
Jeff's Wish List

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October 2024


“Elegant” Is the New Clean and Articulate [Dan Collins]

From Sean Penn’s Academy lecture:

I think that it is a good time for those who voted for the ban against gay marriage to sit and reflect, and anticipate their great shame, and the shame in their grandchildren’s eyes if they continue that way of support. We’ve got to have equal rights for everyone. And there are these last 2 things. I’m very, very proud to live in a country that is willing to elect an elegant man President . . .

I just love The Elegant Man, and I’m so pleased Penn could work in a reference.

Sullivan to Kaus: “Man up!”

141 Replies to ““Elegant” Is the New Clean and Articulate [Dan Collins]”

  1. mojo says:


    Oh, wait…

  2. MarkD says:

    Penn plays a man.

  3. Joe says:

    Rahm Emanuel on style and good manners:

    In another part of the story, Emanuel is frustrated by the New York Times columnist, Paul Krugman, who has criticized Obama for deferring to Republican moderate senators Snowe, Collins and Specter. Passing the stimulus would have been much easier if Al Franken were in the Senate, Emanuel says. “No disrespect to Paul Krugman, but has he figured out how to seat the Minnesota senator? Write a f–king column on how to seat the son of a bitch.”–k-Watch-40067097.html

  4. Joe says:

    Oh, and Sean, don’t go full retard!

  5. Alec Leamas says:

    Didn’t the elegant fop America elected feign opposition to teh gey marriage? I’m confused.

  6. Joe says:

    Hey Sean, that Elegant Man you love is against gay marriage. Well, at least he was before he got elected. Guess what jerk off, I voted for McCain Palin yet I am for gay marriage. So fuck you too.

  7. Techie says:

    I’m pretty sure Obama is not exactly pro-gay marriage.

    Congrats, Sean, you took it away from Mickey Rourke, and you know it.

  8. Mr. Pink says:

    Lol thanks for making me spit out my coffee Dan, nice Driving Mrs. Daisy reference.

  9. Mr. Pink says:

    If you could find a way to reference Obama and this person:

    I would really appreciate it. He actually does look like her. If you could take the lipstick of this one it would definatly be his twin.

    All SFW

  10. Dan Collins says:

    Unintended, Mr. Pink. I never saw that. I was going to add other illustrations, like a little elegant Emanuel Ungaro dress, but I lack ambition.

  11. Mr. Pink says:

    Wow that’s a coincidence I thought that was where that car was from.

  12. BJTexs says:

    Didn’t 70% of the “Elegant People” in California vote against gay marriage.

    Sean hates him those pesky facts while he’s rafting the Mississippi.

  13. Rob Crawford says:

    So… did Penn call Obama gay?

  14. Pablo says:

    Hey, has anyone noticed that Al Sharpton kinda looks like a baboon?

  15. Dan Collins says:

    Could well be, Mr. Pink.

  16. BJTexs says:

    Pablo: JD will be along shortly to denounce you. BTW: that’s an elegant baboon.

  17. Pablo says:

    Sean Penn looks a bit more like a gibbon.

  18. Alec Leamas says:

    “Elegant” sounds a bunch like code for “faggot.”

  19. Pablo says:

    BTW: that’s an elegant baboon.

    I think not, sir! That’s a baboon buffoon.

  20. happyfeet says:

    I’m not going to chit-chat with you people about Sean Penn’s speech for his stupid Oscar. We were doing just fine with fish sauce I thought. You can give him many many statue thingies and still in my mind Sean Penn will never not be bailing out his little Katrina boat. That was definitional I think. It’s too bad we use douche so freely cause for real that should be his special word.

  21. Pablo says:

    Ah, the Mighty Red Cup. That was a fucking classic.

  22. Pablo says:

    I saw that one. I didn’t see the Oscars. Except I watched this part on You Tube. It could have been funnier.

  23. Dan Collins says:

    He was trying to go to the aid of the elegant people, hf.

  24. BJTexs says:

    Let’s try to remember that some of the very same “journalists” who were howling about Joe the Plumber’s job in the Middle East had nary a word of protest for Raft Boy’s journalistic excursion to Iraq.


  25. Joe says:

    Why didn’t Penn go all Sacheen Littlefeather (like Brando did), but to fit Milk, get the Indian Chief from the Village People to show up and decline the award.

    No balls, that’s why. No balls.

  26. I demand to know why they couldn’t find a gay actor to play Harvey Milk. It’s homophobic to imply that no one would go and see a film about a gay man unless a straight guy played the homo. It may be hard to find that rare gay man working as an actor, but in this day and age that’s no excuse. How about giving that poor unknown actor, working what’s left of the dinner theater circuit, forced into meaningless sex with aged soap opera divas for choice parts and used shoes, a real chance for once?

  27. Although, this whole movie could just have been an elaborate bet between two homosexual movie producers that one of them could get Sean Penn to give him a blowjob for a part.

    In that case, this movie is awesome.

  28. Dave S. says:

    Can anyone tell me how many Oscar winners – besides Sean Pennis of course, took the opportunity to throw some self serving political bullshit out to the audience rather than appreciate the occasion for what it is and for the talent their peers felt they had?

  29. Sdferr says:


  30. nikkolai says:

    Any guesses on Sean Penn’s IQ? I say it’s under 80…..

  31. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Pennis’s gay tard epic took in $28 million on a budget of $20 million (implies that it probably lost a big chunk of money after everything is counted).

    Gran Torino has taken in $134 million on a budget of $33 million.

    Eventually they’re going to have to start doing the math.

  32. Matt says:

    Did anyone actually see Milk ? I don’t feel like I’ve been deprived of one of the great male acting performance by not seeing it.

    Does that mean I hate gay people ? If you don’t like Sean Penn and want to punch him in the nose, does that mean you want to punch all gay people in the nose ?

    Hate is incredibly confusing and I want it to stop.

  33. BJTexs says:

    Did anyone actually see Milk ?

    Not many did as the movie was virtually devoid of elegance.

    ba-dum Ching!

  34. Alec Leamas says:

    “Did anyone actually see Milk ?”

    I understand that men passionately kiss one another. Very well, but fuck off if you think I’ll pay to see it.

  35. Mikey NTH says:

    Those are some nice Dagmars on that Cadillac.

  36. Joe says:

    Comment by Lost My Cookies on 2/23 @ 2:28 pm #

    I demand to know why they couldn’t find a gay actor to play Harvey Milk. It’s homophobic to imply that no one would go and see a film about a gay man unless a straight guy played the homo. It may be hard to find that rare gay man working as an actor, but in this day and age that’s no excuse. How about giving that poor unknown actor, working what’s left of the dinner theater circuit, forced into meaningless sex with aged soap opera divas for choice parts and used shoes, a real chance for once?

    Sean Penn is a method actor. Penn went a bit further for his art than DeNiro, Cloney and Stalone did gaining weight for previous roles. Let’s just say Penn went a lot further than full retard for this film than he did for I am Sam.

    A massive amount of eeeewwwww factor for this one.

  37. Wm T Sherman says:

    Every man has a right to marry a woman. Every woman has a right to marry a man. Nobody is allowed to marry a horse or a piece of furniture. I see nothing but equality here.

  38. The Monster says:

    When I heard it, I thought maybe he meant “eloquent”, contrasting against Chimpler’s infamous malapropisms. Then I thought about the last time I heard Mark Levin play the “uh” loop, and I wasn’t so sure.

  39. Joe says:

    Sullivan is still on his Palin-Trig Jihad. He just can’t stop himself. He semes really into that undiscovered country of Sarah Palin’s vagina and uterus. He even suggested Obama give out his birth certificate today, because who does he think he is, Sarah Palin?

    He also claimed to just learn about this story from being on Bill Maher’s show the other night. Apparently Sullivan is not keeping up with Michelle Malkin or Hot Air enough. Sullivan is right in noting how the MSM is not reporting this story. It is sad when an American-Muslim leader acting more barbaric than Xanax drugged Chimpanese is no longer news worthy.

  40. geoffb says:

    When I saw the car pic the only thing that came to mind was Michael Corleone.

  41. irongrampa says:

    The car id truly elegant.

    The movie, not so much.

  42. Techie says:

    Honest question, asked out of pure historical ignorance:

    What did Harvey Milk actually DO as a politician (aside from being Fabulous)? I know he got shot with Moscone, but other than that, I’m hazy.

  43. Carin says:

    Honestly, the premise of Milk couldn’t interest me less. It’s not because he’s gay. It’s just. Oye. You know, if they did some movie about a home schooler paving the way for future folks like myself … I wouldn’t be interested in seeing that either. Forced to watch Brokeback Mountain or Milk, I’d prolly choose Brokeback.

    Luckily, I don’t foresee ever having to make such a horrible decision.

  44. Carin says:

    And, Techie, you’re cracking me up.

  45. router says:

    “What did Harvey Milk actually DO as a politician ”

    teh gay thing or something

  46. Alec Leamas says:

    “What did Harvey Milk actually DO as a politician[?]”

    He was like an early Barney Frank without the charm and polish.

  47. kelly says:

    “He was like an early Barney Frank without the charm and polish.”

    But Barney is better at blowjobs. That he’s perfected his technique is evidenced by the fact that every time he opens his mouth you never see his teeth.

  48. Techie says:

    Honestly, Brokeback Mountain wasn’t a bad movie. Hell, it even did, IMO, a decent job on “The Love that Dare not speak its name” business.

    But it’s been parodied too much for me to take it seriously anymore.

  49. Carin says:

    Biggest reason for having no interest in seeing the movie? I dated a guy who I suspect was repressing. It was honestly a really painful thing.

  50. Sherman March says:

    Golly. Who could have predicted there would be such a fuss raised over a Sean Penn quote.

  51. ccoffer says:

    Elegant? Really…..elegant? What the fuck kind of standard is that? Its like he’s talking about a pooch at the Westminster Dog Show.

  52. kelly says:

    “I dated a guy who I suspect was repressing. It was honestly a really painful thing.”</i.

    Repressing? Sounds painful for someone but…who?

  53. kelly says:

    Out, damn tags!

  54. kelly says:

    Barry’s pecker is gonna be real sore by the end of his term what with the constant fellating he’s getting these days.

    William Jefferson Clinton has noticed and he’s pissed!

  55. ShermansMarch says:

    I dated a guy who I suspect was repressing. It was honestly a really painful thing.

    Actually, I suspect it was more because you are unattractive and overweight.

  56. happyfeet says:

    That’s stupid. Everyone knows that’s not true.

  57. Shermans March says:

    BTW, here is another elegant car. It’s from France.

    Carry on.

  58. Sdferr says:

    Watch him speak, turning his head
    At nearly metronomic intervals
    Back and forth and back from right
    To left to right again, again, again.
    Over and over, the same pace, so practiced
    Through that eighty degree arc end to end
    Fixing ever on the clean plastic shields
    Cleverly placed, just out of camera range.
    Now and then it seems he prefers looking right.
    Is it his lefthandedness at work? Favoring
    His left eye? Is it elegance?

  59. Mikey NTH says:

    So why is a ’50’s Caddy with the Dagmars in a thread going all to teh ghey?
    Them Dagmars were to appeal a different way.

  60. Mikey NTH says:

    #59 Sdferr:

    I’d say it is a seizure, but I am a Philistine when it comes to Art.

  61. Sdferr says:

    To go with your Dagmars Mikey, maybe we can get Dan to do a post on cowling faces?!

  62. Mark A. Flacy says:

    I see thor’s back in another guise.

  63. JD says:

    Sherman has a wide stance.

  64. happyfeet says:

    Ok this is me pointedly not commenting on Sean Penn… A lot of people say, yes happy, we know of the tasty beverages of which you speak, but are there any beverages which you find to be not so tasty? Why yes, I will tell you if a most untasty beverage. It is the diet soda of the Cuban people, and it is disgusting. Not fit for the human consumption. Diet Ironbeer they call it, and it is almost a compelling humanitarian argument for lifting the embargo if they weren’t dirty socialist losers.

    I paid $2.99 for a six-pack… I can’t believe anyone would pay $6.99 for this swill. It is made in Miami I guess now because the Ironbeer peoples were exiled by Castro… so there is now Cuban Ironbeer and exile Ironbeer. Maybe the $6.99 one is smuggled out of Cuba or something. Anyway, the not-diet stuff may be okay. While I was learning about the Ironbeer I found this… Ironport soda, which is American and is more intriguing. I would like to try that but it’s not widely distributed… only a few states like Utah and Idaho have it. There’s a list of where you can get it at the link.

  65. happyfeet says:

    oh. *of* a most untasty beverages. For real I have five of these left. I think I’ll bring them to work and tell NG and OG the story of the Ironbeer in a way that will make them want to taste it. After that, no idea what to do with it. Maybe they might like it but that seems really unlikely.

  66. hmmm, when I mentioned that to our Rep. back in, um, October, he looked at me like I had two heads, router. eeenteresting.

  67. Mikey NTH says:


    That would be cool. Because that design stuff was really driven by market forces. Ads may entice the buyer, but you got to know what the buyer is likely to be enticed by first. The Edsel line-up is an example that all of the marketing hype can’t get people to part with their coin if they don’t like the product. Se also: Coca-Cola, New Coke.

  68. happyfeet says:

    *beverage* I mean. oh, man. Orrin Hatch is a useless dirty socialist appeaser. Who knew? I used to like him. It’s unbelievable how corrupt the Republicans are.

  69. Sdferr says:

    Maybe Ironbeer has magical cleaning properties like Coca-cola hf, getting roadtar off chrome and windshields and whatnot?

  70. Sdferr says:

    Or maybe Dan would want to put cowling faces together with this little nugget. Which ones are and which ones aren’t sorta dealio.

  71. happyfeet says:

    No magic I don’t think, Sdferr. It has a nice colour if you pour it in a glass. That’s the only positive thing I can say about it. oh. Sarah is all over that theory.

  72. dicentra says:

    What did Hatch do now? He’s my critter, and I have no compunction about tearing him a new one.

    As for this Ironport of which you speak, I have never heard of it, and I’ve spent most of my life in Utah. But then, looking at the list of places where it’s available, I can see that I’ve never darkened those doorways.

    If you want a nasty beverage, try Pony Malta from Colombia or one of its sister products. “It is a carbonated malt beverage, meaning it is brewed from barley, hops, yeast, and water much like beer; corn and caramel color may also be added. However, malta is non-alcoholic.”


  73. Sdferr says:

    On the White House Theater of the Absurd Production of The Lesson premiering today, in which David Axelrod played The Author, Eugene Ionesco, Pres. Obama stood in a brilliant performance as The Professor, The Economy of the United States appeared in the role of The Student and Speaker Nancy Pelosi did a star turn as The Maid. Though tickets were by appointment only, Politico nevertheless gives two thumbs up, a brio murder!! Catch it.

  74. dicentra says:

    Oh, I found out about Hatch:

    The bill doesn’t just give DC an extra House seat, it gives a new one to Utah to add to our current three.

    I just sent Hatch a love note:

    District of Columbia getting a vote in the House?

    Are you high?

    Do you really want to set a precedent for creating “specialty” seats in congress just so that Utah — MY STATE OF RESIDENCE — can get an extra seat?


    Retract S.160 and put your efforts behind wresting the census away from Rahm Emmanuel’s hot little Chicago cheater-pol’s hands!!!

    THIS IS JUST ABOUT THE MOST SHORT-SIGHTED THING YOU COULD DO, Senator. You’ve been in Washington too long. It’s addled your brain.

  75. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    I see thor’s back in another guise.

    I’d say Assclown, myself.

    ‘Hammered in any case.

  76. Mikey NTH says:

    #75 geoffb:

    Cowling face.

    Yep – I got my phone back – and promptly had a call. My Uncle Fred, the one I said was training to be a B-24 pilot when they decided they had enough pilots, he died Saturday night.

    Not much for me to do until this summer for the reunion. Just remember a good man who enjoyed fishing, whether the Au Sable, or at Cedarville.

  77. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    I’m sorry, Mikey.

  78. Sdferr says:

    Gulping cowling.

  79. router says:

    Mikey NTH

    Reqiescat in Pace.

  80. Mikey NTH says:

    I remember once when we were camping at Straits State Park, and Uncle Fred asked me to go back to the trailers and bring back a couple of beers. (I’d get fifty cents – this was in the mid-!970’s!). I got to the campsite and both trailers were locked. Hmmm… I opened the back storage hatch to ours and climbed through, got the beers, and exited. 50 cents!

    That was back when I could crawl through a milk-chute and get into the house.

  81. Mikey NTH says:

    I like to remember the funny stuff, like how he would laugh. I can do that best after I recall one of his phrases – (insert hearty laughter) “Jesus Christ, Ann!” (insert hearty laughter). (My mom is his little sister and they would still tease each other.)

  82. geoffb says:


    Sorry to hear about your uncle. Losing a lot of WWII vets these days. Over 64 years since the end or it. I hope he had a good life and a peaceful end. Fishing I love also.

    On Cowling Face I was thinking of frontal view, forgot all about the side.

  83. Techie says:

    Fishing teaches a lot of life lessons. I’ll always love an angler. Godspeed, Mikey. Thoughts and prayers.

  84. Mikey NTH says:

    Thanks guys – he will in Peace. He was thoroughly decent and all of the memories – mine and my family, his children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren – it’s all good. And the stories are all good.

    Here is one. He had this Model A and was going too fast on a dirt road near Farmington (Mich). He rolled the car. No injuries as the guys in the rumble seat launched. (Obviously faster than the road, but not fast.) They turned the car back up, but how to explain? Go to one guys house, get a gun, shoot a tire, then claim – honest! – it was the blow-out!

    Then he did get tossed out of MSU for having a keg in his dorm room. Normal to have a keg today – but not in 1950!

    Heh. That one is still funny.

  85. Mikey NTH says:

    geoffb: A good life, and a peaceful end. In the last months at the home he liked to go into the garden and ‘help’ with the flowers. He did like that from before, so good.

  86. Techie says:

    I thought having a keg in a dorm room at Michigan St. was required?

  87. geoffb says:

    Would have got you tossed in 1966 too. Keg or a girl either one.

    Good memories are what keep our loved ones with us forever. Memory eternal as we say at church.

  88. guinsPen says:

    …Sherman March…ShermansMarch…Shermans March…


  89. Mikey NTH says:

    Dan: In Re: Elegant.

    The only time I have heard that was when dad was trying to describe some of the woman teachers he worked with when he started teaching – they were always properly attired and insisted on a high level of decorum, and they received respect from the junior high students. There just was that aura about them, so much so that dad wouldn’t call them by their first names, just “Miss —–“.

    Strange, isn’t it? What we’ve lost so easily?

  90. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    I see via AoSHQ that Chrissy Matthews criticized Teh One, Teh Porkulus, and Teh mortgage bailout tonight.

    Too late, Chrissy. No one’s going to forget the months of hoovering you gave to this loser.

  91. happyfeet says:

    Sorry Mikey. I hope your mom is ok. Is this the sable place?

    oh. dicentra… Malta sounds a little like the kvass I’ve been liking really kind of a lot, but maybe sweeter. It says there’s the same deal where there’s a very authentic kind and a more manufactured kind. It sopunds like getting one from a real brewery is the way to go. I don’t see a Mexican producer on the wikipedia list. It says “a popular way Latin Americans sometimes drink malta is by mixing it with condensed or evaporated milk” … I just tried this Vietnamese drink where they put an egg yolk and evaporated milk in the bottom of a glass and then you pour plain soda over it. It was … egg yolk and evaporated milk and soda. oh. It also says it’s called “champagne cola” … I saw that term on some of the Cuban beverage pages I was looking at. I will try. The Goya one at least should be available and I can look for the brewery kind. I might just get it and wait until a hot summer day to try though. Sometimes that helps give the more questionably tasty beverages a fighting chance.

    Fun malta fact… “Malta is high in B vitamins. Some breweries, like Albani Breweries Ltd of Denmark, fortify their non-alcoholic malta beverages with Vitamin B complex.”

  92. guinsPen says:

    “I’m leaving, never to return.”

  93. Techie says:


    Ah fuck it, I love how Leftists always rail against “war crimes”, but then go on how “Sherman should have finished the job” or something like that when they decide that the Inbred hicks in the South get too uppity. The cognitive dissonance could power a small city.

  94. Techie says:

    Because, I’m sure that they would approve of Bush ordering the army to line up, fan out about 100 miles wide and burn everything they saw (with the exception of churches) till they reached the coast.

  95. guinsPen says:

    “I’m leaving, never to return.”

    It was worth a try, anyway.

  96. geoffb says:

    Everytime Anne and I would go to visit her father we would stay in a hotel in Oscoda right on the mouth of the Au Sable where it flows into Lake Huron. Room always looked out onto the river. God, I love this State, not the politicians, but the land and the people.

  97. router says:

    “What did you think of Glenn Beck’s rant this past Friday?”

    The expression of leftard/liberals run wild in the world

  98. dicentra says:

    What did you think of Glenn Beck’s rant this past Friday?

    What rant? Glenn’s been predicting economic doomsday for five years now. He’s friends with people in high finance, and they’re telling him the grim truth.

    Because back when the Dow was 14,000, he was predicting bad things like the Dow dipping below 7500.

    What a kook!

    Me, I’ve had a feeling that the economy would fall apart for a few years now, apart from anything Glenn’s been saying.

    So I’m getting prepared for a rough stretch. If I’m wrong, I’m not out anything. How about you, Sherm? You gonna get caught with nothing but pickles and ketchup packets in the fridge on the day your cash ain’t worth a tinker’s dam? Wanna pay $50 for a gallon of milk? Be my guest!

  99. N. O'Brain says:

    Oooo, more good news for the O!bama administration (via LGF):

    US Pledges $1B Stimulus Package… For Gaza

    “It will be used for humanitarian purposes, of course, so that the Hamas “government” can spend all their money on bombs, weapons, and ammunition, instead of building a decent society for their children.”
    -Charles @ LGF

  100. ccoffer says:

    It appears that now is definitely the time to eat that pill that purports to make you take a shit that weighs and looks just like a full grown anaconda.

  101. Bob Reed says:

    Elegant man..? Elegant man..? WTF?

    Sounds like some kind of code words to me…

    Outrage to follow…

    Maybe there is something to all that Larry Sinclair stuff…

    Maybe Obama is a wide stance kind of guy…

    I mean, I guess his buddy Sean would know…He’s down with the gay civil rights crusade after all…

    Sounds like he did a fair amount of research too…

    Maybe he’s a wide stance guy too…

  102. thor says:

    The fuck-whatever you cowards of the r-wing were looking at, give me the card of whoever does Sean Penn’s pre-Oscar facials.

    Skin like sun-kissed buttered silk, and smooth as Tripp Palin’s aloe-scented disposable towelette wiped ass.

  103. Carin says:

    Happyfeet, at Disney World in Epcot they have this little shop where you can try the different Coke products that are sold around the world. It’s kinda fun. They give you little dixie cups and you can go to town for free. Japan has a watermelon flavored soda. I think it was one of my kids favorite things.

    I don’t know what to tell you about the diet cuban beverage. Bad beer is good for composting. Bad soda? I don’t believe it has any purpose. But, as Diocentra mentioned, perhaps you should put it in your stockpile anyway. Just in case.

  104. Carin says:

    Actually, I suspect it was more because you are unattractive and overweight.

    I suspect you’re a pimply 14 y/o. I’ve got pictures on the web. You?

  105. Roland THTG says:

    thor likes facials.
    Who knew?

  106. B Moe says:

    Larry Craig.

  107. Obama says:

    I knew a long time ago.

  108. N. O'Brain says:

    “I knew a long time ago.”

    Did you know that the Dow was going to hit 6,000?

  109. Obama says:

    Do you really think my voters will care about the DOW hitting 6000? All I have to do is give a speech liberally, no pun intended, sprinkled with the words “hope”, “change”, and “failed policies of the last 8 years”. To my voters that explains everything right down to the creation.

  110. Mikey NTH says:

    #96 haps:

    Thanks – mom is okay. It isn’t like this hasn’t been anticipated.

    The AuSable I was talking about is the south branch of the river.

  111. N. O'Brain says:

    Comment by Obama on 2/24 @ 7:24 am #

    I think the that the reactionary left is in for a big surprise. Big.

  112. Obama says:

    I will trump you on that. I won.

  113. Mikey NTH says:

    #120 Obama

    I will trump you on that. I won.

    So, what you are saying is really don’t have any idea on how you are going to get anything done, do you? That’s what it sounds like when you run around after all this time still saying “I won.”

  114. Obama says:

    That is just my post-partisan rhetoric designed to bring us all together. We are not red and blue states, we are the United States of America, which I won.

  115. McGehee says:

    Obama won. America lost.

  116. MarkD says:

    I think it’s time for the guy who got the job to do the job. So far, I’m not impressed. Or stimulated.

  117. JD says:

    Remember when Oliver “3 pounds of lard for breakfast” Willis was telling us that it is racist to note that a black person is articulate?

  118. Ric Locke says:

    I’m truly astonished that nobody’s mentioned yet that Miss Daisy’s Caddy had Georgia tags. Texas plates just don’t work in context.


  119. Mikey NTH says:

    In other words – you really don’t have anything else planned. You’re just winging it.

  120. Bob Reed says:

    The heck with the cowling…

    Just check out the tail feathers on this bird…


  121. Slartibartfast says:

    Jolly Check?

    It’s been a while since I read any Clancy.

  122. Sdferr says:

    Smiling cowling.

  123. Slartibartfast says:

    The Tomcat ought to have stayed in service a while longer, IMO. Good airplane. It’d look real purty with a Sniper targeting pod hanging from it, too.

    I mean, if we can bring back the Warthog, why can’t we bring back the Tomcat?

  124. JD says:

    I love the Warthog

  125. Sdferr says:

    Friendly cowling. And Kirsten was her name.

  126. Bob Reed says:

    I agree Slart,

    I’m sure we could have been fotted with the Sniper pod you guys deal with. I mean, we integrated both the TARP reconaissance pod and the LANTIRN system…

    Unfortunately, the Clinton administration thought it better to scrap the upgrade/remanufacture programs proposed by Grumman and some of the Navy brass, and instead, as part of realizing the “Peace Dividend”, scrap them in favor of the dual role F/A-18 Hornets; it was cheaper to have one type that culd serve both roles, you see, and CW is that nobody really dogfights anymore…

    Tell that to the F-15 jockeys…

    All that said, from what I gather the E/F “Super Hornets” are tits amchines…

    What really chills me though, is that now Obama is talking about scrapping the full production run of the F-22. I know it’s expensive, but I don’t think they realize the cost of either restarting a stopped production line, or the human cost of operating outclassed equipment…

    That and missle defense…Great!

  127. Slartibartfast says:

    Meanwhile, F-18 is getting an IRST for those nonexistent air-to-air encounters.

    All this talk of scrapping the F-22 and I haven’t heard anyone say one thing about payout cost. I don’t know if contracts work that way anymore, but I believe there’s some F-22 cost that has already been sunk that needs to be recovered, one way or another. If not in production, then…I don’t know. Way back in the day when I was working programs that made onesies of something, if the government decided to back out, they still had to pay out a percentage of the cost of making that onesie. Sometimes all.

    Unfortunately the rhetoric around the F-22 has gotten so toxic that the truth cannot be told. The fewer they talk about making, the more expensive they get per copy, and that just winds up death-spiraling. I am completely open to discussions of whether the F-22 is really a good and wise investment of defense dollars, but there are some folks who will throw whatever piece of rotten fruit they can get their hands on. Just Google Winslow Wheeler and F-22 and you’ll see lots and lots of discussion of bad performance, without the least bit of discussion of exactly how it’s lacking. This guy, see, is talking about what an utter dog the F-22 is.

    And then you get a bunch of amateur T&E folks thinking that somehow USAF pilots are going to give the F-22 a magic pass just because DoD is writing their paychecks; that somehow the whole T&E community has been compromised and corrupted.

    Pathetic, the whole lot of them. If things were really that bad, absolutely anything the USAF or USN wanted would pass without a hitch.

  128. Slartibartfast says:

    TARPS? Jesus, that’s one huge fucking camera, Bob. Nearly a ton. Nice imagery, though. I don’t think our pod has quite the optics to deliver pics like that.

    There is no substitute for big-aperture optics, I suppose.

  129. Mikey NTH says:

    I wonder if President Obama has run his plan to cancel the F-22 past those Senators and Representatives whose states and districts manufacture parts for that aircraft? Sounds like that would unemploy a lot of skilled union workers who make decent salaries.

  130. Bob Reed says:

    We used the TARPS for BDA mostly…

    They worked real good; at high speed too…

    We made a few real fast trips over Iraq during Desert Storm…

  131. BJTexs says:

    I’ll never forget standing next to the runway at Otis AFB on Cape Cod during an airshow several years ago. After watching several air tricks and some helicopter parachute magic we waited for the next stunt when, all of a sudden, this strange, growling, pulsating noise started to rise from nowhere. We were all looking around for the source when an A-10 made a low pass right over the stands. Scared the crap out of everybody.

    My son, who was about 14 at the time, later said “Coolest. Plane. Evah.” I have to agree, if for nothing more than the totally badass way it looked and sounded.

  132. Bob Reed says:

    All this talk of scrapping the F-22 and I haven’t heard anyone say one thing about payout cost. I don’t know if contracts work that way anymore, but I believe there’s some F-22 cost that has already been sunk that needs to be recovered…

    Yep, all that R/D that is sunk into a project on the front end gets amortized over the number of units constructed…

    Less units mean a higher unit cost; in real dollars, not phony-baloney “allocated” dollars…

    Although it can be fudged and hidden, the bottom line is that we all pay for it one way or another…

    I remember the days when the F-15 was badmouthed; it’s too big, too expensive, not versatile enough, yada yada…

    The facts are that the F-22 is not only the most advanced, inherently stealthy, air-superiority fighter ever built, but it may be the most fuel efficient also. The low drag design and supercruise engine can deliver the thrust required to accelerate the Raptor to Mach number 1.4 <b<without afterburner, which not only accentuates it’s low signature but also increases it’s fuel efficiency and therefore it’s combat radius. And, it is among, if not the, most maneuverable airsuperiority fighter in it’s class…

    Some smaller aircraft with higher wing loadings may be able to turn tighter (at lower speeds), but none that I know of can run with a Raptor in it’s performance envelope…

    They should build way more than 380 of these, IMHO, indeed the whole F-15 fleet should eventually be upgraded to these…

    Just like the F-15 replaced the F-4’s…

  133. B Moe says:

    The facts are that the F-22 is not only the most advanced, inherently stealthy, air-superiority fighter ever built, but it may be the most fuel efficient also.

    Go green.

  134. Bob Reed says:


    It’s the green industry that chairman MAObama is always palavering about…

    MAKE F-22’s! DO IT FOR GAIA!

  135. geoffb says:

    The Air Guard Base in my town. About a mile from my home flew A-10’s for years, up until this past year. Saw them flying everyday. Loved them.

  136. Swen Swenson says:

    Sweet! Big, chrome, bullets.. Those old Caddies remind me of a girlfriend I had way back when. She coulda put your eye out with one of them things, but you wouldn’t have minded.

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