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November 2024


More on Queens and the Hate

…only this time, we’re talking about the Canadian university and their student facilitators. Again.

34 Replies to “More on Queens and the Hate”

  1. SarahW says:

    It’s dreadful to see the academy infected in this way with pernicious ideas of reforming mankind.

    Language is a hydra and cutting out a pejorative has limited utility in re-shaping the thoughts of men.

    Daniel Hayward, the paid conversation-adjustment troll, adheres to a form of Liberation Theology that is essentially derived from a fusion of Marxism and Christiantiy. He’s intelligent and well-meaning, but his blindness to the evils of statist control of the mind shines through all of his writings.

    Byt the way, those facial characteristics I commented on before are probably related mainly to his being a hunchback. And I don’t mean that in a mean way, but a matter of fact way, relevent only for this speculation: perhaps his own need to develop a philosophy where differences do not bring persecution has led him down his path; and his own need to be taken care of, and yet to prove his usefulness, created an attraction for Marxist claptrap.

    Liberty to use his own voice, to exert pressure upon his peers, is his right, maybe even his duty. And t this is not the role of the state most especially. A Nosey Parker, is one thing. The natural discouragements to butting in to conversations are sufficient to keep it in check. A Nanny Beaurocracy of Thought Policing for Social Justice, is the way to suppression of thought from fear of governmental reprise. And to my way of thinking, is necessarily evil no matter its good intentions.

  2. Mossberg500 says:

    Could the explanation be any more convoluted. SarahW, he should be ringing a bell in a tower. As for his intelligence, I’d put him in the perf caricature category.
    BTW, perf caricature, your daddy called, and he wants to help you stuff the turkey!

  3. Bob Reed says:

    Some quite popular worldviews are ridiculous and intellectually indefensible, and thus undeserving of respect. One might, of course, tolerate such views, but tolerance isn’t respect and the two shouldn’t be confused. Some students may be intensely reactive to any perceived affront, even on matters of fact and logic. Indeed, those with insubstantial arguments may be particularly prone to umbrage. What, then, will happen if a student feels “disrespected” by statements of fact and has a “social identity” premised on a ridiculous and indefensible position? And what if that person happens to belong to a group favoured by proponents of “social justice theory”?

    So it sounds like, regardless of how tin-foil hat inspired ones position is it must be respected; at least at this Canadian institution…

    By extionsion, I guess that Rev Wright’s view that AmeriKKKa introduced AIDS into Africa with the desired result being a kind of black genocide must</b< be respected; since he is, after all, a member of the trump suit in the identity politics deck…


    The only place in academia where facts should be able to be ignored is in the theology, creative writing, art, and perhaps the philosophy departments; otherwise it devolves all learning and knowledge into an exercise in subjective fantasy…

    My undergrad writing professor had a shocking, but eye opening, discussion early on in the course about opinion, and the right of folks to have and profess them. He maintained that in the interest of intellectual honesty, that one didn’t have the right to any arbitrary opinion; but only the right to a thoughtful and informed one. As an example he posited a discussion on the sky outside and offered a possible dialogue:

    Person A;”The sky is sure a beautiful shade of blue today”.

    Person B;”No it’s not, it’s green, man”!

    Person A;”You’re kidding, right? It’s blue…”

    Person B;”Well that’s my opinion, man; I’m entitled to it”!

    He said that barring any physical malady of color perception, person B’s statement was patently false or irrational, and therefore indefensible. As such, it could simple be dismissed out of hand. And, he went to say that especially in a society as ours where argument and opinion shaped public policy, such illogical opinion should be dismissed out of hand and not even considered in any rational discussion.

    And he was a NY liberal…

    It was one of the simplest, and best, lessons that I ever had…

    The real truth about the Queens policy is that it is the realization of the thought police. The only remaining discussion seems to be how much authority they will have…

  4. cranky-d says:

    You have the right to hold any opinion you want to hold, reasoned or not. What you do not have is the right to express said opinion without someone else objecting to it.

  5. SarahW says:

    Sure Cranky-d. So long as the government isn’t an enforcer of “speech codes’, and there are no governmental reprisals for ignoring interrupting hunchbacks.

  6. Sdferr says:

    There seem to be no prouder tramplers of justice than the social justicians, wot?

  7. cranky-d says:

    I was thinking on a one-to-one basis, SarahW, as opposed to cases involving government interference. The speech code crap didn’t even enter my tiny mind, as I consider it to be unconstitutional and therefore quite worthy of being ignored.

  8. The Thin Man says:

    Oh those whacky students – it seems that a Canadian Students Council now wont support fundraisers for Cystic Fibrosis – because it only affects white men – and obviously they just don’t deserve any support….

    Aahh – just bask in the love and respect and tolerance

  9. SarahW says:

    The Thin Man, oh lord is that depressing. The ignorance is astounding. Who provided them, I wonder, with this fatuous notion that only white men get CF? Where the hell did that come from?

  10. SarahW says:

    Even if it were true, which it isn’t, perhaps they could have simply diplomatically chosen “big tent” disease without trumpeting the abandonment of the old?

  11. SarahW says:

    Here I am immune to hantavirus, you wouldn’t catch me bitchin about a telethon.

  12. Sdferr says:

    Hanta has been my singular phobia for years, despite my continuing belief that it just isn’t, hasn’t been, in my neighborhood. Nevertheless, I get panicky every time I have to go into a crawlspace for any purpose. (So how does one get to be immune? There’s a vaccine?)

  13. SarahW says:

    The DNA lottery handed me a protective antigen. I guess my ancestors had meeses to contend with.

  14. Sdferr says:


    Back to the tighter than tight industrial facemasks and vigorous handwashings then, I guess. oh, and avoidance, wherever possible and always, avoidance.

  15. dicentra says:


    The intelligentsia get confused because “the sky is blue” and “the sky is green” are linguistically identical statements. Because there is no linguistic marker to distinguish a false statement from a true one, the categories “true” and “false” can only be an indication of rank prejudice and H8.

    Which of course cannot be distinguished linguistically either, but if one examines poststructuralist objectivism, one is faced with a choice: either reject predialectic conceptual theory or conclude that class, ironically, has intrinsic meaning, given that narrativity is interchangeable with culture. However, many appropriations concerning not theory, as subdialectic socialism suggests, but pretheory exist. If poststructuralist objectivism holds, we have to choose between dialectic discourse and poststructuralist cultural theory.

    Therefore, an abundance of situationisms concerning subdialectic socialism may be discovered. Abian holds that we have to choose between predialectic conceptual theory and the subtextual paradigm of consensus.

    No, really.

  16. SarahW says:

    I went to the link, and what a relief that was.

  17. kelly says:

    Thanks for the link, dicentra. Great for a much needed laugh today.

  18. The Thin Man says:


    “without trumpeting the abandonment of the old?”

    But isn’t that the point? Aren’t they just finding a way to say “Fuck You, you white male piece of shit?” (please excuse the language).

    Isn’t the withdrawal of support exactly what they wanted because it’s a way to stick it to the (dying) MAN?

    I would have thought that the humane thing to do would be to run a second benefit – perhaps diametrically opposite, calendar wise, for a more “equal opportunity” illness, but that wouldn’t allow them the delicious sense of payback that this maneuver gives them.

  19. Mikey NTH says:

    As you noted, Thin Man, it wasn’t the changing of the charity, it was the reasons given. Very racist, very sexist. Very non-diverse.

  20. SarahW says:

    Of course, Thin Man. Ignorance and bad manners to boot.

  21. happyfeet says:

    Crawlspace I thought meant “we have people for that.”

  22. Sdferr says:

    I am the people for that, sometimes.

  23. happyfeet says:

    I think it’s perfectly reasonable to find the whole crawlspace thing terrifying. Nothing good ever happens in a crawlspace.

  24. Sdferr says:

    Well, something good sometimes, like plumbing repair and previously non-existent insulation installed and houses bolted down against earthquakes or hurricanes and electrical faults fixed or new wires installed and co-habiting racoons run out and I could go on but you get the idea….

  25. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    I found a whole bunch of vintage Playboy magazines in a crawlspace once, so that was pretty good.

  26. happyfeet says:

    oh. Perhaps I have been unfair.

  27. Garth Wood says:

    The Thin Man:

    There’s a reason that it’s sometimes called “Cartoon U” or “Last Chance U.”  It’s alo the University in Canada with the most well-known school of Journalism.

    Hmmmmmm, there’s some tasty irony in there somewhere…


  28. Garth Wood says:


    “alo” = “also”

    Really gotta get an ‘edit’ function built into the comments someday…

  29. Sdferr says:

    Not unfair that I can see. Let’s put it this way though — crawling around in a crawlspace beats crawling around in a recently emptied but still uncleaned football field sized crude oil tank in the middle of summer in order to place the last bits of shoring for the collapsed roof, but both are bested by a trip to the local bar to play some bridge and have a couple of scotches with friends.

  30. happyfeet says:

    It all sounds hazardous. Like the stuff of what ends up in Reuters Oddly Enough except it’s not odd it’s really just all kinds of wrong. Hazardous is usually lucrative though. Marketing isn’t particularly hazardous I’ve noticed.

  31. MarkD says:

    He is a mental midget. Is a round of dwarf tossing totally out of the question?

    Best keep that nonsense in Canada.

  32. Bob Reed says:

    That is a hilarious comment, and an excellent pomo-speech generator site. I have no doubt that a robot with such programming inherent will soon be found in the academy…

    Best Wishes…

  33. […] MORE ON QUEEN’S and the Hate… only this time, we’re talking about the Canadian university and their student […]

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