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October 2024


Ain’t I a Jesus? [Dan Collins]

Reverend Jeremiah Wright thinks that there might be things people need to do for themselves.

I like this turn of phrase: “stone cold intellectuals“. I think Jeff bridges the gap, honestly. As for me, I can feel the sick craving for blog attention as it wells up from my limbic system.

Is Obama injured?

I only ask because that’s a nasty gash he’s got on his arm.

(that would be a serr8d joint)

Civility NOW!!!

Teh Goracle snubs Bjorn Lomborg’s offer of a debate.

Has this woman ever been seen in the same place as Jamie Gorelick?

32 Replies to “Ain’t I a Jesus? [Dan Collins]”

  1. Techie says:

    Now he tells us??

  2. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    “I am offended by the vehemence of Wright’s commentaries on race in America. President Obama was similarly offended,” Davis said.

    Yeah, that’s why he sat in the man’s church for twenty years.

  3. Sdferr says:

    Yet another lie propounded:

    Obama is just like any other president.

    No, quite clearly, he is not.

  4. Mr. Pink says:

    He was so offended he allowed the man to work on his campaign, baptize his children, marry him and his wife, and donated 40 thousand dollars to his church. Yeah that offended.

  5. JD says:

    Rev. Hatey would have been hung around a Republicans neck like a millstone.

  6. Joe says:

    Who does this character remind you of?

    The author of this masterpiece, one Alan Moore, is a paranoid left-winger (see V for Vendetta, for example), but the man can write. Perhaps the character whom people remember the most from Watchmen is Rorschach, a man in a hat and trenchcoat who covers his face with a mask of ever-changing ink impressions. Rorschach has no superpowers or even the genius and equipment of Batman. He is simply a man determined to set things right and uninhibited in his willingness to do violence to wrongdoers.

    Rorschach was once a more conventional hero, we find out, but he has seen too much of the evil in the world and is no longer prepared to accept limits on his efforts to bring retribution. This vigilante, full of retrograde opinions and mourning for an America whose best days are behind her, is Archie Bunker without the laughs.

    He is also a good deal more insightful than Bunker. Rorschach walks along a street in a city’s red-light district and notes that he is offered French love, Swedish love, and other exotic pleasures, but American love, he notes, “is like Coke in green glass bottles . . . they don’t make it anymore.”

    Rorschach is dangerous. And he is Moore’s idea of a conservative. If it is intended as an insult, it is one most of us can live with.

    Cool, like 300, only less gay.

    As for Jeremiah Wright:

    “Barack’s name ain’t Jesus. Barack ain’t gonna improve your child’s reading score. There are things we’ve got to do on our own,” he said.

    Obama may no longer associate with Wright, but the program for the event featured a picture of the two, smiling together, on the front.

    Talking about characters, Wright reminds me of the preacher in Angel Heart.

  7. Carin says:

    Funny aside – white folks are even allowed to say Baracky’s name in Detroit City council chambers:

    A pitiful Teamster official who practically crawled to the table on his knees expressing profuse respect for this disrespectful body was battered by both the crowd and the council.

    When he dared suggest that an improved Cobo Center would create more good-paying jobs for union workers, Conyers reminded him, “Those workers look like you; they don’t look like me.”

    Desperate, he invoked President Barack Obama’s message of unity and was angrily warned, “Don’t you say his name here.”

    Hope and change, folks. Hope. And. Change.

  8. Carin says:

    And, I was wondering when I first saw that above picture … WTF is that around M’chelle’s neck? Oh my lord. And they keep saying how she’s got such great fashion sense, yada yada yada. Honestly, I’m at a loss for words as to how to describe it.

  9. Bob Reed says:

    Clearly this is not the Reverend Wright he knew for 20 years…

  10. urthshu says:

    >>Desperate, he invoked President Barack Obama’s message of unity and was angrily warned, “Don’t you say his name here.”

    “Don’t you take the Lord’s name in vain!”

  11. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    WTF is that around M’chelle’s neck? Oh my lord.

    I think that’s from the “Mr. T Originals” collection.

  12. TheGeezer says:

    I think it is an Edsel grill, encrusted with channel-cut mirror fragments.

  13. Sdferr says:

    Dan Riehl also posted on Patterico’s I Hope Rush Fails. I tried to link back here to Jeff’s post in Riehl’s comments section but failed for some reason, the comment didn’t go through. It might be useful if one of you all could pull that off, to drop a link there.

  14. Joe says:

    H/T to The Anchoress on that above.

  15. Dan Collins says:

    We need a new currency, Joe. Maybe I can find a way to convert my dollars at PayPal into Goldsteins.

  16. Catbert077 says:

    “WTF is that around M’chelle’s neck? Oh my lord.”
    Maybe that’s the beads she got for flashing at Mardi Gras?

  17. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    I see the NASDAQ has “fluctuated”* another 2.5% today.

    (the L is silent).

  18. JD says:

    That was just so wrong. I think that Barcky prolly gave Gordon the uncut version of the Dukes of Hazard, Jackass Vol 1-3, Dude I Lost My Car, and Barbie and the 12 Dancing Princesses.

  19. Mr. Pink says:

    You forgot Critters 2 and Leprachaun in the Hood.

  20. JimK says:

    Can you say Low Class? Yes, I knew you could.

  21. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    Nice, Pink (I’ve said that before, but in a much different conext). Leprechaun in the Hood. And since, it’s March. It’s topical. Good job.

  22. Spiny Norman says:

    Teh Goracle snubs Bjorn Lomborg’s offer of a debate.

    “The scientific community has gone through this chapter and verse. We have long since passed the time when we should pretend this is a ‘on the one hand, on the other hand’ issue,” he said. “It’s not a matter of theory or conjecture, for goodness sake.”

    In the fields of geology and paleontology, the ::ahem:: consensus was that the Earth and all life on it changed only gradually and very slowly, as the old hands had “…gone through [it] chapter and verse”. They would brook no inference of catastrophism. Thirty years ago, the Alvarez’ hypothesis that an extraterrestrial impact could drastically alter the direction of evolution in the geological equivalent of an instant was met with scorn and dirision… until the discovery of the Chicxulub crater.

    No, what that bloviating mountebank Al Gore is indulging in is not science, it is political theater. In science, no debate is ever truly “settled”.

  23. Swen Swenson says:

    …that’s a nasty gash he’s got on his arm.

    Ohhhh. I hope you didn’t mean that like I think you did because that wouldn’t be very nice.. accurate, but not very nice.

  24. Swen Swenson says:

    In the fields of geology and paleontology, the ::ahem:: consensus was that the Earth and all life on it changed only gradually and very slowly, as the old hands had “…gone through [it] chapter and verse”. They would brook no inference of catastrophism.Of course, then came Niles Eldredge and Stephen Jay Gould with the idea of punctuated equilibrium. Put stress in an organism and it will evolve to adapt to that stress. An interesting concept considering the stress we’re all under right now..

  25. Dan Collins says:

    I’m a bad, bad man, swen. And yeah, punctuated equilibrium, for sure, assuming you’ve been acquiring enough mutant memes all the while.

  26. Swen Swenson says:

    Arrgh! Epic html fail. Try this:

    In the fields of geology and paleontology, the ::ahem:: consensus was that the Earth and all life on it changed only gradually and very slowly, as the old hands had “…gone through [it] chapter and verse”. They would brook no inference of catastrophism.

    Of course, then came Niles Eldredge and Stephen Jay Gould with the idea of punctuated equilibrium. Put stress in an organism and it will evolve to adapt to that stress. An interesting concept considering the stress we’re all under right now..

  27. Swen Swenson says:

    “on an organism”. Jeez, musta been the scotch..

  28. Swen Swenson says:

    I’m a bad, bad man, swen.

    But you do tell the truth as you see it. Gotta admire you for that.

  29. Swen Swenson says:

    And that gash might wery well be a mutant.. Sometimes I actually feel sorry for the man.

  30. Swen Swenson says:

    Okay, I give. Obviously shluring my wordz.. Damn that Famous Grouse is good shit.

  31. Swen Swenson says:

    Is it time to denounce myself yet? Yes, I think so..

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