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November 2024


Oh, NOW I Get It [Dan Collins; UPDATE]

Why do liberals police their comments sections so illiberally?

Because authorial intent is most manifest in the reader’s marginalia.

I guess he also thinks this post was hugely umbrageous.  I think he must have mistaken me for teh Gleenses.  The reason he wishes to represent my post so is because it demonstrates how his calm, cool, collected detachment from the follies of conservatives drives them mad (do you hear me? mad! I tell you!).  Too bad that like so much of TBogg’s representation, it’s a lie.  As far as I know, though, he’s a loyal husband.  So, he must be a decent fellow, don’t you think?

UPDATE: datadave comments at TBogg’s:

Man, those PWers are such wacky wingers. They are entertaining though.

The false umbrage. It was obvious that the killer was AntiLiberal. AntiGay. And hated the liberal Unitarians. Dan Collins self-enforced ignorance on the matter is impressive in it’s continued blinded way. But the dozens of NRA (and Nat’l Review online_) sponsored killings that happen every day in America will soon put that latest rampage in the forgettable zone except for the dead liberal’s families.

Godlstein? Yupp. He’s now on a terror, looking for addresses of liberals he can hunt down and swing his mighty hamhocks at due to his repressed semiemployment and his working out all the time (allegedly). Just another neoNazi looking for an illegal immigrant or pacifist to act his frustrations on. (In Russia, the NeoFascists are having a field day harassing and killing Asian immigrants, and with the economy in the USA getting more Oligarchic and russified by the minute…will see the Goldbergs blaming yet again the victims of their economic regime….)

That’s funny.  I thought that I’d stated that the guy was anti-liberal and anti-gay.  Why would I think that he was anti-Christian rather than just anti-liberal Unitarian?  Perhaps because he seemed upset that a neighbor’s daughter would graduate from bible college.  Or maybe the Unitarian Universalists have lots of those hiding in plain sight?


When I banned him, datadave sent me a nice complimentary email expressing regret and hoping one day soon to rejoin the site. He also sent me ten bucks.

But as with all people of his type, he is simply a lonely and sad little boy looking to be accepted. So now he’s decided (like Timmy before him) to go where they see a boogeyman and claim to know that boogeyman — and hate him just as much as they do. By which he hopes to gain instant acceptance.

Very sad. Very pathetic. I’d feel sorry for the guy if I could muster any feeling for him at all.

25 Replies to “Oh, NOW I Get It [Dan Collins; UPDATE]”

  1. B Moe says:

    I am glad somebody gets it, I have no clue.

  2. JD says:

    Predictable as the sun rising.

  3. BumperStickerist says:

    in the interest of cutting to the chase:

    Goldstein = Hausfrau failed academic
    Tom Boggioni = Elderly Women’s Underthingie inventory tracking sales guy
    Dan Collins = Stalwart Defender of something or other

    Lions on the Left
    Christians on the Right.

  4. BumperStickerist says:

    More grist for Karl’s Media Bias mill –

    This article deals with the whole Press/Lahnstun issue – however on page 2 the WaPo writers make this characterization about Obama’s press.

    [Robert] Gibbs said yesterday that the campaign had planned to inform the traveling media members sometime on the morning of the flight to Ramstein that Obama was intending to visit the hospital but had made no plans to take reporters, including even the small, protective press pool that now accompanies him most places.

    Protective. Press. Pool.


    Why not just call them Apostles and be done with it. I half expect that Mark Halperin’s reportage will start “Grace and peace to you from Sioux City Iowa where Senator Obama spoke to a throng of …”

  5. Mikey NTH says:

    I have no idea who TBogg is, nor do I want to know.

    I’ll leave that to the professionals – the nice young men in the clean white jackets.

  6. Semanticleo says:

    My apologies, Dan.

    By comparison your piece was an exhaustive tautology on civic duty and personal responsibility, versus Serr8D’s gut-munching ass-speculum of self-congratulation.

    I thought folks coming here ate a human adrenal gland before sitting down to the keyboard to get the proper mood for commenting, but Serr8d apparently chomps on
    handfuls of hypnotics to calm his nerves.

    You are a model of civility, Collins. The Nation owes you a debt for serving as Tamer
    for the many species found in our human zoo.

  7. Dan Collins says:

    So . . . you’re saying you wrote TBogg’s post?

  8. Semanticleo says:

    Yeah, and Serr8d’s too.

  9. Mikey NTH says:

    #6 was a good advertisement on the value of taking your prescription meds.

  10. JD says:

    SemenKKKleo’s next coherent point will be its first.

    This PRE traumatic stress disorder thing is really a bitch.

  11. serr8d says:

    semenflow, you aren’t capable of writing beyond what someone else dicktates to you.

    I’ve opinions. If you don’t like ’em, keep your ass at home.

    Tbogg, just another stay-at-home (safely, of course) leftist asshole.

  12. Dan Collins says:

    What are you apologizing for, again?

  13. serr8d says:

    Opinions that are, for me, catharsis. I don’t really care if someone visits or calls me on my opinions, because, you know, everyone’s entitled.

    And in the grand scheme of things, opinions don’t really matter so much, do they?

  14. Sdferr says:

    The great beauty of Semanticleo’s prose is it’s steadfast refusal to admit a clear and precise referent. You simply can never know, which is as it should be, because you, as I, squat lowly before her as an ignorant fact grubber, snuffling along the ground in search of the next moldy morsel of information, where she, besplendent and erect, surveys the broad horizons of truth.

  15. daleyrocks says:

    “where she, besplendent and erect, surveys the broad horizons of truth.”

    Exactly, she just knows things which nobody else can discern but about which nobody also gives a shit.

  16. daleyrocks says:

    Dan – The racistdogfakes links to the TeaBagg stories don’t work, at least according to my computer.

  17. Dan Collins says:

    Thanks. Seems the site is down at the moment.

  18. Semanticleo says:

    “What are you apologizing for, again?”

    I am disappointed in your failure to recognize the sincerity of my apology.

  19. Dan Collins says:

    I am puzzled by your belief that everything here is about you.

  20. thor - the non-substantive conditional says:

    Comment by Dan Collins on 7/30 @ 9:50 am #

    I am puzzled by your belief that everything here is about you.

    Cleo is so stupid. PW is all about me.

  21. Rick Ballard says:

    I am puzzled by your belief that everyanything here is about you.

    I like it better that way.

  22. Smirky McChimp says:

    Good to see Double-D talking his usual apocalyptic smack. He’s a Hunter Thompson for mid-level moonbats.

  23. Rob Crawford says:

    But the dozens of NRA (and Nat’l Review online_) sponsored killings that happen every day in America

    NRA and NRO are paying people to commit murder?

    Douchebag dave seriously needs to get some mental help.

  24. Lucky Ducky says:

    Opinions that are, for me, catharsis. I don’t really care if someone visits or calls me on my opinions, because, you know, everyone’s entitled.

    Dude, if you want to write something for just yourself, you can do it in one of those new-fangled things called “notebooks”. Every drugstore has them.

    If you say it where people can see it, they get to make comments. Maybe you mean it when you say they’re entitled. I hope so. It is your own private little place but that was bad.

    I guess I can hope you might see things in a different way after a bit but I won’t count on it.

  25. datadave says:

    Jeff, Correction. It was 20 bucks I sent ya via Amazon.

    Get your facts straight. And you look really really slow in that video of grappling.

    I come here as it’s an adventure and you guys are funny, sometimes esp. when you get mad!!! Pathetic, really, but funny. I told Dan that my sister almost got her Subi run off the road by a crazy Christian in a huge truck ’cause she had a darwin fish on the rear bumper. Now I admit that’s declasse, that old secular fish thing and ‘old’ but she’s a horsewoman and dog lover w/o much internet experience on her mini ranch in UT. Now getting run of the road by a crazy Theocratic winger at 80 mph is common fare for us hippies and such. Goldstein, you worry too much. You worry about slight and rather pale internet curses on you and yours. Wait, lemme tally how much abuse I have had here.

    by yours truly esp.

    And you’re are liar, Jeff. To the max, you’ve printed things with my tag and then later erased them. Every supposed offense against you is in your head. Like the mild things that that infamous deb said. Never was a threat. Crazy, yeah, but not a threat. And you lied again about not wanting to ruin her career. You did and your proxies did it again and again, stalking her to the end of the earth (Oregon). Now that’s crazy worrying about a semiemployed hack of any ideology. Your apparent false accusations against SteveM. Why’d you bother with i.d.s and such? It’s not worth it if you’re of sound mind and judgment. I also didn’t say I “hoped” to regain your site. And you didn’t give a email reply and you have my email. Instead, you write about it here first. Classy guy, you are. I write here very occasionally just to get the dander up and refresh typing skills. And you wackjobs always take the bait. And my arguments are sound. Occasional mistakes in details and spelling but soundf and it’s not published!

    alas, I do read this blog and many others. It’s an addiction as I said. But I was curious about how you banned me and then unbanned me. For the money I sent? I sent it in reward for past entertainment…not to unban me. In fact, I agreed that it wasn’t a bad thing as I can carry on with my many other addictions. Nishi, I ain’t. Man, that’s one addicted ‘girl’. I didn’t think that little sum of cash mattered. But consider it more helpful for your internet presence to engage your critics in more mature fashion other than just calling them stupid as your stupidity is often displayed often esp. revealing that you take addresses those who rebuke you. Fascistic? Why not just erase and ban them and get over yourself. Maybe your unbanning me or thor is for the reason that an occasional outsider is needed here for you to pick on….alas, that could be it.

    You’re continued admiration of the scholarship of Jonah Goldberg though is especially intellectually immature. And your whining about not having a web success and such is also self pity. It actually probably pays its way compared to most blogs. Why not apply for a job at NRO?

    crawfish: “sponsored” doesn’t mean ‘paid for’.

    and jeff, as proof, (before you erase this as you have in the past: my email to you in it’s poorly wrote glory:


    I sent a small donation as for months your website has been an addiction and I thought I’d at least owe you that for the entertainment.

    I did see the video of you at Technorati about how felt you “could get sucked into the comments” part of the blog. Well, some of us commenters are much more sucked than you it seems. The hurly burly profanity and humor is intoxicating at your site even though I was obviously the minority opinion and got a lot of nasty shit for it but understood as was the nay-sayer in the almost sycophantic worship of ‘classical liberal’ ideology. aw shucks, getting long winded.

    Seems I need a break. Liberation as you say.

    For some reason I got on again but I’ll just read and bit and not get so sucked in.

    The best for you and your family. And friends at PW.

    If or when I might say something, I’ll try to be more respectful of your bandwidth. I am still seeking a better website for commenters but with a more leftist or neutral constituency but haven’t found it yet. I am even thinking of dan’s suggestion: “Get your own blog!”

    good luck on the martial arts and family and I suspect academia kind of gave you a hard time as it did me so it’s not just ideological. Some times just bad breaks. And you’re right that Caric fella’s site sucks. And he got tenure?

    best regards,


    some threat I posed for you, so why get all nasty? eh?

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