
Jeff's Wish List

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October 2024


40 – (no)Love

In his most recent “Impromptus,” Jay Nordlinger fairly concisely echoes my own sentiments re: Martina Navratilova’s critique of the United States (which first appeared in the German press). Writes Nordlinger:

Et tu, Martina? The Czech-born tennis champion Martina Navratilova made her fame and her fortune in the United States, land of the free, home of the brave. Now she has blasted us in — of all places (I would say) — the German press.

She thinks that conservatives in the U.S. are suppressing free speech. Listen to this, if you can stand it: ‘The most absurd part of my escape from [an] unjust system [e.g., Communist Eastern Europe] is that I have exchanged one system that suppresses free opinion for another.’ She continued, ‘The Republicans in the United States manipulate public opinion and sweep any controversial issues under the table.’ And, ‘It

2 Replies to “40 – (no)Love”

  1. Paul Wright says:

    Well put Jeff. There are 20 or 30 countries that would happily accept Martina, with no significant change in her rights.

    why doesn’t she just sod off?

  2. Peggy says:

    WHy do people think that “freedom of speech” means “freedom to speak without fear of criticism, debate or ridicule.” If her freedom of speech were truly being suppressed as in the old country, she’d be fearing jail right now for making comments critical of the government.  Here in San Francisco, I am sometimes reluctant to express my minority opinion on issues because I just don’t want to deal with the inevitable hassle.  (I am weary of arguing with co-workers and friends who lionize Barbara Lee, for example).  That does not mean I have lost my freedom of speech.  Similarly, Martina just doesn’t want to deal with the hassle of having an unpopular opinion.

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