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January 2025


Hillary: Obama’s Justice Department to sue Arizona over state immigration law modeled after federal law

— Which, I wonder if this means they finally got around to reading the thing?

Frankly, the only proper response for Arizona at this point is to tell the Feds to fuck the fucking fuck off — and tell Obama that if he wants to stop them from protecting their own borders, he should send some troops down to police those citizens who are hoping to police those own borders, or else bring his own smarmy ass down to the desert and make them stop using the power of his words.

Time to go OUTLAW x infinity. Else we’re forever doomed.

‘Good man’ my balls.

32 Replies to “Hillary: Obama’s Justice Department to sue Arizona over state immigration law modeled after federal law”

  1. bh says:

    Hey, welcome back.

  2. donald says:

    Dana Delaney is hot.

  3. sdferr says:


    In a foreign nation.

    Are giant blinking neon’s sited facing out at the border next?

    ** Come on in! **

  4. DarthRove says:

    Great minds and all that, I suppose*

  5. Lamontyoubigdummy says:

    Ed Morrissey makes a very good point. This ain’t good for the BP Meeting Taker in Chief (20 minutes of whoop ass & $20Billion of theft). The AZ law has huge support & the WH has been ducking it recently. Now they have to confirm or deny The Traveling Pantsuit’s remarks.

  6. cranky-d says:

    I have the feeling that these idiots continue to think that stuff they say in other countries won’t be reported here.

  7. Jeff G. says:

    I admire Ed Morrissey’s ability to continue to write reasoned responses to these stories, as if those responses actually matter.

    Me, I’ve got nothing left but disgust. And much of that is aimed at the voters who got us into this predicament — mostly so they can clap themselves on the back for being all historic and symbolic.

    They really took the bait on that one, they did. Fucking useful idiots.

  8. Lamontyoubigdummy says:

    Whad’a you expect cranky? The President thinks people from Austria speak “Austrian”.

  9. Nolanimrod says:

    Why not? The Warren court declared our constitution unconstitutional in its One Man One Vote decision.

  10. Lamontyoubigdummy says:

    Disgust. Plenty of that shit goin’ around.

  11. Lamontyoubigdummy says:

    I think the Warren Court would make a good musical.

    If your a Supreme Court Judge with a name like Felix Frankfurter, you should automatically get to sing a song on Broadway.

  12. BJTexs says:

    Let’s make sure we all understand this in it’s entirety.

    The Federal government is responsible for handling matters of immigration and border security.

    The Federal Government falls egregiously short in both areas.

    One of the States who has to bear the consequences of this shortfall declares, “OK, we’ll just deal with the problem on our own!”

    The Federal Government responds, “No, you won’t as we will assert our rights in Federal court have the responsibility … to fall egregiously short!”

    Imma goin’ to look out my window and see if the sun is setting in the east.

  13. Silver Whistle says:

    I want to know where donald is going with his #2.

  14. mojo says:

    The Billary seems to be getting some subtle nut-kicks in while attention is elsewhere.

  15. JD says:

    Go vuvuzela yourself, meya.

  16. Squid says:

    In meya’s world, the various state highway patrols aren’t allowed to cite speeders on Interstate highways, because post roads are a federal responsibility.

  17. happyfeet says:

    We want them to sue, no? I am confuzzled.

  18. AJB says:

    Federal law says that torturing people and warrantless wiretapping are criminal offenses, but that immigration violations are civil offenses–not criminal offenses.

    Hope this helps.

  19. happyfeet says:

    federal law is gay though

  20. Matt says:

    But its not only federal responsibility, the states have responsibility as well. Plus, I think you miss the sheer ridiculousness of Obama’s government claiming a law based on standing federal law is unconstitutional.

  21. JD says:

    Go play with your vuvuzela, meya/etal. AJB is just a douchenozzle, meya is far more insidious.

  22. Makewi says:

    We want them to sue, no? I am confuzzled.

    Yes, because the case law is decidedly not on their side. What we want is for the press to point and laugh that even the loons on the 9th has ruled that “Although the regulation of immigration is unquestionably an exclusive federal power, it is clear that this power does not preempt every state activity affecting aliens.” – Gonzales v. City of Peoria

    There’s a lot more where that came from. This guy has happily put it all in one place.

  23. […] Hillary: Obama's Justice Department to sue Arizona over state … […]

  24. happyfeet says:

    but I think the takeaway isn’t that the dirty socialists want to overturn the Arizona law it’s that they want to have a big messy loud ugly fight

  25. Makewi says:

    Which would seem like an opportunity for the side that has the overwhelming majority of the population agreeing with them. They’ll have to figure a way around the press of course.

  26. happyfeet says:

    nope notsomuch really but my opinion has been heavily discounted in these matters… the Boehnerfag Rs will not long be prancing about once the sleeping giant hispanic vote is awakened I don’t think… the dirty socialists are ruthless in these matters and very very skilled whereas Team R has Mr. Boehnerfag n Michael Steele n Meghan’s daddy n Princess Lindsey n the Palin hoochie n various establishment whore teletubbies for a brain trust.

  27. LTC John says:

    hf, you keep preaching this is some sort of disaster for proponents of the law – but anyone who asks the populace of these here United States seems to say – yes, it a disaster – for the OPPONENTS. I know you have a soft spot in your heart for illegals from Mexico, but my county seems to have overrun ERs, crap schools full of kids who don’t speak English in some towns and Surenos, Latin Kings, et al shooting at the police and sheriff….and lots of those folks are not here legally. No use checking with the people who they undercut for jobs by working for cash and not paying taxes, not getting benefits, etc. eh?
    I want people here who have at least one shred of respect for the law, will do whatever it takes to come here LEGALLY. Them I want.

  28. […] Hillary: Obama's Justice Department to sue Arizona over state … […]

  29. donald says:

    She’s just hot whistle. I mean she’s an unbelievably, incredible sex bomb…to me and all.

  30. happyfeet says:

    we will see LTC but for sure I think it’s much less contentious to say that the immigrationings aren’t in the top 5 issues our failshit little country desperately needs to tackle if it maybe wants to retain a shred of dignity.

    There’s precious little indication it wants to, but whatever.

  31. […] Hillary: Obama's Justice Department to sue Arizona over state &#82… […]

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