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October 2024


Their Own Secular Jesus [Dan Collins]

There are so many links, so little time, but I thought that I’d offer this one up for your delectation. Jesse Taylor at Pandagon:

I Can’t Believe Protein Wisdom Is Shutting Down
• Batsh*t Crazy • Race

Who’s going to be left to tell us that black people have sold out and betrayed their history by holding up the most successful black person in history as a hero?

I really dig my priest, but he’s from Boston. So, in the readings today he recounts the story of God appointing Joshua to take over where the old man left off. Then he pulls out a children’s book about Harriet Tubman, called Moses, about her faith and her mission to free first herself, then her children, then hundreds of other slaves.

Fine. As I’ve mentioned before, blacks’ association with Israel crossing the Jordan from the land of Pharaoh makes a lot of sense. It’s just that by idolizing The One as a secular savior, they’ve sold their birthright for pottage.

Barack Obama: Putting Detours In The Underground Railroad Since 2009.

I will miss these stupid motherfuckers like crazy.

The passage that was in question is one from Deuteronomy, and the prophet in question is Moses’ successor, Joshua, who prefigures Jesus. Jesus is a guy who famously said that his kingdom was not of this world, as he was being tried on trumped up charges of sedition against Rome. The point is, there is no secular messiah.

Only now, many people do believe we have one. Certainly, the MSM have done their part in presenting Obama this way. We’ve even got people saying that because he’s racially mixed, Obama’s the first truly American president, that he embodies the melting pot principles of the country. It is, in other words, a transsubstantial myth of the progressive Word made flesh.

Under other circumstances, these anti-religionists would be going nuts, saying that this kind of thinking is Millenarian and that we live in a country that has ceded power to godbothering wackos. But they are true believers in their “hero.” The iconography is disturbingly proto-fascistic. George Bush was a promoter of faith-based initiatives, and nobody depicted him in these terms. Such an approach was guaranteed to nurture heterogeneity, but under the Great Community Organizer, all of these initiatives will presumably be brought under a single umbrella and forced to comply with community standards of ideological hygiene. So, for example, as Darleen has noted, Catholic adoption agencies don’t want to arrange adoptions to same-sex couples? Goodbye. Catholic hospitals (or Seventh Day Adventist, or Mormon, or what you will) don’t want to perform abortions? Goodbye. Obama Youth Corps? Hello.

And this is all good, from the POV of such people as Jesse Taylor. He’s got the whole world in his hand.

I didn’t say black Americans shouldn’t be proud of The One. I just said that the pandering to the idea of a secular Savior, and the buying into it, is idiocy. Essentialism, much?

107 Replies to “Their Own Secular Jesus [Dan Collins]”

  1. alppuccino says:

    I think if Jesse Taylor knew how the Jesus story ends, he’d be more prone to tagging George W Bush with the Messiah label. That is, if he feels that the crucifixion is an important part of the whole Jesus thing.

  2. Scott says:

    Jesse has been an idiot for a long, long time.

  3. Dan Collins says:

    As a sort of addendum, here are links to “Obama transcends”.

  4. McGehee says:

    It derives from the left’s contempt for the political doctrine of individual liberty (which they deliberately misunderstand as personal license so they can claim they support it more than us wingnuts), which is an inevitable consequence of the philosophical doctrine of individual free will.

    Dan may have already seen me talk about this elsewhere in the past couple of days, but one of the things that seems to run as a common thread throughout all flavors of progressivism is the idea that History is some kind of sentient force that knows better than we do what’s good for us, and that we should all subsume our hopes and dreams and condominiums to the Will of History.

    If their devotion to their ideology seems religious in its blind ardor, that’s because it is.

  5. happyfeet says:

    who wrote this exactly?

  6. Dan Collins says:

    I’m a little perplexed that this came out under Jeff’s name, too. I’ll log out and log back in.

  7. happyfeet says:

    oh. that’s what I thought I’m just waking up though. The one thinger that creeps me out I think especially is the we have to choose our better history business. The dirty socialist redistributionist class warfare part of our history is the better history he means. Weak-minded Howard Zinn sycophant.

  8. Dan Collins says:

    Here’s a list of some of the things Obama embodies.

  9. BumperStickerist says:

    Jesse: Who’s going to be left to tell us that black people have sold out and betrayed their history by holding up the most successful black person in history [Obama] as a hero?

    My understanding is that Jesus was black. Methinks that Jesse just outed himself as a racist by denying Peter-like the Blackness of Jesus.


    I guess we can look forward to saying that Barack is bigger than Jesus.

  10. happyfeet says:

    oh. Me I think he sorta embodies a Pepsi ad.

  11. Joe says:

    But guys, it is like watching Jesus Christ Superstar!

  12. Dan Collins says:

    If I could, I might re-link that comment on Haile Selassie, Lion of Judah.

  13. TheGeezer says:

    <History is some kind of sentient force that knows better than we do what’s good for us

    Marxian principles require irresitible historical forces that the political elect can study, understand, and manipulate in the effort to speed the arrival of the prole paradise. It’s the same-old, same-old.

    Oh god, pride of man, broken in the dust again.

  14. Dan Collins says:

    Obama, hey bama, bama bama Obama, hey bama, Ooo-baa-maa!

  15. Mikey NTH says:

    The whole ‘looking for an earthly messiah’ thing hasn’t ever worked out well in the past. i don’t think it will work out well now.

  16. happyfeet says:

    mork and mindy, brian hayes
    barry humphries, barry O!
    little neepsie, chris and do
    hello, hello, hello, hello…

  17. Derrick says:

    You know, I don’t have to look very hard to find articles about how George Bush was God’s candidate, he was put her to deal with 9/11, thank God he was President and not Al Gore and other loony interpretations of his becoming President. There are also nuts who think Obama’s the Anti-Christ but you don’t see us making a big deal out of them. These silly tropes of yours provide no real context to the appeal of Obama (we like him, think he’s smart, better than Bush in almost any way) and only show that you’ve got no real good way at the moment to attack the guy, so continuing pushing this “Messiah” meme will work until you find something better to use. You obviously don’t realize that this is playground taunting and not a serious argument or point.

  18. router says:

    I think O! is Anti Harpo Marx. At least Harpo was articulate.

  19. Dan Collins says:

    I’m sorry, but that’s not a substantive critique of the tropes, the iconography, Derrick. If you were smarter, you’d be telling the transcendentalists to STFU.

  20. router says:

    I think the incompetent meme will gain traction soon enough.

  21. nikkolai says:

    That so many of the cultists truly believe in this dribble, is the point. They irritate many of us.

  22. B Moe says:

    Jesse considers Obama the most successful black person in history.

    He has a very odd definition of success, I would say.

  23. SmokeVanThorn says:

    Thank God we have Derrick to show us that there are leftists even stupider than Jesse Taylor – oh wait, I just made Derrick into a messiah figure! Crap!

  24. Bob Reed says:

    This is just another left wing identity politics paean. They won, and in keeping with todays instant gratification world, they simplt can’t wait for Obama to actually be great; instead they have to start demonstratively celebrating his greatness just so we all know in advance that to criticize his ideas is to scoff at our nations path to salvation. And, it effectively transubstantiates any entity implementing said policies, making them effectively an extension of his holy self and insulating them from criticism…

    It is the left’s technique of making the political, personal, but taking to staggering new heights never before seen on the a national scale. Of course, we all have witnessed how if you don’t adhere to their ideas completely, or are an impediment to what they see as their entitled authority, you don’t just have a different opinion, but are the manifestation of eeeeeevil! This has been demonstrated all too clearly for the last 8 years…

    Similarly, Obama embraces every ideology that they hold dear; and better yet, he is a member of their uber-victimhood group of all time! Therefore he is not only the personification of good, but has achieved a dizzying new level that no one! has ever achieved before…

    BUt really this is their same old clap-trap, just mega hyped. For 40 years hand-wringing liberals have assuaged their white guilt by venerating any behavior by blacks that was not a capital crime; and they’ve tried to rationalize many of those that were! We’ve had to accept, and be ready to publicly proclaim, the brilliance! of Cornell West, the greatness! of Maya Angelou, the depth and nuance of gangsta rappers, and yes, the spitrituality of hate mongers like Jerimiah Wright. To do any less, they said, meant you were a RAAAAAACIST!, an accusation that has become the most toxic in America.

    But, in setting Obama on his messianic pedestal there is the possibility of overreach. It is true that most of the left, and many of our youth, have been conditioned to react in an almost Pavlovian manner to the dog whistle calls of identity politics. Very much like an ex-girlfriend of mine, a word association test where photos of mostly black folks are displayed, almist predictably will generate a list containing superlatives only, the same being true for just about any of folks on the victim-du-jour list; but for white folks?, meh, not so much…

    But the great majority of the public does not suffer from white guilt. Indeed, after a lifetime of an affirmative action society and the imputation of a racist outlook for the most trivial slight or inconsiderate action, they are tired of the race card, and the rest of the identity politics deck to boot! I’ll even go as far as to suggest that some folks voted for the one! simply to put an end to all of the public hand-wringing and tearing at garments over the horrific inequalities of our society; after all, if America elected a black President then that proves once and for all that racism must not really be holding folks back aymore…

    There’s an old saying, “The higher you fly, the farther you’ll fall…” In the vein of that piece of folk wisdom, I believe that the left is setting Obama up for a terrible fall from grace. And it’ll happen, no matter how hard the MSM works to make him and his term a success, nor how RAAAAAAACIST! we become for not submitting completely and proclaiming “your will be done, in the name of Obama”…

  25. donald says:

    Hey, it’s the seventh anniversary of Daniel Pearl getting his head sawed off! After all, he was a jew!

    And a neat guy who played in a cool band called The Ottoman Empire with Clay Harper, who wrote the best line ever “For the first time in my life, I gotta woman who’s clean, riding with me in my limousine”. You have got to love that. Anyhoo, I knew Danny well enough that he knew my name, that I sold computers (A long time ago), and that I was more of a Scorchers guy than what they were doing. But most of all he was really nice and humored me because I drank a whole lot.

    When I realized it was THAT Danny Pearl those animals had, this whole thing was personalized for me. Because why the fuck would they want to kill Danny? Course, I never knew he was a FUCKING JEW, so he had to die I suppose.

    I sure hope the move ole Khalid to Chicago or Detroit so he’ll be comfortable.

  26. donald says:

    Hey Bmoe, ever see Ottoman empire?

  27. Dan Collins says:

    I’m still sorry for your friend, donald.

  28. Richard Aubrey says:

    Bob Reed.
    That accusation is no longer the most toxic. Nobody believes it. Everybody knows it’s a manipulative scam.
    It’s a joke.
    There are many, I will admit, who pretend to believe it so as to maintain its power. But nobody believes it, really.

  29. Pablo says:

    Who’s going to be left to tell us that black people have sold out and betrayed their history by holding up the most successful black person in history as a hero?

    Nelson Mandela would be surprised to hear that. As would Michael Jackson. Besides, Barry is a white dude. Duh.

  30. B Moe says:

    Holy Fucking Shit! Daniel Pearl was in Ottoman Empire? I had no idea!

  31. router says:

    Oh no Obama porn.


  32. alppuccino says:

    But Obama is down for the struggle

  33. donald says:

    All that stuff you read at the time about him Dan? All of the wry humor, witty intelligence, just plain fucking common decency, curiosity to get that story? The trusting nature that he was a legitimate journalist, so he’d be safe? It was true, every bit of it.

  34. donald says:

    He played the violin Bmoe. Doug!

  35. VAHighlander says:

    #17. Let’s see, we have:

    1. Obama turning up the heat in the White House while people in Kentucky freeze to death, and all he’s done is sign a piece of FEMA paper. Doesn’t seem all that concerned. The press certainly doesn’t give a rip.

    2. He went to Capitol Hill and blew his political capital in an unsuccessful attempt to sway Republican House votes toward the Stimulus/Rank Patronage Bill.

    3. He brought exported abortions back to the world on behalf of U.S. taxpayers. Hates to have those poor people in other countries “punished” with unwanted babies.

    4. He seems to be a fan of rendition, something even many righties are uneasy about.

    So…I’d say that we’ve got plenty of good ways to attack the guy. I’m perfectly will to let the messiah thing go. It’s just that his cultists are so…well…all culty-like.

  36. B Moe says:

    They won, and in keeping with todays instant gratification world, they simplt can’t wait for Obama to actually be great; instead they have to start demonstratively celebrating his greatness…

    You are missing the point, Bob. Jesse has clearly stated the just getting elected was the end all. He is now the most successful black man ever. He doesn’t need to do anything else except bask in his greatness. This is the mindset of Progressives, it is all about lusting for power, once you obtain it, it is its own justification.

  37. Dan Collins says:

    Doug, you may wish to write something about Danny in the post above.

  38. B Moe says:

    I was mostly a fan of the Coolies, only saw Ottoman once and was too fucked up to remember much about it, but still…

  39. Alec Leamas says:

    My favorite Jesse dumb was when he attacked Dennis Prager for his comments about married sex as a proponent of “marital rape.” I think the whole point of the thing was a tacit boast that people might have had sex with Jesse at one point, despite what you would conclude after considering his physical appearance. I think this was more or less what Jeff Fecke, an individual of similar, er, “carriage” was up to as well (“I have a daughter! look – proof of intercourse!”). He was like, “no Prager, be totally sexy like me, and you won’t have to ask for it – she’ll give her ‘enthusiastic consent.'” It was either dumb or funny, or both, and revealing.

    I think what Dan was getting at is that this wonderful Black President has only acheived the office of President. When you think about it, it’s not that big of a deal if your expectations of him transcend what even an extraordinary President can do.

  40. donald says:

    Not the coolies?!!!EEEHHWWW!!!!I thought you were a rocker!

  41. Joe says:

    Guess what, Obama’s rendition same as the old Clinton and Bush rendition.

    Meanwhile, Sullivan will sing “I don’t know how to love him…” about The One. Magic I tell you, magic!

  42. VAHighlander says:

    Oh, I forgot #5. Obama is marvelous judge of character, what with picking tax cheats and corruptocrats for the highest posts in his administration. But then, Democrats have much lower standards than most of us, so I guess we shouldn’t expect any better.

  43. B Moe says:

    I always wore my Mod disguise when I saw them.

  44. Alec Leamas says:

    “Barry is a white dude. Duh.”

    Yeah – I mean, if you’re looking for some symbolism, you might have picked a black fellow who wasn’t raised entirely by midwesterny white folk. Barry is like the inverse of Steve Martin’s ‘the Jerk.’

  45. Mr. Pink says:

    So this website is shutting down? When is that happening?

  46. Mikey NTH says:

    #36 B Moe:

    They may come to regret not thinking of the very big ‘Now what?’ that happened after January 20, 2009.
    Because this isn’t a story and it doesn’t end when they want it to; it is life, and it has this habit of going on and on…

  47. Dan Collins says:

    Mr. Pink, we don’t know whether that’s happening. Jeff’s looking for alternative rev streams. His contract with PJM ends on March 31. Meanwhile, we’re proceeding on the assumption that PW is going to continue to be around.

    Jeff’s been in contact with some people who would like to interview him for stories and webcasts, so we may be seeing more of him later today. Unless he asks, I’m just going to let him post his schedule when he likes.

  48. Alec Leamas says:

    I suppose Tupac was Barry’s John the Baptist?

  49. Dan Collins says:

    Tupac wasn’t fit to tie his scandals.

  50. Mr. Pink says:

    Cool thanks for the info Dan.

  51. N. O'Brain says:

    “The iconography is disturbingly proto-fascistic.”

    Ain’t nothing “proto-” about it.

  52. Joe says:

    Who said anything about Barack being a secular Jesus?

  53. Alec Leamas says:

    “The iconography is disturbingly proto-fascistic.”

    I thought fascists were right wingers? You know, those Federalist Society/Boy Scouts/American Legion types?

  54. Mr. Pink says:

    The iconography that I have seen with Obama is shockingly reminicent of shit I saw in both Iraq and China. Mao is always pictured with a sun behind his head or with some sort of light behind him. If there is people in the pictures they are always below looking up. The same thing in Iraq with all of the Saddam sculptures I saw on his palace walls at Um Quasars and Baghdad (do not know the spelling). He always had a sun behind him or birds behind him with the people always below looking up.

    I have sees the exact same stuff with Obama walking down grocery isle for the last 6 months on every magazine cover. I swear going to any grocery store for the past half year has been like walking thru his campaign headquartes and propaganda ministry.

  55. Mr. Pink says:

    Well here is the dictionaries definition of Fascist for you. Seems to pretty much sum up a nice subset of O! supporters. Especially the forceable suppression of the opposition.
    Pronunciation: ˈfa-ˌshi-zəm also ˈfa-ˌsi-
    Function: noun
    Etymology: Italian fascismo, from fascio bundle, fasces, group, from Latin fascis bundle & fasces fasces
    Date: 1921
    1often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

  56. Alec Leamas says:

    “The iconography that I have seen with Obama”

    You forgot the children singing to him in unison and the celebrities pledging themselves to his service.

    This, my friends, is why the Second Amendment is in there – for iff’n they want a great leap forward.

  57. Dan Collins says:

    Some of it sounds like the definition for faggot.

  58. Techie says:

    Breaking News: Obama’s “Performance Czar” withdraws nomination.

    Geithner, Daschle, now Killifer….

    Does ANY Democrat politician actually PAY their taxes? No wonder they don’t mind raising them!

  59. geoffb says:

    “But then, Democrats have much lower standards than most of us, so I guess we shouldn’t expect any better.”

    True from our point of view. They do have standards however. Or I should say a standard. Complete, unswerving, utterly faithful allegiance to “The Party” and to the Socialism for which it stands is the standard by which all are judged. It makes for a very small pool of people fully qualified for high office.

  60. Techie says:

    Also, is Barack too trusting or merely incompetent at vetting? We report, you decide.

  61. alppuccino says:

    Oh, so now you’re going to vet the vetters? What’s next? Vetting the vetters that vet the vetters?

  62. geoffb says:

    Performance czar

    Artists, actors and musicians better fall in line. You are being watched closely now.

  63. BJTexs says:

    “If you experience a tax evasion lasting longer than four years, seek immediate help from a reputable public relations firm.”

  64. McGehee says:


  65. N. O'Brain says:

    “Taxes are for the little people.”

  66. Mr. Pink says:

    If only they would make a law stating that Congress would have to pay double any new tax they legislated for the remainder of their lives.

  67. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    If Derrick cares to come back, I’d like some links to those articles he mentions. I’m not actually doubting the veracity of the claim, just in what newspapers/periodicals they came from. IOW, Derrick’s a lying idiotic cooze. The MSM is in love with Obama. Most fellow blacks are in love with Obama. The only people in love with GW Bush were his family. You know the way it’s supposed to be. Anyone with an ounce of honesty has to admit that the Obama love fest is beyond politics.

  68. Rob Crawford says:

    OI — the “Bush got the same treatment!” line is axiomatic on the left. They won’t support the claim, because they cannot. The closest I’ve seen any of them come was video of people praying for Bush.

    To the extent there was ever an iconography surrounding Bush, it was created by the left in order to express their hatred of him.

  69. daleyrocks says:

    Obama approval ratings decline to 61% according to Rasmussen. Where’s snippy?

  70. Dan Collins says:

    I’m Gumby, dammit!

  71. Jeff G. says:

    I thought Jesse Taylor would have been carried off by birds by now. What, is he living in some kind of bubble?

  72. alppuccino says:

    That’s why W is better

  73. alppuccino says:

    A 10 pt. gain in one month where it only took Obama 2.2 weeks to lose 15 pts. That’s a 25 pt popularity swing to George W. That’s gotta sting really bad.

  74. Techie says:

    61%? Guess the honeymoon is over……….

  75. thor says:

    Comment by Bob Reed on 2/3 @ 8:45 am #

    Similarly, Obama embraces every ideology that they hold dear; and better yet, he is a member of their uber-victimhood group of all time! Therefore he is not only the personification of good, but has achieved a dizzying new level that no one! has ever achieved before…

    BUt really this is their same old clap-trap, just mega hyped. For 40 years hand-wringing liberals have assuaged their white guilt by venerating any behavior by blacks that was not a capital crime; and they’ve tried to rationalize many of those that were! We’ve had to accept, and be ready to publicly proclaim, the brilliance! of Cornell West, the greatness! of Maya Angelou, the depth and nuance of gangsta rappers, and yes, the spitrituality of hate mongers like Jerimiah Wright. To do any less, they said, meant you were a RAAAAAACIST!, an accusation that has become the most toxic in America.

    No, you’re wrong. Yours is a classic embrace of jaundiced self-absorbed victimhood. There might even be a jigger full of petty jealousy at play as well.

    I mentioned Derek Walcott yesterday.

    I’m just a red nigger who love the sea,
    I had a sound colonial education,
    I have Dutch, nigger, and English in me,
    and either I’m nobody, or I’m a nation.

    That line falls in the middle of a tongue and cheek poem called The Schooner Flight. It’s entertaining.

    Do you think Walcott earned the Nobel Prize in poetry for ethnic, bouncy, romping lines?

    Or maybe Odysseus?

    He’s one of the world’s most highly regarded Homeric poets, you fuckin’ Tupac Shakur-assuming candyass. And he’s black. So what. It’s odd, yes, but what aspect of language would hinder him? The same hindrances and challenges as anyone else, obviously.

    Know any whites venerating Walcott’s cheap behavior? No. Not many of any color master Homeric poetry. And he lives in New York. And he was educated in Boston. And he’s considered a contemporary poet by rote of the fact he’s still breathing. National Endowment of the Arts, “Phooey Pooo” whelp the rethuglidumdums!

    In your narrative you’ve carefully selected some cheap stereo-typical race-based one-off examples either because you’re desperate to appeal to other half-educated boneheads or you’re a bumbling victim of your own cheap cowardly racial biases.

    Jackie Robinson didn’t just steal homeplate in the world series. He did it twice.

    Whether it’s John Coltrane or other African Americans of monstrous achievement, you might to select a few of them the next time you want to bellow about their continual crutch of “uber-victimhood.”

    You might want to consider your motive when casually dissolving black poets into a pool of gangsta rappers. Maybe, just maybe, persons of African ancestry are capable of both the highest achievements and the lowest acts of cowardice, as with persons of any other race.

    Barack Obama kicked your political asses and made you look like fools. Forgive him. He didn’t victimize you. Get over it.

    Let’s take a bit of the tripe

  76. alppuccino says:

    Jackie Robinson didn’t just steal homeplate in the world series. He did it twice.

    Because black guys are bred to be faster, right Greek?

  77. happyfeet says:

    Well that’s just it though. Baracky doesn’t even have a tenth of the accomplishment of a swishy Peggy Noonanesque cupcake like Colin Powell. It’s really puzzling what the big deal is about this dipshit.

  78. alppuccino says:

    Kobe poured in 61 last night. That’s gotta say something about Obama too, doesn’t it?

  79. thor says:

    You can’t just let Kobe take step back jumpers or let move to his left all night. hOW MaNY tIMeS I GoTTa sAy IT pEoPLe!

  80. B Moe says:

    I have a little project for you, thor. Walk down the street from you house- er, scratch that, go somewhere there are black people and ask them who Derek Walcott is.

    Come back with your results and explain how that proves Bob is pandering to stereotypes.

  81. thor says:


    Comment by B Moe on 2/3 @ 11:07 am #

    I have a little project for you, thor. Walk down the street from you house- er, scratch that, go somewhere there are black people and ask them who Derek Walcott is.

    Come back with your results and explain how that proves Bob is pandering to stereotypes.

    I’ve got a little experiment for ya Bmoe, go down to your closest public university and count the heads of African Americans enrolled in senior-level undergrad literature classes.

    Ask one of ’em who Derek Walcott is. Then ask ’em who Lord Alfred Tennyson is.

    Then go ask a white frat boy who Dexter Gordon is.

  82. nikkolai says:

    Awful lot of asking going on here. Just sayin’….

  83. N. O'Brain says:

    hor, walk down to Nurse Ratched and ask her if she thinks you’re sane.

  84. alppuccino says:

    Kobe’s gonna get his.

  85. Matt says:

    *Also, is Barack too trusting or merely incompetent at vetting?*

    Look, did Jesus have to vet the apostles ? Then why would you expect Barry to vet his cabinet. His decisions are beyond question, a higher authority as it were.

  86. Dan Collins says:

    Jesus: “Why are you hurting the sea kittens? Put down your nets and follow me. I will make you fishers of land protoplasts!”

  87. thor says:

    He gives it 110%, a real gamer, but it’s about playing both sides of the ball, winning it in the trenches, no I in team, they needed to make a few adjustments on Kobe, whoever can make those adjustments will usually come up big, a win is a win but these huge wins are about adjustments, and match-ups, and preparations, no fear, staying loose, especially the big men in the trenches, and on the baseline, can’t give up the baseline, not against a player who really sees floor, or who can explode off the ball, gotta feed him the ball if he’s hot, whoever is hot, and healthy, gotta stay healthy.

  88. Mr. Pink says:

    Kobe Bryant is almost as big of a ballhog as Jordan was.

  89. thor says:

    You know who also really hogs the ball, that little Steve Nash fucker.

  90. Mr. Pink says:

    I stopped watching basketball when I saw the 1998 NBA finals and I realized that the refs and owners wanted the big market teams to win. When Jordan can flat out elbow Stockton in the head and not get thrown out of the game, when he can shove Bryan Russel out of the way to make the game winning shot, when the refs flat out refuse to give Jordan his 6th foul because they would be fired for ruining the game, I realized it was time to quit being a fan of the NBA. Why watch the crap when it is rigged for the “star” players and “star” franchises? As a Jazz fan back in the day it was like gettin punched in the face two years in a row. Hell Phil Jackson flat out knew that they would not foul Jordan out of a finals game so he kept him in there in foul trouble and told him to just charge the basket and fall down. They would just keep callin foul after foul on the defense even though Jordan was just running into them full speed and throwing the ball up. Hard not to score 40 points a game when you shoot 25 free throws.

  91. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    Kobe trails only Lebron. Kobe’s the best scorer in the game and even that is debatable anymore, though. And last night was amazing. 19 of 31 from the field and 20 of 20 from the line? Man, that’s great. But 3 rebounds? 0 assists? 0 steals against the Knicks? There’s more to the game than just scoring.

  92. Mr. Pink says:

    If you are a SG and get 0 steals and 0 assists your coach should slap you. Especially with Kobe’s explosive first step he should be able to kick the ball out for a three at will. Ballhog.

  93. thor says:

    I agree with ya OI, but you also underscore the fact that if you’re the best pure scorer in the game why would you spend the whole game dishing off to your lessors. You’re supposed to score if that’s what you do.

  94. B Moe says:

    Derek Walcott is as popular as Tupac, got it.

    You know what was on the radio sports news last week? Somebody in the NBA got called for travelling. No shit, made the headlines of the news. NBA is a fucking joke, it is about as much of a sport as monster trucks or the WWE.

  95. Mr. Pink says:

    B Moe I totally agree. Jordan, and the massive amount of marketing that the commish spent on just him ruined the sport. Before Jordan the game was about great teams, after Jordan it was about the one superstar player on a team. This led to a relaxing of the rules for that one player to the point that they are now able to take about 3 or 4 steps and never get a traveling call. They have geared the NBA today to have a couple highlight dunks by Labron instead of a good team game.

  96. Slartibartfast says:

    Didn’t Jesse Taylor once comment here, too?

    That was back when Ken Layne was sane, I guess.

  97. Bob Reed says:

    Please don’t try to twist my words into some kind of racist rant of a form of churlish envy.

    I never said that black folks didn’t add to the fabric of our nation; never even implied it. What I did say was that we have been forced to applaud and celebrate the mediocre along with the magnificent; and that’s a travesty that devalues the accomplishments of all our countrymen-regardless of race!

    In citing that list of names it was merely my intent to underscore the way in which a completely inexperienced, and in my view unqualified, provincial politician was vaulted to the height of hights, by an influential cadre in the media and society; a group where many were as interested in demonstrating their own enlightenment and self-righteousness as they were choosing who might be the most capable leader for our nation

    There are both idiots and supermen amongst all ethnic and racial groups in our nation. I would defy you to keep pace with me in terms of abstract mathematics, science, engineering, or aviation. But, you have the advantage on me in many of the liberal arts as well as economics. Overall am I better than you, or vice versa? No! But our different strengths play to different situations, and just as I would not expect to be able to walk into a group of undergraduates and discuss the esoteric nature of inlet geometries in scramjets, so too should you not expect to be able to walk into a group and extemporaneously discuss the Homeric parallel with Walcott…

    So I would ask you to refrain from reading such vile and small minded intent into my commentary…

    I have never insulted you nor read any intent into your commentary other than that you state; please afford me the same courtesy…

    Oh and regarding Jackie Robinson? I’ve always been a Dodger fan!; so nuff said I hope…

  98. Techie says:

    You read intent into his postings? That’s more insight than I can muster.

  99. B Moe says:

    So I would ask you to refrain from reading such vile and small minded intent into my commentary…

    I have never insulted you nor read any intent into your commentary other than that you state; please afford me the same courtesy…

    Good luck with that.

  100. Bob Reed says:

    Oh and thor,

    You can also off-handedly discuss basketball much better than I; so you got that goin’ for you too…

  101. […] companion to this morning’s post, from RedState: In both the House and Senate version of the stimulus there is a provision that is […]

  102. thor says:

    Comment by Bob Reed on 2/3 @ 4:18 pm #
    I never said that black folks didn’t add to the fabric of our nation; never even implied it. What I did say was that we have been forced to applaud and celebrate the mediocre along with the magnificent; and that’s a travesty that devalues the accomplishments of all our countrymen-regardless of race!

    Who, exactly, forced you to do anything? Tell me who forced you to applaud Brittney Spears? You do applaud her for her White mediocrity do you not? Or do you reserve that sort’a forced applause for blacks?

    You’re talking yourself in a box, and yes, you did imply exactly what I said you did. And I’ll state it again in another way: you’re implying their culture is lessor to your preferred culture nuances, and further that you’ve been forced to lower your bar of perceived achievement so as to bless them (blacks poets and musicians!) with your applause. Forced by social mores your charity is generous indeed!

    Give us all break. Applaud whoever you want but save us the bullshit narrative of your being forced by mythical winds to applaud anyone at all.

  103. Bob Reed says:


    Britney Spears is mediocre-at best!

    When I said we were forced, I was referring to we as a society. Western social paradigms and cultural mores regarding refined tastes and behaviors, that had the accumulated inertia of hundreds of years, have been diminished or have devolved in the past 35 to 40. This lowerin of the bar has been done so that we can all feel good about how enlightened we are, in a self serving way. Instead the bar should have remained where it was and the behavior of people changed, so that the achievements of the educated, gracious, and talented would not be diminished by the tyranny of the mediocre. It is wrong to give everyone equivalent trophies, when some perform much better than others. Should Walcott’s work be considered equal to a collection of bathroom limerickists?

    Of course not…

    Should I celebrate that punk Eminem because of his “achievement” at transcending the racial divide of rappers with true street cred? Not in the least…

    I hold a color blind outlook when it comes to rule of law, and equality of opportunity…
    I don’t fall for the whole identity politics connivance…
    It is my belief, that save for some nuances, I share the same culture-the American one-with my fellow countrymen regardless of race…

    But don’t try to defend the boorish behavior of the majority of rappers, for instance; there is no cultural nuance there…

    Don’t try to defend the whole notion that achiving success academically is somehow acting white, or diminishes the “blackness” of a person; there’s no cultural nuance there…

    Don’t tell me that I have to accept the hateful racist spew that emanates from Wright or Farrakhan; there’s no cultural nuance there…

    While we enjoyed the enormous economic advantage of the 60s and 70s we could afford the indulgence of mediocrity. But these days there is no room for it in either our society or the competitive world at large. Likewise, we are doing a horrible disservice to minority students of all ethnicities when we as a society shortchange them of an education, or replace it with some twisted pretense of one that is an indoctrination in Bill Ayers ideas on social justice, equality of outcome, and a race peddling outlook that encourages perpetual Outrage!, intead of the healing and real integration and color-blindness that Dr. King envisioned and spoke of…

    We jsut can’t afford the trophies for all, just for showing up. Our people, and our nation as a whole, can’t afford to celebrate mediocrity any more…

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