig playing his skin vuvuzela.


    I knew he would eventually be good for something.

  108. Kevin B says:

    I can’t believe that only Darleen got close to the true answer. It is of course

    Michelle O with the eight iron in the Explorer.

  109. It's DOCTER Guevera, not 'mister'! says:

    Probably, Kevin, but what if it turns out that Barry’s ho’s were Sebelius, Clinton, Napolitano, Pelosi, Frank, and Kagan?

    Oh, Smack!

  110. Lamontyoubigdummy says:

    Professor Plum in the White House Map Room.

    With the candlestick.

    Sweet Jesus. What’ve these two assholes done now?

    I can’t wait for their lame duck session. The amount of revenge evil these fuckers are gonna lay down is gonna require the election of Bruce Campbell and a chainsaw.

    The first Congressional Session of 2011 is gonna open with the words Klaatu Barada Nikto.

  111. Lamontyoubigdummy says:

    The president was just on TV saying words. Every country planning to attend G20 just announced they were staying home to fold socks/ wash hair.

    Too bad. Greece had the valet parking gig, and they need the money.

  112. It's DOCTER Guevera, not 'mister'! says:

    The first congressional session of 2011 will open with the words, “I would like to welcome back all three remaining Democrats. Your offices are now in the closet-space behind the downstairs tourist restrooms…”

  113. It's DOCTER Guevera, not 'Che'! says:

    “First order of business is the removal of Barck H. Obama who has put on a pirate hat and barricaded himself in the Lincoln bedroom.”

  114. BJTexs says:

    This one just for happyfeet:

    Kevin Jennings with a “A Guide to Teen Gay Sex” textbook in a Jr. High bathroom.

  115. happyfeet says:

    Lila Rose with a “Cutters for Christ” t-shirt in the abortuary?

  116. BJTexs says:

    Just for me? Awwwwww……

  117. happyfeet says:

    speaking of cutters:

    “They have taken the filibuster and made the Senate dysfunctional,” Durbin told POLITICO. “Because we need 60 votes for everything, we have been stopped cold in our tracks. We’re making every effort to negotiate with them and find common ground, but it is hard and, in this case, it is impossible.”

  118. happyfeet says:

    but the Boehnerfags what have their own health cares separate form ours happily gave bumblefuck cover on doc fix it looks like

    House members, who must all stand for election in November, may be impatient with this schedule, but a disappointed Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) opted to release a separate Medicare-related bill Thursday night that had been held up while the Senate debated the jobs bill.

    On a 415-1 vote, the House quickly approved — and sent to the White House — the measure, which will reverse a 21 percent cut in Medicare reimbursements for physicians that went into effect this month.

  119. happyfeet says:

    *from* ours I mean

  120. happyfeet says:

    Mr. BJ where did your a go?

  121. LTC John says:

    “The first Congressional Session of 2011 is gonna open with the words Klaatu Barada Nikto.”

    Man, I just love it…

  122. It's DOCTER Guevera, not 'Che'! says:

    Baghdad Bob Durbin is more accurately a ‘cutter and runner’.

  123. BJTexs says:

    Hi, feets! I’ve been very busy with work and various other mini-catastrophes like exploding turbos in cars and such. Last night the T-Storms here in Eastern PA. created something that looks like a war zone and I had no electricity.

    Not really receptive to teh blogging, n’est pas?

    This has been a great thread and has made me nostalgic for PW days of yore.

  124. Lamontyoubigdummy says:


    Geez. That thing musta come with a pay raise & a blowjob.

    I want my tax dollars back.

  125. guinsPen says:

    As a geezer, I already go anyway.

  126. Mr. W says:

    44.Comment by BuddyPC on 6/24 @ 6:09 pm #

    Blago on the witness stand with a digital playback/recorder.

    BuddyPC, from your ‘tips to Rod’s ears…

    Rod: This is one of those things where you’re the president-elect of the United States. His people, they go get the money.


    [In the next tape, Blagojevich is heard floating another idea — to ask the president-elect to ask Warren Buffett or Bill Gates to throw $15 million into a health-care related charity account that Blago could manage and live off. In exchange, of course, he’d appoint Valerie Jarrett to Obama’s Senate seat.

    Blago had just seen on the news that Obama didn’t want Jarrett in the Senate anymore; instead, he was considering her for a cabinet post. But Blago’s not convinced, and he floats this new fund-raising idea.

    Harris: I think that’s a lot easier for them than an appointment, sure…

    Rod: You go to these big Democratic multi-billionaires … and you ask them all to give 2, … a couple million each … That’s all they got to do for Valerie Jarrett… that’s not hard for them.]

  127. When I eat sushi before bed I get really, really gassy. Like sleep with a window open gassy. Like dairy farm gassy. Like paper manufacturing plant gassy.

    But I’ve heard most Japanese have super-ninja powers so that they can sleep without breathing or farting. They are really very clever with their transistor radios and cheap small cars.

  128. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:

    Maybe this should have it’s own post and thread, but the Clue game was so fun that I think we can all start a new, but similar game:

    Come up with derivatives of ’70’s and ’80’s TV shows that capture the essence, political philiosophy and tactics of the Obama Adminstration:

    To Wit:
    – Proletariat Junction
    – Socialists say the darndest things!
    – CCCP in Washington D.C.
    – The Blago Bunch
    – The Dukes of Hyde Park
    – H.R. BarrackenStuff
    – Mission: Collectivism
    – Name that Marxist
    – I Dream of Alinsky
    – The $16 Trillion Dollar Man
    – Teenage Mutant Leninist Grad Students

  129. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:

    Social Justice, American Style

  130. DarthRove says:

    Space: 1984

  131. Mr. W says:

    Marx to Marx (farce)

    TNT@9pm: Wealthy socialists, Barack and Michelle Marx, play amatuer economists who find and stamp out any remaining vestiges of the private sector from their lavish home.

  132. Mr. W says:

    K Street Blues (drama)

    CSPAN@10pm: A new drama from Rahm Emmanuel’s Whitehouse Studios showing the gritty and sometimes brutal existence of a group of plucky Democrat lobbyists.

    WARNING: Realistic images of 3 star restaurants, DC suburban mansions, and expensive cars may disturb some viewers.

  133. DarthRove says:

    The Price Is A Capitalist Tool Of Oppression!

  134. Mr. W says:

    Barney P.I. (gay pron)

    HBO@2:30am: In tonight’s episode Barney intercepts a group of underage Thai male prostitutes, and struggles both with them, and over what to do with them, for several dramatic lotion-fueled weeks.

    WARNING: Sustained Barney nudity may cause all sighted viewers to claw their eyes out.

  135. DarthRove says:

    William F. Buckley and Leslie Nielson starring in …


  136. Mr. W says:

    Let’s Make a Depression! (game show)

    CBS@10:30am: Monty Obama gets imbeciles impersonating congressmen to grind the producer sector into a fine socialist dust, with hilarious results!

  137. Mr. W says:

    Bosom Buddy (comedy)

    Animal Planet@8:00: Al Gore gets to live at an all-female, senior citizen masseuse school by pretending to be a tree. Tonight we hear an unidentified 54-year-old masseuse exclaim, “I don’t think that’s a branch!” to law enforcement.

  138. Frontman says:

    Mayberry, BFD

  139. DarthRove says:

    Green Energy Acres

  140. Frontman says:

    No Truth and No Consequences

  141. DarthRove says:

    WKRP in Hicktardville, Jesusland.

  142. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:

    Bravo folks…great work.
    Many of your efforts have made me laugh out loud to the point of tears!

    This TV game may need it’s own post and thread so it gets wider distribution….the possibilties are virtually endless, and with the possible passage of the Fairness Doctrine and the implementation of the Presidential Internet Kill-Switch looming, we may not have long to express these hilarious comments, sadly.

  143. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:

    “Barney Loves Chachi” (Comedy)
    ABC@9:30pm The hilarious adventures of a Mass. Congressman and his extremely flexible teen-aged page. In this episode, Chaci secretly launches a new business venture from the Congressman’s office, with unexpected results.

  144. Frontman says:

    Art Linkletter’s House Mortgage Foreclosure Party…

  145. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:

    thirtytrillionsomething (drama)
    Yuppie parents Barack & Michelle struggle to raise taxes, perpetuate class warfare and fund their socialist agenda while avoiding going to far into hock to the Chinese.

  146. Frontman says:

    The Wide World of Spurts (Sports)

    Al Gore invites female celebrities on a hunt for his second chakra.

  147. DarthRove says:



    A series devoted to exploring the life of Hillary Rodham Clinton.

  148. Mr. W says:

    I Dream of Weenie (comedy)

    SHO@9:00: Barney is granted three wishes by Barbara Eden and with his first he turns her into Gomer Pyle. The other two wishes involve leather harnesses and a whiffle ball bat. Hijinks ensue.

    CONTENT WARNING: The thought of Jim Neighbors in a two-piece genie outfit may disturbs everyone.

  149. Frontman says:

    Gomer’s Piles, SEIU (comedy)

    ABC Family@8:00 pm

    Appearing as special guest star, Barney Franks meets Gomer sitting at the bar, helps him push in his stool.

  150. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:

    “The Courtship of Chelsea’s Father” (drama)
    Lifetime 9:00pm
    A former-First Daughter struggles to deal with her father’s rampant promiscuity, sexual predation and poor taste in tryst-mates while maintaining a constructive relationship with her closeted-lesbian mother who can’t divorce the dad due to strict “spousal
    immunity” statutes.

  151. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:

    Mr. W,
    You’re killing me here!
    This is some of the funniest stuff I seen at PW since the old Martha Stewart Prison Diaries and the Anna Nichole drunken, slurred pontifications.
    Good times, good times……

  152. happyfeet says:

    I miss the yore days too.

  153. B Moe says:

    Fucking Retards Say the Darnedest Things.

    Hosted by Rahm Emanuel.

    This week: Joe Biden gets the Lifetime Achievement Award.

  154. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:

    “This Week”
    ABC Sunday @ 9:00am (public affairs, talk show)
    Interviews with newsmakers; a panel of rotating Obama-sychophantic “journalists”, leftist apologists, race baiters, cranky aggrieved femini-nazi’s, dwarfishly small & narrow-minded academics, gonzo Marxist alleged economists, elderly toupee-wearing mohair farmers, skanky Euro-trash pseudo-bloggers, totalitarian-envying author/columnists and one bow-tied quasi-conservative baseball fanatic who’s only there to be interrupted and insulted by his “intellectual betters”.

    Brought to you by Ex-Lax, Media Matters and the Sierra Club.

  155. B Moe says:

    I thought we were supposed to be making them up, pvrwc?

  156. guinsPen says:

    The Riflemen

    Featuring Bill Ayers and Barack Obama as Lucas and Mark McCain.

  157. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:

    B Moe,
    Yes, they were supposed to be made up, but sometimes truth is stranger (and funnier) than fiction.
    N’est pas?

  158. Yackums says:

    Sarah, Plain Palin and Tall

  159. Yackums says:

    Epic thread, btw.

Comments are closed.