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October 2024


Todd Palin Found In Contempt of Show Trial Proceeding [Dan Collins]

A bipartisan commission in the state Legislature investigated allegations that Palin fired [Public Safety Commissioner] Monegan after he refused to sack her ex-brother-in-law, State Trooper Mike Wooten. The governor, first elected in 2006, has denied wrongdoing.

In court papers, Palin called her sister’s ex-husband a “rogue trooper” who threatened the governor’s family during a bitter divorce and custody battle.

Complaints from Palin’s family led to a five-day suspension for the trooper in 2006 after his superiors found he had illegally shot a moose using his wife’s permit, drove his patrol car while drinking beer and used a Taser on his 10-year-old stepson “in a training capacity.”

Having Wooten in a police cruiser is like having Rangel as Chair of Ways and Means.

Stupid chillbilly.

Just . . . wow. (h/t Reynolds)

171 Replies to “Todd Palin Found In Contempt of Show Trial Proceeding [Dan Collins]”

  1. thor says:

    Todd Palin. Guilty as hell. Free as a bird. Only in America.

  2. Dan Collins says:

    Right. He blowed stuff up and got a tenured position at a university.

  3. Dan Collins says:

    Why do you have to come with the reflexive snark, thor? Do you think this dude ought to have his job? What would happen to a non-cop who did that shit? What would have happened to Palin if Todd had had a tax lien against his business?

  4. thor says:

    Yes, I do. I think so little of the Palin tribe that I believe most, if not everything, said about this trooper is exaggerated for the sake of giving Sister Sarah and her hubbie cover. I do. The victim here is the trooper.

  5. Dan Collins says:

    It’s pretty well established that, apart from showing the wonderful judgment that’s laid out in this article, thor, dude made threats against Palin’s family.

  6. thor says:

    Actually no, the allegations of threats are made in conflicting accounts solely from the supposed victims who stand to benefit from the allegations.

    That won’t hold in a court of law.

    Sarah Palin has told lie after lie in public. She is not a credible witness.

  7. Dan Collins says:

    Hahahahahahahahahaha! Teh corruption! Obama exposing it one nominee at a time!

  8. thor says:

    Making a mistake on your taxes is not corruption, it’s not even illegal.

  9. Dan Collins says:

    You get payments specifically meant to cover your taxes, and you don’t apply them to your taxes? Rangel’s four rent-controlled properties? Wow, that’s gullible.

  10. Dan Collins says:

    I haven’t deleted a thing, jackass.

  11. Joe says:

    You just gave Andrew Sullivan a hard on.

  12. Joe says:

    thor is getting a hard on too.

  13. thor says:

    I was speaking of Daschle. I’m not familiar with Rangel’s details.

    I don’t care much for Rangel or Daschle, personally, but Daschle got politically assassinated, which is fine by me since it’s a game he participated in at one time.

    Palin is guilty as hell. She is corrupt and easily corrupted.

  14. Dan Collins says:

    Ten-year-old taserer: Victim!!!!

  15. Dan Collins says:

    Cruiser boozer: Victim!!!!

  16. Dan Collins says:

    Moose poacher: Victim!!!!

  17. Dan Collins says:

    Idea that such a man could threaten Palin’s family: Inconfuckinceivable!

  18. Joe says:

    Moose out of season: victim!

  19. Joe says:

    And the worse of all: Stealing beers out of people’s frigs while on duty! Victim.

  20. thor says:

    What the fuck were you thinking, Joe, posting your idiot poem on Dan’s thread concerning the health of Ruth Bader Ginsburg? You’re a nauseating little person.

    Dan wasn’t just snarkin’ ya when he implied he didn’t want any personal attacks against her. She’s a respected legal scholar and a member of the Supreme Court of the United States of America. Only a classless fool would mock her when she’s being operated on for pancreatic cancer. What the fuck has she ever said or done to deserve such? Her fuckin’ job?

    Seems’s everyone a symbol to hate.

  21. Dan Collins says:

    That’s true. She’s not only a Supreme; last time I heard, she was a human being.

  22. Joe says:

    thor, my “little poem” was the Mi Sheberakh, Jewish prayer for healing. Ruth Bader Ginsburg is Jewish.

    I did not know you were anti Semetic.

  23. thor says:

    Comment by Dan Collins on 2/7 @ 10:10 am #

    Ten-year-old taserer: Victim!!!!

    He was playing with his kid who wanted to know what it was like to be Tazered. Bad judgement, maybe. Blown our of proportion to help run cover for Palin, most certainly.

    The allegation of threats are in his file. There’s been no corroboration of any such other threats. The allegations were made by those with a motive to make such and wouldn’t stand in a court of law, else charges would have been brought, no?

    Can of beer? Moose down! It is Alaska, which is hickville, so please.

    I hate to see you carrying water for that crew, Dan.

  24. Joe says:

    thor, what the fuck are you talking about? A traditional Jewish prayer hopes for her healing is somehow bad? Get your head out of your ass.

  25. Dan Collins says:

    I lived in Alaska, thor, in Valdez, before the tanker disaster. I wouldn’t characterize the people that I knew there as hicks, even though they were Atlanta Braves fans due to Turner.

  26. Dan Collins says:

    Oh, that. I wouldn’t call that in any way objectionable. On the contrary, thanks, Joe.

  27. happyfeet says:

    oh whatever with the pious phony Ginsberg love. She’ll be dead soon enough whatever happens and then there will be a new one for awhile until they die and we have to get a new one again. It’s just not all that big a deal. When you appoint people for life you set disease a place at the table I think so you shouldn’t be all stricken when it arrives. It just looks silly.

  28. thor says:

    People with liberal opinions and even differing interpretations of our constitution are not evil, not motivated by evil, not anything of the sort. They are necessary, in fact. Same is true for the conservatives.

    We may play mean, but at the end of the day we aren’t serious. Pick up on that, a little, maybe, Joe.

  29. Dan Collins says:

    I’m sorry if I’m pious, hf, but it’s not phony. She hangs with Scalia. I call that pretty human, you know, when those two can be friends. Yeah, she’s a judge. She’s also a person, old or not. I’m sorry for anyone who gets that shit.

  30. thor says:


    Comment by Dan Collins on 2/7 @ 10:27 am #

    I lived in Alaska, thor, in Valdez, before the tanker disaster. I wouldn’t characterize the people that I knew there as hicks, even though they were Atlanta Braves fans due to Turner.

    They’re Alaskan hicks, tricky to spot at first light. I’m sure there’s some decent folk, midst the dead-enders.

    Chekhov’s peasants, then, the lovable kurkuli.

  31. Bob Reed says:

    Wooten’s misconduct is a matter of public record, one that both his supervisor and the troopers association acknowledge. Monegan seemingly worked against the policy aims of the Governor on a fewe occasions. And, since by law he serves at the pleasure of the Governor, just as with the US attorney firings, she was well within her rights and the demonstrative Outrage! over this matter is motivated by a wish to embarrass Palin…

    Her husband and aides, while admittedly acting ham-handedly, comitted no criminal acts. I suspect that’s among the reasons the state senate considered when it chose not to hold them in contemt. On their part, I suppose they figured they hadn’t broke, had submitted affadavits, and simply weren’t going to feed the smear machine any longer.

    No laws were broken. THe Bill Ayers analogy does not apply. And if Alaskans don’t like the way the Governor has conducted herself then most certainly they’ll vote her out next time…

    So why all the PDS?

    ‘I suspect that the loathing of Palin by so much of the opinion elite is driven not by contempt for her brainpower but by fear of her political potential.’
    -Boston globe pundit Jeff Jacoby-

    Now were moving closer to the real point if the desperate need on the part of many to tear Palin down…

    And, while she was admittedly ill prepared (not having been in non-stop campaign mode for 2 years like the one!), as for the “interviews” that supposedly prove the trooooooooof! of her stupidity?

    The Gibson ABC interview was indeed heavily edited, and for the See-BS interview, Katie Couric prepped with Obama advisors Sam Nunn and Richard Haas.

    Why I’m shocked, Shocked!, at the allegation of an incestuous, less than objective and unbiased, relationship between the one!’s campaign apparatus and the press…

    Yuval Levin puts it well:
    This is why Palin was seen as anti-intellectual when, properly speaking, she was simply non-intellectual. What she lacked was not intelligence – she is, clearly, highly intelligent – but rather the particular set of assumptions, references, and attitudes inculcated by America’s top twenty universities and transmitted by the nation’s elite cultural organs.

    This sums it up pretty well. It also exposes the urbane Ms. Erbe as the catty elitist that she is; as Painter noted, she and others should just cop to the real reasons they hate Palin as opposed to repeating the obviously false stupidity meme. It didn’t work on Reagan, and just because they were able to pull it off with Boooooooosh! doesn’t mean that it will ultimately stick to Palin…

  32. happyfeet says:

    I just don’t have any feelings about this woman whatsoever cause I have absolutely no relationship with her and I find it hard to believe that very many people have any particular feelings about her either. It’s chit chat. Nobody’s for real lighting any freaking candles.

  33. Dan Collins says:

    The other 10%? Extremists?

  34. Joe says:

    Comment by thor on 2/7 @ 10:30 am #

    People with liberal opinions and even differing interpretations of our constitution are not evil, not motivated by evil, not anything of the sort. They are necessary, in fact. Same is true for the conservatives.

    We may play mean, but at the end of the day we aren’t serious. Pick up on that, a little, maybe, Joe.

    thor, stop being a complete fucking jerk off. I have plenty of liberal friends who voted for Obama and are liberal. As for Ruth Bader Ginsburg, I disagree with many of her decisions but she is not a terrible Justice and I think she is a good person.

    I do not care about sharp elbows, but your ad hominem attacks and bullshit arguments are the issue. You want to make a point about Sarah Palin being unqualified for Vice President, fair enough, get in line. But defending Wooten is just nuts, because Wooten is nuts. And don’t accuse me of slandering Justice Ginsburg when you don’t know the fuck what you are talking about.

  35. Dan Collins says:

    Frozen popsickle guy in Detroit I compassionate, too. I didn’t know him, though. I remember burrhog. Thor sent him a monkey. You sent care packages to troops, many of whom you don’t know. Lots of people struggle every day, and somehow want to cling to their lives. I guess I’m a bleeding-heart conservative.

  36. Joe says:

    Bob Reed–spot on. Palin is a threat, so the Left is trying and throwing everything after to brand her and neutralize her. Hence Andrew Sullivan’s Trig Trutherism, that is what is driving it.

  37. thor says:

    Comment by Bob Reed on 2/7 @ 10:35 am #

    Wooten’s misconduct is a matter of public record, one that both his supervisor and the troopers association acknowledge. Monegan seemingly worked against the policy aims of the Governor on a fewe occasions. And, since by law he serves at the pleasure of the Governor, just as with the US attorney firings, she was well within her rights and the demonstrative Outrage! over this matter is motivated by a wish to embarrass Palin…

    Her husband and aides, while admittedly acting ham-handedly, comitted no criminal acts. I suspect that’s among the reasons the state senate considered when it chose not to hold them in contemt. On their part, I suppose they figured they hadn’t broke, had submitted affadavits, and simply weren’t going to feed the smear machine any longer.

    No, officers of the law and Monegan do not serve at the fleeting whim of the governor. That’s why an investigation was brought. If the cause for dismissal is not what it is claimed to be, then you fucked up, and there are ethics laws.

    Sarah Palin was found to be guilty of ethics violations by a bi-partisan committee appointed to investigate the case. That’s easy to understand, look at Sarah Palin’s conduct in office and as a candidate wherein she proved herself willing to cheaply smear and lie against her opponents. She is not a sympathetic figure. She is just another ego-consumed, do-anything, say-anything politician who, as she proved time and again, is way, way over her head in any national election.

  38. Carin says:

    There’s no use arguing with thor. He knows stuff. He knows the Palin’s are lying just because.

    I think we should always side with police officers in matters such as this. I bet thor was on the police officer’s side with the Amadou Diallo case too.

  39. happyfeet says:

    It’s an aesthetic thing I can’t put my finger on is all. It’s reads sort of as a defensive compassionism to me I think, making a show of feeling about people who you don’t really know but who you do know or have cause to suspect have done no small harm to our little country. It is what it is is a cliche but it was custom designed for these sort of situations I think. You just don’t have to say anything ugly and you’re all good before God and man I think.

  40. Dan Collins says:

    As it turns out, Monegan does legally serve at the discretion of the Governor.

  41. happyfeet says:

    burrhog was a for real person. We knew him. Y’all way more than me. But he was real.

  42. Dan Collins says:

    Yeah, well it’s important news, and it kind of requires a response. If that response is platitudinous, I can’t really help it, though, because I don’t have any special insight into matters of life and death, like lots of other people.

  43. Carin says:

    . You just don’t have to say anything ugly and you’re all good before God and man I think.

    I’m with Happy.

  44. happyfeet says:

    oh. *It* reads I meant… I just think that cause she’s human is not a very good reason to hold forth on the issue inasmuch as someone … you just should have an actual reason I think that you can articulate, otherwise I think you’re just saying hey look… compassion. Yes. Platitudinous is the idea that was eluding me. ok. Maybe it’s just a me thing. I don’t get all incensed about it it’s just hard not to notice it’s always the same thing every time this happens.

  45. B Moe says:

    Didn’t thor brag once that he hangs out with crooked cops? Maybe him and Wooten are just kindred spirits.

  46. Log Cabin says:

    Guys! Thor just needs someone to hate. He was drawn to the posts title like a dog back to it’s own vomit. He sniffs Palin, and boom!, the erection and the drooling commence. He hates Alaskans (for some reason), painting every single citizen there with his broad brush of ignorance.

    With his twisted zombie Obama worship, the only groups he is allowed to hate are Alaskans and Christians, bonus points if he insults both at the same time.

  47. Dan Collins says:

    It’s a kind of a Shannen Doherty, really.

  48. thor says:

    Comment by Dan Collins on 2/7 @ 10:54 am #

    As it turns out, Monegan does legally serve at the discretion of the Governor.

    She could have dismissed him without lying about why, that’s where she stumbled. She can appoint a high school friend whose qualifications are poetically waxing of liking the looks of police uniforms. Agreed.

    She’s without intellect, nice milknozzles though. Besides being a person of moral ineptitude, I find her to be everything she claims she’s not.

    But I don’t wish upon her pancreatic cancer, like Joe, braying little rubber-monkey fucker that he is.

  49. Carin says:

    You know, I can only feel so bad for someone wholly removed from my life. I had a friend from church – well her husband got Cancer and I watched for a few years as he got weaker and thinner, and his kids looking sadder and sadder. HIm, I felt honest compassion. I said honest prayers.

    And, I’ve said prayers for people “here” I knew.

    I also can get down with retrospective of accomplishements of those that died who I don’t know, directly or indirectly. But, to be truly saddened. I can’t manage it. Call me heartless.

  50. SmokeVanThorn says:

    Dan and others – why do you acknowledge the existence of that shit stain thor? He is a waste of space.

  51. happyfeet says:

    I’m with Carin but probably I think to be honest I have to say that, for example, when Arlen kicks? I’m not anticipating that being a sad occasion really. Call me heartless.

  52. Carin says:

    No, I won’t be sad either. But I doubt I’ll pop the champagne.

  53. Carin says:

    Or thorw candy to kids in the street.

    Now, if some of the politicians would simply RETIRE. Party time!

  54. happyfeet says:

    Right. No champagne. I’m gonna write that on my hand.

  55. Dan Collins says:

    When I die, I expect you all to get drunk in . . . er, remembrance.

  56. thor says:


    Comment by B Moe on 2/7 @ 11:04 am #

    Didn’t thor brag once that he hangs out with crooked cops? Maybe him and Wooten are just kindred spirits.

    Haha, yeah, there’s lots of bad cops and sideways DEA in SoFlo. I don’t hang with those who I know to be crooked, but you would want to be careful with Broward County’s finest. Their reputation is earned, no denying that, even by them. They tire of dealing with runaway riffraff from Georgia and every panhandling hobo from Jersey and NYC. Their cure for boredom with the dead-enders and slackers is swinging a baton. Many cops are bad down here, hope that’s not something you’ve never heard before and pollutes your worship of hegemonic goodness.

  57. happyfeet says:

    See that would be sad for real.

  58. Bob Reed says:


    While correct that the troopers do not serve at the pleasure of the Governor, you need to check your facts because Monegan surely did…

    She is just another ego-consumed, do-anything, say-anything politician who, as she proved time and again, is way, way over her head in any national election.”

    The very same can be said of Obama, a fact that is increasingly becoming evident to the public…

  59. Joe says:

    Everyone opposing the Porkulus, should fight the Porkulus. Write an email opposing it to Collins and Specter.

  60. thor says:


    Comment by Dan Collins on 2/7 @ 11:18 am #

    When I die, I expect you all to get drunk in . . . er, remembrance.

    Your beatification I will toast.

  61. Dan Collins says:

    Oh, gosh, the Vatican’s so bureaucratic, thor, that’s going to be a long time in coming.

    Also, they generally don’t beatify sociopaths. Bastards.

  62. Bob Reed says:

    I think so little of the Palin tribe that I believe most, if not everything, said about this trooper is exaggerated for the sake of giving Sister Sarah and her hubbie cover.”

    Sure, because the press and MSM lurvs them some Sarah; they proved it during the campaign!

  63. N. O'Brain says:

    “Comment by thor on 2/7 @ 10:01 am #

    Making a mistake on your taxes is not corruption, it’s not even illegal.”

    You’re dumber than a sack of hammer, boy.

  64. Rob Crawford says:

    Failing to report income is illegal.

    You’ll never convince me they didn’t know what they’re doing. I mean, if you ask them, they’ll tell you how intelligent they are — how could anyone that bright “forget” about income?!

  65. N. O'Brain says:

    “”Comment by thor on 2/7 @ 10:17 am #

    You’re a nauseating little person.”

    Wow, a classic case of projection.


  66. Carin says:

    Right. No champagne. I’m gonna write that on my hand

    Death = maybe just make it a fun movie night with a nice glass of pinot noir.

  67. Darleen says:

    Comment by Joe on 2/7 @ 10:24 am #

    thor, my “little poem” was the Mi Sheberakh, Jewish prayer for healing. Ruth Bader Ginsburg is Jewish.

    I did not know you were anti Semetic.

    We learned that quite a while back, Joe.

  68. Log Cabin says:

    You’re dumber than a sack of hammer, boy.

    It’s not dumb-ness, N.O. It’s a willful blindness. Minimize all corruption and criminality of leftists. Exagerrate and fixate on the slightest failings of conservatives. It’s a ‘my side is better than your side’ mentality. I just wonder where all the hate comes from.

  69. happyfeet says:

    Maybe two glasses.

  70. thor says:

    Comment by Rob Crawford on 2/7 @ 11:41 am #

    Failing to report income is illegal.

    You’ll never convince me they didn’t know what they’re doing. I mean, if you ask them, they’ll tell you how intelligent they are — how could anyone that bright “forget” about income?!

    No, failing to pay after losing an appeal is illegal. Duuuuuuuh.

    Am I the only one with any fuckin’ real world experience in business here? Employers make mistakes on 1099’s and line income items such as miscellaneous income are open to differing interpretations all the time.

    Our tax code is not black and white. Sorry 1040-EZ filers, those lovely loopey holes weren’t meant for you.

  71. Bob Reed says:

    She could have dismissed him without lying about why, that’s where she stumbled.”

    Obama could have admitted that his staff members talked to Blagojevich about his Senate repalcement, without lying about it; that’s one place where he stumbled…

    Wht aren’t you being as hard on the most ethical President ever, as you are being on the Governor of Alaska? Really, I don’t get it; especially in view of the nice milknozzles…

  72. Darleen says:

    Leftists… they hates them the pigs (like they hates them the baby-killing soldiers) UNTIL said pig or soldier acts against the Left’s enemies… so they embrace Winter-soldier-style faux soldiers and rogue cops who attack the “proper” targets. Vagina Warriors will support womanizers and cops who beat their wives, as long as the victimized women are not authentic.

  73. Darleen says:

    Daschel was/is a tax cheat. What he did was unethical enough he’d have a hard time passing a basic background check for any kind of security clearance.

    Attempting to substitute the letter of the law for ethics or morality [“he didn’t do anything illegal!”] is a tired Left trope.

  74. The Lost Dog says:

    Thor and his tribe of braying jack asses hate Sarah Palin so much, that I can only conclude that she scares the shit out of them.

    How DARE anyone (especially a woman!) tell the truth about flyover country! What a stupid bitch that Palin woman is, huh?

    I mean, now that the Lightgiver is about to make Jimmah’s reign look like a picnic, and all…

  75. N. O'Brain says:

    “Attempting to substitute the letter of the law for ethics or morality [“he didn’t do anything illegal!”] is a tired Left trope.”

    But just let a Republican make a mistake, and oh nellie, he/she is the evilest, most contemptable, guiltiest creature on Earth.

  76. thor says:

    Comment by Bob Reed on 2/7 @ 11:47 am #

    Obama could have admitted that his staff members talked to Blagojevich about his Senate repalcement, without lying about it; that’s one place where he stumbled…

    Wht aren’t you being as hard on the most ethical President ever, as you are being on the Governor of Alaska? Really, I don’t get it; especially in view of the nice milknozzles…

    He meant out-of-the-ordinary and/or improper contact. His mistake was assuming partisan rethuglidum hacks were smart enough to gather that.

    Bob, what you see before you is gifted and extraordinary, it’s not a figment of your nightmare. He’s there. He’s the President. He fuckin’ skillfully defeated every last person of elevated political talent that he went up against. He’s a bonecracker and an intellect.

    Even picking Emanuel to be his Marty McSorley shows a envious grasp of the what-it-is. He’s the Gretzky, and it’s never easy even when he makes it look like he’s barely skating.

  77. daleyrocks says:

    “No, officers of the law and Monegan do not serve at the fleeting whim of the governor. That’s why an investigation was brought.”

    thoare – You dummocrat feckless crapweasel Monegan did not even file a complaint over his dismissal after he was offered another job in the administration. Yhe investigation was brought by the legislature, the wrong body under Alaska law to pursue the matter. Palin had to file a complaint herself to get the matter investigated by the appropriate body.

    If the investigation id intended to discover whether she lied about the reason for dismissing Monegan, why do you keep presuming her guilty? The new dummocrat standard – Guilty until proven innocent!

    Tell us more about the racist shit you helped plant on the Tean Sarah websites thoare. Regale usa with your rapier profanity.

    Suck my sphincter as well.

  78. Rob Crawford says:

    I just wonder where all the hate comes from.

    It’s envy: Palin is more successful, happier, and more respected than thor ever can be. She’s led a richer life, made a bigger and better impact on the world, and has shown more intelligence, class, and honor.

  79. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Whore the Impotent hates Palin because she is everything he’s not.

    Self-made, successful, healthy, mentally stable… the list goes on.

    Plus, she reminds him of those girls who laughed at him in high school.

  80. thor says:


    Comment by Darleen on 2/7 @ 11:55 am #

    Daschel was/is a tax cheat. What he did was unethical enough he’d have a hard time passing a basic background check for any kind of security clearance.

    Attempting to substitute the letter of the law for ethics or morality [“he didn’t do anything illegal!”] is a tired Left trope.,/blockquote>

    No, Daschle had to file an amended return to correct an easily understandable mistake.

    You’re given to dimwitted exaggeration and repeating outright lies. Makes you feel something tingly in your legs when you fart thick clouds of misplaced projection, I guess.

  81. Rob Crawford says:

    The new dummocrat standard – Guilty until proven innocent!

    Only if there’s an (R) behind your name.

  82. Carin says:

    Bob, what you see before you is gifted and extraordinary, it’s not a figment of your nightmare. He’s there. He’s the President. He fuckin’ skillfully defeated every last person of elevated political talent that he went up against. He’s a bonecracker and an intellect.

    Funny, I saw him speaking before the democrats the other night (last night?) and I could help but think that they were wondering how they hell HE got there. All those folks there with more experience … with Baracky attempting to be their leader. He looked clueless and lost. Attempting to cover it all with arrogance.

  83. Rob Crawford says:

    Plus, she reminds him of those girls who laughed at him in high school.

    Wouldn’t that be all the girls, including the lunch ladies, the principal’s secretary, the guidance counselor, and the nurse who helped get his dick out of the class gerbil?

  84. Rob Crawford says:

    He’s a bonecracker and an intellect.

    By that standard, George W. Bush blows him away intellectually. You see, Bush always ran in contested elections…

    An interesting question — Bush’s dedication to bipartisan included letting Ted Kennedy write his education policy. So far President Hope’n’Change’s concept of “bipartisanship” involves holding a cocktail party and telling the other party to suck it up because he won. Does anyone expect that to change?

  85. serr8d says:

    Heh. daleyrocks, thor is too busily servicing Andrew Sullivan; they’re cheek to jowl in their desire to sniff the stains of Sarah’s panties.

    You’ll wait your turn.

  86. Bob Reed says:

    Bob, what you see before you is gifted and extraordinary, it’s not a figment of your nightmare.”

    Nightmare? Are you accusing me of racism again?

    I opposed Obama’s election for all of the reasons that are now becoming appartent; namely his executive inexperience, foreign policy naivete, elitist outlook, and collectivist ideology. He is neither gifted nor extraordinary; even accomplished is a stretch, especially in view of the fact that he won’t release his college transcripts like most of his modern predecessors have…

    He is a complete phony…

    And to paraphrase another commenters sentiment, I think so little of the Obama tribe that I believe most, if not everything, said of him by the MSM is exaggerated for the sake of providing him cover. I do. The American people are the victim here…

  87. thor says:


    Comment by Spies, Brigands, and Pirates on 2/7 @ 12:09 pm #

    Whore the Impotent hates Palin because she is everything he’s not.

    Self-made, successful, healthy, mentally stable… the list goes on.

    Plus, she reminds him of those girls who laughed at him in high school.

    Aww, here’s another given to projecting lies so as to comfort his fears and wants.

    When I graduated from college I was like every other graduate, empty pockets and a dream.

    While I was in my twenties I made more money playing Wall Street games than Sarah Palin made in her career. Explain that, Mister Capitalist. Self-made! Slinging paper!

    The failure that is your life ain’t my fault, sPies. Wishing won’t make it so. Have you checked your Mac lately for BIOS updates? There’s something for ya to do. Me, I have to run, toodles.

  88. parsnip says:

    Do you think this dude ought to have his job?

    Odds are that Sarah Palin and her cabal aren’t being entirely truthful in their accusations, Dan.

    Divorce can be such a messy thing.

  89. thor says:

    Comment by Bob Reed on 2/7 @ 12:19 pm #

    “Bob, what you see before you is gifted and extraordinary, it’s not a figment of your nightmare.”

    Nightmare? Are you accusing me of racism again?

    Only your shadow knows!

    You’re given to gullibility. That’s not necessarily racism. It means you’re too quick to conclude. That was my earlier point.

    Americans bore me. I’m in want of visiting the Motherland.

  90. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    While I was in my twenties I made more money playing Wall Street games than Sarah Palin made in her career.

    Sure you did, Whore.

    Sure you did.

    You’re a loser at everything you’ve ever tried, Whore. I know the type.

    BTW, I took you out of the troll bin temporarily to see if you had anything new to say.

    You don’t.


  91. Mikey NTH says:

    What I like are the excuses given for folks like Mr. Daschle. After being a senator for a number of years, and being a leader in his caucus, he didn’t understand the implications of that car.

    It is unbelievable, and not credible that he did not know better. Is ‘Checkers the puppy’ so easily forgotten? Don’t think so. Not in that place.

  92. N. O'Brain says:

    “No, Daschle had to file an amended return to correct an easily understandable mistake.”:

    He’s a crimminal, whore.

    A real crimminal.

  93. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Actually no, the allegations of threats are made in conflicting accounts solely from the supposed victims

    Oh, missed this.

    The trooper admitted tasing the kid, liebot.

  94. Dan Collins says:

    I got drunk on St. Patrick’s Day.

  95. N. O'Brain says:

    “When I graduated from college ….”

    Sure, whore, sure.

  96. Mikey NTH says:

    #70 log cabin:
    It isn’t willful blindness. It is evil – petty evil to be sure, but still evil.

  97. Rob Crawford says:

    While I was in my twenties I made more money playing Wall Street games than Sarah Palin made in her career.

    So? Is money everything?

    Palin has a loving family. She’s kept her honor, fought for what she believes is right. She’s challenged corrupt, powerful men and taken them down.

    You, on the other hand, rant and rave on a website, hiding behind a pseudonym. You make a lot of claims, but there’s nothing to back them up. You apparently have no concept of honor, or honesty.

    You’re a lonely little nobody without even the accomplishments of a World of Warcraft addict to his name.

    You’ll die in obscurity. She’ll be remembered.

  98. Mikey NTH says:

    #75 Darleen:

    That’s probably why they didn’t just hand out an SF-86 and say ‘Fill this out first’.

    If my brother did what these guys have done he wouldn’t have been forgiven or appointed to a cabinet post – he would be cashiered from the service.

  99. happyfeet says:

    It’s not far away again, Dan. We were talking about that the other day. There will be wings as appetizers and probably one of those blooming onion things. I don’t eat those usually except maybe the celery that comes with the wings. Then I will have two-piece fish n chips and Other Guy will have the same except he will equivocate about two-piece or one-piece but then he will get the one-piece cause he’ll start thinking about the appetizers that are either already on the table or on their way. NG doesn’t know what she will have cause she hates hates hates the pub we go to every year. She will probably decide on a sandwich of some kind and pointedly leave like half of it on her plate cause she wants to sort of send the subtle message that she hates hates hates the pub we go to every year. OG will have a beer and maybe NG too but I won’t. Boss person will have a beer and usually those fried chicken strip thingies. And that will be St. Patrick’s Day.

  100. thor says:

    Comment by Spies, Brigands, and Pirates on 2/7 @ 12:29 pm #

    I know the type.

    You’re a parasitic type.

  101. thor says:


    Comment by N. O’Brain on 2/7 @ 12:32 pm #

    “No, Daschle had to file an amended return to correct an easily understandable mistake.”:

    He’s a crimminal, whore.

    A real crimminal.

    You don’t even know how to spell the word, and that’s no cliche.

  102. Bob Reed says:

    He’s the Gretzky…”

    I disagree thor, he’s probably more like Herschel Walker. Highly touted, and seemingly of great promise; but just couldn’t cut it in the big leagues…

    The problem is that this is going to effect our entire nation, instead of simply the fortunes of an NFL team…

    And the RethugliKKKans? Well they’re probably gonna benefit from McCains defeat by Obama in the same way that the Cowboys benefitted from the Herschel Walker trade-for years!

    And Steele is just the man to emulate Johnson…

  103. happyfeet says:


  104. Dan Collins says:

    God, why did we have to win that game and get Tony Mandarich?

  105. Dan Collins says:

    Hmmmmm. You need a new St. Patrick’s Day, hf.

  106. parsnip says:

    Palin has a loving family. She’s kept her honor, fought for what she believes is right. She’s challenged corrupt, powerful men and taken them down.

    Wow, and I thought the Obama supporters were supposed to be mindless fanatics.

  107. happyfeet says:


  108. daleyrocks says:

    “While I was in my twenties I made more money playing Wall Street games than Sarah Palin made in her career.”

    It’s just that I couldn’t figure out those damn FOCUS reports. I blame Bush because he said he was going to make the SEC user friendly – epic fail. But what I don’t understand is if I was making all that damn money, more than Sarah Palin in her lifetime, why I didn’t pay somebody to fill out the FOCUS reports for me? I was important, right people? I was comebody, wasn’t I? Bueller?

  109. Darleen says:

    “While I was in my twenties I made more money playing Wall Street games than Sarah Palin made in her career.”

    I guess today we have Walthor Mitty rather than Cinthor Sheehan.

  110. Bob Reed says:


    Who would you have wanted in Mandarich’s place..? Barry Sanders? Eric Metcalf? Steve Atwater?

    Anybody but Mandarich?

  111. Carin says:

    I remember back in the day when I REALLY celebrated St. Paddy’s day. All day, behind the bar, filling up plastic cups with green beer.

    I tell ya … memories.

    Miami had a “green beer day” where the bars opened at 5 am. There were usually a few students throwing-up in the lecture hall events. They did away with it before I graduated. Change. Sometimes it’s good. Sometimes it’s not.

  112. Mikey NTH says:

    Carin – was any of that at the ‘Old Shillelagh’ in Greektown? I ask cause it was the place we would go after finals were over at DCL (before the law school became part of the outfield at Comerica Park, and the law school moved to MSU).

    On a weekday afternoon a hundred or so thirsty law students would descend on the place. There was much phoning for staff to come in as they rallied and brought pitchers of golden forgetfulness and sandwiches. Good times.

  113. Dan Collins says:

    If I recall correctly, Bob, if the Packers hadn’t screwed up and won that last game, they would have drafted Troy Aikman.

  114. Mikey NTH says:

    Then, downtown Detroit was short on pubs – places you could go, get beer and other drinks, and food, and talk. There were dives, and there were up-scale places (outside of a law students budget and dress), but few places like the Sillelagh.

    Beer, sandwiches, decent lighting, semi-clean, darts, pool. What more could you ask for?

  115. Carin says:

    I worked across the street from the Old Shillelagh. When Fishbones would close (at 2 am), we’d go for after-hours drinks at the Sheillellagh. Or “Marilynns” when that was open. I bet the bartenders made half their tips from 2:30 till 4 am or whenever they’d kick us out.

  116. SmokeVanThorn says:

    Exactly, Darleen. The skidmark just makes stuff up about himself. One of these days, he’s going to claim he planted the flag on Iwo Jima while discovering penicillin. I guess it helps him cope with his inadequacy.

  117. Bob Reed says:

    Interesting thought Dan,

    What would have become of Favre, and Dallas too, for that matter? And, while Aikman was good, was it his talent alone, or a function of the talent areound him; talent acquired as a result of the Herschel Walker trade..?

    Kinda ike every other time machine argument; who knows what pattern the “ripples in the pond of history” would be…

    Best Wishes

  118. Dan Collins says:

    When we got Favre, we didn’t miss him so much, that’s true. Those days, though, we were all thinking what Sterling Sharpe would have put up with Aikman there.

  119. Bob Reed says:

    Too bad these days everything in Detroit is conveniently located “just a short run from your car…”

  120. Carin says:

    Actually, Downtown Detroit isn’t as bad … I mean, if you know your way around. It’s the hoods that are horribly dangerous.

  121. Carin says:

    Like, if you’re driving down Gratiot … do NOT ever come to a complete stop at night. Time the lights, so you just slow down. I should write a travel-log.

  122. Bob Reed says:

    Sterling was great in his day…

  123. Dan Collins says:

    Why don’t you write the Lonely Planet guide to Detroit, Carin?

  124. Carin says:

    I could write it, but for what audience?

  125. ushie says:

    I can never decide who’s funnier, thor, Sniplets, or Semanticleo (aka 2 dips and a dope) but I’m thinking thor’s today’s winner, with: “While I was in my twenties I made more money playing Wall Street games than Sarah Palin made in her career.”

    That kind of sillyass hauteur (same as his hillbilly/chillbilly prejudices) reminds me so much of Fishsticks Paltrow’s “I didn’t write my cookbook for those people who make $15,000.00 a year because I don’t know what those people eat,” that I can’t stop chuckling. thor, the People’s Pretentious Pedant, you’re as comical as a dried-up skinny twat who thinks she’s British on account of she lives in England.

  126. Mikey NTH says:

    I was in Marilynn’s a few times. I thought the Music Menu was better. The judge liked the ‘Menu’ when he’d take us for lunch (that was when I was working at the ‘Wonderful World of the Murph’ – the Frank Murphy Hall of Justice). I don’t think there has been such a depressing-looking public building as the Murph. Well designed as to most of the courtrooms and prisoner transfer, yes. Aesthetics? As Dave Barry once said about a building – ‘all the charm of a municipal parking garage, without the warmth’. I think it was the black stone motif inside, the lack of windows, and the brushed concrete panels outside. The only benefit to the building is its location – two blocks from Greektown and the restaurants.

    Been so long I forget the name of the little greasy-spoon on St. Antoine just north of Monroe Street.
    They did a decent b-fast and could do lunch. Heck, I had a folder in the courtroom’s clerk’s office labled ‘Ptomaine Palaces’ that had all of the lunch menus. You just had to call ahead and yep, they had your order waiting. And they never got it wrong.

    And that’s a good thing.

  127. Mikey NTH says:

    carin – at night on those streets it was ‘no cop – no stop’. Just make sure there was no cross traffic and just go.

  128. Mikey NTH says:

    An anectcote:

    Once we went to a Greektown restaurant (name withheld) and I ordered a submarine sandwich. The thing that was brought to me was nothing like any submarine sandwich known. Two slices of bologna and two slices of American cheese. No lettuce, no tomato, nothing else. I sent it back and just got the chicken sandwich the court reporter had.

    Later he said it was one of the funniest things he had seen – me looking at that sandwich and then looking to the waiter. And talking to the manager. And me keeping every comment he knew I could make behind my teeth as I sent it back and changed my order. Whiskey-Tango-Foxtrot does not begin to describe that abortion of a sandwich.

  129. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    “Seems’s everyone a symbol to hate.”

    Coming from thor, the irony…it burns. It burns so!

  130. Techie says:

    You all know the troll is Wathor F’n Mitty.

    “When I was in my twenties, I made fortunes on Wall St….”
    “When I flew with the Russian Air Force”
    “When I paid 60k in cap gains taxes in the 90s”.
    “When I was an international trader”
    “When I oversaw forced NK laborers in Russia”

    It must be so terrifying having your life miraculously unfolded in parallel to the topics on this website. I’d be worried that I’d walked into a b-side Stephen King novella.

  131. thor says:

    Comment by Techie on 2/7 @ 4:38 pm #

    You all know the troll is Wathor F’n Mitty.

    1. “When I was in my twenties, I made fortunes on Wall St….”
    2. “When I flew with the Russian Air Force”
    3. “When I paid 60k in cap gains taxes in the 90s”.
    4. “When I was an international trader”
    5. “When I oversaw forced NK laborers in Russia”

    It must be so terrifying having your life miraculously unfolded in parallel to the topics on this website. I’d be worried that I’d walked into a b-side Stephen King novella.

    1. In my late twenties I was making close around $500K per year, not exactly a fortune
    2. I flew a Delfin Aero L29, a fairly common and inexpensive training jet from the 60’s and 70’s
    3. Yes, over $60K in s-t cap gains at a 40% rate. Internet stocks were hot.
    4. The fuck are you talking about. I sold bonds to any institution that bought ’em, which is typical, dumbass. Or, liar, are you talking about my computer hardware business which ships mostly to Europe? Try harder to be specific, liar.
    5. I knew the people who wrote the article in the Moscow Times and never said differently.

    There you go. FTFY. I hope the truth of my endeavors don’t somehow make you jealous, wittle feller, they really shouldn’t.

  132. Techie says:

    Whatever you say, Walter.

  133. N. O'Brain says:

    Comment by thor on 2/7 @ 12:47 pm #

    whore is reduced to criticizing spelling mistakes,

    You’re a loser, boy.

  134. N. O'Brain says:

    Comment by parsnip on 2/7 @ 12:52 pm #

    Well, you’re mindless.

  135. N. O'Brain says:

    “1. In my late twenties I was making close around $500K per year, not exactly a fortune
    2. I flew a Delfin Aero L29, a fairly common and inexpensive training jet from the 60’s and 70’s
    3. Yes, over $60K in s-t cap gains at a 40% rate. Internet stocks were hot.
    4. The fuck are you talking about. I sold bonds to any institution that bought ‘em, which is typical, dumbass. Or, liar, are you talking about my computer hardware business which ships mostly to Europe? Try harder to be specific, liar.
    5. I knew the people who wrote the article in the Moscow Times and never said differently.”


    What an idiot.

    Do you actually expect us pw ers to believe that bullshit?

    Go take your med, whore, and maybe the voices in your head will quite down.

    You’re pitiful, boy, just pitiful.

  136. thor says:

    Comment by Techie on 2/7 @ 4:58 pm #

    Whatever you say, Walter.

    I moved to new place a little under a year ago. I don’t actually live in my Mommy’s basement, per Darleen Mitty’s lies, and frankly, my new street address is spelled I-got-money-bitches-Ave. And I don’t live off a trust fund, per sPies wittle lies. It doesn’t matter, really, I’m not what I’d consider rich, but facts are facts.

    Glad I could clear up your hapless whelpings.

  137. Techie says:

    So, you’ve been reduced to inventing new ways to insert “thug” and “dumb” into political phrases on a website inhabited by people whose views you claim to despise multiple times a day, and that’s on the days where you can manages a coherent post longer than a sentence or two.

    That’s almost Shakespearean.

    See, the reason I don’t feed your Tinkerbell Syndrome is because, when someone claiming to run successful businesses and having, guessing here if your context clues are correct, 40+ years of worldly experience thinks that the Height of political discourse, humor and repartee is switching from saying “Redumblican” to “Rethuglidum”, who routinely publishes random non-sequiters to basic questions posed, and continues to reveal their “life” to us drip by drip in order to establish oneupmanship in every thread where they need some sort of rhetorical backup, well, my common sense starts tingling……

  138. thor says:

    Comment by N. O’Brain on 2/7 @ 5:11 pm #

    “1. In my late twenties I was making close around $500K per year, not exactly a fortune
    2. I flew a Delfin Aero L29, a fairly common and inexpensive training jet from the 60’s and 70’s
    3. Yes, over $60K in s-t cap gains at a 40% rate. Internet stocks were hot.
    4. The fuck are you talking about. I sold bonds to any institution that bought ‘em, which is typical, dumbass. Or, liar, are you talking about my computer hardware business which ships mostly to Europe? Try harder to be specific, liar.
    5. I knew the people who wrote the article in the Moscow Times and never said differently.”


    What an idiot.

    Do you actually expect us pw ers to believe that bullshit?

    Go take your med, whore, and maybe the voices in your head will quite down.

    You’re pitiful, boy, just pitiful.

    Poor combat-booted baby, P’brain never knew not everyone lives like a Philly slacker.

    Hey, shivering wittle P’brain, in the time it takes you to type a post I can walk through the sand, take a leak the warm blue waters of the Atlantic ocean, and walk back to my laptop.

    Just a reminder. Ppppp.

  139. Techie says:

    And your responses to this subject serve as my Exhibit A.

  140. thor says:


    Comment by Techie on 2/7 @ 5:28 pm #

    So, you’ve been reduced to inventing new ways to insert “thug” and “dumb” into political phrases on a website inhabited by people whose views you claim to despise multiple times a day, and that’s on the days where you can manages a coherent post longer than a sentence or two.

    That’s almost Shakespearean.

    See, the reason I don’t feed your Tinkerbell Syndrome is because, when someone claiming to run successful businesses and having, guessing here if your context clues are correct, 40+ years of worldly experience thinks that the Height of political discourse, humor and repartee is switching from saying “Redumblican” to “Rethuglidum”, who routinely publishes random non-sequiters to basic questions posed, and continues to reveal their “life” to us drip by drip in order to establish oneupmanship in every thread where they need some sort of rhetorical backup, well, my common sense starts tingling……

    Mmmm, not really. I live next to persons who humble my meager trappings. Take a lap up and down A1A through Deerfield up through Boca and to Delray. You’ll find there’s actually some folks who live in beachside castles who it’s safe to assume aren’t in need. One $14-million dollar dandy down the street was foreclosed on and re-sold for less than $7-million, so at least I can laugh while the sound of the surf muffles the moans of banker-pain. And no, I don’t live in a castle.

  141. Techie says:

    Whatever you say, Walter..

  142. happyfeet says:

    You live in a condo on the beach I thought. Are there sea turtles there?

  143. N. O'Brain says:

    hf, don’t encourage his delusions, ‘mkay?

  144. N. O'Brain says:

    You can always tell when whore is off his meds.

  145. happyfeet says:

    I have to go smoke anyway. These stop smoking drugs are really making it a chore for me to keep up with my habit. I’ll say I’m gonna smoke and then like an hour will pass.

  146. N. O'Brain says:

    Weird as it sounds, I quit in 2 weeks.

    Started wearing a patch, had 2 smokes the first day, 1 the second, 1 the third and never touched another one. Stopped the patch after the afore mentioned 2 weeks.

    And considering that I started stealing my Dad’s cigs in grade school, that was quite an accomplishment.

    That was about 7 years ago.

  147. thor says:

    Comment by happyfeet on 2/7 @ 5:47 pm #

    You live in a condo on the beach I thought. Are there sea turtles there?

    Yes, I live in a condo. Yes, they have organized turtle walks where they walk from nest to nest, which are marked with flagged sticks, and a volunteer from the Save the Turtle Nation talks about the habits and ways of the sea turtles.

    You are welcome to visit. I thought you lived in or were close to L.A., which would mean you have the same sort’a stuff there.

  148. N. O'Brain says:

    “Yes, I live in a condo.”


    You might be able to see a condo from Mom’s basement window, whore, but you don’t live in one.

  149. Carin says:

    I had a friend that bartended at Music Menu. He tried to work at Fishbones and washed out ;) Music Menu was kinda cool, but not exactly a challenging bartending job.

  150. happyfeet says:

    Thanks! I’ll be out in Florida some day cause my sister lives there but nothing’s planned. In the Daytona area. We might have turtles here but I don’t live near the beach. I live in the Valley. Where they make the pornographic movies. I went to the beach once or twice but it was hard to find parking and it’s sort of a big commitment of a big chunk of your day to go there. Sea turtles were a bigger deal in Texas I remember. They were named Ridley.

  151. thor says:


    Comment by Techie on 2/7 @ 5:45 pm #

    Whatever you say, Walter..

    Well you seem so fuckin’ curious its good for you to know the truth, eh. I do, in fact, live on A1A. I did, in fact, make easy money when there was easy money to be made on Wall Street. That’s why I know better than to bow down to those clowns, half of ’em are little more than know-nothing confidence men.

    Anything you want to know go ahead and ask away. I did, in fact, engage Pablo in a long thread about the failure of the S.E.C. before the Madoff fraud explosion. Wimm-Bill-Dan was the example I used in pointing to the fact that the S.E.C. does stop new issues on occasion, but in the end gives way to market pressure of greed. I think it was BJT who, though he hates me, concluded I know exactly what I’m talking about when it comes to the wily ways of stock market regulating. It’s not like I’m the only one who ever worked at a brokerage firm, or was some exemplary master of the universe, but it was my job, duuuey, to know a few things.

    I’m off to drink pints and watch the Heat.

  152. thor says:


    Comment by N. O’Brain on 2/7 @ 6:10 pm #

    “Yes, I live in a condo.”


    You might be able to see a condo from Mom’s basement window, whore, but you don’t live in one.

    Mmm, yeah, I do, lots of other people do as well. Look into it. It happens.

  153. Carin says:

    Happy, I have turtles here ;) Snapping turtles. They’re really cute when they’re first born and last year we found hundreds of them.

  154. happyfeet says:

    maybe you can post pictures in the spring?

  155. Carin says:

    I did have a picture on my phone or something of a tiny snapping turtle. I’m on the wrong computer, but I may have on one the other. But, certainly- any future turtles I find – I’ll share a pic.

    They are really cute when they’re small. I live (now) out in the country and last summer we saved a box turtle that was trying to cross a country road. We pulled over, and brought it home and let it go by our lake.

  156. happyfeet says:

    uhohs … maybe

    Finding box turtles in the wild and taking them as pets, even for a very short period of time, can have detrimental effects. Box turtles want to stay within the same area where they were born. If one is moved more than a half-mile from its territory, it may never find its way back; but may spend years unsystematically searching. This exposes the animal to danger and also disrupts the breeding cycle.*

    I think they might just be making that up though.

  157. Rusty says:

    Box turtles do not need to live near water in order to survive. Developement ruins a lot of their habitat.

  158. Pablo says:

    I did, in fact, engage Pablo in a long thread about the failure of the S.E.C. before the Madoff fraud explosion.

    Oh, do feel free to link that, nitwit.

  159. Carin says:

    Well, when we found it, it was stuck in the middlel of the road and it wasn’t moving very fast. I see a lot of turtles flattened … so I think we gave it better odds. IYKWIM. We only moved it (maybe) a mile from it’s previous habitat,so …. and it was only in our car for a few minutes. As the crow flies, it was only a bit to the west.

    But, it was moments from being road pancake.

  160. Carin says:

    But, Rusty, I’m thinking they need to live away from the road in order to survive. I didn’t think a box turtle lived in the water … I just figured it could figure out where it wanted to go from there.

  161. happyfeet says:

    oh. You did good. The more I read that the more it sounded like it was written by some sort of box turtle activist. Half the wiki is about how horrible it is that so many are taken from the wild and they can;t find mates as it is and blah blah blah. Turtles aren’t really like that I don’t think. They’re sort of stupid, really.

  162. B Moe says:

    Box turtles are really good at finding tomato patches.

  163. cranky-d says:

    It may be that turtles stay near their birthplace (if they indeed do so) more because they cannot find a reason to leave it. The rest of the bit about wandering for years trying to find home if they are moved too far away is probably more the result of supposition than scientific research.

  164. thor says:

    I also played in the NFL under the names Brett Favre and Jerry Rice.

  165. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Yeah, turtles don’t really seem like the kind of animals that would suffer from homesickness.

    A warm environment, plenty to eat, no predators, and the occasional seasonal encounter with a turtle of the opposite sex would pretty much take care of the emotional needs of a turtle, I’m thinking.

  166. Rusty says:

    Carin. You’re instincts are probably right. They’ve been wandering around a lot longer than we have.

    Most men too.

  167. Mikey NTH says:

    Carin – I just remembered the name of that little greasy spoon on St. Antoine north of Monroe – The Ham Shop. It’s clientele was made up of a lot of Wayne County deputies, Detroit Police, court employees, lawyers, and the like.

    Fishbones was good. The Blue Nile was interesting – Ethiopian cuisine (insert jokes here).

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