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November 2024


When is “choice” a dirty word

From the AP:

Connecticut and 12 other states are protesting a proposed Bush administration rule that would give stronger job protections to doctors and other health care workers who refuse to participate in abortions because of religious or moral objections.

The attorneys general of 13 states sent a letter Wednesday to the Department of Health and Human Services, protesting that the rule is too vague.

The proposed rule would require as many as 584,000 employers to certify in writing that they are complying with several federal laws that protect the conscience rights of health care workers.

Other states protesting the rule are Arizona, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Montana, New Jersey, Oregon, Rhode Island, Utah and Vermont.

Notes Terry H via email:

A woman’s right to terminate a viable fetus was federally sanctioned under an expansive interpretation of privacy rights.

Does this also grant the same woman the right to force a medical professional to terminate this fetus if the professional is opposed to the taking of a viable life? Is choice the exclusive franchise of women?

Perhaps this is another illustration of how language is shaped to enforce an ideological construct. Choice is good so long as it is confined within a predetermined set of outcomes. All other choices are, by definition, bad.

Of course, the rebuttal most often heard to arguments like these are that medical professionals, by virtue of having chosen that profession, are beholden to both patients and to their oath.

But implicit in that argument is that the “do no harm” portion of their oath applies, in most abortion cases (bracketing here for the moment cases of rape, incest, or danger to the mother) more to a woman’s mental comfort than to the life of what these particular doctors consider a living being.

Surely the argument cannot be made that one cannot follow a particular religion — and believe in its precepts — and not go into medicine, otherwise we are now discriminating on the basis of religion. And surely we cannot considered the question of what constitutes “life” ontologically settled, no matter how certain the courts declare themselves to be on the matter.

Here again, the free-market approach works best — there is certainly no shortage of doctors willing to perform elective procedures — and litigation only becomes a factor once some ideologue tries to foist onto others a peculiar idea of entitlement based around a very fraught idea of what constitutes life, and whose “rights” take precedence.

The irony being, that for all the supposed fear expressed by people like Naomi Wolf over how the election of McCain / Palin augurs the coming of the world of A Handmaid’s Tale (as will be ushered in by Evita Palin, the Stepford candidate), it is people of Wolf’s political bent who are insistent upon forcing upon others their own particular moralities — usually through the courts.

Meanwhile, theocrats like Gov Palin veto Republican bills denying same-sex partnership rights — and for their trouble, they are painted as religious whackjobs.

The hypocrisy of the secular elites never ceases to amaze, does it?

91 Replies to “When is “choice” a dirty word”

  1. Rob Crawford says:

    I’m pretty sure no doctors take the Hippocratic Oath anymore. Particularly since it includes a clause forbidding abortion.

  2. scooter (still not libby) says:

    The hypocrisy of the secular elites never ceases to amaze, does it?

    It continues to amaze but fails to surprise anymore, sadly.

  3. Bob Reed says:

    Just as a carpenter can choose to do cabinetry but no rough framing, and a mechanic can choose to work on Hummers but not Toyota’s, so too can a doctor choose to treat women as an oby/gyn while choosing not to perform abortions.

    The left, who relish telling folks how to conduct their lives, will try to cast this as discriminatory-or in lieu of that- the reactionary malpractice of religious zealot’s; just as they may choose to deal with green companies only or with satisfactorily diverse organizations the bottom line is that it is simply exercising one’s freedom of choice !

    As long as the doctors are cool with the effects of the choice on their practices, then it’s no one else’s business.

    Until of course, O! is elected (God Forbid!), and freedom of choice is outlawed…

  4. DarthRove says:

    So is Mrs. Darth, who did take the Hippocratic Oath and is a woman, allowed to “choose” not to kill a baby if her patient “chooses” to do so? Or would Mrs. Darth be forced to do what the patient wants, despite her womynness and choosiness?

    Mrs. Darth has been in this situation and sent the abortion seeker elsewhere, with all of the wailing, rending of garments, and gnashing of teeth expected.

  5. happyfeet says:

    This is same as card check I think. Just getting people with the program as efficiently as possible. Fine, whatever, you don’t have to work here then. But still, people who don’t believe in the aborting of the babies shouldn’t be clocking in to fill a support role for people who do, just like people who don’t like media bias shouldn’t be subscribing to cable sans ala carte pricing. Most people are happy to be part of the problem as long as they still get to bitch about it.

  6. SarahW says:

    And if anyone wanted to go in there and fix the tag in that comment, that would be cool.

    Otherwise ignore me today.

  7. thor says:

    That Socratic oath!

    Fire all doctors who don’t want to provide healthcare to patients. Let them bake pies for a dollar.

  8. Jeff G. says:

    Why not try something other than kneejerk contrarianism, thor. I mean, it’s alright for a doctor to refuse to perform plastic surgery if s/he feels the patient is getting obsessed. But it’s not okay to refuse to perform an abortion if s/he believes that doing so in an elective procedure goes against their personal moral beliefs.


  9. mellow-drama says:

    I love that veto of Sarah Palin’s. NOT because it means she’s for same-sex partner benefits (she isn’t, which is too bad) but because she said that the bill itself violated the Alaska Constitution. Even though she was FOR it, she didn’t sign it because she thought it violated the law.

    Wish more of our elected leaders could think and act that clearly.

  10. mellow-drama says:

    Jeff, don’t be ridiculous. We can’t possibly trust doctors to make subjective determinations like that! It’s not like they’re highly educated and highly trained, smart, professional people or something.

  11. MrJimm says:

    All right, here’s how we fight back against this crazy idea: Ask a liberal what he or she would do if someone in a KKK costume walked into their business and demanded to be served. Or worse yet, a Rethuglican? Would they provide service to this person? What if the laws they are pushing so hard for right now FORCED them to provide service?

    Think they’d break the law in a case like that? Of course! They’d stand up for their rights! Sit down strikes! Ghandi-esque strategies galore!

    Then, what is the difference, you ask them?

    The best solution is, as usual, the easiest. Leave it up to each individual to make up his or here own mind on who to serve, who to hire (BTW, you like affirmative action? What if it forced you to hire a KKK Grand Keagle or something? Hmmm?).

    The problem is they’re asking the wrong question. They THINK they’re asking if it’s OK for the government to force people to serve the kinds of people they like and support. What they’re really asking for is if it’s OK to give the government the power to FORCE you to serve somebody you don’t like or support.

  12. Rob Crawford says:

    All right, here’s how we fight back against this crazy idea: Ask a liberal what he or she would do if someone in a KKK costume walked into their business and demanded to be served. Or worse yet, a Rethuglican? Would they provide service to this person? What if the laws they are pushing so hard for right now FORCED them to provide service?

    ISTR a story from relatively recent — maybe two, three years ago — of a lefty refusing to serve someone at a university book coop because they were wearing a pro-Israel shirt.

  13. DarthRove says:

    That’s OK, too many people are used to treating doctors like meat mechanics (gimme a damn CAT scan! I got the Medicaid insurance! And hurry up, bitch!). Funny, though, how “I have a right to health care” translates to “Hey, slave Doctor Bitch! Do what I tell you or I’ll sue!”

  14. thor says:

    Comment by Jeff G. on 9/24 @ 12:00 pm #

    Why not try something other than kneejerk contrarianism, thor. I mean, it’s alright for a doctor to refuse to perform plastic surgery if s/he feels the patient is getting obsessed. But it’s not okay to refuse to perform an abortion if s/he believes that doing so in an elective procedure goes against their personal moral beliefs.


    Have you ever seen a surgeon replace a hip? Their telling jokes, bone chips are flying off the bone saw, a rubber hammer is used to jam the artificial joint in. It’s like watching a butcher!

    If they’re busy thinking about God while elbow deep into a twat, I find it hard to believe, frankly.

    I also think employee and employer could work this out without all the public drama, franklier.

  15. Pablo says:

    So is Mrs. Darth, who did take the Hippocratic Oath and is a woman, allowed to “choose” not to kill a baby if her patient “chooses” to do so? Or would Mrs. Darth be forced to do what the patient wants, despite her womynness and choosiness?

    She’d be inauthentic, Darth, and not really a woman. Real women kill babies.

  16. mellow-drama says:

    thor, that’s pretty disingenuous. Whether they’re “thinking about God” at the moment or not, they still have convictions about right and wrong. Replacing a hip is not the same as scraping out a baby. As you obviously know.

  17. thor says:

    Not really, m-d, what’s next, white doctors that won’t work on blacks based on their beliefs? Oh wait, we’ve already seen that. Vets that won’t work on cats?

    Skin, bone and flesh are pretty much the field of play for doctors. Take to the field, good doctor!

    I think this is a very, very small percent of docs, and very unprofessional ones in my opinion.

  18. Rob Crawford says:

    Not really, m-d, what’s next, white doctors that won’t work on blacks based on their beliefs? Oh wait, we’ve already seen that.

    And that has what to do with a doctor’s choice not to perform an act that individual views as murder?

  19. Sdferr says:

    I got to know an OB/GYN student in the early seventies whose blithe personal motto was “You rape ’em, we scrape ’em, no fetus, can beat us.” He’s likely been working at it for the last 34 years.

  20. cranky-d says:


    If you don’t follow the progressive agenda to the hilt, you’re a racist.

  21. MC says:

    You must kill my baby! CHOICEIST!

  22. Jeff G. says:

    Thor: Doctors who believe the elective murder of a child is something they shouldn’t be compelled to do = Dr David Duke refusing to give mouth to mouth to a man he views as a dirty porch monkey.

    Must be that “new math.”

  23. Joel says:

    Uppity doctors. Choice means doing as you’re damn well told!

  24. TomB says:

    Have you ever seen a surgeon replace a hip? Their telling jokes, bone chips are flying off the bone saw, a rubber hammer is used to jam the artificial joint in. It’s like watching a butcher!

    You mean every one?!

    Tell me, thor, when did you attend a hip replacement? Or did you just see one on TV?

  25. McGehee says:

    He used to be a hip replacement surgeon. Before he became a clown whose words we do not hear.

    I think he’s going to stick with the clown thing though. If we can just get the hang of the “not hearing his words” part.

  26. Log Cabin says:

    My partner and I are fostering a troubled teen. He is a major pain in the ass during discussions, saying the most disruptive, obnoxious things in order to provoke a reaction. That is, until my Psychologist sister told me to COMPLETELY ignore him until he speaks in a civil manner. She believes that for some very immature individuals, negative attention is as acceptable as positive attention, as long as the immature individual is the CENTER of attention. They are all about disruption, not the sharing and debating of ideas.

    Do y’all feel me here?

  27. cranky-d says:

    The question is, LC, does that work for you?

  28. cranky-d says:

    BTW, some children only get attention when they go negative, so they learn that to get attention that’s what they have to do. Almost all humans need attention from others, and if they cannot get good attention, they will take the bad.

  29. Log Cabin says:

    Well, it certainly seems to be working, although he is much quieter than usual lately. Hmmm, that could be bad, better check and see what he is up to…

  30. TomB says:

    Do y’all feel me here?

    Yea, but that only works with human beings.

  31. B Moe says:

    Funny, though, how “I have a right to health care” translates to “Hey, slave Doctor Bitch! Do what I tell you or I’ll sue!”

    That is literally what it translates to. The only way you can have a right to the service of another is for that other to be in servitude to you.

    Have you ever seen a surgeon replace a hip? Their telling jokes, bone chips are flying off the bone saw, a rubber hammer is used to jam the artificial joint in. It’s like watching a butcher!

    So now thor is a surgeon? Was this before or after your Wall Street career?

  32. Mikey NTH says:

    #31 BMoe:

    In between the flying career. Or was the the deep sea diving career. I forget.

  33. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Wouldn’t it be cool if all of thor’s daddy’s money was in investments that wound up being worthless?

    No, actually, it wouldn’t, because that would hurt lots of non-thor people.

    It would, however, provide a tasty bit of schadenfreude. We must seize whatever morsels of comfort we can in these difficult times.

  34. ironpacker says:

    Actualy, I have attended a hip replacement operation. Of course, I was the patient and unconcious at the time, so I guess it doesn’t really count.

  35. thor says:

    Comment by B Moe on 9/24 @ 4:28 pm #

    Have you ever seen a surgeon replace a hip? Their telling jokes, bone chips are flying off the bone saw, a rubber hammer is used to jam the artificial joint in. It’s like watching a butcher!

    So now thor is a surgeon? Was this before or after your Wall Street career?

    Whoever said I was a surgeon? I didn’t. Ability to read prohibits your entry into the profession, hmm.

    They used to show the unedited surgery surgeon-in-training videos on TV about ten years ago. What? Am I the only one that watched ’em? They used to get complaints because, yes, if your tummy-tum wasn’t ready for raw muscle, meat and bones flying then it was a little unsettling, to say the least. Hell yes, they showed a full child squirt! Let the fluids hit the floor! Squish! Squirt! Splat! I bet they have to wear rubber soled shoes in a baby squirt session. Fluids! Everywhere!

  36. whore says:

    Whoevah said ah was a surgeon? ah didn’t. Ability t’read prohibits yer intry into th’ professhun, hmm, dawgone it. They used t’show th’ unedited surgery surgeon-in-trainin’ videos on TV about ten years ago. Whut in tarnation? Am ah th’ only one thet watched ‘em? They used t’git complaints on account o’, yessuh, eff’n yer tummah-tum wasn’t ready fo’ raw mooscle, meat an’ bones flyin’ then it was a li’l unsettlin’, t’say th’ least. Hell yessuh, they showed a full chile squirt! Fry mah hide! Let th’ fluids hit th’ flore! Fry mah hide! Squish! Fry mah hide! Squirt! Fry mah hide! Splat! Fry mah hide! ah bet they hafta wears rubber soled shoes in a baby squirt sesshun. Fluids! Ev’rywhar! Fry mah hide!

  37. Diana says:

    thor was on Wall Street?

    Well … that explains everything.

  38. Education Guy says:

    If a doctor agreed to perform an abortion, and instead delivered a baby, would he be liable for a malpractice suit? What would the parental obligations be to the born child?

    I find this situation a little more clear cut than the case discussed a year or so back regarding the pharmacists who refuse to carry morning after pills, as in this case the doctor needs to actually be involved in the ending of the life of the fetus. I think the active component makes all the difference, and as such doctors need to be allowed to opt out of performing this type of procedure. YMMV.

  39. whore says:

    thor was on Wall Street?

    thor’s alleged “forex” prowess is as credible as the rest of his empty, impotent, piteous braggadocio.

    Sad, lonely little boy, he is.

  40. McGehee says:

    thor was on Wall Street?

    If the gutter counts.

  41. thor says:

    Comment by whore on 9/24 @ 6:59 pm #

    thor was on Wall Street?

    thor’s alleged “forex” prowess is as credible as the rest of his empty, impotent, piteous braggadocio.

    Sad, lonely little boy, he is.

    Awww, and look who works as a whore!

    Spies and I both used to work on the street, me on Wall Street, Spies on Martin Luther King Boulevard and 22nd Ave.. Hahaha.

    Look at him, nishi and I make him so mad his pee burns when he urinates and the curb. Spies has been driven mad, driven to hick-talk sockpuppetry!

    Tan mah hide!

  42. thor says:

    and = on

  43. whore says:

    Awww, an’ look who wawks as a who’e! Spies an’ ah both used t’wawk on th’ street, me on Wall Street, Spies on Martin Luther Kin’ Boulevard an’ 22nd Ave.. Hahaha. Look at him, nishowdy-doo an’ ah make him so mad as a weasel in a blender his pee burns when he urinates an’ th’ curb. Well bust mah britches an’ call me streaker. Spies has been driven mad, driven t’hick-talk sockpuppetry! Fry mah hide! Tan mah hide!

  44. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    That’s nice, thor.

    Wrong, but nice.

    How much of daddykins money did you lose today, boy?

  45. thor says:

    I had only one year where my bonus was (almost 500, but not quite actually since ttey subtracted my error trades) $500K. Shit, but that was back in the days when the dollar was worth something.

    Hahaha. Money! God-as-Money! Wooo, wooo! Wall Street! Bloombergs! Two-screens! Burning down the house of Yield! Pre-sale order! Hot issue! Mark it up!

  46. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    I had only one year where my bonus was (almost 500, but not quite actually since ttey subtracted my error trades) $500K.

    Sure you did, BOY.

    We all believe you. Really.

  47. Diana says:

    thor’s a bore. It’s poetic justice.

  48. Spies, Whores and Brigades says:

    Sad, lonely little boy.

  49. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Oh, look. The little BOY has started plagiarizing now.

    Sad, lonely little BOY.

  50. Spies, Whores and Brigades says:

    Comment by Spies, Brigands, and Pirates on 9/24 @ 7:23 pm #

    I had only one year where my bonus was (almost 500, but not quite actually since ttey subtracted my error trades) $500K.

    Sure you did, BOY.

    We all believe you. Really.

    If the I.R.S only had your attitude.

    I paid more in taxes than you make a year. Huge taxes!


  51. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    If the I.R.S only had your attitude.

    Yes, and you fuck supermodels, and have a 11″ cock.

    What’s wrong, BOY? I already told you that we believe you.

    Now, go call your daddy and tell him about all the money you lost today. I’m sure he’ll send his little BOY a mid-month bailout, as usual.

  52. thor says:

    Tonight Bush, like Spies, flopped.

    The Bush/Cheney manufactured mortgage-backed bond crisis.

    This whole thing is a fuckin’ joke.

  53. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Whatever you say, BOY.

    But he’s still President of the United States, the most powerful MAN in the world, and you’re still a BOY who spends his days arguing with bots.

  54. thor says:

    I live in a upscale neighborhood. Dolphins swim up to my cabana and do tricks for lobster tossins.

    Hahaha. Are you jealous? If it makes you feel better I don’t make as much money nowadays.

    I’m off to get a new fishing pole before WalMart closes. Buh-bye, Spies.

  55. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    I live in a upscale neighborhood.

    Sure you do, BOY.

    You live in some shitty duplex in Opa-Locka and get all your groceries delivered because you’re afraid to go outside ’cause of those scary brown people.

  56. ThomasD says:

    I also think employee and employer could work this out without all the public drama, franklier.

    Patient (aka Employer): I want an abortion.
    Doctor (aka Employee): Fine, you can have one, just not from me.
    Patient: You’re fired.
    doctor: Um yeah, technically speaking you can’t fire me since I already quit.

  57. Nazdar says:

    Doctor: Sorry, my principles don’t permit me to perform abortions.
    Patient: Your principles don’t matter when they deny me what I want.
    Doctor: Okay, my principles are negotiable.

    Anybody really want to be that doctor’s patient?

  58. Rob Crawford says:

    Comment by Spies, Whores and Brigades on 9/24 @ 7:26 pm

    You just can’t stop it, can you thor? Trying to pose as one of the other commentors, again? At least this time you changed the name a bit more, unlike when you commented under my exact name.

    You’re a fraud, thor. A wimpy little pussy who thinks being an ass online makes you a man.

  59. thor says:

    I stole your name and sullied each and every orange letter!

    Get a life, you rodeo saddle sniffer.

  60. happyfeet says:


  61. Mark A. Flacy says:

    Jesus H. Christ, can we have ONE, just ONE fucking thread around here that isn’t “All about thor” or “All about Nishi”?

    Thor is a motherfucking blog cockroach and you dickheads shower him with the food he craves every time he shits on a thread.

    Nishi is a slightly different species of motherfucking blog cockroach and you dickheads shower her with the food she craves every time she shits on a thread.

    I’d prefer not to wade through cockroach shit to find the interesting and useful posts around here, if you don’t mind.

    Please ignore the blog cockroaches. That’s boric acid to them.

  62. MAJ (P) John says:


    I suggested such some time back. A little less, uh, forcefully perhaps.

  63. thor says:

    And that’s why you got spanked. You know who likes a political echo chamber, Maj. John? Vladimir Putin. Maybe you’re fighting for the wrong country. Russian soldiers don’t make near the money you make, I’ll be honest, but you can certainly fight for the force of quelled debate once you’re a Russkiye soldat.

    What we have here is feigned moral and intellectual superiority. Spies, Pablo, Robbie, O’Brain and a few other of the low-IQ hecklers, they’re not the smart ones here at PW. Nooo, not smart, dumber than Styrofoam packing actually.

    The world isn’t full of too many assholes, noooo, nor too many hippie anarchists. There’s a shortage
    of grown-ups, the tall people who don’t whisper “ignore the new kid” and giggle while hanging upside down on the monkey bars.

    Consider me as a “perestroika coordinator” here on PW. Or maybe I’m that hippie who announces “we put this festival on you bastards, with a lot of love, we worked for one year for you pigs, and you want to break our walls down, you want to fuckin’ destroy us? Well you go to hell!” at the beginning of Oasis’s Fuckin In The Bushes.

    Regardless, not important, really it’s not, because I’m here on PW to open heads, to make it safe to think or, if you prefer, to mock you into shame, to hang you like a snake on a swinging meat locker hook. Whichevah!

    Back to the endless joy of music, your inflatible Veep wanna-be, Sister Palin, I believe she met with Bono today in New York. Elevation is as Boner says/sang: We’re One, we get to carry each other!

    One love
    One blood
    One life
    You got to do what you should
    One life
    With each other

    Push-ups until I hear it, soldier.

  64. whore says:

    An’ thet’s whuffo’ yo’ got spanked, cuss it all t’ tarnation. Yo’ knows who likes a political echo chamber, Maj. John-Boy? Vladimir Putin, as enny fool kin plainly see. Mebbe yo’’re fightin’ fo’ th’ wrong country. Russian soldiers don’t make near th’ money yo’ make, I’ll be honest, but yo’ kin sartinly fight fo’ th’ fo’ce of quelled debate once yo’’re a Russkiye soldat. Whut in tarnation we haf har is feigned mo’al an’ intelleckual superio’ity. Spies, Pablo, Billy Bob, O’Brain an’ a few other of th’ low-IQ hecklers, they’re not th’ smart ones hyar at PW. Nooo, not smart, dumber than Styrofoam packin’ acshully. Th’ wo’ld isn’t full of too menny assholes, noooo, no’ too menny hippie anarchists. Thar’s a sho’tage of grown-ups, th’ tall varmints who don’t whisper “igno’e th’ noo kid” an’ giggle while hangin’ upside down on th’ monkey bars. Consider me as a “perestroika coredinato’” hyar on PW. Or mebbe I’m thet hippie who announces “we put this hyar festival on yo’ bastards, wif a lot of love, we wawked fo’ one year fo’ yo’ pigs, an’ yer hankerin’ t’bust our walls down, yer hankerin’ t’fuckin’ destroy us? Wal yo’ hoof it to hell! Fry mah hide!” at th’ beginnin’ of Oasis’s Fuckin In Th’ Bushes. Regardless, not impo’tant, pow’ful it’s not, on account o’ I’m hyar on PW t’open haids, t’make it safe t’reckon o’, eff’n yo’ prefer, t’mock yo’ into shame, t’hang yo’ like a snake on a swin’in’ meat locker hook. Shet mah mouth! Whichevah! Fry mah hide! Back t’th’ endless joy of moosic, yer inflatible Veep wanna-be, Sister Palin, ah believe she met wif Bono today in Noo Yawk. Elevashun is as Boner says/sang: We’re One, we git t’carry etch other! Fry mah hide! One love One blood One life Yo’ gotta does whut yo’ sh’d One life Wif etch other Sisters Brothers One Push-ups until ah hear it, soldier.

  65. tthor says:

    I think I’m going to start a double penetration youth league here on PW.

  66. whore says:

    ah reckon I’m a-gonna start a double penetrashun yo’th league hyar on PW.

  67. B Moe says:

    What we have here is feigned moral and intellectual superiority.

    Coffee out the nose fucking burns.

  68. thor says:

    Comment by Spies, Brigan’s, an’ Pirates on 9/24 @ 4:58 pm #

    W’dn’t it be right fine eff’n all of tho’’s Pappy’s money was in investments thet woun’ up bein’ wo’thless?

    No, acshully, it’dn’t, on account o’ thet’d hurt lotsa non-tho’ varmints.

    It’d, howevah, provide a tasty bit of schadenfreude. We muss seize whutevah mo’sels of comfo’t we kin in these difficult times.

  69. Spies, Whores and Pirates says:

    Yo’ mean yo’ ain’t noticed yer a insultin’ weasel-fuck?

  70. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Aren’t you up kinda early, BOY?

    What’s wrong? Worried about what daddy’s going to say when you call him begging for a handout again?

  71. Spies, Whores and Pirates says:

    Comment by Spies, Brigan’s, an’ Pirates on 9/25 @ 5:07 is #

    Aren’t yo’ up kinda early, BOY?

    Whut in tarnation’s wrong? Wo’ried about whut Pappy’s a-gonna say when yo’ call him beggin’ fo’ a han’out agin?

  72. Patrick Chester says:

    Aww, isn’t it cute? The thought of people ignoring thor brings up a shrill rant that boils down to: “NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Pay attention to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee….”

    Perhaps people who bother directly responding to it might want to think about that.

  73. Whore Chester says:

    Aww, isn’t it cute? Th’ thunk of varmints igno’in’ tho’ brin’s up a shrill rant thet boils down to: “NOOOOOOOOOOO! Fry mah hide!! Fry mah hide!! Fry mah hide! Pay attenshun t’meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee….”

    Perhaps varmints who bother direckly respondin’ t’it might be hankerin’ t’reckon about thet.

  74. happyfeet says:

    If I were a blogger person at first I would be happy when my posts got many comments but laters I would probably be more like how much discussion did my posts generate and sometimes when I looked and saw that they weren’t talking about my stuff at all I would be kind of bummed out I think. But I’m just a commenter person and abortion is not on my radar hardly ever but I think it’s surprising sometimes to engage stuff like this and just spend some time with ideas I wouldn’t usually.

  75. thor says:

    Consider, Chester, acting less like a tormented stupid-fuck who touts “shut up!” and “ignore!” or the classic “don’t feed the trolls!”

    Consider, Chester, ackin’ less like a to’mented stoopid-fuck who touts “shet up! Fry mah hide!” an’ “igno’e!” o’ th’ classic “doesn’t feed th’ trolls!”

    Onsidercay, Esterchay, actingyay esslay ikelay ayay ormentedtay upid-fuckstay owhay outtay “utshay upyay!” andyay “ignoreyay!” oryay ethay assicclay “on’tday eedfay ethay ollstray!”

  76. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Once again, thor proves that he’s a derivative poseur with no originality whatsoever.

    Trivial little BOY, isn’t he?

    So, BOY. Got anything besides copying your betters?

    Didn’t think so, BOY.

  77. thor says:

    At one point, I think anyway, the question arises as to what kind of stupid-fuck follows other persons around on a message board and uses a dialectizer on their posts as if it was a high form of humor. You’d think a man claiming to be engaged in the work of creating literature might be able to form his own words, I mean, can’t you even craft your own harassment, Spies?

    It seems someone he’s officially lost his head. But it’s what we’ve come to expect from Spies, a man tormented by nishi spurning his prior sexual advances, a committed r-winger and habitual liar.

    I’m off to test my new Shakespear fishing rod, which is an ironic name for a fishing rod manufacturer seeing how illiterate hicks love fishing more than masturbating.

    Buh-bye, Spies.

    At one point, ah reckon ennyway, th’ quesshun arises as t’whut kind of stoopid-fuck follers other varmints aroun’ on a message board an’ uses a dialeckizer on their posts as eff’n it was a high fo’m of hoomah. Yo’d reckon a man claimin’ t’be ingaged in th’ wawk of creatin’ literature might be able t’fo’m his own wo’ds, ah mean, kin’t yo’ even craf’ yer own hareessment, Spies?

    It seems someone he’s officially lost his haid. But it’s whut we’ve come t’speck fum Spies, a man to’mented by nishowdy-doo spurnin’ his prio’ sexual advances, a committed r-winger an’ habitual liar.

    ah’s off t’tess mah noo Shakespear fishin’ rod, which is an ironic name fo’ a fishin’ rod manufackurer seein’ how illiterate hicks love fishin’ mo’e than masturbatin’.

    Buh-goo’bye, Spies.


    Morning, Happy.

  78. Patrick Chester says:

    Yep. Pegged it. The little creature is… shrilly worried about being ignored and is now flinging insults designed to get an angry response.

    Back to scroll-over territory it goes.

  79. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    No response, BOY?

    Well, I’m off to make a positive difference in the world.

    Have fun sitting around your shitbox duplex in your bathrobe, screaming POOPY! at the the top of your lungs while your intellectual, physical, spiritual, genetic, moral, social, and literary superiors are trying to have an adult conversation.

    Have a nice day, BOY.

  80. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Oh, I see the BOY did respond with his standard jejune insults.

    Enjoy your fishing expedition there in Opa-locka, BOY. I hear them-there brown trout is good eatin’.

  81. happyfeet says:

    Good morning, thor. I have to get to work and NPR was too Romper Room propagandy this morning so I have no idea if there’s any news of which I ought be apprised. And that’s o.k.

  82. Slartibartfast says:

    Jesus. Can’t I leave you kids alone for just a few minutes?

    Please: DO NOT FEED THE FUCKING IDIOT TROLLS. I’m begging you.

  83. happyfeet says:

    okay. Hey guess what… NG is gone for two days so that means I get to be productive and I won’t maybe have to work so much this weekend. That’ll be nice cause I need to do laundry. But it’s just a stopgap thinger. I need Baracky and Harry and Nancy to shut up and fix the economy so I can have a nice job market next spring so I can have a more better sandbox to play in I think. At least I want to look. What I decided last night was I don’t have any reason not to trust this Paulson guy, he seems to know a thing or two about monies anyway, so what’s say we just let him handle it I think. It’s actually really stand up of the guy to take this on his shoulders. It’s not his fault he looks like a serial killer.

  84. thor says:

    I watch Morning Joe and listen to jazz in the morning. It’s like NPR without the Meeshell.

  85. Salt Lick says:

    My partner and I are fostering a troubled teen. He is a major pain in the ass…
    Do y’all feel me here?

    Heh, Log Cabin. I told my wife I’d do foster care only if we stipulated no teens. You got bigger cuevos than me, brother.

    Hang in there. And hide the duct tape from yourself. :-)

  86. Darleen says:

    Roe v Wade, even Casey, talk about a woman’s right to OBTAIN an abortion without interference by the government.

    No where does it say that doctors/nurses/hospitals be compeled to provide them or participate in them.

    This is NOT providing the same service to different people, but about not offering the service at all.

    The vast majority of abortions are done for convenience, there are exclusively elective, and have nothing to do with the health of the mother.

  87. Darleen says:

    should be “they’re exclusively elective”

  88. SarahW says:

    I just want to pop in with a brief comment.

    The word “elective” is getting abused in here. Elective doesn’t seem to mean what you think it means, at least as it is properly understood in technical application to medical treatment.

    I detect a meaning of “unecessary”, or not medically warranted, being applied, and that’s not what it means at all, at least not in the practice of medicine.

    It’s annoying to see cynical, rhetorical application of a lay understanding, when it is being in the wrong contect, used to support arguments. It’s not rigorous and it’s not appropriate.

    An elective procedure in medical parlance is one that is done in any non-emergent setting.
    By no means is it by definintion unwarranted or unnecessary.

    And I think it also appropriate to distinguish between being able to refuse to perform procedures or provide medical or nursing support or other forms of patient care, and being protected from firing in any case where you have formed a moral objection to same.

  89. ginsocal says:

    My understanding of “elective,” is that it IS a choice the patient has. It is NOT medically necessary, which is why insurance won’t pay for it.

  90. MarkD says:

    LeMoyne had no problem kicking someone out of their education program because he wrote an essay defending the use of corporal punishment.

    It’s still the inquisition, and heretics are still burned at the stake. The only thing that’s changed is the religion. It’s all about power, and how far people will allow themselves to be pushed.

  91. Darleen says:


    That is why I further defined in my comment that the vast majority of abortions are NOT done for health reasons (medical). It as elective as a cosmetic nosejob.

    Theraputic abortion for valid medical reasons are not elective.

    This is not about “choice” per se. It is about the pro-abortion faction trying to legally force the actual abortion procedure as a “right” that cannot be refused, OR ELSE.

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