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November 2024


Why Do They Hate Her? [Dan Collins]

At the Pub, Ric Locke explains what’s so threatening about Palin that it needs to be destroyed.

95 Replies to “Why Do They Hate Her? [Dan Collins]”

  1. pdbuttons says:

    she’s in their heads!

  2. geoffb says:

    With all the things mentioned, she is also happy, happy with herself, with her life, happy with life. That is not to be allowed and must be punished somehow.

  3. Dan Collins says:

    It’s just so wrong, geoff.

  4. jamrat says:

    She’s handled it beautifully. Leftoids are now defending the creepy old guy who makes dirty jokes about teenage daughters. They have to, because no way in hell can they say anything in defense of Gov. Palin.

  5. Joe says:

    Ric makes excellent points. Frankly, I have no idea who will be the GOP nominee in 2012, but she is definitely in their heads.

  6. happyfeet says:


  7. beedubya says:

    I think it’s much simpler than what most people imagine. Barry was supposed to be the bestest speechifier…ever. He had styrofoam columns. He had klieg lights. He had a coupla thousand krauts( though they were stone-fucking drunk on the free beer provided them.He had that football stadium filled.

    He was god-like.

    Then came the Wasilla snow-billy who just blew Barry away with her speech at the GOP convention.

    That was the moment when the left decided she had to die.

  8. Bob Reed says:

    Ric needs to mail that piece to EVERY! RethugliKKKan in Congress, Palin herself, and the RNC-so that those fuck-heads figure out how to approach the media hit/hate machine that is attempting to preemptively savage her…

    And, we all need to keep these very strong points in mind for our individual discussions with folks. Not so that we are all parroting the same line, but so that we can keep the discussion focused when they throw up the strawmen and throw out the red herrings…

    Excellent Ric, as usual!

  9. baldilocks says:

    Hey Ric, dig my comment out of captcha purgatory please.

  10. Joe says:

    Ric excellent, and beedubya’s added observation is spot on. That was the moment the death sentence was issued. Paglia is the only one on the left willing to say what they all thought (except rather than pride for a woman doing so well, they felt sick thinking the Ship Obama was sinking). Then Sullivan and the boys went to work.

  11. pdbuttons says:

    can bette davis shoot someone/somewhere/ some how?
    quick like

  12. Thanks Dan. I don’t look in at the pub very often, and no doubt miss a lot of good stuff.

  13. psycho... says:

    Here’s a first: I think Ric is pretty much wrong, because I think the anti-Palin Leftoids (Republicans included) are being almost honest with us and with each other. Really.

    I don’t like “Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful”-style explanations for anything, but I’ll grant that Ric’s list could describe a set of elite-strategical reasons for V.I. Leftoid to put Citizen Leftoid’s Palinhass to use — if in fact that’s happening, qua strategy.

    But I don’t think it is. Listen to them. All of them, all the way up to the President.

    FUCKING RETARDED WHITE TRASH DIRTY BREEDING WHORES etc., however slyly paraphrased (all the way up to Hitchens, the National Review‘s concern trolls, and “lipstick” (Freud!)), is not the making-concrete of any abstraction.

    It’s what it says. Visceral, crazed, violent, pure what it says.

    They are lying, still, yes, but they lie their way toward the kind of synthetic objections Ric points out (and other, more self-flattering ones), not down from them.

    Shit is precisely as shit as it looks.

    (Have I italicized enough things to make a point?)

  14. jc says:

    One of the reasons why Alaskans have paid a lot of respect to Sarah Palin is because, so far, she has never be willing to be bought off with corporate money (unlike so many other politicians in our midst).

    Meanwhile, high visibility spokescreeps like letterman, lauer, olberdouche, couric, etc., are taking huge paychecks from huge corporations who are taking huge checks from huge corporations who buy their advertising space.

    Is it too paranoid to wonder if those who have real reasons to doubt Sarah Palin can be bought might resort to other means?

  15. cynn says:

    I like Sarah Palin. She’s spunky, and apparenly a ruthless media whore. Which totally helps.

  16. The Castrated Republicans says:

    She’s also much more committed to gay rights than Barrack Obama, Cynn. But then, so is Pat Robertson, apparently. And her position on detanees? Pretty much sympatico with Obama. Never fired an inspector general that was investigating one of her political bag men either. Hasn’t put the governorship of Alaska up for sale, either. Unlike someone’s Senate seat. You enjoy being a rube, cynn?

  17. LTC John says:

    #13 – perhaps

  18. Pablo says:

    psycho, they hate her because she’s a playa, and the rest is window dressing. Is that where you’re going?

  19. sdferr says:

    Sounded to me as though “they hate her”, full stop, would do, Pablo.

    Kinda like the attitude of some people toward spiders or snakes.

  20. The Castrated Republicans says:

    No Pablo, they hate her because they think she is inferior to them. The same way Lester Maddox and George Wallace used to hate. Same sort of code words, too. They’re not alone either. Lots of people in the Republican party feel the same way.

  21. The Castrated Republicans says:

    Don’t kid yourself, either. All the political veterans, on both sides of the aisle, feel that way about the voters, too.

  22. The Castrated Republicans says:

    And the media feels that way about everyone.

  23. N. O'Brain says:

    “Then Sullivan and the boys went to work.”


    Sullivan is male?


  24. baldilocks says:

    For whatever reason, I can’t post at the pub. (I’ve tried several times.) But the main reason that the Left hates the Palins is because of Sarah’s and Bristol’s resounding repudiation of abortion. We can’t have other women believing that it might be okay not to suck the brains out of an inconvenient human being, now can we?

    The Left is pro-choice as long as the choice is the death of innocents.

  25. geoffb says:

    She is the new, and needed by the Left, underclass getting uppity. They’ve been building a new one for many years. It’s almost ready to be rolled over and used, enslaved. Waited too long to see it slip away now.

  26. Pablo says:

    No Pablo, they hate her because they think she is inferior to them.

    Yes and no. They think anyone on the right is inferior to them, but they don’t hate them all like they hate Sarah. They hate her because she draws huge crowds and raises gobs of cash. They hate her because she is a threat, because she can get it on.

  27. The Castrated Republicans says:

    Yeah, that’s part of it, too. But that’s also part of the reason they think they’re better than she is. Only truly “educated” people know enough to be completely selfish at all times in all situations about all things. People that believe in self sacrifice, and personal honor… obviously retarded.

  28. The Castrated Republicans says:

    Don’t kid yourself Pablo they hate you too. They just don’t have to show it because you’re not a threat. Your mistaking the emotion for the weapon.

  29. The Castrated Republicans says:

    Number 27 was directed to Baldilocks, sorry.

  30. Pablo says:

    Oh, they hate on me when I throttle them, TCR. But I don’t represent imminent danger, so they don’t spend much time on me. They hate Sarah with everything they’ve got and they’re committed to her destruction, because they fear her. Because she’s a playa.

  31. Abe Froman says:

    As a joke/social experiment I placed a personals ad on craigslist in a variety of lefty cities claiming to be looking for a girl like Sarah Palin. I deliberately accentuated her non-political attributes which would ordinarily make her a feminist’s ideal version of a woman and the responses were hilarious. Probably 50% were screeching epithet-laden tirades, 25% were the way you’d imagine a twat like meya responding and the rest were very sincere (including a few really hot chicks who sent pics) which made me feel like a dick for having wasted their time as a joke.

  32. ghost707 says:

    Comment by beedubya:
    Then came the Wasilla snow-billy who just blew Barry away with her speech at the GOP convention.

    Palin came along and made the community organizer look like a college freshman.
    The left knew in in real life that Obama could not talk his way out of a paper bag.
    They know he is a false construct; a cardboard cutout with no substance.
    The woman pointing out that the Emperor has no clothes must be silenced.

  33. Joe says:

    and the rest were very sincere (including a few really hot chicks who sent pics) which made me feel like a dick for having wasted their time as a joke.

    So Abe, when are you posting the pics?

  34. baxtrice says:

    You know what I think it is they hate about Palin? She’s “average American”. She’s you and me. The Palin family is the American family. And they hate that representation so much. They see us as “dumb hillbilly trash” that needs the government to think for us and feed us because we are teh stooopid. The Palins remind them why they hate Middle America so much, they have to destroy her, because it helps destroy us.

  35. Topsecretk9 says:

    Sarah loves thor!

  36. Topsecretk9 says:

    Margaret Carlson just called and said that Chelsea jokes were still under the belt but, by trailing to NY, Palin INVITED criticism of all her children by the act of traveling to New York rethug two-toothed hicks..

  37. Salt Lick says:

    To add to Ric’s great piece, I think Palin’s tortuous path through higher education resonates with average folks, also, even if it’s mocked by the elites. Average folks, even the brown-skinned ones, know what it’s like to claw your way through foreign territory in order to acquire an economic tool — taking part-time jobs, taking out loans,, etc — as opposed to acquiring a status-symbol sheep skin paid for with Daddy’s money or affirmative action largess.

  38. Rusty says:

    She’s Cinderella to the democrats one spoiled step sister in chief. Her political knowledege is hard won, not theoretical. When she talks, she looks you in the eye and then says what she means. She makes the current resident look like the cheap political hack that he is. While the current resident struggles with sincere, she comes off as honest. Of course they hate her, she reminds them , if only on a subconscience level, just how shallow and vapid their choices have been.

  39. Eben says:

    Here’s my theory: Leftists are ‘structurists’ (that’s not a real word but wtf), everything is in it’s place as dictated by the ‘authorities’. Now, the ‘authorities’ can only ever be the aristocracy that has been bred as such. They go to the correct schools, they have the correct intellectual friends, they espouse the correct ideology but above all they are not like us. From these things they gain their aristocratic authority and it is only this kind of authority that the leftists will follow. The thought of a bourgeoisie being in charge is anathema. I mean, where does someone who’s just like me get off trying to tell me what to do?

    Then again, some men just want to watch the world burn.

  40. bill says:

    In High School, Margaret Carlson looked like Tojo, Sarah was hot, funny,personable,etc. Thus cometh hatred and lifetime disdain.

  41. Salt Lick says:

    This is me, just making sure everyone saw where Mika Brezenski says she’s been shocked at the rabid hatred her media friends have for Palin “behind the scenes.”

  42. Joe says:

    And here is Olbermann claiming Dave Letterman is a victim and that Palin is using her daughters.

    Jeff’s suggestion to turn this against Hillary, Obama, etc. makes sense, unfortuntely the MSM is more concerned with protecting Letterman than discussing the issue.

    As for Olbermann, he is in rare form here.

  43. Joe says:

    By “rare form” I mean if a dog acted like this you would assume it had rabies and it was ol’ Yeller time.

  44. ThomasD says:

    everything is in it’s place as dictated by the ‘authorities’

    Very much so. It’s like the lefties who want to smoke pot. With them it isn’t about the freedom to do as you please, it is about the government providing approval and sanction for whatever activity they wish to deem acceptable.

    All else must be verboten, especially hick upstarts who aren’t part of the high and mighty socio-political network.

  45. The Castrated Republicans says:

    It is a grave mistake to pretend this hatred is reserved only for Plain. The left hates. That is just what it does. She happens to be its main target now. Supposing they won’t come for the rest of us when they are finished with her is simply foolish.

  46. ThomasD says:

    But the hatred for Palin is archetypal so bears further exploration. The primal nature means it is not always controllable, and therefore suitable for exploitation.

    Like Olberdouche’s two minute hates, only more predictable.

  47. McGehee says:

    The primal nature means it is not always controllable, and therefore suitable for exploitation.

    In other words, it’s just a matter of stimulus/response — which means anyone can exploit it, if they’re sneaky enough.

    It’s like building Skynet to kill all the humans, but not password-protecting the control panel.

  48. serr8d says:

    Looks like Ric Locke scored an Instalaunche.


  49. Ella says:

    Wow. Treacher linked to a lefty thread about the Letterman thing, and there are actually people there saying that attacking Willow “has some basis,” and, my personal favorite, that Trig had it coming.

    There’s nothing funny about the Obama girls. Maybe if they drink before they’re 21, come out as lesbians, have kids while they’re teenagers, or spark conspiracy theories about their “real” mother, they’ll be late-night fodder.

    Lefties are messed up in the head.

  50. newrouter says:

    or spark conspiracy theories about their “real” mother,

    andy s: the aids of intelligence

  51. Tyrone Slothrop says:

    Hi PW comment section!

    I think you are all pretty much missing the general point here – you all hate Lefites, right? Barry aka “The One” is pretty generally loathed here, no? The Peloster despised? Olbermoron detested? Sotomayor odious? I’ve never understood this “Why do they hate us?” gnashed-tooth whinging, when the answer is so blindingly obvious: Lefties hate Righties, and Righties hate Lefties. That’s the way it’s supposed to work, that’s what makes this pretty lil’ world go round – call it _Political Physics_.

    I hope that was a helpful swing of the ever-loving ClueBat.


  52. JD says:

    No, Tyrone. If you are going to swing that clubat, makes sure you hit yourself in the forehead on the follow-through. We do not hate the Left. We think they are wrong. The hate only exists on your side.

  53. David R. Block says:


    Strike 1.

    This is more about the supposedly “objective” media being so damn biased. How they have different standards for different people. To heck with double standards. They have quadruple standards. Quintuple even.

  54. serr8d says:

    No, Tyrone, ‘Lefites’ hate everything, including each other. So much so, that eventually they will self-destruct under the weight of their own self-loathings.

    All we have to do is wait.

  55. serr8d says:

    OT, but Iowahawk sneaks in some funny…

    You’re the boss, Big Daddy! Let’s go down on the shop floor and see how the build team is making it happen. Bad Boy Brian Deese — let’s see you get to work and deconstruct this baby!

    Gladly! In “On Cosmopolitanism and Forgiveness,” Derrida introduces the notion of a sacred-profane postmodern industrial design linguistic synthesis through the lens of a hedgehog cowering before an oncoming car. From a pure semiotic communications standpoint, Lacan would see the tail fins of this car as a manifestation of McCarthyite cultural political and paranoia, juxtaposed against the repressed sexual desires of the 1950’s. The chrome bumpers simultaneously mirror and disguise the tacit relationship between signifier and …

    No, I mean literally take the car apart.

    Heh. Burge is really resenting this gov’t takeover of his bread and butter.

  56. Tyrone Slothrop says:

    JD, Serr8d, thanks for the replies!

    I read those _exact_ same words on Leftie sites all the time: WE don’t hate, THEY do! THEY just hate and hate and hate! OUR SIDE wants to love, if they’d only give THIS [index finger and thumb almost touching] much!!!

    It’s all a bunch of horsefeathers. Dead centre, the hatred merely simmers, like a nice chicken vegetable soup; but the further out towards the moonbat/wingnut reaches one ventures, the more sizzling and puissant and pure is the hatred.

    It’s not something you need to be ashamed of. You cannot have politics without hatred.


  57. Pablo says:

    You cannot have politics without hatred. But don’t speak for me, Tyrone.

  58. JD says:

    Maybe you need hatred for your politics. I have no such need, Tyrone.

  59. geoffb says:

    Sarah Palin threads, 1569 (and counting) comments over the past 4 days. Trolls out in force. There’s just something about her that drives the Left to da crazy.

    I liked her from the first and it just keeps getting better.

  60. geoffb says:

    Tyrone working hard at what he does best.

  61. geoffb says:

    From #55’s Iowahawk link.

    If you continue just a little farther there seems to be a resemblance between “Bad Boy” and another Bad Boy.

    “I mean literally with WD-40 and wrenches. Not French psycholinguistic theory.


  62. David R. Block says:


    If Letterman had dared to joke about Michelle or Obama’s kids, there would be instant outrage and a canning, pace Imus. Palin and her family? Oh, they were asking for it. How were they asking for it? By not following the narrative that has been constructed by the media for “the Christianists?” That’s real weak. She is who she is. They should adjust, but they won’t. This has the result of me ignoring the media outrage or laughing at it when it occurs.

    There are no perfect people, particularly in the media.

  63. Tyrone Slothrop says:

    Pablo, honey, geoffb, JD and David R, thanks for the replies!

    To the first three, thanks also for keeping your “I Know YOU are, but what am I”s succinct. It’s funny, when I’m gently providing truth to the DKOSers and the firedoggers, there’s always a Pablo, a geoffb and a JD who worship at the altar of multidiverprogressivesocalism and spread the same tired horse manure on the same stale piece of denial. Why it’s so hard to admit that you hate them back just as fervidly as they hate you is beyond my ken.

    David R: Yes, if the joke had been about Michelle Obama, the same Lefties who are rushing to Dave’s defense and making every possible excuse for him, would be in a shrieking, foaming rage. What’s your point? The majority of the media leans left, and thus hate you on the right and your Right-Wing Idol version of Obama, Governor Palin. Hating you as they do, the Lefties will defend Dave’s actions with their dying breath [similar to how you righties, hating the left, will provide the same gallant service for, say, Mr. Limbaugh]. I can tell from your indignant tone how much you hate this…let it flow out, my dear friend!

    It’s bedtime for Tyrone now, PW comment crew. Have a fantastic evening, and Adios.

  64. JD says:

    I suspect that there is an endless number of topics beyond your ken, Tyrone.

  65. [similar to how you righties, hating the left, will provide the same gallant service for, say, Mr. Limbaugh]

    someone’s really not paying attention.

  66. sdferr says:

    Tyrone kind of reminds me of Protagoras. He was a self-important twit too.

  67. Tyrone kind of reminds me of Protagoras. He was a self-important twit too.

    see, and this is why I was telling RTO about how intimidating I find you earlier today.

    OT: did you see the thing I posted on your FB wall?

  68. sdferr says:

    No, sorry maggie, I haven’t gone on to FB in a long time. I’ll get to it right now.

  69. sdferr says:

    maggie, dude, that is stunningly awesomely good yowie! Many thanks for the tip to.

  70. you’re welcome. It was a bit overwhelming… oh, I just thought of something to go look for.

  71. sdferr says:

    I just found a thing I’ve been looking for for a long time now. Brahms op. 56b, Haydn Variations! Yeehaw.

  72. cool. you have two pianos?

  73. sdferr says:

    No, not in the same place, though my sister and I have the same piano, one at her house, t’other at mine. “One of these days” words spoken somewhere or other I’ve heard. I have a korg keyboard thingy inherited from my dad though.

  74. sdferr says:

    Is it possible to export music files to the facebook dealio, that is to say to upload them toward your friends?

  75. ah. I keep trying to convince RTO to learn to play cause it’s so fun to do duets (usually), but he swears his fingers do not “move that way”. Then there’s mom’s dream of us someday doing the Rhapsody in Blue.

  76. sdferr says:

    Doing a little searching I find you can do this but it requires filing a form verifying your identity and a vouchsafe that you own the copyright or have permission from the owner of the copyright to upload it.

  77. sdferr says:

    one can do, I mean

  78. sdferr says:

    I’ve always enjoyed piano duets, though most of the stuff I’ve done with it was one Piano-four hands.

  79. I don’t think so, sdferr. Usually when I want to do that I just email them or I’ve used, um,

  80. Rusty says:

    It’s not something you need to be ashamed of. You cannot have politics without hatred.

    Only if you are devoid of reason. See. People like you hate. People like us, plan.

  81. Carin says:

    ?” gnashed-tooth whinging, when the answer is so blindingly obvious: Lefties hate Righties, and Righties hate Lefties. T

    I don’t hate lefties. I think they’re wrong, but why should I hate them?

    See, Tryone, lefties hate because they simply have no ability to judge politics rationally. So, like for most of their asinine decisions, they follow their emotion. They don’t disagree with Sarah Palin or Rush – they simply hate ’em.

    I think we’ve tried more than a few times to get folks to talk about what exactly they disagree with in regards to some on the right. Crickets. OTOH, I think just about everyone here could tell you exactly why (with supporting evidence, now that’s important) they do not support or agree with those on the left.

  82. N. O'Brain says:

    You Reactionary letists cannot have politics without hatred.”


  83. N. O'Brain says:

    “…thus hate you on the right and your Right-Wing Idol version of Obama, Governor Palin.”

    Wow, a true black hole of cluelessness.


  84. The castrated republicans says:

    Every cretin’s defense involves some iteration of “everyone does it.” Thanks for proving you are a cretin, Tyrone. And to think you managed it by just typing.

  85. Twilight Vanquisher Nishi says:

    “Suddenly there was a cry of “Hiya! Hiya!” (“She! She!”), and thereupon the entire crowd of spectators instantly precipitated itself upon the ground, and lay still as though it were individually and collectively stricken dead….”

  86. Tyrone Slothrop says:

    Hey PW comment crew – thanks for the replies!

    And, again, let me offer thanks for keeping your party-line platitudes pithy, I appreciate that. It’s not much fun to have to wade through piles of text to pluck out such gems as “No, YOU’RE dumb! :)” and “No, YOU Hate” and, my personal favorite, the tepid bureaucratic rallying cry of “WE don’t hate, WE plan! :)” – that’s what the communists said.

    Since you lot don’t seem to be particularly gifted at actually _comprehending_ text that doesn’t fit the party chalk outline, let me try this yet again: Every one of these transparent gambits, these IKYABWAI’s that you feebly proffer before me are repeated, verbatim, by the Lefties throughout this wonderful blogosphere. They are often less pleasant overall than you Right-Siders, but they _always_ provide the same twittery about how “THEY do the bad, WE do the good! :)”. Since both sides cannot be telling the truth, a prudent and wise man can only arrive at the Hobbesian conclusion that political wagon=circlers lie like hyenas and that, as one always suspected within the wise cockles of one’s heart, the hatred flows freely and passionately and deeply on both sides.

    Have a great day!


  87. Since both sides cannot be telling the truth, a prudent and wise man can only arrive at the Hobbesian conclusion that political wagon=circlers lie like hyenas and that, as one always suspected within the wise cockles of one’s heart, the hatred flows freely and passionately and deeply on both sides.

    where oh, where are we to find such a man? preferably one that could at least share the data he used to make this decision. oh, maybe it’s in the newsletter I need to subscribe to.

  88. JD says:

    Maggie – it is just another one of the standard Leftist canards that we “hate”, and by hate they mean disagree with whatever cockamamie Leftist meme is being promulgated. Tyrone is a lying dungbeetle, trying to act above the fray while calling those wingnuttery wingnuts haters. It is as transparent as a wet t-shirt.

  89. geoffb says:

    From his “name” I believe there is a possibilty that Tyrone Slothrop is a thor sockpuppet. Naming yourself after a character in Thomas Pynchon’s Gravity’s Rainbow has a thor feel.

  90. Tyrone Slothrop says:

    Hi Maggie, JD – thanks for the replies!

    Maggie – I’m afraid there’s no newsletter containing the party marching orders – one [man _or_ woman, excuse me] merely has to observe and imbibe the wonderful miscellany of hatred that flows throughout the electronic information age. Try it sometime without a support-group holding your hand, you’ll be [not necessarily pleasantly] surprised!

    Oh, and Maggie – JD is belching forth another of the standard PW-subset-of-the-Right-Facing-Haters prevarications that only the opposite side is capable of – indeed, inherently tends toward – hatred, while HIS side can only be accused of a thoughtful disagreement, a calm perusal and mild rebuke of the obloquy of the other side. You will find the JD who posts at DailyKOS making the exact same asinine argument with the Haters and Thoughtful roles reversed. Both are as hollow as Nancy Pelosi’s heart.

    The meme, BTW, of this delightful thread is “Why Do They Hate Her?”. My gentle application of the Clue-Glue is to help elevate the discourse beyond party-mantra navel-gazing. Don’t get angry with me because the truth is unpleasant; remember, as Ausonius said, _Truth is the mother of hatred_.

    Have a great day!


  91. McGehee says:

    I finally managed to get someone to ask me my thoughts (it’s harder than it used to be), so…

  92. Monday morning links…

    How the Uighurs got to Bermuda
    Kucinich tells Ken Lewis how to run a bank
    The O as the Great Leveler. So why would anybody work hard?
    Anarchy in Rotterdam
    Imagine if these were Repubs. Also, the Walpin story at Powerline and more at Wash …

  93. Try it sometime without a support-group holding your hand, you’ll be [not necessarily pleasantly] surprised!

    so, you can’t support your argument with anything? k. troll hammering now.

  94. Tyrone Slothrop says:

    maggie katzen wrote: so, you can’t support your argument with anything?

    Maggie, sweetpea, darling cherub child, I’m not making an _argument_; I’m stating a Simple Truth. That it befuddles and grates against herd animals who seldom stray from the self-congratulating safety of their idealogogical leas, whilst concocting cartoon accusations against the _other side_ from their own _Katzenjammer Kids_ panel, is neither hard to understand nor to pity.

    As Shaw put it: _Hatred is the coward’s revenge for being intimidated_.


  95. wags says:

    Don’t frequent this blog so I don’t know any of the commenters. That said, this Slothrop character comes across as a real asshole. Banhammer time for that one.

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