
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

November 2024


9 reasons why Barack Obama doesn’t want you to give to the pw semi-annual fundraiser (which, by the way, has reached just over 80% of its goal. Meaning that it hasn’t reached about 20% of its goal. A sign of abject rejection to a glass half empty kinda guy. Though I’m not saying I am one. Just that, were I, that’s how I’d be looking at it. Just before I started the piercings. And the cuttings)

**fresh posts below this most recent feeble attempt to get money**

  1. I’m not black, nor have I ever blown up a federal building.
  2. His paranoid belief that I’ll use a portion of the proceeds to fund my son’s education without state help or interference.
  3. Jews already control the world monetary system, anyway. Why not just write a check to myself for, say, a gazillion dollars and save the pittance for the needy folk? Like Tony Rezco?
  4. Did I mention I’m not black?
  5. Because I’m not.
  6. — Not even half black, come to think on it. In fact, I’m white as the inside of Robert Byrd’s linen closet.
  7. Every dime you give to me is one less dime that you can give to the truly needy. By way of confiscation and redistribution. With Obama deciding who, exactly, constitutes “the needy.” Certainly not Obama’s wretchedly poor extended family members. But Bill and Bernardine could use some scratch to set up some special schools for inner city children to learn the important life skills of hating Whitey and blaming their country for every failure they’re likely to encounter — from a loss at tetherball to their arrest for shooting a bitch who was fronting.
  8. A flush pw = a celebration of all that is evil: primacy of the individual, legal conservatism, social libertarianism, a muscular national defense, the opening of additional markets for free trade, and an insistence on limited government, fiscal responsibility, and a collective embracing of the social contract as explicitly laid out in the founding documents — the necessary lynchpin of which is the idea of natural rights as inalienable and so guaranteed to remain unmolested by human governmental agency.
  9. I’d have the audacity to pour the money back into the economy, rather than into Obama’s campaign coffers.

So you see, by holding back on the giving — and denying pw that last twenty or so percent of its fundraising goal — what you are really doing is helping Barack Obama transform this country into the European model of soft socialism and intellectual totalitarianism that has turned a good portion of Old Europe into helpless little beggars who rely on the US for military support and cover.

— Which, when all is said and done, could prove the end of freedom on earth as we have known it.

(A reminder that all donations for freedom from ever encroaching tyranny are voluntary. For the next five days, at least. After that? I can’t make any promises.)

80 Replies to “9 reasons why Barack Obama doesn’t want you to give to the pw semi-annual fundraiser (which, by the way, has reached just over 80% of its goal. Meaning that it hasn’t reached about 20% of its goal. A sign of abject rejection to a glass half empty kinda guy. Though I’m not saying I am one. Just that, were I, that’s how I’d be looking at it. Just before I started the piercings. And the cuttings)”

  1. BarrettBrown says:

    Are you sure you should be criticizing Obama this openly? Surely his Brownshirts will be coming for you with their blitzkriegs and their panzers and their luftwaffes and whatnot! YOU HAVE BEEN REPORTED TO THE CENTRAL MARXIST FASCIST COMMIENAZI COMMAND CENTER ALL HAIL GEORGE SOROS AND ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT ZOMG OH SHI-

    Ah, I’ll thrown in a few bucks.

  2. happyfeet says:

    This is the sort of thing that really jacks with the recent comments box I think. Hey. You talked about private school. We hardly ever talk about that here. I think private schooling initiatives are way too under the radar.

  3. Pablo says:

    That’s why we need to fund the boomstick, Barrett.

  4. TmjUtah says:

    Last weekday off work and so full of things to do.

    Going with the tung oil, thanks for the input all who weighed in. Sheathing the garage addition, hopefully I’ll be there when the electrician stops by to laugh at my existing wiring and tell me how much I can’t afford to do about it right now. Clothes to wash. I may cammie up for door duty; the goddesses seem to like it and it scares the hell out of the Nice Young Men for some reason. A twofer!

    Oh, and maybe shopping for future challenges later today. What fun is a thirty year old “rainy day” Visa account if you don’t actually use it for the emergency you bought it for? I’ll settle for Rock River, but I’d rather have Bushmaster since that’s what all my spares are for.

    Jeff, sending a clunk your way first check. And will look for the subscription doohickey if you should be so inclined to install one.

  5. I, on the other hand, have no readers and have never had a fundraiser because I do not pay for hosting.

    Therefore, I insist that you not only repay me what I donated, but also that you send me a good portion of that 80% you have collected.

    In the interest of fairness and hope and change.

  6. N. O'Brain says:

    “I’m white as the inside of Robert Byrd’s linen closet.”

    I’m dying here……

  7. SarahW says:

    I have to go to target to get candy.
    Make the yard safe for visitors, as the location of a former tree became a dangerous depression, and I have to put a zombie in it I think.
    Secure Humble Hall across town,
    Vaccum the front hall which I have managed not to do for an extended period of time
    Dremell those pumpkins
    Get some of those fake candles
    get something easy for dinner
    Decide whether to bring the coffin out.
    A tough day ahead and its half-gone already

  8. SarahW says:

    I can’t remember where the digital camera is, I’m going to get in trouble.
    plus the swedish Koksoffa has stuff all over it that has nowhere else to go.

  9. SarahW says:

    And the eaves over the front stoop need paint but there isn’t enough time. Spiderweb will have to do.

  10. Mr. Pink says:

    How much is this 20% goal anyway?

  11. CPinAZ says:

    Ok, you got me. I want to do my part for the “…celebration of all that is evil”.

  12. alppuccino says:

    I’m hanging a blackfaced Joe Lieberman in effigy, and the Lieberman mannequin will be holding a noose in his hand and on the other end – Michael Steele. Steele’s holding Palin’s noose. It’s kinda like looking into a mirror with a mirror behind you. Only with hanging.

  13. Mr. Pink says:

    You should give out mini oreos to increase the racial harmony involved in your hanging scene. The kids can take turns throwing them at Steele.

  14. alppuccino says:

    God. Mini Oreos would be tough to throw. Now Double-stuff, with those you could probably throw a four-seamer.

  15. alppuccino says:

    You know what I would throw at Obama? Swiss Cake Rolls. Brown on the outside, some white filling, and fun to unravel.

  16. alppuccino says:

    ……that is if I were in the habit of throwing snack cakes at bi-racial politicians. Currently, I’m more into eating them. The snack cakes. Not the politicians. Palin maybe at a frat house.


  17. McGehee says:

    Mini Oreos would be tough to throw.

    Only if you take them out of the package.

  18. Carin says:

    I’ve got to run to the old house and hang an effigy of Biden* (from a noose, of course) from my chimney. I’m thinking, if someone burns my house down later tonight, I won’t have to worry about selling it.


    *cleverly avoiding the whole racist thing, but prolly still pissing of the obamabots.

  19. McGehee says:

    Carin, thanks to O! being the nominee, any unkind opinion spoken about any Democrat is officially racism.

    Hell, any truth spoken about any Democrat is racism, these days.

  20. Tom vG says:

    I thought the only way to lose at tetherball was by actually playing it… yet any reason to blame the Man ok per moi.

  21. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    I thought the only way to lose at tetherball was by actually playing it

    So it’s like a Bizarro World version of global thermonuclear war?

  22. JHoward says:

    Even 80% obviously agrees with you, half-empty guy. You’re gonna be a total rush at 109%, which is to say, capitalism rocks, at least for a few months or so.

    Give, people. Give because it hurts. Although O! is gonna pay me to hire. Even though I’ll close down before either he or I get to that point. Except that I won’t have to worry about gas or house payments. Decision 2008: The Ascendency, a CBS News Special Tonight at 8PM, 4 mountain, midnight pacific.

  23. Tom vG says:

    So it’s like a Bizarro World version of global thermonuclear war?

    Nah; it’s more like being seen at a nightclub with Dennis Kucinich as your “wingman”.

  24. alppuccino says:


    Just tried to throw a pack of Mini Oreos. Accidentally opened it and poured it in my gob. Not throwable.

  25. pdbuttons says:

    projectile vomit?
    would that be considered a throw?
    when i play poker they tell me it’s my ‘tell’
    i’ll see ur records and raise ur taxes

  26. Mike A says:

    C’mon people!! Pony up. That armadillo won’t fill itself with tequila.

    Robert Byrd’s linen closet? Hysterical.

  27. sears poncho says:

    Well, if my last name was Medici, I would, like, really hook you up. You know, patron style. As it stands, have a few cocktails on me, Jeff.

  28. Mr. Pink says:

    SFW by the way.

  29. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    I tried to vote, but the line was so long when I got there that they weren’t letting any more people in.

  30. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    BTW, I’m not going to scream “voter suppresion”. It was clear to me that there were way more people in line than could be served by the stated closing time (in fact, they’d extended their hours once already).

  31. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Or even “voter suppression”. Gah.

  32. Jeff G. says:

    My wife and I never received our mail-in ballots.

    Yay, Colorado!

  33. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    I’m going to be there early Tuesday morning. I will vote — I’ll take a vacation day if necessary.

  34. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Don’t have them available for download, Jeff? How about an absentee ballot?

  35. Jeff G. says:

    Looks like I’ll be stuck at a little over 80%.

    Oh well.

    Off to take the little one Halloween candy shopping, then it’s back home to get the house all decorated.

    Have a happy Halloween. Next year, forced redistribution of candy is a certainty.

  36. Lisa says:

    Perf, you should have taken my advice about the Yanni/John Tesh “thank you” gifts.


    Have a creeptacular Halloween!

  37. happyfeet says:

    That’s not very hopey sounding about the 80%. I would think of it as 100% of your new baseline, but have a happy free enterprisey Halloween. Take pictures. So you can remember what it was like.

  38. BJTexs says:

    Well I finally managed to accumulate some cash pre-redistribution so i nailed the tip jar. Sometimes you can choose to be the solution rather than the problem.

    Now I shall go buy way too much candy and look forward to my wife pointing out that I bought way too much candy while I’m plowing my way through all of the extra candy like a blue whale swimming through plankton.

    Whale being the operative word on many levels.

  39. BJTexs says:

    hf: I nominate you for the position of High Minister at the Bureau of Lowered Expectations. Don’t expect to get hired.

  40. Jim Ryan says:

    Dude, you’re a cutter, too? Or a “long-sleever” as my wife likes to call us.

  41. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    Well, how about this for a cute little something. My three year old daughter is going trick or treating as a princess (what else) and she told me with the biggest sweetest smile, while holding my hands with hers, that I was her Prince Charming. The tears welled up quickly and I just held her in my arms telling her thank you. For a second there I forgot about what the future holds for all of us come next Tuesday. Anyhow, Happy Halloween to Jeff and to all. Enjoy.

  42. ducktrapper says:

    No, McCain Spokesperson who is not allowed to say, I don’t know a single person either. Maybe you could ask someone who is allowed to say, whom Mr. Goldfarb could have been thinking of?
    W-R-I-G-H-T! C-N-N! I-D-I-O-T-S!

  43. Mossberg500 says:

    Jeff, better pick up a Barack O’Lantern! Jack O’Lanterns are racist!!!

  44. Mr. Pink says:

    Well I donated 25 bucks. I hope you buy some swordfish with it. LOL

  45. slackjawedyokel says:

    You would have your fundraiser at the exact same time that Natchez Shooters Supply has a really great sale on 5.56mm.

    I can do without a couple of extra boxes of ammo. Can’t do without Protein Wisdom.

  46. Silver Whistle says:

    My 10 year old son is going as Achmed the Dead Terrorist. Kids, huh?

  47. Mossberg500 says:

    My 10 year old son is going as Achmed the Dead Terrorist. Kids, huh?

    I kill you!

    The scariest thing is Obama’s ever lowering threshold for his tax cuts, as Bill Richardson tells it.

  48. Mossberg500 says:

    Jeff, the links keep bombing out!

  49. Rusty says:

    Lookit, Goldstein, I’m a little strapped for cash right now, but I’ve got a couple of hundred pounds of stainless steel bolts. They’re yours. Just say the word.

  50. Jeff G. says:

    Weird. Dunno why that is, Mossberg500.

    Anyway, I’ve been told that ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, et al had better LOOK OUT! Because the NEW, WILD, CUTTING EDGE STRAIGHT-TALKING MEDIA OF THE LITTLE GUY IS COMING!

    Featuring media newcomer Hugh Hewitt, Time’s first ever Blog of Year Powerline, and Glenn Reynolds, of a site with little exposure called Instapundit.

    PUNK ROCK, people!

  51. happyfeet says:

    I think before that I’d look for traffic to U.K. and Australian sites to continue to eat into our lame socialist MSM ones.

  52. happyfeet says:

    oh. And I think Power Line is two words. I’ve gotten tripped up on that before. Hey did you hear they gots their own tv show?

  53. Mossberg500 says:

    Weird. Dunno why that is, Mossberg500.

    Probably just my un-mad html skilz. It was OT anyway. Spooky

  54. Mossberg500 says:

    Maybe I should just stick to handing out candy tonight! [stuffs mini Milky Way in mouth]

  55. SteveG says:

    You need to move the PW fundraising machine offshore before next tax season… like yesterday my friend.

    Stop asking for the three digit numbers at the end of the credit card… or for a name that matches the card… or for an address… or for a phone number…

    What kind of joooooooooooo are you? I mean really. You are totally fucking up the stereotype.
    There’s old guys in Miami who make more money than this every morning in the time it takes them to find, much less apply, the Preparation H.

    Why does PrepH come in a toothpaste tube by the way?

  56. TmjUtah says:

    That reminds me of a really funny story how I shattered the windows in my living room whistling for the dog, but it’s really just too long to go here.

    We’re giving super balls for Halloween, vice candy. Yep. It’s a new, healthy, world. Let’s do things that are good for people.

    I believe I mentioned there was a bit of political tension here, didn’t I?

    Tung oil looks bitchin’. Can’t wait to hit it with the four oh steel wool tomorrow and put the second coat on. I didn’t buy the backup EBR, so I will pitch in again before Monday.


  57. SarahW says:

    Best Halloween evah, in terms of staging and weather. Not enough kids, though.
    I have two boxes of full-sizers left over and three bags of “emergency” little candy. I guess the locals are aging out of trick-or-treating.

    Ooh, you should have seen mah foggy graveyard with ghoulish noises. I had my coffin from the John Adams miniseries sale set up with a monster in the box. And skeletons and spiders and every good thing.

  58. happyfeet says:

    I saw a little kid in a sad used-looking some kind of starwars getup. Like he got it awhile ago and wears it every day. He had a mask on. I was glad I couldn’t see his eyes really. It was in the elevator at work. I got the idea that daddy does not live with mommy and was picking up the kid for trick or treating cause it was his turn. My Halloweens when I was little were different. Mostly I remember mom lighting lots and lots of candles and after we did our own trick or treating thing we would go home and dad would start bitching about the people from the other side of town that would hit up our side of town. They tended to not be exactly our same ethnicity and I remember getting anxious dad would turn out the light before the candy was gone so I would start giving bigger and bigger handfuls as it got later and all our own neighbor kids had come by and then the candy was gone and I’d say candy’s gone and turn out the light myself.

  59. guinsPen says:

    Why does PrepH come in a toothpaste tube by the way?

    How the hell else am I going to get it on my toothbrush?

  60. happyfeet says:

    I need to take my sleeping pills but I don’t want to miss my October Surprise.

  61. irongrampa says:

    I’m giving candy to anyone who successfully negotiates the minefield.

  62. pdbuttons says:

    after my p-daddy shot my slut-mommy[s-mimzy]
    i’d wear her blood styly like..
    then we’d go to the nearest casino and bet ‘red’..
    always red-that was p-daddys rule…
    kidz gotta have rules

  63. pdbuttons says:

    i used to hate the big chocalate bunny
    not for the size
    but the emptiness within..
    can i get a witness?

  64. MAJ (P) John says:

    #64. I did that once. No candy awaited, however….

    Actually, this may be the first Halloween I have not had a single piece of candy. Dang. I don’t like being stuck in Kuwait…

  65. mojo says:

    Of course, an Engineer would tell you that the glass had double the required 10% safety factor. Then he’d give the joke away by cracking up. Those guys are like that. Trust me.

  66. lunarpuff says:

    I got nothin’, but I do promise to contribute as soon as I get that paycheck thing going again.

    I really wish I could do more right now.

    PS. Sorry for the drunken posts the other night. I feel bad about that. I was suffering from a severe self pity thing…

  67. SarahW says:

    Maj John I don’t guess chocolate travels all that well to Kuwait? Because my leftover candy needs a good home…

  68. SarahW says:

    We get November surprises at my house. It’s a month of unease.

  69. alppuccino says:

    Dang. I don’t like being stuck in Kuwait…

    You probably should have thought about staying in school Maj John.

  70. MAJ (P) John says:

    alp – 9 years of college was enough. A fistful of degrees, and a (mercifully) manageable amount of debt later, I got a job.

    SarahW – I should be home in a week, so there will be some Kit Kats or such still at home. My kids have made a big show of self-restraint at saving some for me. Bless ’em.

  71. Ooh, you should have seen mah foggy graveyard with ghoulish noises.

    ha ha, yeah, one guy told me, “I love the tape… We’ve got some stuff at my place, I need to get a fog machine.” I felt bad telling him that, the caution tape was really from where the city had worked on the city line. let’s just say it was some really pricey decor.

  72. that should be “sewer line”

  73. happyfeet says:

    not sewerline

  74. B Moe says:

    My Halloweens when I was little were different.

    Halloween is kind of bitterweet for me these days if I dwell on it. I was a kid in rural appalachia, trick or treat was like two dozen houses. But they were all country folk who we knew well, and their weren’t many kids, so the candy was almost all home-made and fucking rocking. Like real caramel apples and big huge pieces of home-made fudge and shit.

    I can remember being ten or so and starting to hear the stories of people in towns putting razor blades in apples and such and wondering why people didn’t understand the difference between pretend scary and the real thing.

  75. Darleen says:


    We didn’t have as many kidlets either, but I think it was because it was a Friday night and standing outside I could hear parties going on up and down the street.

    I get a lot more t/or/t kids when Halloween falls on a school night.

    I gotta jazz up my cemetary next year… my neighbors turn on every light on their front porch and it washes out my blacklit tombstones. Hmmm… must add fog machine too (or get a pellet gun and shoot out the lights next door)

  76. Bob Reed says:

    80% so far,eh?…I’m impressed…

    I mean, because unless you’re a member of the far left, the ones that enjoy paying more taxes…
    Then in the world according to O!, you’re just selfish!, you know…?

    Of course, the fact that O!s let both his venerated auntie, made famous in his book-that made him millions, as well as his much beloved hut living cousin, live in a destitute fashion has nothing, Nothing!, to do with his compassion or largesse…

    He don’t believe in giving out his money, just ours…And anyone who doesn’t like it is selfish! and possibly a RAAAAAACIST!

  77. Darleen says:

    Best quote yet on Barry’s economic policies and constantly falling redefinition of “rich”

    “When it comes to the economy, Obama can see the Soviet Union from his house.”

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