
Jeff's Wish List

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November 2024


“You remember: ran for President, tries to shake down corporations using threats of racial tension, once called New York ‘Hymietown’ — that Jesse Jackson…?

Nope, Sorry. Never heard of the guy.

20 Replies to ““You remember: ran for President, tries to shake down corporations using threats of racial tension, once called New York ‘Hymietown’ — that Jesse Jackson…?”

  1. dre says:

    “Jackson said. “And the new president deserves his vision to be implemented immediately.”

    No problem for a Messiah I would think.

  2. happyfeet says:

    Him and Mark Hamill are sort of at the same point in their careers I think.

  3. happyfeet says:

    I like this thread. It feels safe.

  4. JD says:

    “All of that talk of bipartisanship begins now,” Jackson said. “And the new president deserves his vision to be implemented immediately.”

    Their definition of bipartisanship, again, means Republicans acting like Democrats. Or in this case, simple submission.

  5. Slartibartfast says:

    Oh, you scared me. I thought Jackson had been picked for a cabinet post.

  6. Mr. Pink says:

    Well that is what all this uniting is about from what I have heard. Uniting under the banner of Democrats and their plans.

  7. Mr. Pink says:

    I sure as hell saw everyone uniting behind GW for the past 8 years. Yes I did.

  8. Dash Rendar says:

    Nah, they was just being patriots and all, ya know, how dissent is the highest form and all that, although that word’s meaning, yea, patriotism, seems to oscillate in 4-8 year cycles these days.

  9. BJTexs says:

    I’m lazy and at work but someone might want to check into the number of Executive Orders (separate, of, course, from the missing china, keyboard W’s and profligate pardons) that were issued in the waning days and hours of the Clinton administration.

    but, silly, me, that was a Democrat run so different rules apply. For the future, If Rev. Jackson seeks to remake himself as an “elder statesman” I’m liable to be treated for a gross and spastic busted gut. With tears.

  10. JD says:

    For the future, If Rev. Jackson seeks to remake himself as an “elder statesman” … May Allah have mercy on our souls.

    Wasn’t Clinton’s arsenic in the water thing an 11th hour Executive Order? It was sooooooooooooooo important to him that he did it on his way out the door.

  11. I like how “ideology” is being redefined. Like we needed another bad word.

  12. cfbleachers says:

    I agree, the new administration ought to start now and why finish out the term? Hell, none of the other rules related to campaign finance, foreign money donations, voter registration, or even basic job application background checking were followed…so why bother with the passing of the baton. Rip it out of Bush’s hands and let’s start the revolution already.

    Of course, in reading Bob Owens bit on Debbie Schlussel’s bit…it seems that some people can’t get with the program. Apparently, there are actually folks who want an actual background check, as if this was, you know, like a job at TJ Maxx or the post office or something.

    Volokh and Little Green Footballs think that this birth certificate and SSS registration stuff is all tinfoil hat brigade trivialities.

    Me? I don’t see how you could possibly remove a guy who had the audacity to run and WIN a presidency, while full well knowing he didn’t have the basic requirements for office. I mean, there is a sort of Frank Abagnale romance to the story, if true. Catch me if you can…and get destroyed in the process.

    What would anyone do, if they “found out”…what will clearly be eliminated from evidence in a month and a half? Sue for a new election? I mean,…just a “what if”, hypothetical exercise? Surely not give Joe Biden the Presidency? Pass an ex post facto law allowing the election to stand?

    As a thought exercise, it gives me a headache. I say, on with the Revolution!

  13. JD says:

    cfbleachers – That was sooooooooooooooooooooo racist.

  14. Sdferr says:

    Is anyone puzzled as to why this Alex Dominguez guy can’t be bothered to ask Jackson to name the regulations he is talking about, nor to do research and attempt to name them himself rather than just let some amorphous “consumer and environmental laws” phrase stand in for substance? Useless beyond belief.

  15. JD says:

    Sdferr – In order to do what you are suggesting, Alex Dominguez would have to commit an act of journalism. The next such thing will be the first when it comes to Baracky.

  16. Rob Crawford says:

    Is anyone puzzled as to why this Alex Dominguez guy can’t be bothered to ask Jackson to name the regulations he is talking about, nor to do research and attempt to name them himself rather than just let some amorphous “consumer and environmental laws” phrase stand in for substance?

    No. Dominguez isn’t in the business of informing the public, he’s in the business of kowtowing to the figures in power.

  17. Bob Reed says:

    A clear example of just how little Jesse J. actually knows about our constitution…

    He’s taking this whole fairness thing to a whole new level of absurdity…

    “And the new president deserves his vision to be implemented immediately.”

    What vision is that Jesse, bailing out the UAW? Or are you talking about stopping the rise of the sea’s level..?

    If you’re talkin’ about Sorelian lies, well they’ve been goin’ on the whole time…

    To wit: “The war is lost!”, “The Ice cap is meting-and never has before!”, “The RethugliKKKans culture of deregulation has led directly to this financial crisis…”, and “This past month was the hottest October on record-EVAH!”…

  18. mojo says:

    Jesse’s figured out that it’s HIS balls that are in danger.

    Ironic, that.

  19. Sdferr says:

    Happyfeet had not just George Will, but the entire industry pinned to the wall yesterday:

    21. Comment by happyfeet on 11/16 @ 11:26 am #

    George Will at the end of the day works in service of a corrupt institution. He needs to be candid about that I think.

    Corrupt. Just like mob run unions of the 50’s and 60’s corrupt with the tools of the trade shifted from brass-knuckles to keyboards.

  20. B Moe says:

    “…the new president deserves his vision to be implemented immediately.”

    Aren’t these the same people that warned us Bush was calling home soldiers from Iraq so he could call off the elections and assume a dictatorship?

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