Meghan McCain weighed in yesterday on the subject of Ann Coulter, and it’s a doozy. The pull quote:
I straight up don’t understand this woman or her popularity. I find her offensive, radical, insulting, and confusing all at the same time.
Oh, my. You aren’t a very smart woman, are you? Actually, there are two reasonable interpretations here. One is that you really are dumb as a box of rocks, and don’t understand Ms. Coulter. The other is that, in a pathetic attempt to ingratiate yourself with the Beautiful People, you’re parroting the tiresome, inane talking points the Left, and, sadly, some on the right, use to marginalize Ann and distract people from the substance of what she says. Neither one is flattering to you. Since you seem determined to be a public figure, perhaps you should invest in some handlers, so you won’t embarrass yourself like this in the future.
Update: I suppose it’s a little late for this, but I’ve been at work all day. I do not endorse the gratuitous obscenity directed towards the lovely Ms. McCain. It is a tad amusing, but a bit over the top, guys. Slartibart, I didn’t say that the only people who criticized Coulter were daft faux conservatives who were just trying to impress their friends. I said Meghan McCain was. #73, it’s an interesting take, but I have a hard time finding someone credible who repeats the old canard that Hitler was elected. He was appointed by that old fool Von Hindenburg.
Meghan McCain is a cum-guzzling whore like her coward daddy, if I may say so.
The whole mess is here. No, Dear Meghan is not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
But she is her father’s child, no doubt about that.
Thank you, happyfeet. I almost ran my car into a bridge abutment.
I think I won’t click at a place that wants to talk to this person or publish her whatevers. Clicking that sort of thing has a bad feeling really.
And if figureheads like Ann Coulter are turning me off
What, did Meghan attend a coronation? Did they unveil a statue? Did Rahm slip something into her Marzipan yogurt?
Coulter/Limbaugh ……… Republican Politicians “One of these things is not like the other…”
But but, she threw around the right buzzwords during the election like “Blog” and “Web 2.0” certainly she must be an intrinsic part of the new generation of 20-something masters of the universe!
Also have you ever noticed in her photos she’s always trying to hide her ass. It’s got to be like x-box huge.
More from Meghan…
To make matters worse, certain individuals continue to perpetuate negative stereotypes about Republicans. Especially Republican women. Who do I feel is the biggest culprit?
Your mother? What does your daddy call her again?
She does have a nice pair of …eyes.
What exactly is extreme conservatism anyway? I suppose this dimwit is referring to extreme language (which Coulter obviously does use) but last I checked that is a personality quirk, or a conscious choice, and one which is rampant on the left. Someone should inform this dumb twat that Obama is supposedly opposed to gay marriage. I guess he’s engaged in “traditional” Republican thinking.
She is a chubby girl trying to get laid. Lay off her. She needs to go to Cabo at Spring Break and troll for free margaritas.
Hey, don’t be talking about Meghan’s ass like that. It’s asserific.
If you truly have the GOP’s best interests at heart, how can you possibly justify telling an audience of millions that a Democrat would be a better leader than the Republican presidential candidate?
oh. Cause it was your useless cowardly daddy what was the nominee, sweetheart. You puzzle it through. We’ll wait.
Not so, dearie! Most people find you to be an unserious, critical thinking impaired lightweight. Oh and most conservatives and classical liberals think your father is devoid of meaningful political principles.
She may be acerbic and deliberately confrontational but in a face to face debate, Ann Coulter would squash you like a bug, dearie.
Offensive, radical, insulting, confusing: Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Michelle Obama, THE VIEW…well you get the idea.
Women with a pair: Sarah Palin, Ann Coulter, geesh even Meghan of the Delicate Sensibilites’ mother Cindy (She’s a DRIFT RACER fer cryin’ out loud – I lay awake at night and dream about that shite).
Isn’t it peculiar that they very people moaning about the negative stereotypes of Republicans want all us conservative women to shut up and behave?
Shorter Mehgan: Morayious Jelly-Bellies for everyone and Gelatinous Traitor-Tool is my bestest friend EVAH!
Shocka. Bet your dad did also.
She graduated from Columbia University in 2007.
Didn’t our dipshit president graduate from there too? They must be so proud.
Meghan writes like … who does she remind me of? Oh. The chick in Clueless what Alicia Silverstone played. But that writing doesn’t reflect a college education. Maybe she’s dyslexic or something.
Cindy McCain is one of those aging drunk sluts what thinks she looks good in her daughter’s clothes I think.
Aging is too kind I think. Withered. Withered drunk slut.
Teh bitter is strong in happyfeet today. You need to take a break and hang out with some baby turtles, I think.
Well, it appears the “I-crave-the-attention-of-the-MSM-but-mostly-the-NYT-and-NPR” gene isn’t exactly regressive in this one. Here’s a tip, Meghan: Barry’s got enough white women sucking him off at this moment. He’s just not that into you.
By the time I was her age I’d read everything from Burke to Hayek to God and Man at Yale and I still wasn’t under the delusion that anyone should give a fuck what I thought about anything yet. We’re supposed to be impressed that she graduated from Columbia in spite of the fact that she writes like a giggly school girl and exudes vapid the way Koreans stink of kimchi?
Don’t be afraid to say what you think, happy ;-)
Good God. No wonder she’s turned off from Republicans, you people are acting like a bunch of apes. Seriously? This is what the conservative movement has come down to? Calling people who don’t fall in lockstep with Rush and Coulter “cum guzzlers” and “withered drunk sluts”? Really?
Notice to all aging drunk sluts: BEHAVE!!!
Hey, she used to write for Newsweek.
Yeah, I know…
I’m not bitter I swear I’m not. It’s more like the immunosuppressants what they gave me so I wouldn’t reject Republican fatuity aren’t working.
“Good God. No wonder she’s turned off from Republicans, you people are acting like a bunch of apes.”
Gag on that straw man a little harder, honey. There you go.
someone meant for you to know her.
It’s like what happened to the Bionic Woman where she rejected her bionical parts and died before she got her own series and then they had to pretend like she didn’t really die. Except without the bionics and also I’m not a woman. Or maybe she died after her series was canceled and they just brought her back for the movie so she could die then but I don’t think so. She would have kicked Meghan’s ass though.
Was The Bionic Woman in LOCKSTEP with Rush and Ann? Maybe that’s why she died and also because of the bionics and, you know, bad acting and cancellation and lousy special effects.
Apes? You want Obama to fail, don’t you? And the name “Jewels” is also clearly a code word for “bling.” Why do you have to bring rap music into this? I, for one, am deeply offended. You should (A) apologize, (B) resign in disgrace, and (C) kill yourself. It’s the only way to be sure.
Sounds like you need a little more practice.
A kielbasa or a banana will work in a pinch.
Well, she’s right:
The O! is the mostest coolest hippestes DUDZOR EVAH!!!
Big D! You’re not the Hot Air Big D, no? I was so confused. I said hi to a Big D yesterday at Hot Air but he was BigD with no space so it might could have been someone else in fact I think it had to have been, no?
I was never here.
For the Branch Davidian girls, cum-guzzling was a way to purify the soul and accept the holy spirit. And they bought it! God Koresh, you magnificent crispy bastard!
March is “Famous Cult History Month”
Speaking of Hot Air, anybody click this link from there?
Howard Fineman explains that Barry The Only is NO SOCIALIST! He governs from the exquisite center!
Oh, and Jewels? My advice for Meghan works for you as well. You’re welcome.
You know, there’s always porn if this doesn’t work out for her.
Who’d line up for a Meghan McCain/Sasha Grey girl/girl spectacular?
March is “Famous Cult History Monthâ€
I’ll take “Obama’s Media Cum Guzzlers” for $2,000, al.
Two Chris Matthews, One Obama.
2 Chris Mathews, 1 Olbergasm, and 1 MadCow
Yay me! Audio or Visual?
That’s not me over at HA, Happyfeet. I read through the comments and he seems….well a bit misguided.
Anyway, Hi back!
I think a good first step would be for people to quit apologizing for being conservatives, or even Republicans for that matter (though I understand the latter more than the former).
The gals at Pandagon and manbearpig should be in a full-on lather by now …
Audio or Visual?
Denounce me before I kill again JD.
Dear Meghan;
We weren’t impressed with your father’s “bipartisanship”, and we certainly aren’t impressed with yours. Your “bipartisanship” means giving up OUR ideals, and replacing them with…not so much really. “Getting things done”, especially if they’re the WRONG THINGS, is worse than useless. Compromise on small thngs is one thing, but when Democrats demand giving up our fundamental beliefs and ideology, just so we can say we’ve compromised, well that’s not going to happen.
As for Ann Coulter, the very same things that you dislike about her are the things WE like! There are multitudes of attack dogs on the left, that went after your father tooth and claw during the campaign. They were never disavowed by thr left in general, and really only half-heartedly by Obama’s campaign. Why then, do you want us on the conservative side to cede that part of the battlefield to the left, and disavow one of our few attack dogs on the right? It makes little sense to do so, unless you are really pulling for the opposition. Are you? Are you REALLY a Republican, or just one because your father is? You really need to sit down, and figure out exactly what your principles and personal philosophies are, and see which party you need to join.
but always remember not to compromise on the hip thing. m’kay?
Al – Concertina wire. I am telling you. Even just having a roll in the garage makes you feel better.
Oh. Uh…let me see…what shall I wager?
OK, I’ll bet twenty three tubes of astroglide.
And a pallet of Trojan Magnums …
Damn, this thread ran off the rails in a hurry. I blame Jewels.
OK, I’m ready. What’s the clue, al?
The clue is : Name the dirty little socialist that would rather demonize a talk show host than do something that might actually fix a crumbling stock market.
No fair, multiple answers in the form of a question!
“Whether they are defending the Soviet Union or bleating for Saddam Hussein, liberals are always against America. They are either traitors or idiots, and on the matter of America’s self-preservation, the difference is irrelevant.”
-Ann Coulter
“Democrats care about social service bureaucrats who make their living allegedly working on behalf of the poor — the famed “public service” the Democrats always drone on about — jobs that would disappear if we ever eliminated poverty. That’s why Democrats keep coming up with policies designed to create millions and millions more poor people.”
-Ann Coulter
“If it were true that conservatives were racist, sexist, homophobic, fascist, stupid, inflexible, angry, and self-righteous, shouldn’t their arguments be easy to deconstruct? Someone who is making a point out of anger, ideology, inflexibility, or resentment would presumably construct a flimsy argument. So why can’t the argument itself be dismembered rather than the speaker’s personal style or hidden motives? Why the evasions?”
– Ann Coulter
“‘Stupid’ means one thing: “threatening to the interests of the Democratic Party.” The more Conservative the Republican, the more vicious and hysterical the attacks on his intelligence will be.”
-Ann Coulter
“Much of the left’s hate speech bears greater similarity to a psychological disorder than to standard political discourse. The hatred is blinding, producing logical contradictions that would be impossible to sustain were it not for the central element faith plays in the left’s new religion. The basic tenet of their faith is this: Maybe they were wrong on facts and policies, but they are good and conservatives are evil. You almost want to give it to them. It’s all they have left.”
-Ann Coulter
“The only important lesson from the Vietnam War is this: Democrats lose warsâ€
-Ann Coulter
“Extend an olive branch to Democrats and they bite your hand off.”
-Ann Coulter
“Fittingly, in the final analysis, Clinton will not be remembered for what he did as president, but for who he did.”
-Ann Coulter
“Liberals always claim to know exactly what to do as soon as it’s too late.”
-Ann Coulter
I luvs me some Ann.
Now, about that restraining order…….
>>”Much of the left’s hate speech bears greater similarity to a psychological disorder than to standard political discourse.”
‘This collapsible donkey represents my suppressed superego!’
OK, I’m ready. What’s the clue, al?
Her Father’s dermatologist called him “The Baked Opaque from Tahoe Lake”
“Since you seem determined to be a public figure, perhaps you should invest in some handlers”
and some of those waist-nipper spanx.
I don’t understand Coulter’s popularity, am objectively much smarter than a box of rocks, and don’t give a crap about what the beautiful people think of me.
Maybe there’s a middle that’s being excluded, here.
Ok, maybe only a little bit smarter. But still: smarter.
At least, I’m pretty sure I could score higher than a box of rocks on an IQ test. There may be individual rocks that could beat me, but as an ensemble…oh, forget it.
Meghan McCain…let’s get a clue here girl.
You have dating difficulties, and your Mom owns the largest beer distributorship in Arizona…maybe you’re stupid and a little less attractive than your mirror, mirror on the wall is telling you.
Now maybe that’s offensive, radical, insulting, and confusing all at the same time, but, it is straight up, you whining little rich girl.
Now go tell your Daddy that I won’t vote for him here in AZ in 2010.
Check out this guy’s take
What? You guys don’t think we should shift the conservative movement to be more in line with a chick who has been a Republican for a whole year?
Like, you guys are so TOTALLY bogus.
Ann Coulter is who people pick on when they don’t understand the arguments of Charles Krauthammer or Victor David Hansen.
I don’t think that’s quite true of me, Carin. I tend to pick on Coulter when she’s incorrect.
It’s sad when folks can’t compose an original thought …
Well, sure. And lots of folks. But, when people want to pick an easy target to focus their Conservative hate, they usually pick Coulter. Versus someone a tad bit heavier. Like those I mentioned.
sad, Carin? no, no, it’s superAWESOME!!!
I may be delusional from hunger, though…
Oh, ok. It sounded almost as if the only people who criticized Coulter were daft faux conservatives who were just trying to impress their friends.
None of which fits me, I think. Hopefully.
I wanna sit at the popular kids’ table with Meghan McCain and Hip-Hop Republican Michael Steele.
The thing about Coulter is that she’s actually very witty and insightful but she deliberately drives her comments off a cliff because her primary cause is promoting herself. But conservatives who complain about her can go fuck themselves as far as I’m concerned. Because, frankly, the absurdity of her extremes is scarcely different than what is delivered with earnestness and furrowed brows by “serious” left-wing “intellectuals” on a daily basis. The problem with a vapid tool like Meghan McCain is that she actually thinks Ann Coulter is a primary cause of vile, left-wing invective about all conservatives as opposed to a reaction to it.
I think that AJB is actually a cum-guzzling whore and cum-bucket. Prolly a bottom.
AJB – Technically speaking, had she been guzzling cum she would not have gotten preggers, but we already knew you were an idiot.
Ease up on the kid.
It’s not easy to position yourself right at the intersection of “I can’t really answer that Facebook survey because I’m too complex and thoughtful, so I’m breakin’ these chains and putting all my answers right here where my name is on them,” “Here I stand, alone, proclaiming my love for the most popular thing in the world, and I don’t care what anyone thinks!” (hers a catty negative reprise of Daddy’s courageously coming out as pro-ABBA, my favorite moment in the campaign), the this-ditz-is-a-land-of-contrasts pseudo-first-person centerfold profile, and the reality-show skank “You don’t know me! Don’t talk about me like you know me!”
But there she is.
So alone. So brave. So inscrutable.
Like that one cowboy guy.
Be scared. The 20, 30 somethings are definitely about the messenger and how cool the timbre and voice. Fight this girl if you want but we do so at our own peril. She’s delivering the sad message that conservatives need to grapple with, especially before 2012.
In a sound byte world, how do people hear the Constitution? Obama, the nightclub performer, doesn’t sing the Constitution anywhere in his 90-minute set. Ann is doing it like heavy metal, loud and fierce with mind-crushing clarity. She’s like Eminem except she’s political not social.
The party needs to steer hard right, stick with core values and obliterate the manic need for bipartisan tendencies. Sad to say, cut Steele if he doesn’t shape up. Then, in about 15 years when college kids and their ‘rents are totally sick of paying for DNC entitlement, Ann Coulter will return. She’ll return as a template herself, as an angry young college student who knows the difference between rewards and hard work… and the smooth sound of politicians that try to bully them into propping up the shiftless.
I never said she didn’t guzzle with integrity.
Someone who is making a point out of anger, ideology, inflexibility, or resentment would presumably construct a flimsy argument. So why can’t the argument itself be dismembered rather than the speaker’s personal style or hidden motives? Why the evasions?â€
– Ann Coulter
Exactly, so maybe we could lay off calling a naive kid a cum guzzling whore, what say?
She is not a naive kid she is an illiterate opportunistic media slut like her coward plane-crashing daddy.
You don’t often hear about McCain’s other daughter. The one that was so helpful to Bush in winning the 2000 primary.
I really don’t see how this is any different than the point I made over at the Hot Air. brb.
I never said she didn’t guzzle with integrity.
Meghan McCain – Dating Problems?
Rich kid
Beer distributorship
What’s not to like?
In a sound-byte world, how do people hear the Constitution?
Nice thing about the young: if you can show them that their elders have been lying to them (revisionist/whitewashed histories, AGW fraud), they tend to open their minds to a whole ‘nother truth.
Also, tough times have a way of opening the mind to new ways of thinking. Those new ways can be good or evil, so we better belly up to the bar and make ourselves heard.
Truth First.
Meya you ignorant slut.
Whatever. I have just always liked cum guzzling whores.
here it was. What the dirty socialists are doing to our country is very real and very, very perverted. And what is Meghan doing? Promoting Meghan. She was on the CBS one this morning. And when the people what voted for the dirty socialist see this vapid twat on their tvs, I don’t think they doubt for a second that what they did was wise and just.
You don’t often hear about McCain’s other daughter. The one that was so helpful to Bush in winning the 2000 primary.
Why do you think that is, meya?
Also, tough times have a way of opening the mind to new ways of thinking.
So true..
Her Father’s dermatologist called him “The Baked Opaque from Tahoe Lakeâ€
Oh! Who is…Mulva?
When Ann is being funny, which she often is, I laugh. To be fair, I often laugh when she’s being “controversial” too. Maybe she’s only interested in “promoting herself”, which I often hear and maybe she knows that the only way to make it past the MSM censors is to say something outrageous and hope people find the meaning behind the outrageousness.
I agree with her on policy issues. She drives many of the right people batshit crazy, which I love. She is just as ignorable as olberdouche and matthews, if you so desire.
meghan likes some frumpy with her parker with some noonan on top
I suspect there are a couple of bloggers trying to recruit Meghan now that she’s shown such clarity of vision toward flyover country.
This has been a problem in the conservative movement for many decades — the “nuanced” crowd vs those who actually work for a living.
Quiche, anyone?
people with lots of money don’t mind giving other people’s freedom away. there f**(in’ peasants anyway.
Wonder how Meghan feels about Garafalo. Of course going after a lefty would hurt her moderate bona fides.
I never quite got comfortable with Ann Coulter again after her infamous jab at the anti-war 9/11 widows. I find I can appreciate her more if I think of her not as arguing a point, but performing in print.
they’re there there
Whatever. I have just always liked cum guzzling whores.
Put me down as part of the “cum-guzzling-whore”-positive school as well.
Meghan, honey:
Your daddy lost because he didn’t have the stones to get in Obama’s fucking face. Your daddy values sitting with the cool kids in the Senate lunchroom more highly than he values the Constitution of the United States that he has taken repeated oaths to uphold and defend.
Coulter, as abrasive as she can be, wouldn’t do that. Ever.
yea because screaming 9/11 widows were useful sources for public policy. next up cindy sheehan on war
9/11 widows=victims Guilty: Liberal “Victims” and Their Assault on America
megan mcain… who? doesn’t sound like a conservative to me so why should i give a rip what she thinks about anything. actually she sounds dumber than a box of rocks. she’s one of those useful idiots.
Comment by happyfeet on 3/10 @ 1:57 pm #
Cindy McCain is one of those aging drunk sluts what thinks she looks good in her daughter’s clothes I think.
Wrong on both counts, Buffalo Breath: she’s not a slut, that anyone here knows (so quit it), and she looks waaay better in her daughter’s clothes than her daughter does.
Just sayin’.
More importantly, someone above pointed out that miss McCain “went to Columbia”, and that she still seems to think and write like a high school freshman, and I paraphrase. In addition to having a functioning brain, I have another advantage on the Senator – my daughters both wrote like her in grade school.
And another thing: I refuse to hear another whiny liberal Republican criticize Coulter or Limbaugh in broad terms. If they want to annoint these commentators as party leaders, I want to know the specific policies that Ann and Rush espouse which the whiners find so offensive.
Meghan likes gay marriage: great. That’s a specific. Let’s have her candidate run on a pro-gay marriage platform in every primary, and see where the Democrats run in the general. She wants to run GOP candidates to the left of the Dems. Good thinking.
I don’t know what this means but I asked for Arugala on my pizza tonight and they knew what I was talking about.
So its like… already started.
It’s buffalo bugers what you get from Trader Joe’s. I just like them cause they cook perfect on the George Foreman. Hey. Are you that guy what I live upstairs from?
my pizza delivery was very late tonight onna counta the hybrid
i tipped w/lincoln change-i hope he laughed/cuz i did
see-we can laugh together!
I just call them “Randi Rhodes.” Saves a bunch of keystrokes.
Good point. I blame
George BushRush Limbaugh.Did you watch the convention, meya? Apparently not.
“my support of stem-cell research.”
That phrase alone proves she’s either dishonest or stupid. Just like Daddy, she accepts the premises of the Left, not only surrendering personally but aiding and abetting their dishonest agenda.
There are many kinds of stem-cell research; to my knowledge blanket opposition to all of them is not a position taken by any Republican politician nor any measurable segment of the party.
There is, however, a measurable segment that opposes embryonic stem-cell research, and actually wants it to be illegal. But even that is not the majority position, which is that privately-funded ESC research should be legal, but…
Funding it with tax monies forcibly extracted from those who find it morally reprehensible crosses a line that a just government would stay clear of.
I have yet to see any scientist say there is anything that can be done with embryonic stem cells that cannot also be done with stem cells drawn from the placenta and/or umbilical cord blood.
A comment on stem cells. That’s like blood in the water for the nishi shark. cudlips.
Is “Meghan McCain” David Frum’s new pen name?
I see SFG is still screeching about Bush.
In another few years she’s going to sound as out of touch as DatalessDave, who’s still screeching about Nixon and Reagan.
My god, you guys are catty. What’s next, Snowe in a muumuu? Way to make your case.
i would think it leaves a pretty big chip on your shoulder to have a middle aged mom who has a better ass than you do. i’m just saying.
but again, um… why is this frivolity a pressing topic of conversation? when there is so much that will genuinely harm us people and our republic to criticize about teleprompter jesus and the corrupt congress critters of doom.
i refuse to be distracted.
sorry if that was rude. but srsly…
I dunno we’ve maybe been harsh but I suspect many of us are lashing out. Its tough to see our stocks plummeting. Like, plummeting plumeting. Like that chick from Wonkette who liked it … well nm that had something to do with plumbing.
I do think, if I’m Megan McCain’s dad, bff, boyfriend etc, I make it very clear she is never to touch the personal computer again.
*i would think it leaves a pretty big chip on your shoulder to have a middle aged mom who has a better ass than you do*
It irritates me the messiah’s wife has better biceps than i do …
Ah, the corrupt critters of doom. Republican plush toys.
yes i like aaaaunt esther too
router: The better to peg you with.
Wallace in the Schoolhouse Door
oh my bull conner and another demorat in the doorway
So what’s your point, divergionist? You got naught.
You happy with how Obama’s performing thus far, cynn? Be honest now — from the string of hard lefties he’s put in important positions (well, those who made it past the mild media vetting process) to literally, with Geither, talking down the markets, to the way he’s dealt with allies, the way he’s been played by enemies, and now, just feeling, you know, kinda tired and needing a a vacation, or at least a li’l nappy-nap.
How about those Wednesday night parties? As unemployment hits 8, 9, 10, 11, 12% — parties for his pals with the stars in his orchid-warm White House, smoking butts when the little people mustn’t.
Concentrate on that for a bit. Get back to me. Then you can set back in on our failings.
And remember: the stock market is forward looking. So let’s see if we can concentrate on Obama and leave poor Mr Bush and his failed policies out of it.
bush is still moist
to poop on!
[can i patent that?/i’ll micro-loan teh profits/give me “bush is still moist”
or give me-ha-credit!
thanks PW/JEFF
dunno/ heard on the grapevine that megan got the clydesdale boot
outta her houseboat
15 minutes of fame must be so nice
with crystal on ice…
u might even let davids[brooks/frum]
give u a lick
sucks to wake up..and pretend it didn’t happen..
or u even thoght that…
what a busy life u lead!
I did. We still hear much more Meghan.
Yeah, meya, that is very observant of you, noticing the media would rather pay attention to the beautiful white daughter who voted for Kerry than the non-white adopted daughter or all the charity work Cindy does. Would almost lead one to believe they had an agenda, wouldn’t it?
Well, it would if you weren’t so fucking clueless.
You don’t often hear about McCain’s other daughter.
No, Lyndsay’s still in the Senate. You must not live in SC.
Hmmph. I just saw your update. I’m so not apologizing cause I was just trying to honestly characterize what poor sweet dumb Meghan will do for a little friendly media attention and I didn’t even get into what she’ll do for a Klondike bar.
Someone needs to get Bridget a blog is the problem. Jack and Jimmy too, cause we don’t hardly ever hear about them either.
Well, if Bridget really wants to be heard, she’s going to have to come out as a Democrat. That’s really the best way for a “conservative” to get media attention. I bet she’d even get a front page on HuffPo.
“Would almost lead one to believe they had an agenda, wouldn’t it?”
She certainly doesn’t blog her playlists.
Jodi Kantor feels your pain, meya. Really, we need to get some spotlights on that 16 year old child, don’t you think?
I didn’t find her piece embarrassing at all, and I certainly don’t find her dumb. What I do find really sad (and shocking) are all the personal attacks on Meghan. Way to rise above, guys–this comment thread wouldn’t look out of place on Kos. Maybe Protein Wisdom should set out a virtual bucket of stones and we can all go throw them at anyone who disagrees with us.
Newsflash: there are a lot of people in the party who find Ann Coulter and ilk irritating at best, and about as likable as Rosie O’Donnell. Which is to say, not at all.
I’m not sure I was asking for an apology, hf. It’s just one thing to call her dumb, and something else to call her a cum-guzzling slut, however much I happen to love cum-guzzling sluts. And if she’s already that, I’d love to know what she’d do for a Klondike bar.
Yea, Jess because someone talking smack about liberals is morally equivalent to a blowhard celebrity who thinks fire can’t melt steel in the Twin Towers and that we have a serious problem with “Christian Terrorism” in this country that may be on par with radical jihadism.
So no surprise that you didn’t find anything “dumb” about Meghan’s little spiel as it apparently found your level. I’m happy for you.
Oh and while I agree that some of the comments are off color and personal, try to understand that many of us at this blog are just sick and tired of so-called “republicans” trying to eat their own rather than standing up to the people who want to turn our Republic into a little corner of socialist heaven, betraying our principles as Conservatives/Classical Liberals … or revealing, as Meghan’s father did, the truth that they are not guided by any coherent political principles at all.
Way to rise above, guys–this comment thread wouldn’t look out of place on Kos. Maybe Protein Wisdom should set out a virtual bucket of stones and we can all go throw them at anyone who disagrees with us.
No, I think Jess should just develop a sense of humor. Or, maybe you’re just more interested in doing a bit of your own stone-throwing?
Newsflash: there are a lot of people in the party who find Ann Coulter and ilk irritating at best
There’s always this insinuation that everyone here is rah rah Ann Coulter and rah rah Mr. Limbaugh. That’s not really very true I don’t think. I can’t decide whether I’m indifferent or apathetic to either or both of them. I’m a lot ambivalent.
But poor sweet dumb Meghan isn’t any different from her Uncle Lindsey or any of them what plop their ample self-important asses in a tv studio and la la la about how they feel or about how they have a suspicion that somewhere in their empty little heads there’s an idea what they just gotta gotta gotta express. Whatever it is they think they need to say, they’re there to say it because a dirty socialist tv news producer has decided that that’s the message they want to tag Baracky’s opposition with. That they’re gonna give the dirty socialists something that will reside comfortably in the framework of their narrative. That’s the only reason they’re there.
What I think is that what McCain and his twat daughter and lots of others do is to legitimize dirty socialist media venues what are diseased and antisocial and useless. Duty. I will Duty explain for the McCains. However whorish you may be feeling on any given day, you have a duty not to bolster and legitimize dirty socialist media people what hate your little country. Simple as that.
oh. crap. boss person walked in before I proofed that so I just hit the button. That should say I will explain Duty for the McCains. I got it backwards.
But, what will she do for a Klondike bar???
But poor sweet dumb Meghan isn’t any different from her Uncle Lindsey or any of them what plop their ample self-important asses in a tv studio and la la la about how they feel or about how they have a suspicion that somewhere in their empty little heads there’s an idea what they just gotta gotta gotta express.
That’s one of the problems with the internet, Happy. Don’t I do the same? Of course, my spoutings don’t get taken in and broadcast out by anyone. I think that the internet has – in reality- given the vapid “famous” class yet even more exposure. I don’t know how to put them back in the box. Other than ignore.
So, full circle here. I’m back to the “it’s OK to call them a twat” or whatever foul things because they’re still going to get a ton more exposure no matter how stupid their comments are.
oh. nononono. I was unclear … no one really said anything, but yesterday Meghan reached a lot more people by going on CBS to talk about her Deep Thoughts about Ann. brb.
I always wondered what DTs meant.
quote the shining
“i corrected them”
Swine flu….
Swine flu epidemic. 1976 swine flu scare….